168 Hours

106 hours


"Op...pa. So-sorry..."


Slowly, Jinri opened her eyes and looked at me.

She looked weaker and paler.

"I...I'm sorry op...pa."

Arching my brows, I asked with bewilderment.

"Of-of what? Why are you saying sorry to me?"

With a look of guilt, she pouted her lips and answered in a low voice.

"I hesitated to give an answer to you."

I smiled and sighed.

"Didn't I tell you I'm waiting for your res-"
"But...you...you don't have...to...wait. I will...answer...now."

Looking at the floor, I kept myself silent and tried calming my anxious heart. I'm not rushing everything but if she wants to tell me her answer now, I would not interrupt her. Patiently, I waited for her response.

Seconds passed that silence roamed around the hospital room until she let out a weak voice out of her dry lips.

"I...have been... thin...king...about...it. I...I always...thougt...I'm not...good...for...for...oppa. But...but...now...I...I have...thought...I...I love...oppa...too..."

She gave her brightest smile and touched my hand.

"I...I want...want to...be...oppa's...girl...friend..."

Girlfriend? Is she even serious of this? But why am I reluctant? Why do I doubt her?

"Are...are you serious?"

Jinri giggled and shook her head a bit. She looked at me sweetly and romantically that my heart panicked and almost made me out of breath. She drew my face nearer to hers with her hands. I can't move and I never wanted to move if it's her. I let her pull my face that our face got very close from each other and our nose got stuck on its point.

I can feel myself blushing. This scene...it seems like a dream for me.

"Op...pa is...blushing..."

I got mindful of myself and tried to keep a distance but she pulled me weakly and whispered again with a low cracking voice.

"Can... I...I wi...sh...now..."

I smiled, though still nervous because of the distance of our faces.

"You...you could always from me."

Jinri smiled back. Her dry lips got tinted with colors of delight.

I want to kiss her.

But before I got to think of anything else,

She dragged my face to her…

And kissed me.

Her lips were soft and delicate and they're like cotton on my lips. Her kiss was sweeter than any candy.

It made my heart beat fast. The fastest of all heart beats I ever had.

She gave the most if it.

Though it's only a smack it’s still electrocuting. The sensation is flowing from her skin to mine

And I feel like we've kissed for a minute.

"That...is...my...fi...fifth wish..."

I'm unable to give a response to her. Still, in the state of shock, I stared blankly at her face and became unaware of her expression. I (remained) silent until she snapped right in front of my eyes with her shaking hand.

It took me back to reality from the empty consciousness I had a while ago.

"Ah...I-I'm sorry. I..I was shocked..."

Chuckling, Jinri cupped my cheeks. Her hands were cold and sweaty.

"I...I k-knew it...I.
.I have...been...wan...ting...to..ki-kiss op...pa...even...be...fore."


"So, it's been a...long time since...you started liking me?"

She nodded and chuckled again.

"I...thought...we...can't... be.... together...when...you...said...you...like...some...one...else...I...I...was...sad…”



Softly, I whispered in her ears and brushed the hair left on her. They were still soft though very few remained.


“But…we’re together now…”



Smiling, I patted her head and mumbled again.



“But we’re together...now. Aren’t we? Since it’s you who I like…and…you…like me to…”


I tittered and she let out a soft and weak laugh. Her face blushed so she covered it with her hands.



“It was natural…I’m…nervous…”


We both laughed again. Hearts overwhelmed and deeply in love. I know we both feel shy. But the coyness turned into something more than a heartbeat and I’m starting to realize that I love her more than what I thought.




Stunned, I looked at her and kept blinking my eyes. It’s like my heart stopped for those seconds. Her words kept echoing on my mind.


It wasn’t the first time she told me that she loves me. There were millions of times. But today, it’s different.

The love we're talking about here is something more than friends.


“I…I love you too…Jinri.”



100 hours


“Hey! How was it?! Did she answer your courting? Where's JInri?”



Chanyeol sat beside me and offered me a can of soda. With a smile on my face, I took it and opened it right away, giving of fizzing sound.


“Stop smiling. You look so stupid tch. Tell me how was it!”

“Ya shut up. You’re so annoying. You don’t need to shout you know?”

“Are you even angry? Look at yourself! You’re smiling like an idiot.”

“Jinri's sleeping. And, yeah. You’re right.”


Astonished, Chanyeol spit out a bit of soda from his mouth which made him be choked and start coughing.


“What, what?! She answered you? Did I hear it right?!”

“Yes. Stop being gross.”


He wiped the soda on his mouth and thumped his chest while still coughing.


“Yeah! Then, it was a success! I’m a great planner-“

“Stop with your delusions! It wasn’t because of your plan that  it became successful.”

“But still, admit it or not, it helped a lot! You’re such a coward in expressing your feelings but then Chanyeol the superhero came!”



I smacked his shoulders which made him shout a bit loud. That wasn’t even because I’m annoyed. I feel so pleased. He’s right anyway.



“Why do you like hitting people?! It freaking hurts…”

“Ha…I’m sorry. I’m just delighted. I thought she would reject me.”

“I remembered! You have to do something for me right!?”

“Ah…well. I don’t think it’s bad to do something for you since it was a success. What do you want me to do then?”


Chanyeol grinned and patted my shoulders. I saw the radiant glow in his eyes and by the looks of him, he seemed very happy.


“I got no particular wish for you today. Just...


attend my marriage.”


My eyes widened of shock.

He is getting married?!


“Seriously!? You are? But when…where...and with whom?!”



He heaved a sigh and stood up while brushing the dust off his pants.


“I’ll tell you when and where. Uhh… with whom? Well, I’m engaged with Baekhyun’s sister, Hyunnie. It may be surprising. But were engaged for already a year. And we’ll get married next year. I’m expecting your presence. Take care of Jinri and ask her to marry you. We can get married on the same time! Who knows…”


Chanyeol tapped my shoulder as a sign of bidding goodbye. Walking away, he left me nothing but eyes still widened and a blank mind, until the thought of marrying Jinri came up on me.



When could I ask Jinri to marry me?






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persephonehmn #1
Chapter 7: ╥﹏╥jinri hiks.
that jimin childish and jealous till jinri die..
Thanks for subscribing to my story^_^ I hope you'll also take time in reading my other fanfics <3 thank you so much! :)
yooism #3
so sad :(

wouldn't you mind if i translated your fic into Vietnamese? seriously, it's to cute and i just want to share it with my friends cos their English not very good. i promise i will post it with proper credit! thank you anh have a nice day!
Chapter 8: Yes you should :)
bereaved #5
Chapter 6: omg, this is so sad :'(
Chapter 6: Is this the end? Andwae!!! Jinri cant die!!
Gaaaaaaaahhhhhh Y SO MUCH FEELS!? I don't know how to explain this phenomenon. Goodjob, Author-nim! :D