168 Hours

116 hours

Together with the beep of the ECG, my heart beats fast and loud.


I feel so nervous about the confession. The things Chanyeol said kept coming back to me.


Should I really confess?




A tiny and weak voice made me startled. Jinri just woke up from her long hours of sleep and now she is staring at me innocently that I could feel myself blushing.


"Are...are you...alri...ight?"

"Ye-yeah! Of course! W-why? Do you feel bad or wha-"

"It's...m-me who's...as...king."


Yes. It's her who's asking. But why am I like this? Why do I seem defensive?


I wasn't able to speak up with her stare seeking for an unknown answer. We both remained silent. I could not keep myself calm and still. My eyes kept blinking and my fingers tapped continuously on my lap until she smiled and closed her eyes.


"Are...are you...you thin...king...of...some...someone...?"

"Eh!? What-what are-what are you saying!?"


She giggled weakly and sighed. Her expression got sprinkles of disappointment.




Tears started to fall out of her eyes though the smile remained in her lips. I felt a bit anxious of her feelings that I patted her head and kissed her forehead. She stared at me with eyes still forming tears and face with an expression of disappointment. I smiled at her and wiped her tears with my fingers and stretched the edges of her lips with my thumb to make her smile. My fingers brushed every strand of her hair.


Why did she suddenly cry? Does she like me too?


"Yeah...Do you want to wish something?"


She wiped her tears with her fidgeting hands and smiled.




We both chuckled as we reminisced things we did before with the daffodils.



Daffodils...her favorite flowers. It might be my chance to confess to her.



I have to talk with Chanyeol now.


115 hours, 40 minutes


Time dropped as I wait for Chanyeol outside the hospital.


I am planning to take Jinri at a daffodil garden and confess there.

I want to make it a special night for her.


I want to add color to a simple daffodil collection wish of hers.




Chanyeol ran towards me and placed his hands on his pockets.


"Ah! Finally you came!"

"I'm guessing you finally decided to confess, no?"

"Aish. Stop guessing. I need your help."




Chanyeol chuckled and patted my shoulders. I got a bit annoyed so I smacked his face lightly.


"Ouch! That hurt!"

"Just help me!"


Heaving a sigh, he palmed his cheek lightly and returned his hands on his pocket.


“What help do you need from me? Exactly?”


I scratched my head and tapped the ground with my feet.


“You see, I want to confess to Jinri now.”

“Now? Right this time?”


I nodded and spoke with a low voice and an expression pleading.


“Yeah yeah. Please! Help me with the set-up!”


Giggling, Chanyeol covered his mouth and started shaking his head.


“Do you need to give me that look? Stop that. It’s funny. You seem like a little boy asking for food.”

“Could you just help me out!? Stop teasing me.”

“Okay okay! Chill. I gotta plan.”


Chanyeol sighed again and started sharing me his plan.


“So this is the plan. Kyungsoo, Baekhyun and I would wait at the daffodil garden you have chosen to take Jinri to. We will fix everything. You don’t have to worry about the program. All you have to do is bring Jinri there with blindfold and then remove that as you reach a path of daffodils. Make her pick those up but of course assist her! Those daffodils contain letters of her name in a card with your message inscribed there. Stop at the last daffodil where there is a table. And let her sit there. We’ll do the rest.”


I smiled with Chanyeol’s plan. My heart almost jumped out of nervousness and excitement.


“That’s a great plan. But what about the message?”


Chanyeol took out small cards and handed it to me.


“Here. I brought it since I got the feeling about your request from me. Write your messages. There are 5 cards. Fill them out with Jinri’s initials and write your messages at the back of each card. Got it?”

“Yeah! Thanks!”

“You owe me a lot. You have to do something for me after this.”

“That…if this plan is successful then that would be fine!”


Grinning, Chanyeol started walking away and waved with his hand but stopped before he reached a farther distance, turning his head to my spot.


“Good luck.”


115 hours


Filled with the scent of daffodils, yellow petals flew together with the light gust of wind. The garden is full of daffodils varying in size and contrast. The breeze lingered on my skin and it made me shiver. I could feel tons of butterflies on my stomach.


Would this plan be successful?


"Op...pa? Can...can I...remove..."

"Ah! Wait, wait. I'll remove it now."


My hand shivered as I untied the blindfold from her eyes. She opened her eyes slowly and upon seeing the daffodils, her eyes widened and she became excited that she shouted with her weak voice cracking.


"Waah. Oppa...is...this...a...p-paradise...?"


Smiling, I patted her head and uttered softly


"Yep. A paradise for an angel. Now..."


I walked towards the set of daffodils on the paved path, picked one up and handed it to her. She held it and read the card on it.


'J' Jewel of my life that I’ll treasure forever.

Slowly, Jinri stood up and picked the next daffodil.


I assisted her and we held hands.


Her skin is soft though pale and dry.

Her scent lingers on me.


'I' If one day we'll be separated, our heart and soul will settle together.


Walking again to the next daffodil...


'N' No matter what happens and wherever you are, I'll be there to take care of you.


Another walk...


'R' Rely on me always on giving you the best feeling


And the last...


'I' I love you to infinity and beyond.



Shocked, Jinri looked at me and spoke with broken tones.



"Op...pa? W-what...is...this...?"


I did not speak. Instead, I led her to the table where Chanyeol, Baekhyun and Kyungsoo are waiting on their seats. They're wearing black suit. Chanyeol carries a guitar and both Kyungsoo and Baekhyun hold a microphone.


Beside them is a bouquet of daffodils.




Seated, Jinri stared at me with a look seeking through the mysteries on her mind.


I could not speak. I got more nervous that I idiotically looked at Chanyeol. He did gestures but at first I could not get it that my eyebrows arched of confusion and my eyes thinned. It made Jinri become confused and look at Chanyeol.






He started mouthing with gestures and I still couldn't understand until Kyungsoo and Chanyeol decided to stand up and demonstrate a slow dance. Jinri wasn't looking at them that time.



"Ah, yeah! J-Jinri ah. Can... can I dance with you?"


The boys smiled and prepared. I assisted Jinri to stand up from her chair and we went to the center.


As we started to sway slowly side by side, Baekhyun and Kyungsoo began singing the letters and words of the song they prepared.


It's Jinri's favorite song.



"Don’t hesitate another minute please take away my heart

Yes, the sharper the better, the night that even the moon has closed her eyes

If it were any other man, if it were a single verse taken from a comedy

Burn all the scars you’ve exchanged for that love


Baby don’t cry tonight after the darkness passes

Baby don’t cry tonight it’ll become as if it never happened

You’re not the one to disappear into foam, something you never should’ve known

So Baby don’t cry cry my love will protect you"



Right and left. Our foot stepped upon the cemented path like we are stepping on invisible notes of melody.



"Op...pa...serious...ly. What...what...is...this?"



We both stopped swaying though the 3 continued in a lower and softer volume.



"Jinri. Promise me you'll listen."





I took a deep breath and stared at her eyes. It's shimmering of the desire to listen to me.



"It has been 4 years since we've been together. All those years I protected and took care of you."



I paused and took another deep breath and continued with my words.



"Through those years, I loved you. Not just... as a bestfriend or a little sister. I.. loved you more than that. And now...right this time..."



Taking another pause, I breathed again. Deeper than before.



"I want to ask you. And I expect a positive response from you. As your heart's desire...Will... you be...



my girlfriend?"



Shocked, Jinri was out of words. Only her eyes spoke using tears and an unhappy silhouette on her eyelids. Nervous and out of ideas, I spoke in broken words. Stuttering and inconsistent.


"I'm-I'm not waiting for an immediate response. I-I...I will wait!"


Still silent, Jinri bowed her head and started wiping her tears with her delicate fingers.


There's no noise around. The garden became a quiet and peaceful sanctuary...




Until Jinri collapsed and all of us panicked.




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persephonehmn #1
Chapter 7: ╥﹏╥jinri hiks.
that jimin childish and jealous till jinri die..
Thanks for subscribing to my story^_^ I hope you'll also take time in reading my other fanfics <3 thank you so much! :)
yooism #3
so sad :(

wouldn't you mind if i translated your fic into Vietnamese? seriously, it's to cute and i just want to share it with my friends cos their English not very good. i promise i will post it with proper credit! thank you anh have a nice day!
Chapter 8: Yes you should :)
bereaved #5
Chapter 6: omg, this is so sad :'(
Chapter 6: Is this the end? Andwae!!! Jinri cant die!!
Gaaaaaaaahhhhhh Y SO MUCH FEELS!? I don't know how to explain this phenomenon. Goodjob, Author-nim! :D