I'm Sorry

I Only Want You

The sound of waves crashing the shore and the birds chirping as they soar brought tranquility in a rather chaotic world. Maru and Eun Gi lay cuddled up together as if to seek warmth in each other. No words need be said as they savour this moment wherein they can be alone for themselves in peace, just the two of them. They are both scarred people, and only the presence of each other could heal their pain.

The couple decided to leave Seoul for a vacation and be away from their dilemmas even just for a while. They needed this time to heal and patch things between them. Maru gently caressed Eun Gi’s hair while his other hand rested on Eun Gi’s small baby bump. He’s amazed at how fast time flies, the last time he was with Eun Gi, no one would notice that she’s pregnant, but now their baby is starting to make its presence known as Maru could already cup the bump with his hand. He let out a satisfied sigh as he could now imagine their child in his arms. How he hoped that their baby would resemble Eun Gi; her eyes that captivated him, and her lips that could melt any heart. Indeed, his dreams are now possible.

Eun Gi, on the other hand, rested her head on Maru’s chest, her favorite spot where she could hear his heartbeat. Now she’s sure that his heart is all hers, and she promised herself not to let it break again. He loves this man as much as she loves their unborn child. She will make sure that they will have a warm and secure family like what they promised to each other.

Both remained to cherish each other’s warmth as they recalled the rainy night of their reconciliation.

Eun Gi released herself from their tight embrace, as much as she would love to stay in that position, but the rain was getting harder. She raised her eyes to meet with Maru’s, she caressed his cheeks down to his arm.

“Let’s go inside, you’re soaking wet.” She said in a worried tone.

“You’re wet as well, I’m sorry.” Maru answered as he held the umbrella for them and securely placed his arm around Eun Gi’s shoulders.

Secretary Hyun already understood that the two have already made up just by seeing them together enter the house. She smiled to herself and quietly went to her room for them to have some privacy.

“Wait here, I’ll get some dry clothes for you.” Eun Gi said as she was about to leave him in the receiving area. But before she would walk to her room, Maru held her wrist.

“Thank you” Maru gave his wife a warm smile. Eun Gi lovingly smiled back and proceeded to her room.

A few moments later Eun Gi returned now changed into new clothes. She brought Maru some of her loose shirts and pajama. Thankfully Secretary Hyun already bought her some maternity clothes like the stretchable pajama.

“Sorry these are the only clothes I have which I think would fit you. The pajama is actually a maternity apparel, if you don’t mind putting these on.” Eun Gi shyly gave the clothes to Maru. Maru then slightly chuckled at the thought of wearing his wife’s maternity clothes.

“What’s funny? If you don’t want them then better go home and change into your own clothes.” Eun Gi annoyingly said.

“No, these will go just fine. Sorry, I just find it quite funny that I’ll wear your maternity clothes. Besides, I don’t want to be far from you again.” Eun Gi blushed at Maru’s words, after everything that they’ve gone through together, there are still few times that she’d feel shy around him.

“Arasso, better change first while I prepare you a quick meal and tea.” Eun Gi quickly turned and went to the kitchen to hide her blushed face. Unfortunately for Eun Gi, Maru knew her well enough and noticed how her face turned red at his words. He smiled to himself and left for the bathroom to change into his loving wife’s pajamas.

“I can say that these maternity pajamas are comfortable, I can probably use these after you give birth.” Maru jokingly said when he sat with Eun Gi on the sofa. Eun Gi chuckled as she studied Maru from head to toe. Without a word, she lifted her hand to caress Maru’s face. “You lost weight” she remarked. Maru weakly smiled and touched Eun Gi’s hands while making sure that they made eye contact.

“You also seem to have lost some weight. I told you to eat well.” He answered.

“I know, but these past weeks have been hard for me. And, I missed your cooking” Eun Gi shyly said the last words.

“Yes, these past weeks have been really hard for the both of us. What do you say, let’s go home together tomorrow?” Eun Gi slowly placed her hand on Maru’s lap.

“I don’t know if it’s a good idea. Choco is mad at me.” She frowned and stared at their intertwined hands.

“She cannot be mad at you, you’re her only unnie. She was probably just sad because she doesn’t want us to separate. Besides, how will I take care of you if we’re not together?” Maru said in the hope of officially clarifying their relationship. It took Eun Gi quite a while before she could answer. Her mind drifted to the unfortunate events that led them to separate. She’s tired from holding grudge in her heart. And this is the fresh start that her parents told her, how could she just let this pass? A small smile was now visible on Eun Gi’s lips as she met Maru’s eyes once again.

“Arasso, I’m looking forward to my husband’s improved menu.” Maru chuckled as he held Eun Gi’s face with both of his hands before closing their gap for a kiss. Finally, he got his wife back.

The following day, Eun Gi left Secretary Hyun’s place to return to their humble abode. She was very grateful for Secretary Hyun’s generosity and care, she was indeed blessed to have her. Upon arriving in their house, Eun Gi was greeted a warm embrace from Choco.

“Unnie, I’m so glad you’re back. Sorry for being mean to you last time.” Choco sobbed on her unnie’s shoulder. “It’s alright, I’m sorry too Choco. I’m so happy to be with you guys again.” Eun Gi answered as she returned the embrace. Jae Gil was likewise sobbing, he was also very glad that finally the couple reconciled. This also mean that he would no longer see Maru’s sullen face. Seeing his loved ones together, Maru’s heart swelled with joy. He knew that he and Eun Gi would still undergo a lot of trials, but  he also knew that they’ll surpass anything as long as they’re together.


The setting sun illuminated the room where the couple was staying. Just by the mere presence of each other, they were already contented. Maru was still dreaming about the future with their child. In about five months’ time their world will be different, but more blissful because of their bundle of joy.

“What are you thinking?” Eun Gi lifted her head from Maru’s chest.

“Well, I was just thinking how our life would change once our baby’s here.”

“Our hands would definitely be full because of him.”

“Him? How did you know?”

Eun Gi recalled the little boy’s angelic face in her dream, “I just knew it. Mother’s instinct perhaps.” She smiled.

“Is that so? Then I need to give him some boy-talk someday, that would be fun.” Maru smirked imaging how he would give his son some dating advice. 

“Ya, he must finish college first before he could date any girl!” Eun Gi straightened up from their reclining position and furrowed in protest.

“I can sense a strict mother here. Don’t worry, he’s in good hands.” Maru tucked a loose hair strand behind Eun Gi’s ear.

“He should be, you’re his appa and he’ll be looking up to you as his role model.” Eun Gi pouted.

“I’ll be the best father I could be, I promise” Maru said in a serious tone, as he pulled Eun Gi in an embrace.

“And you’ll be the best mother” he added. Touched by his words, tightened her hold around Maru’s waist.

The following day, the couple walked hand in hand through the field filled with sunflowers. Inhaling the fresh morning breeze, they together planned about their family’s future. They thought of moving to a bigger house where their child could play in a wide loan. Of course, they will bring Jae Gil and Choco with them. They were happily planning these in detail when Eun Gi was reminded of her “unfinished business” in Seoul. Although she was already done with Maru, she still has to know the truth about her father’s death. It would be difficult to fully enjoy her family life if she’s still carrying some baggage. Maru noticed Eun Gi’s sudden quietness, he then stopped and squeezed her hand.

“Is something wrong Eun Gi-ya?” Maru worriedly asked.

“Ah, well, I was thinking about, about my appa’s death. I feel guilty because I still don’t know the truth.” Maru’s heart pained seeing that Eun Gi still cannot be at peace despite their reconciliation. He felt guiltier because he actually knows the truth.

“Don’t feel guilty, you’ll eventually know in the right time. Just be patient while I do the work. We’re a team remember?” Eun Gi smiled and nodded in agreement with her husband.

“I know this is not easy for you, for us, but we’ll get through. Everything will fall into place, just promise me that you’ll hold my hand until the end.”

“Yes, until the end.” Both lovingly smiled at each other while thanking the One above who made their union possible.


The couple returned to Seoul with rejuvenated spirits. As Maru promised to settle his late father-in-law’s case, he decided that it was time to confront the culprits.

Jae Hee was busy reading some documents when Maru barged into her office.

“Ah Team Leader Maru, what brings you here?” Jae Hee settled the document on the table and leaned back to her chair.

“I originally planned to take some time before making a move, but for Eun Gi’s sake I have to do this.” He approached Jae Hee and placed the voice recorder on her table. Jae Hee was confused at first, but when the audio progressed her eyes grew wide in shock.

“This is? How’d you get this?” her voice was shaky

“Yes, this is your conversation with the late President before he died.” Maru coldly answered. Jae Hee raised her hands to cover in disbelief. How could this happen? Min Young was the only one with her during that time.

“Jae Hee, let’s fix this before it’s too late. I may not be able to save you this time, but please do this for Eun Gi and Eun Seok.”

“What are you saying? That I go to the police station and confess? Do you think that’s easy?”

“Well I did it seven years ago, so why can’t you?” Jae Hee was taken aback, she must say that Maru was right. He was able to confess and suffer from a crime that he didn’t even commit. Nevertheless, he had to leave his sick sister behind, so what’s the difference? No, I have more to lose than Maru. I will not give in. She thought.

“If I confess myself, what good will it bring to me? Will you come back to me?” Jae Hee asked in a challenging tone.

“Do you really intend to live your life with lies and an unclean conscience?” Maru said in return.

“Do you think you can hide it forever? If one day Eun Seok learns about this, how will you explain that you’re the one responsible for his appa’s death?” he added.

“Then I will make sure that he will not learn about it even if it’s the last thing I do.” Jae Hee firmly said.

“You’re really not the Han Jae Hee that I used to love. The Jae Hee I knew was a fighter for justice. But the Jae Hee in front of me now is the stone hearted president of Taesan. What a shame.” Maru then left the room. Jae Hee bit her lower lip as she absorbed every word that Maru said.

Maru returned to his office feeling defeated. He has to think of another way to make Jae Hee and Min Young pay for their crime. He was engulfed into his thoughts when the phone alarmed, he read the message from Eun Gi as it said, “The doctor called, my ultrasound is scheduled for tomorrow. By the way, come home early because I will prepare Bulgogi for dinner, see you!” His face lit up with his wife’s message, there were still a lot more things to look forward to.


“So there it is, your baby” the doctor pointed to monitor in front of the couple. Tears were welling up in Eun Gi’s eyes when she laid her eyes on the monitor. Their baby already looked like a real human being as it has its pair of arms and legs. Maru on the other hand was also in awe upon seeing the ultrasound image of their child. He was indeed going to be a father, and he was undeniably excited.

“Looks like everything’s going well. The baby’s size met the average for this period. Do you want to know the gender?” the couple nodded in response. The doctor moved the wand further around Eun Gi’s abdomen. “As you would see here, the baby is most likely a boy”

Maru chuckled and kissed Eun Gi’s forehead, “Your instincts are right Eun Gi-ya, we’re having a son!”

“See I told you, he’s going to be good looking like his appa” Eun Gi warmly smiled as tears of joy finally found flowed from her eyes.

The couple was walking along the hospital hallways with their hands gently caressing Eun Gi’s swollen abdomen. Suddenly, they heard a commotion coming from the other side of the hallway. The nurses and doctors were tending to a patient who just entered the emergency room. “The boy was badly hit by a truck, he’s losing a lot of blood so he has to undergo surgery immediately!” They heard one doctor telling the nurse.

“But the boy’s mother is still on her way here” the nurse answered.

“There’s no time, let’s move him to the operating room!” the doctor shouted

The nurses then ran bringing with them the boy laying unconsciously on the stretcher. They passed by the couple and to their shock the patient was Eun Gi’s little brother, Eun Seok.

Eun Gi felt her knees weaken, good thing Maru was just fast enough to catch her.

“That was Eun Seok, I can’t be wrong, that was my brother!” Eun Gi faced Maru with her terrified eyes.

Maru then secured her in his arms, “We still have to confirm Eun Gi-ya, but for now, please calm down and let’s hope that it’s not Eun Seok”

Just a few seconds later, Jae Hee came rushing into the hospital with Min Young and Eun Seok’s ahjumma. “Where is my son?! Where is Eun Seok?!” Jae Hee was in panic as she searched for Eun Seok in the hospital hallway.

“Ma’am, the patient was brought to the operating room because he was losing a lot of blood from the accident” the nurse explained.

“Ottoke, this is my fault, I was just buying him an ice cream, and when I turned he was no longer beside me.” The ahjumma cried hysterically.

“You’re here?” Min Young noticed that the couple was only a few meters away from them.

Before they were able to further speak, the doctor came out of the operating room.

“Who’s the patient’s guardian?”

“I am his mother!” Jae Hee rushed to the doctor

“You see, your son is losing too much blood so we have to perform a surgery on him immediately. It might take several hours.”

“Just please do anything to save my son!” Jae Hee pleaded

“We’ll do our very best” The doctor then returned to the operating room.

“Can I stay here and wait until the operation is over? Please?” Eun Gi asked Maru. He perfectly knew how it felt like worrying for a dying sibling, hence he agreed but with a condition that he also has to stay with her.


Jae Hee was crying alone in an isolated area in the hospital when she felt a hand touch her arm. She turned to see Eun Gi beside her.

“What are you doing here?” Jae Hee asked.

“Eun Seok is my brother would there be any other reason?” Silence filled the air as the two just looked at each other.

“Eun Seok is the only one I have. I’d die if something happens to him” Jae Hee poured out her heart to Eun Gi. They may not be in good terms, but they both love Eun Seok and his welfare was all that matters now.

“I know, and nothing bad will happen to him” Eun Gi said as if to comfort her.

“This might be what they call ‘karma’. But why is my son the one suffering for all my sins? What am I supposed to do?”

“What does your conscience tell you?” Jae Hee suddenly remembered her conversation with Maru the previous day. Does it really have to go this far before I realize what kind of monster I’ve become? Jae Hee thought. Without a word, Jae Hee then pulled Eun Gi in an embrace.

Sorry, I’m very sorry. How Jae Hee wished she had the courage to tell Eun Gi these words.



There you go chingus! Chapter 9! Please forgive me if there are some grammatical/mechanical errors, I'll correct them soonest! *sleepy* As always, I'd appreciate hearing your thoughts! :)

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I posted an epilogue! :D


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ratu_Karin #1
Chapter 17: I like youre storyy XD omgg i hope they will have twinsss xD this will be awsome xD and i want to know maru side when he has a daughter xD
Melura #2
Chapter 12: Hello , I love history, quite enjoy . I start to read you, I like to write about that couple.
Yuuupi Chaeki .

PS I 'm Mexican and I used translator. Greetings.
onyucha #3
Chapter 17: Dear authornim, did you know how many times i reading your story? Hahaha
I just love your story soo much..
Please write another chaeki story..
I'm sorry for my grammar..
Chapter 17: I like chaeki too. I hope they will play in drama together again :D
Chapter 17: this epilogue will continue? hehehe
Chapter 12: This story is really beautiful! I really do wish that innocent man have ended this way or at leas this is the alternate ending. Keep writing ff authornim, i love your stories! Keep uo the good work!♥♥
onyucha #7
Chapter 12: thank you for your beautiful and great story authornim.. :) I Love it.. XD i'll waiting for your next story.. :) i really miss them so much.. but, your story make my heart warm :p kekeke
seryoung #8
Chapter 13: hahaha.. please make an another long story again then :* i'll read your Osht immedietly :D
msste94 #9
I hope this story could be another ending of Nice Guy :D nice job, authornim! I'm waiting for next ChaeKi story from you xD