Chapter 8

There's a Weird Boy in My House!

"OHMYGOD! Shin Chanseul!! Who made you like this!?" Minah shrieked.

She pat my back as she bring me to her bedroom. She was still hugging me when we arrive at her room. She left her room and came back with a cup of hot chocolate. I drank it slowly as I tried to lessen my tears. My eyes were red and my hair was a mess from running. Minah sat next to me and rubbed my back.

"Calm down, Chanseul-ah.. Tell me what happened." she said firmly.

I hiccuped a bit. "I.. I came Jaein's house.. to.. help her sister... but... she.. and Myung--soo.." I couldn't continue my words as my tears fell again.

Minah's face turned to a shocked one. "WHAT THE!? WHAT DID THE DO TO YOUR BOY!?" she shouted.

"She.. and Myung.. were.. making---out.." I stopped as I fainted. I could hear Minah shouting as she brought me to her bed.

-Chanseul POV End-

-Author POV-

Minah threw everything inside Chanseul's bag. She was searching for her phone. She sighed in relief when she found her phone. Her eyes widened as she saw the notifications.

'20 messages and 12 missed calls..?'

She opened it and it was from Myungsoo. She quickly dialed the number. Not even a minute, the phone was answered.

"HELLO!? Oh my gosh, Chanseul! I though you were gone! Where are you!?" he shouted.

"Calm down, Myungsoo-sshi. This is not Chanseul." Minah said and smiled when she knows that Myungsoo really cares about Chanseul.

"Huh? Who is this? Chanseul's friend?" he asked, confused.

"Yes, my name is Minah. She's is my house. now. I'll send you the address."

"Okay!! Thanks for taking care of my Chanseul!" he said and hung up.

Minah giggled as she heard the words 'my Chanseul'. She send the address to Myungsoo and he immediately called the taxi to go there. Minah was fixing Chanseul's blanket when the doorbell rang. She quickly went downstair and opened the door. She saw a boy with a heavy breathing which means he ran.

"You must be Myungsoo, right? Come, I'll get you to Chanseul." Minah smiled as she took Myungsoo to her room.

Minah opened her door and Myungsoo was shocked to see a sleeping Chanseul with swollen eyes and pale lips. Myungsoo jerked a bit when Minah patted his shoulder.

"She cried a lot until she fainted. She really care about you but she's too naive to express her feelings. She was really sad when she saw you and Jaein. I can feel her hearbeat that's beating rapidly. She's totally into you, Myungsoo-sshi. I'll leave both of you alone. Go talk and finish this." she said and left.

Myungsoo walked slowly to Chanseul. He sat on the edge of the bed and rubbed her hand. He leaned and kissed her nose. He could feel hot tears running down his cheeks.

"I'm sorry.. so sorry... I didn't mean to do that. She was the one who did that. I held her waist to let her go. Yet, she's totally strong and I can't do anything. Honestly, I didn't do anything to her. Because I only have you, my savior. You accepted me in your house without any complains. You took care of me like I was you brother. You're the one I don't want to lose. I lost everything, and I don't want to lose you. I'm sorry..." he said and leaned his forehead on Chanseul's.

He pulled back climbed the bed. He wrapped his hands on Chanseul's slim waist and Chanseul's hands hugged him too. Myungsoo smiled.

'Maybe she thinks I'm her pillow.' he said in his mind. He pulled her closer and both drifted to sleep. Minah who is peeking from her door giggled.

'I hope they can get along each other.'


Morning came, Chanseul fluttered her eyes open. She saw Myungsoo's calm face. She smiled and sleep again. But then, that night came to her and she opened her eyes again. She pushed Myungsoo until he fell to the floor. Myungsoo woke up and saw Chanseul hugging her knees and then she put both of her hands on her ears.

"Chanseul, I--"

"NO!! GET AWAY!! I DON'T WANT TO SEE YOU AGAIN!!" she shrieked.

"You have to let me explain, I--"


Myungsoo huffed and climbed the bed. He held both of her hands and she keeps trying to kick Myungsoo. Myungsoo was in pain, but he kept enduring it. "LET GO OF ME!!" Chanseul shouted.

"Not until you let me explain." he said firmly.


Myungsoo pulled her to his hug, but Chanseul tried to let him go. Being hugged by him made her tears fall. Myungsoo noticed that and hugged her tighter. Soon, Chanseul cried but she didn't let go.

"Look, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to do that. Jaein was the one who started it first. I didn't do anything to her, I swear. I only have you, my girl. The one who saved me and took care of me patiently. I tried to let Jaein go but she kept holding me so I can't do anything. I'm sorry.. so sorry.." he said sincerely and stared at her instensely on her eyes.

Chanseul lowered her head. Myungsoo held her shoulder while the other hand on her waist. Chanseul began to calm down a bit, just hiccuping. Myungsoo shoved her hair that is covering her face. He smiled softly and began to lean in. Chanseul froze. She didn't know what to do. Instead, she closed her eyes, waiting what's gonna happen next. She opened her eyes when she felt something soft on her lips.

Myungsoo kissed her.

Just a soft, sweet kiss a young couple will do. There were no impacts from Myungsoo, just touching her lips with his lips. Soon, he pulled back. Chanseul's face turned to a tomato. Myungsoo chuckled.

"Aigoo, my Chanseul is blushing~" he cooed as he pinched her cheeks.

'My Chanseul..' Chanseul thought.

"Y--yah! I'm--" Chanseul stuttered but stopped when Myungsoo pecked her lips. Again.

He pulled back. "Don't try to say that you're not blushing, my deer. I saw it with my own eyes." he said.

Chanseul widened her eyes. "Deer!? Why is my nickname like that!?" she shouted.

"You're cute okay? Or do you want me to call you... chagi?" he said seductively.

"MWO!?" she shouted, shocked.

"Ne, you're my girlfriend now." he said casually.

She widened her eyes more. "SINCE WHEN!?'

"Since I kissed you, deer." he said and kissed her lips again. He laughed and ran. "YAH!!" she shrieked and chased him. Minah who is -always- peeking chuckled.

'Thank God, they're together again.'


-Chanseul POV-

"Make me a pancake, please~~" Myungsoo whined as he pouted. I was watching cooking show when this boy hugged my waist and asked for a pancake.

"I'm still tired, let me rest." I said with my eyes focused on the TV.

He was still pouting but he turned his back. Now his back is facing me. I giggle as I saw him. He's cute when he's mad. He's still pouting while sleeping.

"Arraseo, thank god you're cute. I'll make pancakes." I said and went to the kitchen.

A series of footsteps were heard and he wrapped his arms on my waist. "Let me go first. I can't walk." I said.

He let go and trailed behind me. When I was making the pancakes, he was watching me. Sometimes I would glance at him and he will smile. His smile was so cute that his dimples were popping out. I poured the mix into the pan as he wrapped his arms on my waist again. His breath was on my neck and it tickles. He kissed my bare shoulder and I blushed. He looks like my husband and I'm his wife.

"What do you think you're doing?' I said tried to act calm.

"Kissing you. Why?" he said as his lips were still on my shoulder.

"It tickles. Stop it." I said still blushing.

"Aw~~ come on~" he whined and pouted again.

"OKAY OKAY!! Here's your pancake!" I shouted and gave a plate of pancakes to him.

He smiled. "Gomawo, deer~" he said and kissed my cheeks.

I rubbed my cheek and sat next to him. He ate so appetizingly and his eyes were saying that it tasted good. He ate so eagerly that a sauce spilled to the corner of him lips. I took a tissue and poked his shoulders. He turned to me.

"You got a sauce there." I said and was about to wipe his lips.

But he held my hand and pulled me. My lips landed on the corner of his lips. I widened my eyes but he smirked. He pulled out and his smirk was still plastered on his face.

"I don't need the tissue. I need your kiss." he said emphasizing the word kiss.

I blushed and punched his shoulders. He laughed and picked me up from the chair bridal style. He put me on the big couch and laid next to me. My head rested on his chest and I can feel his heartbeat. He held my waist and kissed my hair softly.

"I won't leave you." He whispered.

I smiled. "I won't leave you too."

We both stayed like that for a while.

I think our life will be as sweet as sugar.

Or maybe not.




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Chapter 10: update soon~~
hamskkuma #2
Chapter 10: Stalker much? xD
And yeah, GLuck on the national exams xD (I'm working hard too in here) and send my GLuck wishes to everyone there :D
Chapter 9: Yeay you're back!! And finally infinite hell yeah!
hamskkuma #4
Chapter 9: Yeeyy they met xD
hamskkuma #5
Chapter 8: THE FLUFF xD
Chapter 8: Goodluck for your life<3 and dont forget to comeback here rena<3
hamskkuma #7
Chapter 7: .... speechless.
hamskkuma #8
hamskkuma #9
Chapter 5: Awww, please make up T^^^T"
Huiyilalala #10
Chapter 4: I love this chapter . So romantic .