Best Friends

When love blossoms
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Krystal's Pov:

Since Chanyeol happends to be living in the same neighbourhood as I am, I decided to stay over at Nara's house..


"N-Nara~I n-need your're not at the dorms today right?Could I sleep over at your house.."I asked while my voice cracked as I was still crying

"Of course!I'm at home now and tell me what happend okay?You're making me worried?"she asked

"Urm alright...Thanks~seeya!"

I hung up

The whole ride to her house was painfully slow as my mind was flooded with all the memories I had with him and how I ruined it...I couldn't stop crying

By the time I paid the driver and reached her front door,I was a mess.

Once she opened the door and stared at her with no expression, she bursted and hugged me tightly

"Krys!Why are you like this?Come in quickly!"

She invited me in and we went into her bedroom and she helped me wash up thus handing me a pair of pyjamas

While she wore

We burst into laughter after looking at each other's outfit

She then held my hand and pulled me to her mini tent

We got ourselves comfortable and she gave me a cup of hot chocolate which she had prepared for us..

She offed the main light and only the fairy lights were left however it was just enough for us

"So what happend?"she asked while looking at me and drinking her hot chocolate

"I-I never told you but I actually liked Chanyeol oppa for a long time and he happends to be my best friend...I-I..."I couldn't continue as I felt a lump forming in my throat and the emotions overwhelming

Nara was shocked but quickly recovered and pulled me into a hug and patted my back gently and said

"Krys~don't keep it bottled up...sometimes you just need to cry it out..I'm your best friend so I understand.."

With that I burst into tears and continued hesitantly...

"I-I confessed to him after comforting him...I felt so stupid and humiliated that I just ran off..."

Nara hugged me tightly and said

"Don't worry...It'll be fine and I guess you already know what happend to me..."

I nodded and said

"I'm happy that you found your true love!"

We spent the night having girl talk and fangirled over stars..We basically went wild but once it passed midnight, my eyes slowly drooped and I drifted off to dreamland


Nara's Pov:

After she fell asleep, I went to the kitchen and washed our empty cups.Once I was done, I called Kai..

"Annyeong aegi~"

"Annyeong!Oppa have you talked to Chanyeol oppa?"


I then told him what happend and he said

"Alright!I'll talk to him now!Bye!"

I hung up and went to bed with Krys..

"I hope everything goes well


Krystal's Pov:

I woke up to someone hugging me from behind

I lazily opened my eyes and looked behind me to see Nara sleeping cutely while hugging me

I couldn't help but smile

A smirk replaced that and I decided to wake her up

I sneakily tickled her and kissed her cheeks continuously

"YAHH!"she roared at me with her eyes red and looking lost

I couldn't help but burst into laughter and rolled on the floor 

She glared at me and she tried to kick my but I pulled her down and rolled on top of her


She sent daggers with her eyes and we ended up rolling around on the floor and laughing until I said 

"I think I need to get going soon~I'll go and bathe alright?"

She nodded and went down the stairs to who knows where..

I took a quick bathe and wore what I packed...No makeup face & I left my hair alone


Then I grabbed my bag

and hurriedly went down the stairs hurriedly and was welcomed by the smell of waffles in the making

Nara was waiting for me at the dining table while pouring a cup of coffee for the both of us

"Something smells nice!"I asked

"Me?"she retorted teasingly

I gave her look and she said

"My maid is preparing breakfast for us and soon our breakfast arrived

"Wow!There's chocolate" I exclaimed and I dugged in hurriedly

Nara laughed at me but I could care less as I had some serious business going on!

We talked about random stuff and once I finished, I went to the kitchen to return my plate.

I looked at her sadly and said

"I got to go~but I'll call you if I need your company"

"Sure babe!Take care OK~I'll be there for you anytime!"she winked back

She sent me to the door and gave me a hug and kissed me on the cheek which I returned. We waved at each other and I made my way out of her mansion

It took around 10 mins from her house to reach the bus stop..I plugged in my earpiece and listen to the songs on my favourite and it surprisingly suits my situation now

"Lee Hayi-One Sided Love"

I like you and it’s been a while
All day, I think of you
As I’m walking down the street, listening to music
You suddenly come before my eyes

The movie that my heart is making
Is a special project that only stars you
The title is “My Crush”
And I’m the only audience

Everyone comforts me, tells me to cheer up
But I’m sick of hearing that – I’m not sad
Even if he forever…

Doesn’t know my heart, it’s okay
I just need him to be where I can see him
Just as always, with those charming eyes, gestures, words
He just needs to exist, that’s all I need

I feel like I’m all filled up
From the tickling wind that you brought
I smell something good
I like it like this
My smile draws out one person

Everyone cheers for me, tells me to be brave
They push me, saying that it’s my turn to approach you
Rather than worrying about that, I just want to enjoy this moment
I will climb aboard my hidden confession and ride to the sky up high woo

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cheekylittlechubba #1
Chapter 20: WOW !!! So good!!!
Chapter 1: Update soon!~