Heaven And Hell Week One

Love In The Big Brother House
Of course I was wrong and there just had to be some drama thrown in the mix. Over the past few days as we all settled in, me and Jonghyun had become attached to each other or as Taemin said, we were stuck together like glue. Everyone was indeed really nice, Nana had her moments when she couldn't have what she wanted and Sekyung well she was a nasty old mess, desperate was not the word but what do you expect from some old saggy women throwing her self at every man in the house.
Of course each time she got rejected and she became worse, it was awful when she tried to steal Jonghyun away but he always pushed her back and told her to leave him alone. It was task day today and the theme for the week was heaven and hell. I knew I was never going to be Mister popular in the house but the way some of the girls demanded to stay on the heaven side of the house and be treated like royalty really annoyed me.
In the end the girls got there way and stayed on the fancy, cosy side, lovely soft beds and they didn't have to lift a finger though they never did anyway. I was in away glad because I found my self way closer to the guys in here then the girls which surprised me. Our side of the house was like a slaves den, just blankets and roll mates as beds. We had to wear old style slave type clothing and our jobs included, cooking, cleaning and entertaining the heaven side.
I could see a few girls smirking as we all came out dressed up and ready to start our jobs for the day. I felt so stupid like this but the plus side was I had Jonghyun with me, he had set his bed down right next to mine and even stayed by me as I put the kettle on and began to wash up the breakfast bowls.
"Hey Jonghyun, can you get your y arse here and bring me some tea, I want a private show" Sekyung shouted with Nana and Jia screaming at her in delight. I rolled my eye's at her stupidity and I refused to let her get me down.
Jonghyun went over with a small cup of tea that was left in the tea pot. I could just about hear him ask what she wanted and saw her dirty nails tracing down his clothed chest. I nearly broke the bowl from how tight my grip had become on the bowl,I tried so hard to blank her out, she had already guessed I was gay the first full day we was here and ever since then she has done nothing but try to hurt me and bring me down.
Of course I had told most the guys about me who opened their arms wide and accepted me for who I was and for once I really felt good about my self. Jonghyun gently removed her hand's from his chest and it seemed like he gave her a disgusted look and came back to where I was, drying up the last few bowls and spoons. He smiled at me which set my pulse racing faster, still not used to the amount of affection he gave me.
We got a nice 30 minute break before we had to prepare the stuff for dinner and it was nice to sit down and rest. The girls decided to kick things up a notch to get some attention by walking round in their bikini's, mucking about in the out side swimming pool. Of course they won't get far as most of the guys here were gay and had some one.
Taemin and Minho had become so close so quickly it was like the cutest love story I have ever seen. Woohyun seemed un fazed by everything and kept him self to him self, Onew and Joon had become close and they looked out for each other and of course me and Jonghyun had gotten rather close but certainly not at Taemin's and Minho's level just yet.
"Hey Key was you ok earlier when Sekyung called me over" Jonghyun asked, he was always looking out for me, on the first day I had gone to the bed room to apply some cream to my face when she came in threatening me to stay away from her man and Jonghyun walked in and really had a go at her. He remained polite but you could tell he didn't like her much.
"Yeah I was fine Jjong why, what did she what anyway" I asked as I drank my cup of tea which made me feel better and warmed me up a bit.
"Oh she was trying to make me give her some strip show but I told her to get stuffed" Jonghyun replied and I had to laugh at his type of words he used.
"Oh Jonghyun oppa can you tie up my bikini top please" That damn whiny voice called out and Jonghyun banged his head on the kitchen counter, groaning.
Like a gentleman he was, he went over and tied it up but he knew the thing was too small for her and her 's looked like that could pop out any moment. Once it was tied he didn't give her time to turn and say thank you and no second glance towards her, his puppy eye's stuck on mine as he sat back down next to me. We began talking again when she screamed loudly then giggled.
"Oh my, it seem's like my 's fell out" She shouted, you could tell it was to get Jonghyun's attention and he just sat there looking at me and talking about his life growing up, I had to laugh on the inside when no one gave her no attention, leaving her to sort her fallen top out.
"Oh Sekyung next time it might be wise to buy a bikini that actually fit's you" Jonghyun randomly said and her face boiled with rage at his random out burst.
"ARE YOU CALLING ME FAT" She screeched out, damn my ears felt like they were bleeding.
"No I'm telling you to stop wearing size 6 clothes that don't fit you, your more of a size 10" He replied bluntly and turned round only to notice the time and grabbed my hand to get cracking on the dinner.
While Sekyung went out side in her fit of rage, we prepared the dinner and the best thing was we could cook what we wanted to tonight was a simple mash potato with runner beans and a sausage casserole with mushrooms and onions.
Taemin and Minho cut the runner beans up and Onew and Joon did the mushrooms and onions, Woohyun sorted out the frozen sausages and started to defrost the, and Jonghyun and my self peeled the potato's, choosing to to do the hardest and worst part of the job, we worked together.
Through out the time we spent together do this dinner, I felt like I had become even closer to Jonghyun, he always made me laugh and smile even when I felt a little down. After a few hours of nothing but cooking the food was done and ready to be served. I expected to have at lest a thank you from the girls but only Sooyoung and Hyoyeon and Bora remembered me and thanked me.
"Ew what is this Jonghyun oppa, like spew on my plate" Nana and Sekyung whined together poking the food.
"Don't be so damn selfish and disrespectful, we worked our 's off to make that and you can't even say thank you to Key who did most of the hard work, you two make me sick" He shouted in rage and their eye's widened like saucer's, not used to being
shouted out.
"The lot of you are so damn rude and two faced, who the hell do you think we are. It's fine don't eat it but we certainly are not doing anything else for you es" He added and went off to the servants bed room to calm down, the girls in shock and us guys really shocked with his out burst.
"Stay here guys and just eat, I go see if Jonghyun is ok" I said to the other's who nodded their heads and tucked in to the dinner, I saw some girls eating and some going to the bed room instead.
"Jjong, a..are you ok" I whispered as I poked my head round the door, He was sat on the made up bed, head resting on his arms. He looked up at the sound of my voice and smiled weakly.
"Yeah, sorry for my sudden out burst out there, I just couldn't keep it bottled up any longer" Jonghyun spoke as I sat down next to him and opened my arm's to give him a comforting hug which he accepted straight way.
"It's ok Jjong, I think we were all a little annoyed at those girl's attitudes" I replied and felt Jonghyun relax in my hold.
"It's just the last few days they have been so rude to you and I'm sick of it, you deserve to be treated so much better Bummie" Jonghyun said and the new nickname caused the blush to return to my cheeks.
"I know what those girl's want, I'm not stupid. They tease and scoop to dirty low attempt's to get in my pants but it's not working and will never happen, the brick wall is more attractive then those girls" Jonghyun added and I had to giggle at his rant, he had a point there.
"I know Jjong, to them being gay doesn't exist and just an excuse to not get close to them" I replied, it wouldn't be the first time this has happened to me.
We remained like for a while until I felt our tummies rumbling out for food which caused us to chuckle. I pulled back to stand up and offered my hand to Jonghyun who took it admittedly.
"Let's go and have our dinner then we can settle down for the night as Joon and Woohyun are on night duty tonight" I said and Jonghyun smiled, squeezing my hand lightly.
"That sound's like the perfect plan Bummie" Jonghyun added as we walked out and ignored the stares and glances from the girls side. We sat down and Onew and Minho kindly brought our dinner's over that had been put in the oven to keep warm, both saying thank you to them and appreciating what they had done for us no matter how small or silly it seemed. We were a team that worked so well together.
Jonghyun kept his focus on me through out the dinner and we spoke about anything possible, I decided to ask about his music which seemed to lighten his mood a lot, a smile finally forming on those lips. He seemed quite the genius with his song writing skills and he could play piano and guitar which impressed me a lot. We quickly finished and let the other three go to the bed room to settle down as we cleaned our plates our self's and finished drying up.
"Hey Oppa I want an apology for earlier though I know you didn't mean it, Key is a bad influence on you Oppa" Skeyung said and I bit my tongue, how dare she say that.
"Get bent Sekyung" Jonghyun spat and grabbed my hand, dragging me to bed room and slamming the door shut as gasps and the sound of the girls shocked at his change of behaviour.
We changed into our orange and black pyjama pants which were provided by big brother him self as part of the uniform, not my kind of style but if this wins us some nice prize's then it's got to be worth it right. I slide under my blanket, shivering from the chilly night air, the blanket too thin to create much warmth for me. I felt a warm hoddie placed on me and I sat up as Jonghyun slide the hoddie over my slim frame, warmth invading my body. I smiled at him as he finished dressing me.
"What's this for Jjong" I spoke but I was really touched by the simple gesture.
"You was cold and I had to fix that, don't want Bummie catching a cold now" Jonghyun replied and he looked so adorable right now.
"Thank you Jjong, I appreciate this" I smiled at him and as he laid down he opened his arms for me to cuddle into. Of course I blushed hard but accepted never the less.
"I need to keep you warm Bum" Jonghyun whispered in to my ear and goose bumps covered my body from how deep and husky his voice sounded. I truly felt so wanted and appreciated in that moment, I nuzzled my face in his chest inhaling his sweet minty scent.
It didn't take us long to fall asleep like that and for the rest of the night neither of us moved and inch, leg's tangled together and arms wrapped round each other, the cold chilly air soon forgotten and the minty scent and warmth took over my body, the thick fluffy hoddie just adding more warmth.
I really was starting to feel some deep feeling's for Jonghyun I was scared but excited. Was Jonghyun going to be my first love? Can I really find true love in the house with him, Was we going to be the rare couple to form from this show.

A/N Hello lovelies hope your all ok :D here is the second chapter so hope you enjoy XD

and HOLY HELL  17 SUBSCRIBER'S ALREADY O.O Bow's down to you all, thank you so much and hope this doesn't disappoint ><

Next update will be tomorrow and I have written 5 chapters so far XD 

Comment and Subscribe let me know what you think of this >< I see you all soon XD

Spam time :D



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mzjonghyun #1
Chapter 8: love it I love it so much and its so cute
Chapter 2: This is cute XD i like it so far, but the grammar needs some tweaking here and there
iluvbubbles_yay #3
Chapter 8: Aw so sweet! I hope they stay together for ever and ever and ever ^^ Sad this is over, but I suppose it's its time :) Thanks for writing this! ^^
Chapter 8: it was really nice.you wrote it well.i enjoyed it
Chapter 8: Deabak really nice fanfic :3
kara224 #6
Chapter 8: aww sad it ended but i loved it. happy that jongkey are together and happy :)
Chapter 7: its so good.liked it
iluvbubbles_yay #8
Chapter 7: Sorry I haven't managed to get around to commenting on this sooner! But it's been a really sweet plotline, although so so sad when Key's mum died ;~; well done to him for getting through it alone though... And Onew won! congrats to him :) Jongkey are so sweet kkk I'm sad this is practically over though, it's been lovely to follow ^^
kara224 #9
Chapter 7: yay at least onew won. :)
Chapter 7: Woah wanna read the next chapter now !! <3