Sudden Confessions And Late Night Make Out Sessions

Love In The Big Brother House
It had been a few weeks since we had all entered the house and well it had been a rather drama filled few weeks to say the lest. Over the past few weeks Hyoyeon,Jia,Min, and Bora had been evicted and Sooyoung had walked out earlier this week due to having a huge argument with Nana over her lazy, selfish atticude in the house.
The weeks had been full of arguments including Sekyung and Jonghyun. She was still too dumb to realise he wasn't interested in her and still tried to bring me down but he was there to defend me and look out for me. The last few task's we had been given where a huge fail, we won none of them so it was basic food for that past few week's and to be honest I was starting to feeling quite ill eating cheap, bland food.
The positive side was that me and Jonghyun had become even closer if possible, our little group had become closer and stronger, trying hard to brighten the mood in the house and work hard to at lest win something. I was shocked Sekyung was still here being up for eviction every week so far and I guess she is tv entertainment to most people.
It had been heavily rumoured Minho and Taemin had in the house though I have yet to see any proof of this. I was happy for them as they seemed so genuine and happy in each other's company and I could see that they loved each other a lot. Onew and Joon where close and had promised each other a date once they get out the house which was kind of sweet.
Jonghyun made me promise everyday to never leave him or forget him and no matter who leave's first, is to wait for the other to come out, I knew once we were both out maybe we might take what we have up to the next level but I wasn't going to push it, Jonghyun is my first love and these feeling's I had were so new to me and it felt weird at times yet so reassuring and warm and sweet.
Knowing I was being wanted by someone and that he found me beautiful really made my head spin and I come over light headed. It was once again eviction night and after this there was one more until the final night, I hoped Jonghyun could reach the final, he deserved it after dealing with Sekyung's insult's and disgusting remarks.
We were gathered in the room waiting once again for Amber to come and tell us who was leaving this week. It was against Sekyung, Nana, Joon and Minho. I really was praying hard one of the girl's get's sent home. I be really upset to see Taemin and Minho parted instead of them.
The only one's to never face eviction so far had been Onew, Taemin and Jonghyun. This was Minho's first time and I had been up a few time's, it had gotten easier over the past few weeks, I rarely felt nervous or scared, I hoped I didn't get booed though.
"Hello house mates this is Amber here please do not swear on live tv" We had gotten so bored and fed up with that line being said though a few could never keep there mouth's shut really.
"Joon, Minho,Nana and Sekyung, the votes have been counted and verified and I can reveal the next house mate to leave is" The build up begin's once more and the crowd where chanting what seemed to sound like Get Sekyung out. Maybe she wasn't as popular as I thought, the scowl on her face really proved me point.
Taemin was clinging on to Minho for dear life, tears already falling from his eye's that Minho was carefully wiping away with one hand while his other was wrapped round Taemin's waist tightly.
I remember feeling like that on the first week of eviction's. Jonghyun had been calming me down and whispering sweet words to me. I knew it was worse for them two as they were a proper couple and to be apart from some one you really love must be really hard and such a horrible feeling.
"Joon" Amber shouted and the crowd cheered for him but a few boo's following Sekyung's name could be heard.
Onew looked a little hurt and upset but Joon was promising he be waiting out side for him, I said my goodbye's along with everyone else and he left the house, not before giving Onew a sweet kiss on the lips that left him in a complete daze and a silly wide smile on his lips after a while.
"Don't worry Onew hyung, it's only 2 weeks and your see him again" I said and he smiled warmly at me, giving my hand a squeeze.
"Thank's Key, It will be ok, I keep my promise for him plus I got you guy's to look after" Onew joked and it was nice to see him smiling and being happy after a quick moment of sadness.
I stood up and made some hot drinks, putting some plates and bowls away that hadn't been put away earlier, neither Nana or Sekyung bothered helping us and being the only two girl's in the house, they acted like they were royalty or something though no one ever gave in to their stupid demand's and half the time no one bothered cooking them dinner or making them drinks.
It was rather funny seeing them having to cook for them self's. Jonghyun came in not long after and gave me a sweet back hug and a peck on my cheek which still caused me to blush like mad. He really had stepped up his display of affection for me, with pecks on the cheek and Eskimo kisses, even holding my hand tightly and intertwining our finger's together.
He had really taken our special bond to the next level and really no word's were needed to see that something beautiful and so pure and loving was being made between us. It was like we were going to be the next Taemin and Minho.
"Hey Bummie you want to go lay down for a while, I'm tired and want a cuddle" Jonghyun whined in my ear and it was cute how one minute he was y and so manly and the next moment he was a whiny puppy, pouting his lips like a spoilt kid.
"Ok Jjong let's go" I said, a nice rest is what I needed as it had been a long day and it was rather late.
Onew had already fallen asleep and Minho and Taemin had just crashed out on their newly shared bed they finally got. The girls were in the corner, furthest away from us and of course the dirty looks kept coming as we walked in. We still ignored them and it had been a while since Jonghyun had uttered a word to either girl, fed up with arguing with them and not getting any sense from either of them.
"If you two are going to do gross, disgusting stuff can you leave. Nana go get the sick bucket quick" Sekyung shouted out but both of us ignored her though to say her words did still hurt me a little would be a lie. I couldn't help being attracted and falling deeply in love with Jonghyun, I valued what we had as something so special and sweet, never had I felt these things before or even been treated like this and I really liked it a lot.
We sat down on the bed and quickly changed into our pyjama's or in Jonghyun's case just his boxer's now and I have pinched one of his large baggy t shirt's to wear to bed though he remained me he loved it when I wore his clothes which didn't help me with blushing so hard like a school girl.
Jonghyun had a secret hidden stash of cookies under his side of the bed for us to have at night as he won them in some quiz we did a few night's ago, already two pack's were gone as he gave Onew and Joon one pack and the other to Minho and Taemin.
Not even bothering to share with the girl's they don't deserve anything anyway. We munched on the cookies and dripped them in our cups of hot chocolate and it felt like heaven for me. It felt so perfect and for that moment I didn't want it to stop or end.
Once we had finished up, we snuggled down under the blanket's and of course I snuggled into Jonghyun's chest. He pulled the cover completely over our head's as the main light's went out and so we could at lest talk in peace with out anyone trying to annoy us. Every night had been like this and it had become my favourite moment I looked forward too during the day.
"Key, you know your really really special to me right" Jonghyun said and I peaked up in to his eye's that shone brightly even in the pitch black.
"Of course Jjong and your really special to me as well" I replied and he smiled warmly as he cupped my cheek and caressed my pale soft milky white skin.
"I mean special as in I want you special" Jonghyun said and now I was feeling confused as to what he was saying.
"What do you mean Jjongie, stop beating round the bush" I joked, trying to get him just tell me what was troubling him.
"What I mean is, Key I..I have grown really attached to you and I..I...I you like love you a lot" Jonghyun stuttered out, my heart stopped beating for moment, did he just say those three word's I had been dying to hear. He was the first person to even say those word's to me and I felt so touched and the love I felt for him just grew even more.
"I..I.......I...I love you too Jjong, like a lot too" I blushed and chocked out, feeling my self tear up a little bit. Was this really happening, did Jonghyun really confess to me.
"Really Kibummie you do, your so beautiful baby" Jonghyun cooed as he continued to caress my cheek, He used his other hand to wipe my tears away and I felt me self leaning more into his touch.
"Yeah I really do Jjong, your my first love you know" I whispered out and his eye's shot open like he had seen a ghost.
"Really, well let me tell you Bum Bum , I'm going to be your first and only love baby, I'm not letting you go at all" Jonghyun said smiling so brightly. We could hear Nana and Sekyung trying to listen in on what we was talking about but pushed them to the back of our minds for now, they won't ruin this moment for us.
I couldn't really say anything, being made speechless by Jonghyun once again, The fact he said he was going to be my one and only love really did set my heart on fire. I was one lucky man to have some one like Jonghyun to have not only taken an interest in me but he loved me and wanted me. Did I save Korea in a past life or something.
For once in my life I was actually really happy and nothing could bring me down, not now. Jonghyun leaned forward a little, never breaking eye contact with me, he was looking for sign to know it was ok to continue, I nodded my head weakly, knowing that I was about to have my first ever kiss.
I felt his breath hit my lips and I was bursting with butterflies and excitement yet I was worried I was going to completely mess this up and put Jonghyun off me. I tried hard to push my doubts to the back of my mind and focus on those juicy, plump lips I had  been wanting to kiss for a while, I moved forward a little more and closed my eye's as our lips brushed against each other, electric shock's shooting through my veins.
His lips moulded so perfectly with my bow shaped ones. slowly moving together in sync, it was the best feeling in the world. Jonghyun pulled back for a moment and opened his eye's to look at me. I opened mine and looked back, worried I had done something wrong, he smiles and leaned back down pressing our lip's together a lot harder and we moved together perfectly.
The kiss soon turned rather hot, our tongue's fighting for dominance and I lost being the weakest one and not having much experience. I felt Jonghyun slide his tongue in my mouth and and taste every inch of me. I felt so good and it was really starting to a little, I let out a small moan as Jonghyun's hand's roamed my chest.
My hand's finding there way to the back of his neck and my finger's sliding round his neck and in to his hair, gripping hard as we continued to make out with each other. I could hear Nana and Sekyung getting grossed out as they listened to us.
"OMG NANA THEY ARE MAKING OUT, OMG I'M GOING TO BE SICK" Skeyung over reacted in her drama queen style.
"Omg I know right like that is so gross and wrong and ewww I'm going to have nightmare's now" Nana added she was turning into a Sekyung clone and it was so disgusting to see a once nice girl turn in to a .
Jonghyun smirked against my mouth and we soon pulled back due to needing some oxygen back in our lung's, Jonghyun looked at me with love shining in his eye's, both our faces were bright red and I must of looked a little dazed ,I couldn't believe I had my first kiss but also a complete make out session.
He pulled me into his chest as we snuggled down and lifted the cover off our heads to get some air around us. Jonghyun moved some lose strand's of hair from my eye's and pecked my forehead lightly.
"Night night Bummie baby, I love you, my angel" He cooed and kissed my lips once more before wrapping his arm's around me tightly.
"Night Jjong, I love you too babe" I replied and I couldn't help but peak up and place a kiss on his cute mole between his collar bone's.
We both fell asleep with a huge smile on our faces. It had been so worth it, coming in to the house. Never did I imagine I would not only met some amazing people but find some one so special and that he would go on to become my boyfriend and I would share my first kiss with him. I felt like I was on cloud nine and nothing was going to bring me down.
Jonghyun had confessed to me and I felt like I had won the jackpot, the love I felt was surreal. I couldn't wait to leave this house and maybe we could really take our relationship up to  the next step. I had gone from worrying he would leave and lose contact once we leave to thinking of our future and what it hold's for us.

A/N Hello lovelies hope your all okies :D hello to my lovely 24 subs <3

Hope you enjoy this chapter (sorry if it's boring ><)

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See you all tomorrow lovelies :D



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mzjonghyun #1
Chapter 8: love it I love it so much and its so cute
Chapter 2: This is cute XD i like it so far, but the grammar needs some tweaking here and there
iluvbubbles_yay #3
Chapter 8: Aw so sweet! I hope they stay together for ever and ever and ever ^^ Sad this is over, but I suppose it's its time :) Thanks for writing this! ^^
Chapter 8: it was really wrote it well.i enjoyed it
Chapter 8: Deabak really nice fanfic :3
kara224 #6
Chapter 8: aww sad it ended but i loved it. happy that jongkey are together and happy :)
Chapter 7: its so good.liked it
iluvbubbles_yay #8
Chapter 7: Sorry I haven't managed to get around to commenting on this sooner! But it's been a really sweet plotline, although so so sad when Key's mum died ;~; well done to him for getting through it alone though... And Onew won! congrats to him :) Jongkey are so sweet kkk I'm sad this is practically over though, it's been lovely to follow ^^
kara224 #9
Chapter 7: yay at least onew won. :)
Chapter 7: Woah wanna read the next chapter now !! <3