Nominations Day

Love In The Big Brother House
We woke up to the news of it being the first time we can nominate and to be honest I was excited to go in the diary room and rant and vent out my anger and frustration that had been building up these past few days, Jonghyun seemed rather pleased as well. It was the golden rule, to never speak about nominations and who you voted for.
I already guessed in the back of my mind I may get but up for eviction, even a blind man could notice the deathly stares I receive from Sekyung and her little group of girls. I sat up in bed, realising I had been snuggling in to Jonghyun all night though it was such a nice feeling and  the best night's rest I have had in a while.
I looked down to see I had his hoddie on still, the alarm call big brother does hasn't rung out in the heaven side yet so I took the opportunity to dash out quietly and make us a hot drink before we have to make those nasty scum bags breakfast.
A few of the girls never gave us grief and appreciated our efforts and hard work, we truly wanted to win this weeks task and it felt like they couldn't be bothered and already we had one fail because of the dinner issue last night which did hurt a little but I refuse to be beaten and hurt by some desperate women trying to ruin my close friendship with Jonghyun. I balanced the cups in my hands and walked back into the bed room handing out the hot tea's and hot chocolates, every one smiling and thanking me, made it all worth it.
"Thank you Kibummie, just what I needed, no one gave you trouble did they" Jonghyun spoke as he took a sip of the hot drink, sighing out happily. It had become rather cold in the mornings and our bed room was basic with  no heating so we felt the cold a lot more then anyone else.
"Your welcome Jjong, no trouble, it's too early for the royal es to wake up yet" I replied and Jonghyun laughed at my blunt reply, nodding his head as he agreed with my statement.
"How you feeling bout the first day of nominations" Jonghyun asked and well I was excited but had butterflies.
"I'm ok right now thought I be little nervous later on no doubt" I said and Jonghyun threw his arm round my waist pulling me closer to his body.
"It will be ok Bummie, I'm a little nervous as well" Jonghyun said and tired to pull me even closer.
It was moments like these I truly treasured the most, no drama or girls screaming and arguing. Just me and Jonghyun having some quiet alone time together. He always looked at me with the sweetest and warmest smile, his touches where so tender and soft yet loving and warming. I truly felt wanted for the first time in my life and the feeling was quite over whelming.
I was properly an idiot for giving to my feeling's so quickly and falling for Jonghyun like I did but I couldn't help my self. Was this going to be a small house romance then never see him again once we leave?, I really hoped not and I had someone for life with Jonghyun. He smiled at me once more and ruffled my hair playfully.
"What's wrong Key, you seem like you have something troubling you" Jonghyun spoke and it shocked me a little to know that he knew me better then I thought just by looking at me.
"It's Ok Jjong honest, just feeling a little home sick that's all" It was kind of true, I missed my mum, the only person I had in my life up till now. Jonghyun put his cup down and pulled me in to full blown hug.
"It's Ok to be home sick Key, if you do have any worries please talk to me instead of bottling them up" Jonghyun breathed in my ear as his finger's rubbed soothing circles on my back.
" Thank you Jjong" I mumbled into his chest and he chuckled as he pulled back to see my face bright red.
"This is Big Brother, can all house mates gather in the living room to begin this weeks nominations" This time a male voice echoed through the house.
The girls slowly dragged their lazy arses out the bed room, about it being too early and wanting to go back to bed. The 7 of us sat the opposite side to the girls and not once did anyone really speak to them, I guess we were all fed up with the behaviour like they owned the place.
One by one we was called in to the diary room in alphabetical order so it wouldn't take long before I would go in, Jonghyun was before me and he sat next to me while we waited and he squeezed my  hand lightly to let me know everything will be ok.
"Oppa are you going to say sorry yet, why are you touching him but treating me like dirt. It should be the other way round" Sekyung hissed then tried so hard to look innocent and pouted, going back to filing her nails.
"Shut up you dumb dense idiot, I don't like you and never will. Stop treating Key like he is dirtier then the dirt on your shoes, say sorry to him first then I think about apologizing to you" Jonghyun replied, his hand remaining in mine and squeezing it tightly.
"He was rude to me, stealing you away. You know he is gay right and that is the most disgusting thing ever" Sekyung went over the top making out I was some kind of dirty freak. Of course it hurt no matter how strong I act.
"NO YOUR RUDE TO HIM, I DON'T CARE THAT HE HIS GAY WHAT IS IT TO YOU ANYWAY, NO WAY IS HE DISGUSTING, YOU ARE AND SO WHAT I'M GAY AS WELL" Jonghyun shouted out, his face red, vein's sticking out of his neck.
"Omg Jonghyun oppa, your so funny, thinking your gay, that's a good joke" Sekyung giggled and burst in to laughter.
"Sekyung, it is no joke but a dumb like you would never understand" Jonghyun spat and got up to go to the kitchen, dragging me with him. I knew he needed some space to calm down.
"Sorry key, she just really annoys me and has no right treating you like that" Jonghyun's eye's sparkled with a glint of sadness as he looked at me, I was touched he defended me against her.
"It is ok Jjong, I appreciate you sticking up for me, thank you" I got some confidence and placed a small peck on his cheek, my face turning bright red.
His eye's widened and his sad eye's turned into happy puppy, he pulled me into a hug, it was one that was a sweet, calming embrace, no or any inappropriate things. I could feel Jonghyun calming down, his strong hold around me losing a little. His steady breath's tickling my ear.
"Thank you Kibummie, I don't know what I do with out you, come I'm due to go in next" Jonghyun took my hand, and we walked back in to the living room, Sekyung glaring at us but we ignored her and acted like she doesn't exist.
It wasn't long before Jonghyun was called in to the diary room and he squeezed my hand and told me he wouldn't be long, Taemin asked if we were ok and from what he was telling me the guys really laid into Sekyung when we went into the kitchen and put her in her place. I couldn't of been more thankful to them for defending us and supporting us.
Taemin and Minho were like a couple now, even a blind man could notice that they loved each other a lot, like fate had brought them here to to meet and become the loving couple they are. Minho was way over protective and hated any girl going near his Minnie which I found a little cute. Of course Sekyung couldn't help her self and throw out some hurtful insult's and comment's which I ignored but on the inside it hurt. Jonghyun came out not long after and smiled warmly at me as he sat down.
"Would Key come to the diary room" The male voice called out and I got up butterflies in my stomach.
I entered the small room by the stair's to exit the house and saw the chair, decorated in red velvet material with gold framing. I sat down and fiddled my thumbs feeling a little awkward about this, I wasn't a nasty person so it feels like I'm about to stab some people in the back though one or two of them deserve it.
"Hello Key, Can you name your first vote and your reason's why" The male voice said to me and I jumped a little.
" my first vote goes to Sekyung and the reason is she bring's down the happiness in the house and she is so rude and hateful". I wanted to keep it short and sweet and get out of here quickly.
"And your second vote and reason why" Big Brother asked me and I had to think for a while on this on.
"I pick Nana and the reason is she is like Sekyung's right hand man so like monkey see, monkey do plus her tantrums annoy me so much" I said and felt a little relieved to have to that off my chest.
I remained seated until I was told to leave and I walked out feeling so much better now that I had gotten that bit over and done with. I walked back in to the living area smiling happily at Jonghyun who stood up and rushed over to me and picked me up bridal style, carrying me to the sofa.
"Did it go ok Bummie" Jonghyun asked me and he looked rather pleased to see me even though I had only been gone for 5 minutes.
"Yeah, I feel better now Jjong thank you" I replied and he nuzzled his face in my neck, smiling against my skin.
We stayed like that and from the looks we received from the other's, it seemed like they thought we were dating. That thought alone made me blush so hard, Jonghyun as my boyfriend now that is a reality I don't mind coming true. Everyone else went in and did their votes and we had to wait to find out who will be the first to face eviction and get the boot on Friday. I was scared to know the results and had a feeling it wasn't going to be good at all.
"This is big brother, the three house mates facing eviction this week are" The make voice called out and to know there were three of us did not make me feel any better.
"Woohyun" I looked over to him and he seemed un fazed by it, like who voted for him, he never did anything.
"Sekyung" I smirked, yes this is so perfect, getting a taste of her own medicine now.
"And Key" I..wait what, me. Oh god I knew this was going to happen, Jonghyun just tightened his grip round me and I could hear him whimper lightly in to my neck.
So Me, Woohyun and Sekyung are facing eviction, this wasn't going to go down to well was it. Friday can't hurry up, hopefully the right person leaves, can only hope and pray that the public see Sekyung for the nast piece of work she truly is. 

A/N Here is the next chaper and can I say Holy hell I have 19 subscriber's O.O (bow's down) thank you all so much :D

I hope you like this and I let you all in on a secret I finished writing the last chapter today so could get a double update soon XD

Comment and Subscribe lovelies, let me if you like this fic or if it's pant's ><

I will give you some semi stripping Jjong ><


See you all soon lovelies :D <3


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mzjonghyun #1
Chapter 8: love it I love it so much and its so cute
Chapter 2: This is cute XD i like it so far, but the grammar needs some tweaking here and there
iluvbubbles_yay #3
Chapter 8: Aw so sweet! I hope they stay together for ever and ever and ever ^^ Sad this is over, but I suppose it's its time :) Thanks for writing this! ^^
Chapter 8: it was really wrote it well.i enjoyed it
Chapter 8: Deabak really nice fanfic :3
kara224 #6
Chapter 8: aww sad it ended but i loved it. happy that jongkey are together and happy :)
Chapter 7: its so good.liked it
iluvbubbles_yay #8
Chapter 7: Sorry I haven't managed to get around to commenting on this sooner! But it's been a really sweet plotline, although so so sad when Key's mum died ;~; well done to him for getting through it alone though... And Onew won! congrats to him :) Jongkey are so sweet kkk I'm sad this is practically over though, it's been lovely to follow ^^
kara224 #9
Chapter 7: yay at least onew won. :)
Chapter 7: Woah wanna read the next chapter now !! <3