Eviction Night

Love In The Big Brother House
It was finally Friday and tonight was d-day for me, was I going home or was I going to get my wish and Sekyung leave's. Of course since Tuesday we have had nothing but her and stupid tantrums, complaining she should not be up for eviction and she even got a warning from Big Brother for talking bout her nominations.
We won the heaven and hell theme task by the skin of our teeth and got some lovely luxury food and bubble baths which I was so grateful for after the long week, rushing about on my feet. I shared the large bath tub with Jonghyun relaxing in the over flowing bath full of bubbles but it was so fun and he never failed to make me smile and laugh. He had become extra clingy to me since we found out I was up for eviction.
"Hey Jjong can I ask you something" I said and his head shot up, curious puppy eye's stared in to my feline eyes.
"Of course Kibummie, what is it" He asked and moved round the bath so he was right next to me, I could feel his leg touching mine and I blushed, knowing we only had boxer's on under the water.
"I..if I do leave on Friday, please don't be sad Jjong" I whispered out and looked down to see his hand playing with my finger's under the water.
"Don't say that Key please, I will miss you so much, c..can you promise me one thing" He looked up but his hand continued to stay on my hand.
"Of course, any thing for you" I replied instantly. Grabbing his hand tightly in mine.
"I..if you do leave, please wait for me Key, please promise me you will wait for me" Jonghyun asked me, he sounded desperate and small tears gathered in his sad puppy eyes. 
I was shocked at his sudden confession, I was thinking it be something silly like keep your head up and smile and to not let people like Sekyung get me down so to see him look so upset and defeated even though I could still be here later was a surprise but it made me feel so good and wanted.
He seemed like he wanted me in his life for ever now, like I had made a best friend for life and of course I wasn't ever going to give up on him, this past week has been amazing because of him and how quickly we grew close to each other.
"O..O..of course I will Jjong, I promise you, I be waiting out side for you when you leave ok" I whispered out, trying hard to not cry over this. Jonghyun had become some one so special to me, the thought of letting him go hurt more then anything.
"Good because I don't want to lose you Bum Bum, your special to me ok" Jonghyun said and squeezed my hand tightly, his thumb rubbing small circles on the back of my hand.
I blushed and felt a little speechless, knowing Jonghyun thought of me as special to him made my heart beat wildly against my chest, ready to burst any moment. He really had me feeling these weird warm fuzzy feeling's already, like he was meant for me. He was just so perfect in every way and I was glad to have come in to the house now, knowing I could of declined and not met Jonghyun scared me a lot.
"T..thank you Jjong, your special to me as well" I mumbled out but he heard me and the smile that spread on those plump lips made me want to melt in to a puddle of goo.
"Come on Bummie, let's get out of here and get you ready" Jonghyun stood up and I just froze in my spot, watching the water trickle down his tanned and toned chest, droplets falling across his abs, I couldn't take my eye's of him and he knew it. 
Smirking he bent down and threw me over his shoulder, I let out a girly squeak at the quick action, not expecting him to actually carry me through the living room and to the bed room like that. Some people wolf whistled finding it funny and the odd few made some horrid remark but it didn't bother us in the slightest. I wiggled in his hold and smacked his bum with hand's trying to get him to put me down.
"Put me down Jjong" I tried to shout but came out as a weak girly squeal as he patted my .
"Nope, and I like you smacking my , do it some more" He cheekily replied and I tried to hit him as hard as I could but he acted like he enjoyed it the ey freak.
"Yah Jonghyun put me down right now" I wiggled even more but he wasn't letting me go so I gave up, he was too strong against me.
I soon got put down with a soft plop on to our shared double bed we had back after a week on the floor with roll mats and blankets. My face was flustered I felt my self burning up a little after Jonghyun's display of affection he just did. He sat down next to me pulling me closer to him, his strong minty scent filling my senses.
"Bummie smell's nice" Jonghyun mumbled as he nuzzled his face in my damp hair, he was acting like some soppy puppy right now and it was rather cute and adorable, I only had 4 hours until it was time to announce the result's and I knew Jonghyun was trying to make every moment we spend together extra special for us.
Of course I was going to keep my promise to him and wait for him no matter how long it takes, he has kind of taken over me and dug his way to my heart and as claimed it as his.
Jonghyun pulled back and pecked my nose, I wrinkled it up and pulled a weird face at his random affection and he chuckled and pecked my cheek instead and my new best friend blush returned quicker then you could say boo to a ghost. He laughed and got up to get dressed in some thing a little decent.
I could see underneath his smile, he was feeling nervous and sad but he had no reason to be down, I could become his number one supporter outside. I put on some black skinny jeans with gold chain's across the rips in them and a simple white tank top and black blazer jacket. It was simple but classy and cute. As we won the weekly task, I chose to have a hair dyer for the evening so I could style my hair straight.
"Kibummie you look amazing babe" Jonghyun said and I blushed again, eye's widening at the new nickname. Did he call me babe?
"Oh t..thank you Jjong" I was turning into a stuttering mess, and he flashed me a wide smile, though large pearl white teeth dazzling under the bright lights.
I didn't know what else to say, he came and gave me a back hug, I felt him rest his head on my shoulder and we looked at our reflection in the mirror and it was a sight I wanted to keep forever, they way I fitted so perfectly in his arm's and the way he looked so happy when I was near by, those puppy eye's sparkling brightly, his smile couldn't brighten up even the darkest skies.
"So beautiful" I heard Jonghyun mumble and I was frozen for a moment, was he talking about me, did this gorgeous man call me beautiful.
"We look so adorable together Bummie" Jonghyun said and he lifted his head loosened his hold me as I had to finish getting ready and from the sound of it the wicked witch had come in to ruin our peace.
"Ew can you not do that Key like don't crack the mirror with your ugly face" Sekyung spat and smirked when I looked down trying hard to not cry.
"I think you need to look in the mirror Sekyung, your certainly no oil painting to worship and look at and your dress is vile like tape to cover your s how classy" Jonghyun once again jumped to my defence and I had to laugh when he insulted her dress well if you could call it that. He sat there and rolled his eye's at her fake, shocked face.
It was more like a belt covering her s and the shortest cheap looking leather skirt I had ever seen. I go as far as saying she was dressed as a hooker about to go on her night duties. Jonghyun refused to leave my side and decided to go back to hugging me, ignoring the dirty remarks and comment's, he smiled at me through the mirror and used his hand to wipe a fallen tear away from my eye.
"Don't cry Bum Bum, don't let those scum bags hurt you ok, your more beautiful then any person on this planet and they are jealous because they can't be you" Jonghyun said and it really made me feel so much better after he said that, a smile blooming on my lips.
"Thank you Jonghyun, I really mean that, y..your really handsome as well" I blushed like a school girl at my compliment for him, and he chuckled and thanked me, letting go so I could finish up and face my fate, will I be staying or leaving.
I walked out in to the living room and Jonghyun remained at my side, his large, warmer hand holding mine tightly as we waited for the presenter out side to announce the results. Every one was gathered into the living area and the rest of the house was locked up so there was no where to hide, I had packed my suit case this morning just in case it was my time though I didn't want to leave at all, not with out Jonghyun anyway.
"Hello house mates, this is Amber here please don't swear on live tv thank you" Amber spoke and she sounded rather happy, the crowd chant's could be heard through the speaker's and my heart beat picked up speed, beating fast and the butterflies going wild in my belly, hand's becoming a little sweaty.
"So Woohyun, Sekyung and Key, the votes have been counted and verified and I can reveal the first house mate to leave is" Oh the build up was driving me insane, just tell me. The thought of hearing my name scared me but I could be away from Sekyung, I prayed it was her that was getting the boot though then me and Jonghyun could enjoy our self's more in the house and be able to join in more.
"Shh it's ok Bummie, I'm here baby, I got you, I'm here for you, I promise you Key" Jonghyun cooed as we waited for the build up, his face buried in my neck, his breath tickling me neck as he spoke, squeezing my trembling hand's tightly.
"Woohyun" Amber shouted and my eye's widened, no way he can't leave not him over Sekyung, oh no. 
Woohyun stood up and said his goodbye's to us and left through the main door's, I could hear a few boo's from the crowd but why, he was innocent and harmless through the whole week. I was glad to be here still and I knew Jonghyun was as he threw his arm's around me and picked me up, twirling me around happily.
"Yay I still have my Kibummie here, I knew you be ok but I still want you to promise me your wait for me, I always wait for you" Jonghyun asked as he put me down and we sat back on the sofa.
"Of course Jonghyun, I always wait for you ok stop worrying you puppy" I teased and he had to start tickling me, right on my weak spot as well.
"S..s...s...stop i..it J...Jjong" I stuttered out and he gave in, pulling me on to his lap.
We remained like that until the house was unlocked and we were free to go and do what we wanted. We stayed put for a while just cuddling on the coach as Taemin and Minho, Joon and Onew chose to have a water fight out side and the girls went to the other end of the garden to do their nightly gossiping and slagging us off time. I was happy to stay here for another week though dealing with Sekyung for another week was a completely different matter which I will deal with when the time comes.
For now I was just so happy and relaxed knowing I had another week to spend with Jonghyun, one more week to create some fun filled memories and for me to fall even deeper in love with the puppy eyed man.

A/N Hello you lovely bunch of sweethearts :D

first off 22 subscribers O.O hello to you all XD

hope you enjoyed this chapter, Jongkey are too precious right now >< 

Subscribe, Vote and Comment they make my day and make me want to write more :D

Spam time XD


See you all soon lovelies <3



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mzjonghyun #1
Chapter 8: love it I love it so much and its so cute
Chapter 2: This is cute XD i like it so far, but the grammar needs some tweaking here and there
iluvbubbles_yay #3
Chapter 8: Aw so sweet! I hope they stay together for ever and ever and ever ^^ Sad this is over, but I suppose it's its time :) Thanks for writing this! ^^
Chapter 8: it was really nice.you wrote it well.i enjoyed it
Chapter 8: Deabak really nice fanfic :3
kara224 #6
Chapter 8: aww sad it ended but i loved it. happy that jongkey are together and happy :)
Chapter 7: its so good.liked it
iluvbubbles_yay #8
Chapter 7: Sorry I haven't managed to get around to commenting on this sooner! But it's been a really sweet plotline, although so so sad when Key's mum died ;~; well done to him for getting through it alone though... And Onew won! congrats to him :) Jongkey are so sweet kkk I'm sad this is practically over though, it's been lovely to follow ^^
kara224 #9
Chapter 7: yay at least onew won. :)
Chapter 7: Woah wanna read the next chapter now !! <3