A Better Person And Disguting Lies

Love In The Big Brother House
It had been the longest two weeks of my life and it had been the worst. I knew I was right when I said people wouldn't care about my mum's passing away and it was only me and a quick flying visit by dad and his new girlfriend who was just a complete pain in the arse to deal with. He only laid some cheap £1 petrel station flower's down and just left,I paid my respect's to mum and made sure she got some pretty flower's to decorate her grave with.
I cried my eye's out that night and didn't really sleep at all, clearing away her bit's and taking her clothe's down to a charity shop, I knew this was what she had wanted. I could stay in the small apartment we shared as my name put on the lease. It was hard packing her stuff away and getting rid of most of it, keeping the really important bits and her personal ones. It felt so empty and quite living by my self.
I kept my promise once the funeral was done with I picked my self up and got on with life, making sure everything was ok. Of course I tuned in and watched Big Brother when I could and it really broke my hear to see Jonghyun look so down and defeated. He never smiled or hardly spoke and it felt like I was watching half my heart crumbling in front of me, I wanted to jump into the screen and kiss him and hug him, to let him know I loved him and missed him like crazy.
It was the last eviction on the Friday and I had to laugh and cheer when Sekyung got the boot. Stepping out to the roars of boo's and insult's thrown at her. The past few day's since I had been gone, she had tried so hard to win Jonghyun round and he wasn't having it and watching her trying to get into my man's pant's made my skin crawl and I felt sick. Does she not have any respect for her self at all. He interview with Amber was full of lie's and disgusting comments and made up events which never happened. Saying she slept with Jonghyun the night before in our bed and how he couldn't keep his hand's to him self.
To say I was mad was an understatement but I trusted Jonghyun and knew he wouldn't do something like this too me, not after the past few weeks of hell I had gone through alone. I had only a few day's left before I travelled back to the Big Brother house and would sit out side with the other evicted house mates as we watch them crown the winner.
I hoped Jonghyun would get it or any of the guy's who truly deserved it. Nana being the only female left was trying to use that to her advantage and make the boy's do everything for her so to see her rejected and left alone was rather funny, it was like karma had come round to bite her on the arse. I packed a small bag as I only be going for one night. I felt so excited to see Jonghyun again and hoped he had not forgotten me at all.
Through out the whole week Sekyung had done tv interviews and magazine shoot's addressing her wild night of passion with Jonghyun before she left while dressed in ty rubber knickers and bra showing everyone her horrid body, I tried hard to not let her lie's get to me or bring me down. I wasn't said or desperate like her and if Jonghyun said he was gay then why would he touch her and he had rejected her so much already.
I would be a complete idiot to believe her words and hurt Jonghyun who had been so good to me. I packed a nice outfit for Friday evening and made sure I was going to look good enough for Jonghyun. He was all I could think about and focus on, I even stayed up every night to watch the live stream of the show just to watch  my baby sleeping or sitting alone in the living room.
Many time's he had gone to the diary room, complaining of being lonely and missing me. I was only one sleep away to having him back by my side and being in his arm's again, I wasn't bothered by the the media wanting interview's about us, I just wanted him and to be alone with him once again. I had to giggle to my self when he was made to dress as a huge teddy bear for the final week's task as they all had to be giant toy's, he looked so adorable and cute.
The car pulled up at 5 pm to take me to the hotel 5 minutes away from the Big Brother house, the whole journey a complete change to my drive home a few week's ago, a small smile was painted on my bow shaped lips and the butterflies were going mad in my tummy as the familiar location came into view. The night sky shining brightly once again and I really wanted time to hurry up and fly by, the quicker I could see my man the better and the sooner he find's out about Sekyung's lies and reveals the proper truth the better.
I want to watch her burn and crumble, already a hated public figure already. I was dreading the seating part as I had to be next to her unfortunately. It was nice to see a few familiar face's at the hotel, a few said hello and asked how I was but most ignored me and carried on in there own little world. I rushed to my room and got into my jammie's quickly which was one of Jonghyun's t shirts he had given me the day I left as a sweet reminder of him.
It still held his strong mint and vanilla scent that I cherished so much. It was what had gotten me through these past few weeks. I fell asleep quickly, dreaming that tomorrow night I would be back were I belonged, in Jonghyun's arms.
I was woken by banging and my stupid alarm going off right by my ear, I looked down and switched it off seeing that it was 11 am and I leaped out of bed and jumped in the shower, taking my sweet time to get ready for later, I had a permanent smile on my face as today was the day I got my light back and I had reached the top of the deep, dark hole I fell in 2 week's ago.
I was proud to have survived this far and I felt stronger in my self and more confident. I washed my hair with my favourite shampoo, making me smell like strawberries and cream which was Jonghyun's new favourite smell thanks to me.
I must of been busy day dreaming as I had ended up using the shower for over an hour, I wrapped the fluffy towel round my waist and picked out my outfit, some white skinny jeans and a blue tank top with some graphic design painting the front, a black blazer and my black high tops.
I had re dyed my hair black so it looked darker then before and I made sure to add some extra make up to my face as I was going to be on tv which was the downside to this show. I coated my feline eyes with a thick layer of eye liner and added some lip balm to my lips. I felt my hand shake a little as time flew by, I didn't really eat in case I became sick, the nerves taking over me once again. 
I walked round the hotel lobby waiting for the time we can leave to go and get ready, to know Jonghyun wasn't that far from me now made my heart flutter wildly, I wonder what he would wear tonight, would he look even more handsome then before, of course he would, I mean even in the house he got even more gorgeous and handsome day by day.
I didn't really talk with any one else in the lobby, Joon had come over to ask how I was briefly, I could tell he was more focused and excited to see Onew again tonight, I couldn't imagine how they both felt being apart for son long and I was about not seeing Jonghyun for two weeks. The main person organizing the event came to fetch us all and we made our way to the front of the house.
The crowds had already formed and there were so many banner's, some saying Jonghyun to win and can he marry them. I had to giggle to my self if only they knew that he was mine and only mine. We had to wait for Amber to introduce us before we could walk out and take our seat.
I was second from last only with Sekyung behind me and oh my god she looked a complete state, her hair needed a good brush and I'm surprised her top could hold her 's in, like they could pop out any moment though it wouldn't surprise me, anything is possible with her.
"Good evening and welcome to the final of Big Brother 2013" Amber shouted to roars of cheers and chants'
"First of all let's meet our evicted house mates from the last few weeks" She said and one by one we walked out some got booed and I suddenly felt scared, was I going to get booed.
"Next up is Key who left just two weeks ago due to some personal issues" Amber said and that was my cue to walk out, the crowd cheered for me and I felt a little relieved I wasn't hated.
"So Key who do you want to win tonight" She asked me and I looked at for a second with a are you serious face.
"Jonghyun of course" I replied bluntly and straight to the point, my answer got the girls screaming wildly.
I walked to my seat as Sekyung came out to a loud roar of boo's and some quite nasty insulting chant's though she kind of deserved it and brought it on her self. They didn't ask her about those disguising lie's she had been spreading all week though I knew Jonghyun would get asked and he would not be happy about that at all.
I wrapped my blazer round me tighter to try keep warm as it was rather cloudy, chilly night, trust me to wear the thinnest clothing I owned. Amber continued to blabber on and on about what had happened the night before tonight's live final and the few weeks of entertainment to the viewer's watching at home. She then announced they was going to reveal the person coming in 5th place and would be leaving any minute now.
"Good evening house mate's Amber here, please do not swear on live tv" She said her usual intro that we had gotten used to over the course of time.
"I can reveal the person coming in 5th place is" The build up begins and I couldn't take my eye's of Jonghyun on the big screen. He was wearing some tight, dark blue skinny jeans and a black button up shirt, his sliver hair had been styled perfectly, fringe falling just above his large puppy eye's. He was just so dreamy and perfect and just seeing his face again made my heart catch fire from beating so fast.
"Nana" Amber called out and the crowd booed at her being called, like Sekyung she wasn't very popular I guess though who could blame them. She didn't even say good bye or wish the other's luck. Storming out the main room and up the stairs to the main doors. They opened and she walked out waving and
ignoring the hate she was getting, acting like she was some princess. 
She took photo's with the press and walked down the small cat walk to begin her interview with Amber about her time in the house. It was all very boring, she only boasted about her friendship with Sekyung and really it was so boring and I could of slept while this was happening. After 10 minutes she finished up and Amber revealed she was going to talk with the house once more to reveal who was coming in fourth place.
"Hello house mates, you are live on tv please do not swear" She repeated and once again my eye's were glued on Jonghyun, he was so angel like and perfect and I had to pinch my self a few times to make sure this was real and he was mine.
"I can reveal the house mate coming in fourth place is" I hated these long drawn out moments, can't they get on with it.
"Minho" Amber announced and everyone cheered for him, Taemin looked shocked but he knew it was only 30 minutes before then would be reunited again.
He said his goodbye's and wished everyone luck and left the building, the crowd's going wild for him and he seemed so humble and shocked at the support he was receiving. I couldn't believe my Jjong had gotten into the top three, I was so proud of him and I knew that no matter what the out come would be I love him still and still be proud of how far he came.
He still seemed a little sad in the eye's but I knew it was because of the promise we made, he might be thinking I'm not here to greet him and it was going to be a huge surprise though I doubt I could contain my self and end up throwing me self at him like some crazy love sick idiot. Minho went and gave his interview, gushing over how madly inlove with Taemin he was and it was so sweet.
His interview didn't last as long as Nana's though Minho isn't some stuck up rude y idiot. Amber spoke with the crowd some more, getting them excited to find out who is finishing in third place. My heart started to beat wildly as the remaining three popped up on the screen.
"Hello house mates, you know the drill please do not swear" Amber joked, she seemed so sick of saying that as well.
"I can announce the third place person is" Was it bad I wanted Jonghyun out so I could just cuddle him and kiss him, his lips looked so kissable as I watched him on the screen, I was practically drooling over him.
"Taemin" Amber announced and Minho looked pleased we will get to sit next to his lover.
Taemin seemed happy to finish third and hugged Onew and Jonghyun, wishing them the best of luck and ran out the house to the main door's, excited to leave and be back with Minho (though they had only been apart for 10 minutes). The crowd went mad once again and I cheered as he stood and took photo's for the media and waved at the screaming fans.
He had a huge smile plastered on his lips and he waved to Minho who blew him a kiss, causing girls to fan girl even more. He sat down with Amber for is small interview and the main subject was about his love for Minho and it was becoming a little sick to see the love pouring from them, can't they hurry up I want my Jjongiesaurous. Amber wrapped up the interview and everyone was going mad as she announced they were about to find out who had won Big Brother 2013.
"Hello house mates, don't swear or I kick your butts" Amber joked and Jonghyun and Onew laughed, Jonghyun looked so gorgeous and when he smiled I wanted to melt into a puddle of goo.
"I can announce the winner of Big Brother 2013 is" I felt my hand's getting sweaty, this was the moment I had been waiting for and I would get my Jonghyun back in my arms.
"Onew" Amber announced and some fire works went off as he was crowned the winner, Jonghyun looked a little too happy for Onew though I could understand that, they had become so close over the past few weeks.
Jonghyun had congratulated Onew before, leaving and walking op the stairs to leave the house, I got out my seat and pushed past the other house mates to reach the stairs, walking down them to hide and surprise Jonghyun once he had finished his Interview.
I saw the door's open to reveal the man in his full glory and I had to stop my self from running up there and hugging him tightly. He smiled brightly as he waved and posed for some photo's and he was certainly more handsome in person then on tv.
He sat down with Amber for his interview and I felt nervous as to what he was going to think of the lie's Sekyung had been spreading and if we still meant something to each other.
"So Jonghyun first I need to ask for your side of this story, Is it true you had wild rough with Sekyung the night before she got evicted" Amber put it out there so bluntly, and the look on his face was priceless, like he had seen a ghost or something.
"God no, I never touched her, I'm not even attracted to her" He said honestly, confusion showing in his puppy eye's.
"Oh she has been on tv and done magazine interview's expressing how amazing it was" Amber asked, wanting Jonghyun to open up more, it was her job after all.
"When was this night Sekyung, in your fantasy land in your head, the only person I would touch and even get intimate with is Key" He said out the blue and I nearly fainted on the floor when he said that. 
The interview continued for a while, I needed a few moment's to pull my self together, image's of us being intimate flooding my mind and it was not helping me stay calm right now.
"So you not won but well done for coming runner up" Amber finished up and Jonghyun smiled brightly
"I may of not won the show but I have won in my own way, I found the love of my life and that's better then any prize" Jonghyun finished his interview on that note and everyone cheered and awwed at his cuteness and once again I was blushing redder then a tomato,
Jonghyun got up and came down the stair's, I walked in front of him and his puppy eye's met mine, an electric shock went through my body at the strong gaze he had on me and we both smiled brightly and ran into each other's arm's. I finally had my man back and it was the best feeling in the world.

A/N Hello you lovely 28 subscribers :D (most I have had for any story O.O)

Hope you enjoyed this chapter and there is one left to go now >< be sad when it's over with :/

Comment and Subscribe lovelies drop me some feedback :D <3


Spam time :D 



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mzjonghyun #1
Chapter 8: love it I love it so much and its so cute
Chapter 2: This is cute XD i like it so far, but the grammar needs some tweaking here and there
iluvbubbles_yay #3
Chapter 8: Aw so sweet! I hope they stay together for ever and ever and ever ^^ Sad this is over, but I suppose it's its time :) Thanks for writing this! ^^
Chapter 8: it was really nice.you wrote it well.i enjoyed it
Chapter 8: Deabak really nice fanfic :3
kara224 #6
Chapter 8: aww sad it ended but i loved it. happy that jongkey are together and happy :)
Chapter 7: its so good.liked it
iluvbubbles_yay #8
Chapter 7: Sorry I haven't managed to get around to commenting on this sooner! But it's been a really sweet plotline, although so so sad when Key's mum died ;~; well done to him for getting through it alone though... And Onew won! congrats to him :) Jongkey are so sweet kkk I'm sad this is practically over though, it's been lovely to follow ^^
kara224 #9
Chapter 7: yay at least onew won. :)
Chapter 7: Woah wanna read the next chapter now !! <3