The Arrival And The First Meeting

Love In The Big Brother House
My hand's trembled as I walked down the stairs after entering through the doors, I had been told I was the last to enter so to say I was nervous was an understatement. I was so scared at the fact I had to share this house with 12 other people I don't even know. I wasn't the easiest to get along with and know if any girl tried to be y with me I end up wanting to rip her face off.
Then there is the fact there could be some hot men in the house and knowing my luck, I get judged and bullied for being gay. I reached the door that separated me from the rest of the other house mates, my heart beating rapidly in my chest, hand's sweaty and shaking as I twisted the handle and slowly pushed the heavy metal door open.
Every single pair of eye's where on mine and I felt so little and un easy like I wasn't welcome.
"Omg hi what's your name" Some women screamed in my face, she seemed a little too hyper for my liking.
"H..h..hello I'm Key" I bowed and held out my hand for her to shake but it wasn't a pleasant one.
"Oh I'm Sekyung" She smiled but her eye's were trained on some one else.
I went round the room and found mainly the men nicest to me and welcomed me nicely. Onew, Taemin, Minho, Joon ,Jia, Min, Hyoyeon, Sooyoung, Bora, Woohyun and Nana where all really nice people and made me feel so welcome, asking loads of questions about me. The last person I greeted came to me, a giant smile spread across some really plump, kissable lips.
Puppy eye's twinkling under the small light's of the living area. His nose was a little wonky but cute with odd shaped nostrils, his silver hair was styled perfectly and damn he smelt so good.He seemed a little shorter then I was but it seemed he was way more well built then I was. He was like my perfect dream man I have always wanted.
"Hi I'm Jonghyun, what's your name cutie" Jonghyun spoke and did he just call me cute. A deep red blush highlighted my cheeks.
"H..Hello J...Jonghyun, I'm Key" I replied and held his hand to shake it politely, sending him a small smile.
"Key that's a strange name" He asked and I could see from his eye's he didn't want to offend me.
"It's just a nick name, I'm Kim Kibum but prefer Key" I said and he smiled grew wider, he really was the nicest of them all, of course out the corner of my eye I saw Sekyung scowling as I spoke with Jonghyun, I guess she liked him a little too much already.
"Oh I like Key, you have the same last name as me" He seemed rather happy of that which made me giggle lightly.
"This is big brother, the bed room is now unlocked" The female voice echoed out across the house.
The girls screamed and rushed to get the best beds in there before anyone else could claim them. I walked in with Jonghyun and saw most of the bed's taken the last one left was a double bed and my eye's widened when I realised I could be sharing with Jonghyun.
Oh my god, I been here 20 minutes already things are happening, I really hope I can just get through this without no problems. I looked at Jonghyun who still smiled at me and walked to the double bed we were going to share.
" don't have a problem sharing, do you Key" Jonghyun asked me and blushed and nodded my head to let him know it was fine.
"I..It's ok Jjong" I whispered and his eye's widened at the nick name that spilled from my lips.
"Jjong, oh I like it, call me that from now on" Jonghyun joked and began to un pack his suitcase, I followed, carefully placing my creams on the bed side table.
"Hey Key you want to swap bed" Sekyung called and before I could get a word out to reply, Jonghyun spoke.
"No he is fine where he is thank you" Jonghyun replied with out looking up at her. She stood up and stomped out the room. I turned to see Jonghyun getting his Pyjama bottoms out and with out hesitation undressing.
My eye's nearly fell out my head when he removed his top like his body was carved by the god's them self's. So toned and those muscles where just the cherry on top, he looked so gorgeous and beautiful and I felt like a complete wimp compared to him. I just carefully began to un dress my self, wanting to go to bed as this day had dragged on and I was so tired.
I looked out and saw Taemin and Minho already looking lovey dovey with each other and it was kind of sweet. Onew and Joon where busy chatting and bonding closer while making hot drinks and the girls had sat round the living room gossiping and talking about everyone.
I looked round to see Jonghyun in his pyjama pant's but remaining completely topless, he seemed to be in some trance like state staring at me like I was some rare prized gem or some special person, feeling his gaze fixed on my back. Burning hole's, marking where he was looking.
"A..are you Ok Jjong" I whispered out as I slid my jammies on, sighing in relieve at being in something comfortable for once.
"Y..y..yeah I'm ok Kibummie" Jonghyun said and that nick name that spilled from his lips made my tummy burst with butterflies. Jonghyun blushed a little and looked down, shuffling in to bed.
I slid under the cover's to join him, feeling nervous at the fact I was sharing a bed with some gift from god, the sweetest guy I had ever met. I fiddled my thumbs a little not knowing what to really say to him but he seemed to think of something.
"So Key, tell me a little about your self" Jonghyun asked, his strong gaze staring in to my eye's.
"Well I'm 22, a fashion and art student at Seoul university, I love to dance in my spare time and well that's about it really" I mumbled, my life was rather boring.
"Aw come on Key surly there is more, what bout your love life, girl friends?" Jonghyun asked and well I felt a little un easy.
"I..I..I never dated in my life and no girl friends" I whispered out, god this was so embarrassing.
"Oh Kibummie your so sweet and innocent, bet you had a girl crush though, what about the girls here" He asked and I slowly sank lower in the bed.
" Jjong no girl crush and the girls are nice but I'm not interested in them" I said, gaze fixing any where but on him.
"Oh you just not in to dating then" Jonghyun asked and I wanted to bang my head against the wall.
" I want to date b..but I..I". I took and few deep breaths and sighed, best get this out the way with and done so he can be grossed out later. "I'm gay Jonghyun". 
"why you looking so worried for Kibummie" Jonghyun replied admittedly, My shoot up and he was smiling at me still.
"Y..your not grossed out or think I'm disgusting" I whispered out and he wrapped an arm around my shoulder, the touch sending shiver's though my body.
"I be a two faced hypocrite if I did" He replied happily. I looked at him confused and he continued.
"Like you I'm gay, I have had a girlfriend before but it didn't last past 2 weeks then I got a boyfriend and it was just so much better and I really felt more attracted to men" Jonghyun said and I smiled warmly, I would of never of guessed he was gay.
"W..what do you do then Jjong, I spoke a lot about me" I pouted and he pinched my cheek.
"Your so adorable Kibummie. I'm 23 and I go to university to study music and law, I love composing music and singing, I'm gay and currently a single Pringle ready to mingle" Jonghyun said and I chuckled at the end, he was a little cute dork.
"What made you come on here" Jonghyun asked me and I shrugged my shoulder's
"Not sure, I guess I was fed up with being a loner and wanted a friend" I said and Jonghyun pulled me into a tight hug.
"You have a friend now Kibummie, I be your first and best friend ok" Jonghyun said and I giggled and blushed against his chest, he did smell so nice.
"Thank you Jjong, it mean's a lot" I said and he ruffled my hair lightly.
"your welcome, now how about we get some sleep" Jonghyun said and I couldn't agree more.
Both of us snuggled down as the other house mates poured into the room to change, it was mainly the guys though, the girls too busy drinking wine in the living area. I smiled at Jonghyun who returned the warm smile and he squeezed me hand lightly under the blanket.
"Good night Key, sweet dreams" He cooed and my heart was beating so fast it could catch fire any moment.
"Night Jjong, sweet dreams too" I replied and I did not expect a reply.
"I will because they will be of you" He said with out hesitation , this blush will become a permanent feature soon.
We both closed our eye's and it wasn't long before I was ina deep sleep, dreaming of the man next too me who had only gone and become my best friend so quickly yet he was everything I had ever wanted, My dream man who I had been saving my self for after all this time. I smiled and snuggled down even more, excited as to what the next day will bring.
I could maybe survive this show with Jonghyun by my side and supporting me, to know we were in the same boat made me feel so much better and relaxed, to know I wouldn't be judged by everyone here. I hope he will stick by me and we can become closer, any thing is possible right?.

A/N First chapter is here >< Sorry if it's a little boring, it will get better honest XD

Wow thank you to the 6 Subscriber's already O.O hope this doesn't disappoint :/

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Spam time again XD



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mzjonghyun #1
Chapter 8: love it I love it so much and its so cute
Chapter 2: This is cute XD i like it so far, but the grammar needs some tweaking here and there
iluvbubbles_yay #3
Chapter 8: Aw so sweet! I hope they stay together for ever and ever and ever ^^ Sad this is over, but I suppose it's its time :) Thanks for writing this! ^^
Chapter 8: it was really wrote it well.i enjoyed it
Chapter 8: Deabak really nice fanfic :3
kara224 #6
Chapter 8: aww sad it ended but i loved it. happy that jongkey are together and happy :)
Chapter 7: its so good.liked it
iluvbubbles_yay #8
Chapter 7: Sorry I haven't managed to get around to commenting on this sooner! But it's been a really sweet plotline, although so so sad when Key's mum died ;~; well done to him for getting through it alone though... And Onew won! congrats to him :) Jongkey are so sweet kkk I'm sad this is practically over though, it's been lovely to follow ^^
kara224 #9
Chapter 7: yay at least onew won. :)
Chapter 7: Woah wanna read the next chapter now !! <3