When Yixing and Anna's relationship deteriorates

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For Lillybellsun | Starring EXO's Zhang Yixing | Angst and romance

authorsnote; Another oneshot for you. I made a one sentence summary through looking at your description, I hope you don't mind. If you're still applying, next time could you make your summary a little shorter and a little clearer, please? It took me quite a while to work out the oneshot ^^ By far the longest oneshot I've written, so please enjoy♥

Things were finally turning up for Lay.

At first, he had strongly opposed marrying Anna through an arranged marriage by his parents for the sake of their business, claiming that he was in love with another woman, Jungmi. But now, he was starting to see another side to Anna. A more loving side. A side worth getting to know. A side... worth to love.

It was seven months into their marriage, and Lay had confirmed that he had fallen in love with Anna over the time, eventually losing feelings for Jungmi.

He decided to break up with Jungmi and properly confess to Anna, telling her that he genuinely loved her and wanted to continue this marriage for as long as he lived.


"You can't break up with me," Jungmi said, voice shaking.

"Why not? I'm not in love with you anymore. My heart belongs to Anna, and she is the one I want to be with. I'm sorry, Jungmi, but please understand-"

"I'm pregnant."

Those two words left Lay speechless as his mouth fell open and his eyes were wide. Now what am I supposed to do?


Lay arrived home after an eventful afternoon with his now ex-girlfriend, and saw Anna approaching the front door.

"Hi, oppa," she greeted.

"Hey..." he replied. "Anna, I have something to tell you." She stopped and turned to look at him, waiting. "Over these seven months... I know I was a little rude and didn't exactly treat you that well, but now... I've come to realise that you are the one in my heart."

Anna's eyes rounded in shock, "W-What? But-"

"I know. Jungmi, right?" Lay guessed, and Anna nodded. "I broke up with her this afternoon. I told her I wasn't in love with her anymore. I told her that you are the only one in my heart, and that I want to spend the rest of my life with you," Lay sincerely confessed, looking into Anna's eyes softly.

slowly closed and her lips curled into a small smile, "I think... I love you too, Yixing oppa," she confessed.

His eyes widened, "Really? You feel the same way?" Anna nodded. Lay grinned, his dimple showing, as he walked closer to Anna, enclosing her in a tight hug. "Thank you..." he whispered.

"No, thank you," Anna said, giggling.

"There's actually one more thing I need to tell you..." Lay started, pulling away from the hug.


"Jungmi... When I broke up with her, she told me... that she was 3 months pregnant with my child. We even went to the hospital to confirm it and everything. The baby inside her has been proven to be my child..." he carefully explained, looking to Anna for a reaction.

Anna's heart froze at the news. Her hand went to her stomach and rested there, "She's... pregnant...?" Lay nodded. "With your child?" she asked and Lay nodded in confirmation.

"I understand if you want me to tell her to abort it... or-"

"No, you can't tell her that. You can't kill an innocent life like that. That would be too cruel," Anna said, holding a hand out. "You... need to take responsibility for the baby..."

"But what about you?" he asked.

"I'm not telling you to go back to her, of course not. But... you need to take responsibility for what you've done..."

Seeing that Anna's reaction was not anger, Lay let out a sigh of relief. He carefully suggested the solution he had thought of before, "Well... I was thinking... If you don't mind... That Jungmi could live with us for a while? Just so I can look out for her and the baby. As soon as she's given birth, I'll set her on her way. She's 3 months pregnant so she'll only be around for another 6 months. That's not so bad right? Then we can finally start fresh. Just you and me. Together forever." Lay took Anna's hands and held them tightly, "What do you think? Are you okay with it? I don't see a better solution than this," he added.

Anna stared into space for a moment. Live with Jungmi? When she's pregnant? And with Lay's child? For 6 months? Anna looked into Lay's hopeful eyes and didn't have the hear to reject him. Despite the pain spreading through her chest, she gave him a small nod. 


A week had passed since Jungmi had moved in with Anna and Lay.

Despite Lay's attempts to not be too intimate with Jungmi, it seemed as though she was taking the chance to show Anna who was boss.

Anna tried hard to seem like she didn't care, and told Lay that she was fine, but inside she was being suffocated by all the pain from the sight of Lay and Jungmi. On top of all of this, Anna was not feeling well these days, and often abruptly woke up in order to vomit. She felt dizzy and had a very small appetite, and Lay was getting worried.

"Are you sure you don't want me to take you to the doctors?" Lay frowned, helping Anna put on her scarf.

Anna shook her head, "It's fine. Just... make me something nice and warm to eat for when I come back, okay?" she smiled, and Lay nodded.


Anna was slowly walking back to her and Lay's house, eyes staring far ahead on the road with a dazed expression. The words she had just heard from the doctor had yet to sink in.

"Congratulations, Miss Choi, you are four weeks pregnant."

"You are four weeks pregnant."


Anna shook her head at the situation, I'm supposed to be happy about the news, but why am I feeling pain? Yixing oppa already has enough on his plate. The l

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I love your oneshots. Fighting
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Hwaiting, Author-nim~~! :D
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