
Confessing to you


Patty's POV

I slowly walked into the room feeling all strange and bubbly, it was as though something big was about to happen. Before I managed to actually take a look at the room my eyes were covered by a piece of fabric.

"Yah! oppa~ what are you doing? I can't see anything."

"..." neither of the two said a thing.

What was wrong? Were they sick? Or were they going to disappear right in front of my eyes, back into the world where i would never be able to go. This thought struck fear into my heart, were they going to leave again?

"Mi-.Thun-." their names seemed stuck in my throat, unwilling to leave my mouth. I could feel my eyes beginning to fill with water as I continued my train of thoughts. I knew i couldn't cry. i couldn't stop the two most important people in my life from achieving their dreams.

"Patty~" I frantically looked around.

The silence of the room had been dissolved by the happy cooing of Mir. I could feel the fabric gently loosening. My vision was back. It was at that moment I cried.

Mir's POV

As soon as she walked into the room I quickly signaled Cheondoong (don't tell him that i didn't use a honorific ok? *puppy eyes*) to cover her eyes so i could make the final adjustments. Everything had to be perfect. Whether she chose me or hyung, i wanted her to remember this day for the rest of her life. When i finally placed my last gift down, i gently called out to the frantic girl.


Slowly Cheondoong hyung (there i added it this time ><) lifted his hands from her pale skin. As soon as she opened her eyes... she cried. Confusion was written all over our faces. Didn't she like the present? What did we do wrong? i was too afraid to speak. So i quickly hinted Cheondoong hyung to say something, do something. Every tear she cried felt like being rejected over and over again, slowly crumpling my heart.

"Patty? What's wrong?" hyung started, "Did we make you cry?"

She nodded her head. At that moment i felt like crying with her. What had i done?

"What did we do? Patty, was it our fault? Please talk," i pleaded finally finding my voice.

She shook her head.

"Then what's wrong?" 

Slowly she wiped some of her tears away and attempted to smile.

"It's- i- i"


"I thought you guys were going to disappear and that i would be all alone when i opened my eyes. But then i see all of this," she blubbered, indicating the room.

The room was full of pictures, flowers and even a karaoke machine. The table was flourished with sweets and snacks which the two of us had made ourselves. The shelves had little candles on them, lighting the dim room. It was scene was similar to the Ferris wheel (at night) where the three of us had met. Perhaps she didn't like these things anymore. Maybe this is the toll that our time apart has taken on us.

Both hyung and I went up to her and apologised, hugging her.

"Mianhe, we're sorry for leaving you all the time,"

"Haha, it's ok," she smiled.

Sometimes i really thought she was bipolar, or that she could be an actor.

"Well, then shall we get started?" Thunder hyung exclaimed happily.

"Yay~" I sang out.


The three of us talked, ate and danced around happily, having the time of our lives. Even though it was only a simple date, but it was the most meaningful one yet. We spent ages talking about our childhood and how we were (after all we hadn't seen each other in ages). As time passed by, I had slowly forgotten my true aim, so had hyung.


"Neh oppa,"


"Why are we here? and who are those gifts for?"

Cheondoong's POV

She finally asked. We finally had to confess.

No one's POV

Mir and Thunder quickly excused themselves. They decided that the person who won one round of rock, paper, scissors, would get to confess first.

"Rock... Paper.... Scissors!" Just like that, their fates were sealed.

The duo cautiously walked back into the room where Patricia had been eating cakes happily. One of the boys went up to her and started to talk.



"How do I say this..."




sorry for not updating for such a long time D: *bows for forgiveness*

I was listening to JYJ's In Heaven album~~ so preeeeetty~~~

please excuse the typos and grammar mistakes :D

yeah i left it in a semi cliff hanger... :D

and now i shall announce the result.... *drum roll*

It was... A DRAW! sigh yeah it was actually a draw, so to compromise i shall write two endings :D

The next two chapters will be the last two, Thank you all so much for reading this chapter and i hope you liked it~~ :D

Now for my 15 subscribers~~ (yes i actually have 15 :3 )
















Thank you all and i LOVE you all :D

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naawww~ thank you :3<br />
i'll try to update... but not sure when >< sorry
the ending is soo cute!i'll be waiting for thunder's ending.update!!!
thank you~~ :3
Thats so cute!! I love it~~
ahaha~ thank you :3<br />
WNnxkoawnwbdhjqbqbnjjjjansjs THAT WAS SO CUTE!!!!!!!
ummm... you do know that the week ends tomorrow right???<br />
cant think of an ending that fast!!! i mean mir took like ages *bows* sorry<br />
and glad you liked it :3
That. Was. So. Amazing. <br />
*starts blubbering*<br />
It was so sweet and romantic and heartbreaking and beautiful and touching all at the same time and you even researched the flowers and added Mir's face and wrote one of your longest ToT<br />
*anime tears gushing down face*<br />
I felt so bad for Thunder but still happy for Patty (but poor Thunder *sob sob sob*). Mir is so cute! Lololol he even talks fast like a rapper eh? Flowers....*breathes in imaginary scent*<br />
End bit made me blush >///< <br />
G-G-G-Girlfriend....<br />
<3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3<br />
And the end gif is really cute! But then again Mirder is always cute...<br />
YAY 14 subbies!!! You will defs get more after this chapter!!!<br />
Please update Thunder's part before next week ends >o<<br />
(GOSH MIR'S POUT FACE >w<)<br />
Waaaaaa *cries* ohh it's ok I understand...I know you will think of something good for the end I just know!