Mir's ending

Confessing to you

Chapter song~ http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Wcq3FqInR-k




^ I was bored :3

Mir’s POV



“You?” she urged me to continue.

“Wouldyougooutwithme?” I slurred out in one go.

“Ahaha, aigoo oppa do you even need to ask? Sure!” I was seriously on the verge of flying off to the moon before I realized that would mean leaving Patty… oh well I’ll take her with me! Badump badump. It was amazing how a sentence, phrase or even a word from this girl could make my heart beat like so. I have well and truly fallen for you. My heartbeat was rapidly increasing, if she came any closer I swear she would’ve been able to hear it.


“So… where are we going?” she interrupted, breaking my chain of thoughts.

“?” I stared at her blankly.

“Didn’t you say you wanted to go somewhere?” Wait… what?  That was when I realized… she misunderstood me! Aish! I hit my head in frustration. How many more times would she misunderstand my feelings? Did she perhaps have no feelings for me?

I could hear a sly snicker from the background. Cheondoong hyung looked at me pitifully. I had almost forgotten about him (hmph… that what you get hyung!)

“Yah oppa!” Patty waved her hand in front of my face, trying to get my attention.

I swiftly walked over to hyung who was casually third wheeling.

“Patty wait a second!” I dragged hyung outside with me.


“Neh hyung,”


“We’ve rented this whole place out right?”

He nodded.

“Then… could you help me with something?” I felt a pang of guilt hit me. I knew he like Patty too, yet I was asking for his help? Aish, Mir you pabo!

“Actually hyu-”

“So what do you want me to do?” he smiled patting my head.

“Oh right, umm…” I began to tell him my plan, still partially in shock.

Before leaving to do what I had asked, he turned back around to face me.


“Ne-neh hyung?”I stuttered.

“Aigoo, must you be like this around me? If I didn’t know better I would think you had a crush on me.”

“Yah! Hyung,”

“Ok, ok I’ll stop teasing the maknae. But seriously don’t worry about me ok?”

“Gomawah  hyung.” I whispered as he was about to leave.

“Kekeke~ Good luck,” he said, “and congratulations.” he whispered as he finally left.


Patty’s POV


I sat there in the room waiting for almost half an hour now. The room was seriously pretty. I decided to grab my phone out to take a few pictures. But even the pictures couldn’t describe how much this place meant to me. It was as though the two older men had prepared it especially for me, but of course that wasn’t it right? I mean it’s something one would do to for their… girlfriend.


I closed my eyes as I sat back onto the soft couch. Sigh, I wonder if he thinks about me the same way I think about him? Sometimes I didn’t know if he liked me or not. I mean it was hard to tell especially if you had two guys fawning over you. Maybe that’s just how they were? Every time they, especially when he, said “I love you” I always ignored the rapid beating of my heart. They were just being nice, they didn’t really mean it. I sighed again at the slightly depressing thought.

“Patty, stop sighing you’re going to get older.”

“…” I ignored the distinct octopus voice which came into the room.

“Aigoo~ are you angry at me now?”

I turned away, teasing him.

“ok, ok Mianhe, forgive mwe?” he said in a cute baby voice with an adorable puppy look.

I laughed.


“Anyway, know that you’re happy again I need to take you somewhere.”

“Bu-but what about Mieru oppa?”

“You’ll see,”

He lifted my up and began pulling me to the door which he had left open.  He suddenly stopped.



“Don’t lie to me, you like Mir right?”

“Eh-ehh?” I began to sweat furiously. How did he know? It’s impossible!

“You love Mir.”

I began to blush furiously and simply nodded. He had a smile which seemed slightly pained for some reason.

“Good, now go and follow the path and you’ll find him.” He gently whispered.

 Path? I looked out the door and saw a long path of flowers along the floor. So off I went, I began to follow the road leading me to him.


Thunder’s POV


When she nodded I could only smile, hoping that my heartbroken expression wouldn’t seep through the smile I had plastered on my face. I knew that she loved him, I tried but I guess their love was too strong.

“Good, now go and follow the path and you’ll find him.” I whispered to the red girl.


She happily left. I sighed as I saw her back going further and further away from me. I had just sent off the love of my life. I left the building with a smile across my face. It was a genuine smile, I mean after all two of my best friends had found love and happiness. (A/N: ahaha… sorry for the slightly angsty part?)



Patty’s POV


I followed Thunder oppa’s instructions and followed the path laid out with flowers. The flowers were sweet pink ones, they looked beautiful. I decided it would be a pity to leave them on the floor so I began to pick them up. As I paced along the flower path, the colours began to change as did the flowers. It went from the initial pink, to a gentle violet blue colour, a pale white soon followed.


I felt the road ending as the flowers were slowly becoming closer and closer together. Perhaps that meant I was becoming closer to him. Or maybe oppa forgot the distance of the path I would take so he had to put them closer to each other near the end? Haha, that sounds like something he would do. I happily danced along the path and came towards the last white flower. But there was one problem… where was he?


Mir’s POV


I could hear her humming “one better day” as she came prancing along the path I had diligently laid out. I bet she didn’t know how hard it was for me to choose the flowers. I even did a bit of research for her. Even I couldn’t believe myself, I had always hated studying (thus the reason I was rank 17 out of a school with 18 students), but for her I was willing to research. 

I felt so embarrassed when I bought the flowers.


*Flash back*

“Ahjumma, I would like these please.” I opened my wallet preparing to pay.

The ahjumma had a bright grin spread across her face.

“In love I see, good luck.” She said slyly.

“Eh-eh? Ho-how do you know?”

“Aigoo~ it’s all written over your face.”

I felt my face which was burning red. Yep it was burning. I quickly thanked her and ran out of the store with the flowers in my hands.


I snapped out of my thought when I heard her melodic humming stop. She was so close to me I swear she could’ve heard my heartbeat. I took a small step out of the niche I was hiding in.


She swiftly turned around. To my astonishment she was holding a bouquet of flowers. She smiled as she looked at what I was holding in my hands. It was a bouquet of red roses. I handed them to her

“Patty I know this may sound weird but I have something to tell you. While I’m saying it please don’t interrupt me, I’m scared that I might not have the guts to continue if you do,” I looked at her and she nodded.

“Ok,” I took a deep breath, “Ever since I first met you I have always had something to say. Truthfully I have said it so so so many times but you never seem to understand why I say such things. Every time I say “Yeobo” or “Jagiya” it’s because I really love you. You know when you said that you would “go out with me” I was so happy, but… but… then I realized that you… don’t think of me that way.” I could feel my voice straining as I muttered out the last part. I had told her my feelings and I guess now I was about to face rejection. I mean I had told her straight forwardly but she misunderstood so I can only say, she doesn’t like me that way.


“Neh oppa.”

I kept my eyes on my feet to embarrassed, too scared to face her.

“Yah!” she grabbed my face and dropped all the flowers which were once in her embrace. I bent down preparing to gather them.

“Would you please listen to me?” I looked up to see her blushing.

“Oh… ok,” I stood up straight and looked at her.

She didn’t say anything, maybe she was thinking about how to reject me?

“Patty if you’re going to reject me just say so, it doesn’t matter. I’ll always move o-”


Patty’s POV


I was about to tell him that I loved him when he suddenly started a rant. I tried to interrupt him but seriously he talks so fast, maybe that’s why he’s a rapper? So instead of trying to interrupt him I made him stop myself. Yep, I kissed him. It was a short peck but thankfully he shut up (no offence oppa).

“Mieru oppa, I wanted to say… I love you too.”

He smiled and began to hug me tightly. As much as I was enjoying it… I couldn’t breathe.

“Ah-ah o..oppa, i.. I can’t breathe.”

“Oh! Mianhe,” he said shyly as he let go of me.


“So-so ar-are we… together then?” he stuttered.

“Yup! And oppa must you talk like that? I’m not scary am I?”

“…” he was thinking?

“Yah!” I hit him lightly.

“Ok ok, I was joking… but you can be pretty scary sometimes,” after saying that he quickly ran off. I laughed but I was still slightly angry, so I picked up the flowers and began to chase after him.


Mir’s POV


 I was running backwards while watching my girlfriend chase me. Yup my girlfriend~! I finally stopped and prepared for a scolding. Sometimes I didn’t know if I was older or if she was. I should call he noona instead. She ran up towards me, I was fully prepared to be hit but instead she turned around and headed out down the stair. She was angry at me…


I raced down the stairs after moments of blanking out. I grabbed her hand and pulled her into my embrace.

“Patty, I’m sorry. I love you.”

She stuck her tongue out at me and skipped out of my arms, yelling “I know you do~” 

for those who are interested, here are the flowers and their meanings:

The first flower was a pink camellia; it means “longing for you”.

The next one was an agapanthus; it represented secret love.

The last one was a lily of the valley. It means “you make my life complete”.

The red roses~ meaning "I love You~"

ja-jang~ that was Mir's ending~~ i hope it was ok :3

hopefully it was worth the  wait >< im sorry if it wasnt but it's seriously hard to think of a way to end a fanfic *bows* sorry

I'm sad to say that i have lost quite a few subscribers but gained some too~

My love goes out to 14 dearies~:














and Daydream~

Thank you to all those people who have stuck with me til the semi(?) end <3 sarahaeyo~~

Hope you comment and subscribe and if you want (please do) give me ideas as to how you would like Thunder's ending to be :3

Once again thank you~ and thank you for waiting :D

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naawww~ thank you :3<br />
i'll try to update... but not sure when >< sorry
the ending is soo cute!i'll be waiting for thunder's ending.update!!!
thank you~~ :3
Thats so cute!! I love it~~
ahaha~ thank you :3<br />
WNnxkoawnwbdhjqbqbnjjjjansjs THAT WAS SO CUTE!!!!!!!
ummm... you do know that the week ends tomorrow right???<br />
cant think of an ending that fast!!! i mean mir took like ages *bows* sorry<br />
and glad you liked it :3
That. Was. So. Amazing. <br />
*starts blubbering*<br />
It was so sweet and romantic and heartbreaking and beautiful and touching all at the same time and you even researched the flowers and added Mir's face and wrote one of your longest ToT<br />
*anime tears gushing down face*<br />
I felt so bad for Thunder but still happy for Patty (but poor Thunder *sob sob sob*). Mir is so cute! Lololol he even talks fast like a rapper eh? Flowers....*breathes in imaginary scent*<br />
End bit made me blush >///< <br />
G-G-G-Girlfriend....<br />
<3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3<br />
And the end gif is really cute! But then again Mirder is always cute...<br />
YAY 14 subbies!!! You will defs get more after this chapter!!!<br />
Please update Thunder's part before next week ends >o<<br />
(GOSH MIR'S POUT FACE >w<)<br />
Waaaaaa *cries* ohh it's ok I understand...I know you will think of something good for the end I just know!