Find me

Confessing to you

Song for this chapter~

Cheondoong’s POV

Aigoo, I took so long lining up I wonder if Patty is angry at me. I quickly walked back to the bench, trying to balance all the food I had bought. But when I got there, no one was there. She had left…

“Patty?” silence replied to me. Putting to food down, I sat on the bench. It was still warm.

“I guess she didn’t want to wait for me,” I said aloud as I sighed.

“Let’s go. Everybody on the left, everybody on the right…”A familiar tune called out for me from underneath the bench. I peered down and saw a pink flip phone. As our song kept on playing, I was pondering over whether I should pick it up or not.


“Bฺaby say yeah yeah yeah yes. Don’t say no no n-”


“Ah, excuse me who is this?”said a very familiar voice.

“Is this your phone?”


“Where can I meet you?”

 “BEEP BEEP BEEP…” she hung up on me.


No one’s POV

As Cheondoong put the mobile beside him another, he began to think about the voice he heard over the phone. It was high pitched and slightly muffled.

“You have a message, you have a message,” he picked up the phone for the second time and hesitantly opened it.

It read:

From: Unknown number


Thank you so much for finding my phone!

Sorry for hanging up, the line got disconnected. D: Mianhe…

Could you please find me and give me my phone?

Kekeke~ Gomawah oppa~


See you soon! :3

 Received: 1:20pm


Cheondoong’s POV

As I read  the text message, a smirk spread across my face. Not only had I picked up a familiar looking phone, but I had received a very amusing message.  Pabo, as if I wouldn’t know her voice, I was almost certain that it was her. I suddenly felt my pocket vibrate; it was my phone this time.

From: Bang Cheolyong


Do you know where Patty is?  Tell me if you find her arasso?

Bet you won’t find her though!

Received: 1:22pm

It was at that moment I confirmed my suspicions. Mir that pabo had put her up to one of his idiotic plans again. Just you wait Mir, I find her and make her mine. I smiled as I handed my unneeded food to a random couple and set off. I’m going to find you.


Patricia’s POV

Omo, this is so much fun! I can’t believe Mieru oppa was smart enough to think of something like this! I should become an actor; I tricked Cheondoong oppa so easily! Poor Doongie oppa, I bet he still thinks that I left him because I was angry.

“Patty~” Mir oppa came walking towards me, beaming.

“Neh oppa?”

“I just texted hyung, let’s go onto step three of our plan.”

“Let’s go!”


Simply_u here! I finally  upadated even though it is so short (sorry)!!! YAY!

i am really sorry for always taking so long updating... to make up for it I'll update twice this week :D

I am SUPER sad right now D: MBLAQ, Beast and other kpop groups are coming to Australia... BUT i cant go D: *dies*

Anyway, I hope you like the update and I have reached 8 suscribers :D

Many thanks to: KoreanGal5, SooYunnie_96, Rubyandsapphire4eva, bunnygirl67, mangotaengoo, DLovesMBLAQ, krysaME and last but not least Daydream!

I am probably going to end this in around 5-10 chapters i think?

So please comment on who you think "Patty" should end up with! I'll put up a poll as i get closer to the end (Currently have one for Mir and one for Both... (glares at Daydream). Might do alternative endings i think?

Comment and Subscribe :D

PS. I kinda had to add this it was too cute for words

Thunder and his cute kitty Dadoong!!!

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naawww~ thank you :3<br />
i'll try to update... but not sure when >< sorry
the ending is soo cute!i'll be waiting for thunder's ending.update!!!
thank you~~ :3
Thats so cute!! I love it~~
ahaha~ thank you :3<br />
WNnxkoawnwbdhjqbqbnjjjjansjs THAT WAS SO CUTE!!!!!!!
ummm... you do know that the week ends tomorrow right???<br />
cant think of an ending that fast!!! i mean mir took like ages *bows* sorry<br />
and glad you liked it :3
That. Was. So. Amazing. <br />
*starts blubbering*<br />
It was so sweet and romantic and heartbreaking and beautiful and touching all at the same time and you even researched the flowers and added Mir's face and wrote one of your longest ToT<br />
*anime tears gushing down face*<br />
I felt so bad for Thunder but still happy for Patty (but poor Thunder *sob sob sob*). Mir is so cute! Lololol he even talks fast like a rapper eh? Flowers....*breathes in imaginary scent*<br />
End bit made me blush >///< <br />
G-G-G-Girlfriend....<br />
<3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3<br />
And the end gif is really cute! But then again Mirder is always cute...<br />
YAY 14 subbies!!! You will defs get more after this chapter!!!<br />
Please update Thunder's part before next week ends >o<<br />
(GOSH MIR'S POUT FACE >w<)<br />
Waaaaaa *cries* ohh it's ok I understand...I know you will think of something good for the end I just know!