Here I go

Confessing to you

Songs for this chapter~

Cheondoong’s POV

I looked at my handsome reflection for the last time. I’m going to tell her today… I think? Aish how was I going to tell her this time? I had tried almost every method in the book, from buying small gifts with handwritten letters, to kissing her on the cheek after saying “saranghae”! Aigoo, ottoke? I started pacing in circles, hitting my face.

“Umm… hyung?”

“What!” I snapped back at the owner of the voice. Mir immediately shut up, making guilt hit me like an arrow. I turned away from the mirror and face him. He actually looked really good… jealousy was getting to me again. Stupid Sanghyun!


“Is it because of Patricia?”

“Neh…” Mir knew that I liked her, and I knew that he did too. I mean who wouldn’t? She was like an angel in every way, an extremely oblivious angel. Sometimes even I was amazed at how easily she misunderstands my confessions. It was either that or she really liked to tease me… a lot! Oh well, I guess that’s what makes confessing to her so fun, like one of the arcade claw games.


“Today is our last day with her before we leave again, we have to tell her.” Mir claimed doing a small fist pumping motion. I was slightly amazed at Mir’s conviction.

“Neh! Cheolyong, Sanghyun! Hwaiting!” I exclaimed. Mir smiled as he left the room, beginning to make his own preparations for the day. Today… my last day with her, I had to tell her properly. I began to hit my head when suddenly a light bulb lit in my mind *ding*. I reached for my phone and began to dial a very familiar number.




Mir’s POV


I left Doongie, I mean hyung’s room after cheering him on, and myself while I was at it. I had to tell her that I well and truly liked her. Every time I told her “saranghae” she would say it to me… and Cheondoong hyung. I can’t believe I fell for her! My standards had always been high. The girl must be pretty, good looking and praise worthy… so basically hot.


But the thing is she looks pretty average, yet somehow she could make me fall so hard for her. The worst part is I don’t even know if she likes me or not! For some reason whenever I think about her my confidence is replaced with an endless amount of worries. I remember thoughts like this were what led me to finding out that hyung was my rival.


~Two months earlier~

“Mir?” I turned around to face the visual maknae.

“Neh hyung?”

“What’s wrong?”

“Umm… I think I like someone, but I don’t know if she like me.”

“Jinjah? I’m glad I’m not the only one facing love problems!”

“Eh, hyung who do you like?”

“W-what? Why are you asking me?”

“Because you said that you like someone too!” I beamed, chuckling at his flustered face.

“You first,”

“No, you’re older,”

“Yah! I asked first!” he retorted.

“Fine, then we say it together at the count of three,”

“One… two… THREE!”

“Patricia!”We both blurted out. We looked at each other for a moment before laughing.


I smiled at the memory and the many awkwardly funny moments we had because we liked the same unaware girl. I reached for my phone and rang a number.



“Ah Mieru oppa! What’s wrong?” kyaa! She called me oppa so affectionately! I began to act like a little girl.

“umm… well,”

“Aigoo, just tell me!” Aish, she was straightforward like she normally was.

“I’m coming over!”

“Ok?” I hung up and began to laugh at her confused tone. I wonder how she felt when I called. Maybe her heart skipped a beat like mine? I smiled and left the room without telling Cheondoong hyung. Kehehe~ Mianhe hyung, first come first serve.


I happily ran down the stairs (I completely forgot about elevator) and headed towards the florist nearby. I should be safe, right? My face was covered with a mask after all. That was what I thought before I entered the store and the young shop assistant squealed.

“Kyaa~ omo, omo, it’s Mir oppa!” she screamed. I was shocked as she hooked herself onto my unsuspecting arms. This was awkward…


“Neh oppa?” she looked up to me as she began to flutter her eyelashes.

“Could you please remove your arm, noona?” I stated rather rudely whilst looking at my arm which she had taken captive during my shock. She was taken aback for a brief moment. She sheepishly released my arm.


I began to look at the flowers unsure which ones to buy. Maybe I should just give her myself? I am a flower boy… kehehe. The roses were a typical choice, but they didn’t suit the angel that was receiving them. I continued looking at them one by one, determined to find the perfect one.


Cheondoong’s POV


I laughed as hung up the phone. I had made all the arrangement for today, now all I needed to do was call Patty! I began to dial her number which I had unknowingly memorized.



“Sanghyun hyung, what’s wrong?”

“Can I come over?”

“Umm… but”

“Awww~ you won’t let your handsome oppa go to your house? Or do I need to kidnap you?” I commented in a light tone.

“Aish oppa~! I was just saying that Mir oppa was coming too!” Mir? Aish that sneaky kid!

“Ok, then I’m going over now, ok?”

“Ok, see you soon.” She hung up after I said bye. I smiled at her calling me oppa happily, as I ran frantically into the elevator.

“Aish love sick kid!” I heard the man beside me mutter. Lovesick? I guess I was and it was all because of her.


When I reach the last floor I saw my noona, more like a walking bear. She was holding the cutest and fluffiest teddy bear I had seen ever! I ran towards my noona and took the bear from her hands.

“Yah Doongie look at the things I have to do for you!”

“Gomahwah noona! Saranghae!”

“Aish, save the lovely confessions for your girlfriend or my soon to be sister in law,” she teased. I buried my face into the huge bear into my hands to hide my red face.

“NOONA~, don’t tease me!” My sister just laughed and departed after Park Bom noona called.

“Good luck Doongie~”


I started to hug the giant teddy bear as I prayed that soon Patricia would be the one in my arms, not the bear. My thoughts of bliss were interrupted by a very familiar tune, my ring tone! I clumsily reached for my phone in my pocket and answered the unknown caller.


“Park Sanghyun-ssi?”

“Neh, who is this?”

“This is the Starry studios, your CD is ready.”

“Jinjah? Gomahwah! I’ll come get it right away!”


 I instantly hailed a taxi.

“Where to sir?” the monotone driver asked.

“Starry studios please,” the engine of the car began to roar, as though it was joining me in my excitement. The roads flashed by until the car finally came to a stop. I had arrived. I paid the driver who left as soon as the money touched his clammy hands. Aish, didn’t he know that I was the cutest member of MBLAQ? Maybe it was because I was wearing a mask?


I walked into the recording studio only to hear the staff scream my name. How did they recognize me? I was wearing a mask. Sigh, if only I could make Patty swoon over me like all my fans did. I smiled and thanked them for the disc which they reluctantly let go of. The staff laughed at my exit, I was an idol dancing out of the studio humming a random song. I still had one last thing to do before my gift was complete. Just wait for me; I’ll be there soon Yeobo.


~After story~

Me: weeeeee~ aren’t you proud of me I wrote over 1000 word... please excuse my grammar and spelling mistakes :D

Thunder: Uhhh… yeah now write more, I need more time with my wifey

Mir: Pali Pali!

Me: but but….

Both of them: Write! Now! I want to see who Patty chooses… Does she choose me?

*puppy eyes*

Me: Umm… *runs*

*Mir chases me and Thunder starts posing*

Thunder: Anyway remember to comment and subscribe :D

*Runs off to help Mir*


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naawww~ thank you :3<br />
i'll try to update... but not sure when >< sorry
the ending is soo cute!i'll be waiting for thunder's ending.update!!!
thank you~~ :3
Thats so cute!! I love it~~
ahaha~ thank you :3<br />
WNnxkoawnwbdhjqbqbnjjjjansjs THAT WAS SO CUTE!!!!!!!
ummm... you do know that the week ends tomorrow right???<br />
cant think of an ending that fast!!! i mean mir took like ages *bows* sorry<br />
and glad you liked it :3
That. Was. So. Amazing. <br />
*starts blubbering*<br />
It was so sweet and romantic and heartbreaking and beautiful and touching all at the same time and you even researched the flowers and added Mir's face and wrote one of your longest ToT<br />
*anime tears gushing down face*<br />
I felt so bad for Thunder but still happy for Patty (but poor Thunder *sob sob sob*). Mir is so cute! Lololol he even talks fast like a rapper eh? Flowers....*breathes in imaginary scent*<br />
End bit made me blush >///< <br />
G-G-G-Girlfriend....<br />
<3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3<br />
And the end gif is really cute! But then again Mirder is always cute...<br />
YAY 14 subbies!!! You will defs get more after this chapter!!!<br />
Please update Thunder's part before next week ends >o<<br />
(GOSH MIR'S POUT FACE >w<)<br />
Waaaaaa *cries* ohh it's ok I understand...I know you will think of something good for the end I just know!