
Confessing to you

WARNING!! be prepared for immense corniness, lameness and any other word which comes to mind when you read this :D


Cheondoong’s POV


Aigoo, why do I have such troublesome friends? After receiving the second text message from the “unknown” person (i.e. Patricia), I began to figure out what this whole thing was about. They were sending me on a wild goose chase. This was undoubtedly Mir’s evil plan so he could spend more time with Patty. I looked at the clue on my phone again.


From: Unknown number

Where are you?

Hurry up and find me

Everyone says hi

Ready or not?

Embarrassed I am

Sent 1:47pm


Ok… I knew that Patty liked making riddles up, but the clue doesn’t even make sense! Ottoke? Mir’s going to end up spending the day with-

“You have a new message, you-“

I quickly opened the new message in hope of a proper clue.


From: Unknown number

Well stop sitting around!

Everywhere you go closer you are.

Sent 1: 55 pm

I felt confusion and frustration mingle inside me as I read the newest clue


From: Unknown number

Neh, oppa don’t tell Mieru oppa, but it’s Patty :D

Come and find me~ this isn’t a part of the clues btw!

Sent 1:56pm

This new message brought a smile to my face. I promptly stood up and began to walk around aimlessly. I looked at the messages again only to hear my message tone. When could I hear her voice?


From: Unknown number

Forever with you

I can’t wait

Really come already

Stupid oppa

This is me being lazy :3

Sent 1:58pm



Aigoo this girl is so impatient and stupid oppa? At least the clues are making more sense now… not even one bit! I threw my hands up in frustration and pouted. People looked at me as though I was crazy. I had been smiling, sighing, yelling, texting, walking and daydreaming in the last few minutes. It was all because of Patricia… again.


Patricia’s POV


Kehehe~ I sent the new message to Doongie oppa, hopefully he gets the clues… Aigoo, ottoke? I began to ponder about the next clue, when suddenly I felt a pair of soft hands touch my shoulders.

“Patty~” I turned around to face a familiar looking stranger. I began to laugh at the amusing sight, completely forgetting about my poor lost oppa.

“Omo! This is daebak!” The person smiled shyly at me, playing with her braids and trying to pull down the dress. How could they be so nice like this? I kept on fan-girling until I was interrupted by the flustered person before me.

“Have you sent the last message?”

“I almost forgot,” I quickly reached for my phone and began to type.


To: Park Sanghyun

Meet me here, choose one

Every line has a meaning

Time is passing, wheel is pausing

From: Unknown number


Cheondoong’s POV


As soon as I received the new message I knew where to go. Trust Patty to think of clues like that, too much anime (guess the anime reference :D) for her. Off I was again with a clear destination, to the place “Where we first met”. Wait for me Patty, I’m coming.


I finally arrived at the final place, the Ferris wheel. This was where we first met, Patty and I. Oh and when I first met Mir too of course. It had been so long since I last came here, the last time being almost a year ago. As I slowly approached the dancing wheel, memories flooded my mind. This, was where we first met…


No one’s POV



A young lost boy sat at the bench near the Ferris wheel, crying. He was lost, alone and hungry. He felt as though he would die at any moment.

“Annyeong,” he looked up at the source of the voice.

“Leave me alone…” he turned to the other side of the chair trying to make a point.

“Why are you crying?”

“Leave me alone,”

“Are you lost?”

“Go away! I don’t know you,” The girl sighed and turned to face another boy.

“Oppa, ottoke?”

“Hmm… I know lets all play together!”The second boy smiled content with his new idea. He reached out to the girl and the crying boy. In return the boy just glared at him.


“How about we just go and eat something?”The boy tried for a second time.

“I’m not-” his comment was interrupted by the distinct growl of his stomach. The three of them stared at each other and began to laugh.

“Let’s go! I’ll just go tell mummy and I’ll get her to tell your mum too!” the happy girl said as she grasped the hands of the two other people.


“WAIT! I don’t know who you are,”

“Oh right! Annyeong, I’m Patricia. Just call me Patty,”

“I’m Bang Cheolyong, but I prefer Mir,” the silent boy just stood there and nodded, wiping his forgotten tears away.




“You are…”

“ParkSanghyunoryoucancallmecheondoongorthunder,” he exclaimed in a single breath.


They went on many rides, played many games and grew closer and closer.  Finally, their parents,who had become fast friends,  said that they could go on one last ride before leaving.

“Oppa, let’s all go on one last ride!” Patricia ran to the place they had first met, the Ferris wheel. The trio entered the carriage and looked out the windows. They could see everything.

“So pretty~”

“Neh!” the two boys said.

“When I grow up, I wanna come here with my boyfriend. It’s so pretty” she looked at the two boys who had a small blush powdered across their faces.

“Patty let’s come here together,” Both Thunder and Mir said at the same time.

“Yah! Stop copying me,”

“No I said it first!”

“Aniyo, I’m the hyung, you should respect me!”

“but I’m younger~”

“Oppa, stop fighting! I’ll come here with both of you guys, I’ll be both of your girlfriends. Neh?”

“Ok! We’ll share Patty!” The ecstatic duo smiled and gently kissed her cheek.  


*End of flashback*

AHHHHHH!!! *cringing in pain*
SORRY FOR THE HORRIBLE UPDATE D: MIANHE!! i understand that the overall thing is kinda lame but i'm suffering from a writer's block and I am planning to end the fic in 5-7 chapters!!

it is currently 12:35am(don't be too harsh please>< i was literally half awake at the time i wrote this)!!! yay and mum is telling me to get off already! i cant believe im doing this on a school day ><

Remember to do the poll to decide the future of the fanfic~(insert dramatic music)

And other than that currently Mir is on two votes and Both is on two votes!! poor thunder ><

Hope that deep down under my horrible and rushed writing you enjoyed this chapter!

Thank you so much to my sweet, kind and awesome subscribers who are actually willing to read this fanfic of mine 10 now~~!!

Sunshine704, iknowitsourdestiny, KoreanGal5, Sooyunnie_96, Rubyandsapphire4eva, bunnygirl67, mangotaengoo, DLovesMBLAQ, krysaME and my dear evil friend (the one who made me write the fic) Daydream!

Waaahh~ i love typing out all the usernames :3

Comment and subscribe, especially if you have any ideas or simply just to be nice...


P.S. i am currently addicted to a new song!!! *insert squealing*

BANG YONG GOOK (방용국) - I Remember (with YANG YO SEOP)



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naawww~ thank you :3<br />
i'll try to update... but not sure when >< sorry
the ending is soo cute!i'll be waiting for thunder's ending.update!!!
thank you~~ :3
Thats so cute!! I love it~~
ahaha~ thank you :3<br />
WNnxkoawnwbdhjqbqbnjjjjansjs THAT WAS SO CUTE!!!!!!!
ummm... you do know that the week ends tomorrow right???<br />
cant think of an ending that fast!!! i mean mir took like ages *bows* sorry<br />
and glad you liked it :3
That. Was. So. Amazing. <br />
*starts blubbering*<br />
It was so sweet and romantic and heartbreaking and beautiful and touching all at the same time and you even researched the flowers and added Mir's face and wrote one of your longest ToT<br />
*anime tears gushing down face*<br />
I felt so bad for Thunder but still happy for Patty (but poor Thunder *sob sob sob*). Mir is so cute! Lololol he even talks fast like a rapper eh? Flowers....*breathes in imaginary scent*<br />
End bit made me blush >///< <br />
G-G-G-Girlfriend....<br />
<3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3<br />
And the end gif is really cute! But then again Mirder is always cute...<br />
YAY 14 subbies!!! You will defs get more after this chapter!!!<br />
Please update Thunder's part before next week ends >o<<br />
(GOSH MIR'S POUT FACE >w<)<br />
Waaaaaa *cries* ohh it's ok I understand...I know you will think of something good for the end I just know!