Chapter 8

When Worlds Collide

Chapter 8

"Next time you ruin my date I will murder you" Kyuhyun informed as he walked with Yesung back along the path to the car park, the place nearly entirely deserted, being so brave as to hold his hand now, Yesung not impeding him at all, instead grasping his fingers tightly, warm small fingers wrapped around his.

"Shouldn't it be 'our'?" Yesung questioned with a smile, teasing intention more than true offence.

 He knew what Kyuhyun meant, and was just determined to mess with him, his shoulder leaning against his arm and if he was just a little bit more brave he would have allowed himself to lean his head against his shoulder, feeling a little sleepy. And now that the area was so devoid of life, he was much more relaxed, the good feeling from the evening spent with his dongsaengs making him happy and light, smiling at everything, especially the heat and scent of the man at his side.

"You still ruined it" Kyuhyun pointed out, but there was no malice involved nor any true displeasure.

By then it was clear that he was just complaining for the sake of it, something to be kept on record. Whilst it was still true that he was displeased that his planned 'date' did not work how the way he had hoped, he found the alternative to be fairly enjoyable, so he really had no real ill feeling.

"It wasn't ruined. I saw you talking to Kris. You made new friends" Yesung said, looking upwards to give Kyuhyun a smug look, making it clear that he wasn't buying Kyuhyun's complaints at all.

He was sure Kyuhyun was not happy that their very scarce time alone together was lost, but Kyuhyun would be lying if he said that he didn't enjoy spending time with their dongsaengs. He genuinely liked telling his stories and boasting a bit to a very captive audience, and if all that whispering he did with Kris was any indication, he had warmed up the younger man considerably. Yesung was therefore not inclined to give his credence any complaints whatsoever.

"What friends?" Kyuhyun scoffed in a disbelieving countenance, twisting his expression to show that he didn't accept such an allegation at all.

 Even if it probably had a grain of truth to it, he was not willing to admit to Yesung. It was probably pointless since Yesung just chuckled, clearly not believing him, just brushing his head against his arm a little, the sound warm and sweet, Kyuhyun only sorry he couldn't just kiss his forehead.

"Are you going to tell me what you guys were whispering about?" Yesung asked for a few seconds, when his chuckles, looking up at Kyuhyun with curious eyes.

 The pace  was exceptionally slow by then, just an easy stroll, in a way exactly what Kyuhyun wanted earlier. Yesung comfortable enough now and just fitting into usual conversation. He wasn't particularly interested in what Kyuhyun and Kris were talking about but now that he mentioned them he remembered to ask , wondering if Kyuhyun would tell him now.

"Nothing special. Just something I had to clear up with him." Kyuhyun informed easily, wondering if he should wrap Yesung's arm around his arm or if he would resist such an action.

If he did it that way they would be closer to each other and Yesung could finally lean against him properly rather than the teasing brushing he was doing, touching him but catching himself quick enough to still be wary of being seen, not thinking much of the question.

He never intended to hide anything from him.

He was just teasing him before and was of the opinion that it was always better to just Yesung what he wanted. He was not being truthful however and that was something that he accepted. He couldn't tell Yesung that Kris had an idea what was going on between them since he was pretty sure Yesung would freak out and murder him, especially if he found out that Kris made the connection from the training room incident.

Yesung was worried enough then and he wasn't going to make things more troublesome for him. Yesung was nearly paranoid as it was and if he found out that Kris had an inclination he would only get more concerned.

 Kyuhyun knew he shouldn't keep secrets from Yesung, but he believed what he said to Kris.

It was alright to protect the people that you loved and he loved Yesung too much to make him worry needlessly, especially since Kris was no harm to them.  Kyuhyun was sure Kris understood what was expected and now he had a little insurance policy of his own, he was sure it would be alright. Yesung didn't need to know the whole truth, just enough to be satisfied. Though that didn't explain why he was giving him such  an expression.

"You were not  mean  to him, were you? I really do think he was sorry and I'm alright, so you shouldn't have made a fuss about it. You didn't give him a hard time  right? Luhan ah  seemed worried about that too and I really don't want them to be concerned about it" Yesung informed, his steps actually ceasing, tugging on Kyuhyun's hand to get him to look at him, regarding  him with big impatient eyes, worry tainting his face.

He was so preoccupied with Luhan that he had not paid much attention to Kris, wanting to appease Luhan and give them some time to stop fighting and clear his mind, the younger man being a closer dongsaeng. He then inadvertently left Kris with Kyuhyun and now that he thought about it, that probably wasn't a good idea since Kyuhyun could be really petty and worse yet, very irrational when Yesung was hurt.

Yesung really hoped Kyuhyun didn't say anything mean to make the younger man upset, distinctly remembering Luhan throwing cautious glances at Kris and Kyuhyun seemingly worried that Kyuhyun would hurt him or what not. Of course Kyuhyun wouldn't do so, but that uncontrollable sharp tongue was a real problem, hoping that Kyuhyun remembered to be cautious of what he said.

"Luhan was worried about him?" Kyuhyun asked with mild interest, Yesung giving him an inquiring look before shrugged his shoulders, Kyuhyun interested in the answer.

He had no reason to be of course, but found that he was a little invested in Kris's happiness for some ludicrous reason that seemed to be avoiding him. It wasn't that he sort of didn't mind being friends with Kris of course. Just misplaced curiosity? Concern? …Whatever.

"Yeah. He was a little uneasy about it, but I told him not to worry about it. Was I right?" Yesung asked, turning the question back to Kyuhyun, very interested in the response.

Before they had left Luhan had apologized once more and had personally asked that Yesung and Kyuhyun not hold it against Kris too much, explaining that his band leader was always a little over protective and had just acted that way because he was worried, requesting that they please forgive him.

Yesung had once more insisted that it was alright, assuring Luhan that it was forgotten by both him and Kyuhyun, now ensuring that his assurance was valid. He swore to himself that he would drag Kyuhyun right back to apologize if he had said anything to Kris that would hurt him and Luhan, eyes narrowing at the thought.

"Don't look at me that way. I didn't tell the big oaf anything mean. We just talked about normal things" Kyuhyun rejected, giving Yesung a displeased look for his accusations, even if they may have come from a logical place.

To be fair he did give Kris a hard time, but he didn't do anything too bad, so Yesung should have more faith in him!....well…fine. He deserved the look, but for once he was sure that he didn't do anything too wicked, giving Yesung a hurt look that he bought much too easily, smiling at him as he grabbed his forearm, beginning his stroll once more.

"I really liked spending time with them today" Yesung commented with a happy smile, his mood once more very blissful, lazily leaning his weight against Kyuhyun's arm.

He was not tired enough to rest his head where he wanted to as yet, but the comfort and the good feelings make him careless, the satisfaction drawing him to where his body knows it is supposed to be , his mind filled with the happy memories of the dongsaengs that he had left behind.

 It had been so long since he had been like them, a lifetime to be honest, but the memories in his mind now are fresh, the joy and the exuberance, the fear and the worry, but the fulfilment was just as strong and he just felt happy; happy to be there with Kyuhyun.

"I noticed" Kyuhyun confirmed, a smile gracing his lips.

 Originally he had a scathing remark on his tongue, ready to further reprimand Yesung for enjoying ruining his date but held back when he realized how happy Yesung was. His smile was radiant and he could just feel the happiness flowing from him.

 Kyuhyun was annoyed, but if he was honest with himself, he couldn't really be upset about it. Yesung was happy and at the end of the day that was all he wanted from their trip outside anyway. Even if he didn't get to do the things that he wanted with the older man, the fact that he was happy was enough for him, his heart purring at the sight beside him.

"Thanks for today" Yesung spoke in gratitude, brushing his head against Kyuhyun's arm in satisfaction.

He was very happy that Kyuhyun insisted that he come out with him, grateful for the opportunity to spend time with his dongsaengs and the chance to walk beside Kyuhyun, his hand sliding back into Kyuhyun's palm, the younger man, instinctively wrapping his fingers around his, warmth surrounding his hand as it surrounded his heart, looking up at the man next to him with shining eyes, feet continuing the ease stroll, smile wide and contented.

"Better way to say thank you would be to agree to come with me without so much fuss next time" Kyuhyun baited, giving Yesung a pointed look, chuckling when Yesung glared at him good naturedly, Yesung  reaching a hand upwards to smack his chest, Kyuhyun smiling at him.

 It was a good request Kyuhyun thought.

 If Yesung was truly thankful he would make it easier for them to have those sort of moments, but in a way he didn't mind so much. He knew why Yesung resisted and he knew that the only reason Yesung agreed was because he wanted him to be happy and that naturally pulled at his emotions.

"Don't push it" Yesung warned with a roll of his eyes and a weak smack to Kyuhyun's chest that was more affection than punishment, Yesung smiling in a such a way that any measure of chastisement would have been lost, just too happy to bother with Kyuhyun's usual cheekiness, squeezing their joint hands instead, warmth coursing through his body.

"I don't have to. You already promised to make it up to me" Kyuhyun informed with a smirk, a wink in Yesung's direction to make it quite clear that he had a lot of interesting ideas as to how exactly he expected Yesung to make things right and fulfil his promise to him.

He truly envision a lot of kisses and distinct roaming hands, a moan or two to boast his ego, all very pleasing to his mind, smirking widening as his thoughts progressed into a more risqué line, a pleased sound escaping his lips, eyes clouding over with the inkling of lust, coming to a screeching halt when Yesung pinched his arm.

"Yah! You dirty ert. Stop thinking weird things about me" Yesung reprimanded, giving him a chastising look, eyes narrowing him and looking at him from under judgemental crescents.

Kyuhyun however, didn't take any of it to mind, except that maybe those eyes would fit right into what dirty fantasies his mind was creating, Yesung shaking his head at him when he realized that Kyuhyun was still enjoying his thoughts, pinching him again, this time harder.

"Awww!" Kyuhyun whined, reaching a hand upwards to run where Yesung had pinched him.

Those small fingers were tiny but strong, always so forceful in extracting revenge for Yesung, the colourful thoughts leaving his mind as he reacted to the pain, supposing that Yesung achieved his purpose.

"Behave" Yesung instructed, giving Kyuhyun a strong look, wanting to kick himself when his eyes softened at the pitiful look Kyuhyun was giving him.

 The well trained maknae making a show of soothing his little 'injury', Yesung stupidly lifting the same offending hand, using the small fingers to rub against the flesh , feeling sorry for the brat, small delicate fingers caressing his hand, Kyuhyun giving him a satisfied look, more than likely just biting back the smugness, proving once more that Yesung was unable to resist him, Yesung just ignoring him, though he had to admit that the brat was right. Even then he couldn't stop soothing the area, under a spell.

"You still have to keep your promise" Kyuhyun pointed out just then, perhaps just wanting to rub it in Yesung's face that he had a promise that he could enforce, smiling down at Yesung triumphantly, Yesung resisting the urge to hit him.

 Kyuhyun was right.

 He did have a promise to keep. It was one of those things that he guarded diligently. He tried his utmost best never to ever break promises to Kyuhyun and he would do the same then, nodding his head in acceptance. Kyuhyun may not get what he wanted, but he would certainly make it up to him.

"I will, you brat" Yesung confirmed verbally, nodding at his words to further indicate the truth of its contents, fully intending to appease the younger man as he had promised him earlier.

He only rolled his eyes when he caught Kyuhyun's pleased expression, positive the brat was thinking weird things about him again, pinching him lightly once more in the same spot, Kyuhyun this time just smirking at him, leaning down to kiss his head, Yesung leaning out the way, shaking his head at him the grinning child beside him.

"Stay with me tonight" Kyuhyun requested whilst Yesung was still very calm and a little cuddly.

Yesung's head was continuously brushing against Kyuhyun's arm and if he was only a little less stubborn he would have probably allowed himself to rest against his properly, but he wasn't and Kyuhyun had to be satisfied with what he got, a warm Yesung pressed against his side, holding on to his hand, Kyuhyun's fingers tightening their hold, his heart warm with affection.

"That can be arranged" Yesung accepted with a smile, planning to spend the night with Kyuhyun anyway.

He had  already informed his brother than he would be 'hanging out' at the dorms that night, but now he could claim that was his payment to Kyuhyun, grinning at the thought or maybe just happy to go home and be wrapped up with Kyuhyun. To go home and bury his nose in Kyuhyun's throat and just inhale the sweet scent of apples and drown in the warmth of strong arms and endless affection.

 He was rather looking forward to it, deliberately brushing his head against Kyuhyun's arm, holding it there longer than he should have, but the smile that was upon his face was laden with contentment and the fluttered in his chest made the rationality hard to acknowledge.

"Good" Kyuhyun hummed in response, looking forward to spending the night with the person that he loved, leaning down to touch his chin against Yesung's head, which proved to be a mistake as that was what broke whatever spell that was over Yesung, the older man pulling himself away from Kyuhyun's arm, reverting to just holding his hand, Kyuhyun frowning at the development.

"Let's go home" Yesung said, nodding with his head at the car park up ahead.

He was certainly ready to return to the safety of the dorms, the warmth of their bed and the happiness of too tight hugs, his steps quickening now, Kyuhyun nodding at him, sharing such a sentiment, deciding that he would murder Yesung for flirting with that waitress in the morning instead.

He should at least get to cuddle with him before he killed him, grinning to himself, shaking his head when Yesung gave him a curious look, plans set in motion.

A/N: I am very predictable aren't I? lol....Of course Kyusung bantering would have been I hope to finish this story this week. Lets see how my mood holds up. This is the end of Kyusung. Look forward to Krishan next and I promise they are fun too :)

*sobs at the Kyusung gif* ...I miss them so much :( 

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Chapter 8: Can you please please write the story when kyusung was already at the dorm? Gaaaaaahhhhhhhhh
Chapter 6: Lay wasn't there tho? My hilarious unicorn healing bias T_T lol
Chapter 3: Passive agressive sunbae! Hahahahaahahaha Kyukyu you big possessive overprotective baby! LOL
Chapter 2: Despite the fact that it had a pairing I know nothing about, I absolutely adored this. I love how Kyusung were the elders and could give advice to the younger boys, and Kyuhyun was possessive and impatient as ever lol. Yesung's such a sweetheart. Wonderful read <3.
Chapter 3: I waas never much of a krishan shipper but this story was really sweet. the ending though ahhaha had me squeling so much, yesung what are you going to do!! XD
Chapter 10: lol I knew Luhan would get irrationally mad at Kris for that Yesung thing XD oh but happy ending-ish *poor Kris* nonetheless~ I think these Kris/Luhan and KyuSung stories are a good idea, I of course adored the Kyusung parts a little bit more *they are my beutifal otp* but when they're all together it’s like a magical party of silliness XD Luhan and Kris are adorable in their own right, and so are the 'kids' I would like to read more stories like this, they're fun
summrxx #7
Chapter 10: Yay for Krishan!!! This was so much fun to read i love how jealous Luhan got and Kris's happy "Yes!" Poor thing is forever being teased lol
You should definitely write more of this pairing I'd love to see where they go and bring on the awkwardness it makes it more entertaining :)
thaks heaps for taking the time to write and post this <3
Alyneko #8
Chapter 10: That was adorable. Kris is terrifying. The ending with Chanyeol is just too funny. I really liked it (even though it didn't include a Kyusung cuddling scene). This was awesome, I really liked it. And hopefully you'll post another wonderful story soon right? With Kyusung cuddles?
Thanks for posting^^
Chapter 10: "Told you guys it's the eyebrows. They'd scare ghost too."
Kim Jongdae to friggin troll! I just love how much of a troll he is.
Krishan will forever be awkward! They were born awkward! Lmao
And jealous Luhan!
Thanks for this, love <3
summrxx #10
Chapter 9: Im officially in love with Krishan! What have you done to me O.O this was so cute I love the awkwardness and how unsure they are about what they are and where its going. You should write more of them :)
Can't wait for the last chapter :)