Chapter 4

When Worlds Collide

Chapter 4

"Seriously, if you don't behave I'm going to strangle you" Yesung hissed, leaning in close to Kyuhyun's ear , whilst pretending that he wasn't , a little grateful for the few yards that Luhan and Kris had left.

 Yesung glancing back, spotting the two speaking to each other, but they had lapsed into Mandarin and seemed focused on it, so he wasn't that concerned about them hearing his threat.

"I can't see why I have to spend time with the people that attacked you" Kyuhyun rejoined, his teeth, his hands in his pocket, looking like a grumpy kid, giving  Yesung a sharp look.

"Don't be so dramatic. He just held my arm. Stop acting as if he killed me" Yesung instructed, rolling his eyes, his hands reaching out to Kyuhyun's forearm before he remembered that they were in public and he really should be cautious about things like that. He really was fine, so he could see no reason for Kyuhyun to be so grumpy.

"He still hurt you" Kyuhyun stated, looking back with a displeased look, still not pleased at the idea that Yesung was hurt by Kris and even more dissatisfied that he had to spend time with him.

"And why do we have to spend even more time with them?" Kyuhyun asked lowly, expressing his feelings in the matter, but still respectful enough to keep his voice to a whisper.

 He may be unhappy but that didn't mean he wanted to hurt their dongsaengs.

"Because we have to show them that it's really okay. If we just left, they would think we were mad and that would be really uncomfortable for them" Yesung explained, once more reiterating why he wanted Kyuhyun to invite their dongsaengs to have coffee with them.

He just didn't want them to go away thinking that something was wrong. He had his own experiences with seniors that had taught him the value of kindness. He truly wished to be better than those before him and he knew despite his complaints, Kyuhyun would be very sad if he caused their hoobaes any real pain.

"Whatever. I still can't see why I have to waste a date on them, especially since it took forever for you to decide to come here with me" Kyuhyun grumbled lowly, eyes glancing back at the two behind him engaged in their own conversation as he  leaned slightly downwards to say his complaints.

At the end of the day he took the biggest loss. He had given up cuddling with Yesung so that could come out with him and have a makeshift date and then he lost out now because they had to spend time with annoying dongsaengs that attacked the person he loved right before his eyes.

None of it was very pleasing to him.

"So that's why you are being such an " Yesung laughed, shaking his head, satisfied that the little niggle inside him that said that there had to be another reason why Kyuhyun was being so uncooperative was given credence.

 He knew that Kyuhyun couldn't really be that uncaring towards the feelings of their dongsaengs.

Kyuhyun made it no secret that he hated being interrupted when he was with him…or at least to the other members, who knew that quite well. He should have realized that Kyuhyun would hate to have his 'date' ruined, but as it was there was no avoiding it. They needed to show some goodwill and as far as he was concerned it wasn't the end of the world. Plus, he could just make it up to him.

"I'll make it up to you, I promise" Yesung assured, voice low and mildly suggestive, eyebrows arched in a way that could only put dirty thoughts in Kyuhyun's mind.

If that was Yesung's intention, he was playing innocent, eyes giving nothing away, though Kyuhyun grinned.

"Oh really?" Kyuhyun asked with enough innuendo and suggestion for them both, a hand reaching over to touch Yesung's waist, batted away swiftly before he could touch him, Yesung glaring a little and throwing a cautious glance behind him, twisting his lips as he regarded the younger man, who had adopted a leering posture, more than likely just to mess with him.

"Stop looking at me like that , you dirty ert" Yesung instructed, hating the fact that his cheeks coloured, his eyes meeting Kyuhyun's for a second before he looked away, Kyuhyun almost glowing now that he could tease, smirk plastered on his face, Yesung sighing, which only made Kyuhyun's grin widen.

"Just remember that you promised" Kyuhyun insisted, smile so wide his face looked as if it would split, Yesung trying not to think about what Kyuhyun was imagining to make him so happy, positive that it could only be things that would make him blush, that glint in Kyuhyun's eyes hiding no secrets, wondering what he had gotten himself into.

"I will, but only if you behave. No glaring and you better not be mean" Yesung bargained, or warned, depending on who you asked, Kyuhyun at that point willing to take it, nodding his head at Yesung, which did nothing to ease his mind, Kyuhyun's smile a little too mischievously.

Whilst Yesung tried to fine tune what he expected of a well behaved Kyuhyun, a rather necessary component given Kyuhyun's mischievous nature, a similar conversation was being had in rapid Mandarin behind him.


" Stop looking so uptight. You look as if they are leading us to death" Luhan chided, shaking his head at Kris, wanting him to relax.

It was done and gone and they had to go through it. Something that he had made clear when Kris inquired why they were accompanying their sunbaes.

In Luhan's opinion it was  the better action and on his logic, Kris had no choice but to accept it, but that didn't mean he was any more enthusiastic. Kyuhyun was still unhappy and if he even bothered to glance at the two in front of them whispering to each other, Kris could tell that they were not really wanted…at least on Kyuhyun's part. Luhan however disagreed, simply saying that it didn't matter since the invitation was extended and they were not in a position to disregard it.

"I'm just not comfortable alright" Kris hissed, his frustration getting the better of him.

"Wait…I'm sorry. I just feel really awkward" Kris explained hastily, especially after Luhan's patient smile fell, making him feel guilty.

He really had no business putting on airs when it was his mistake that had them in that position.

Even if he felt awkward, he could recognize that Yesung had indeed shown them kindness. It was a good thing to spend time with sunbaes that could teach him a lot and help them in the industry simply with their experience and know how. Suho always talked about the things that Kyuhyun told him about varieties and Baekhyun and D.O were always happy to boast at how much Yesung and Ryeowook told them about stage presence.

 It was a good thing, he knew it was, but he still felt awkward, especially since Kyuhyun was still clearly not happy with him.

"Isn't that your default setting?" Luhan teased, chuckling lowly, even more so when Kris glared at him, refusing to acknowledge how his heart leaped at the pretty sound, feeling much lighter already.

"Like you are in a position to talk" Kris rejoined, determined to give as good as he got, Luhan's laugh fading as he pulled a face, sticking his tongue out, Kris finally showing a genuine smile.

"And…well…yeah….I'm sorry about all this" Kris said after a few seconds of silence, the only sound being the laughing from up ahead, Kyuhyun sounding a million times more welcoming and friendly than he did before, his laugh low and filled with happiness.

Kris was not sure what caused it, but the fact that he was smacked on the arm made it seem that only Yesung would know, Kris turning  his head to look at the man next for him feeling apologetic. 

He was the one that dragged him into a bit of a mess with his rash behaviour. He knew Luhan was not happy with him acting that way and now that he thought about it he could see how rash he was. Even if it was a saesang, he still shouldn't have resorted to violence.

 Their managers warned them that physically touching the saesang fans could have serious repercussions as well and on that basis he not only endangered himself but Luhan as well. He was therefore very grateful that Luhan had tried to defend him and stayed with him through it all, even if he was mad at him.

"You should be" Luhan agreed, his face devoid of any particular emotion until he lifted his head and met Kris's gaze.

 He could see the traces of anger and dissatisfaction there, but the most prominent emotion however was worry, Luhan's lips pulled into a sad line, twisting them as he looked away.

"I get that you were worried about me, but you have to be more careful" Luhan pleaded in a way, turning back to met his eyes, this time seeing determination, Kris feeling chastised, but willing to protest, which Luhan seemed to pick up on.

"Wait…just listen to me" Luhan requested, his hands twisting in front of him, the conversation taking more out of him than he would like to admit.

He was so much better at easy banter and cheeky comments. Explaining to someone like Kris that he should think about himself before Luhan was something else entirely, his emotions and mind in two conflicting places.

"You could have hurt not only your image and reputation, but yourself if that was a real saesang.  You could have been hurt Wufan….just…take care of yourself next time" Luhan requested, the words failing him unfortunately, his voice softer than he intended it to be.

He wanted to be mad at Kris for acting rash, for being a retarded jackass that reacted with his brawn rather than his brain and he was , he really was, but at the same time he couldn't help the worry that bubbled inside of him.

Kris wasn't a violent person.

 In fact he was generally very even tempered and controlled. The fact that he hadn't actually murdered Jongdae for all his trolling was a clear example of that. Kris just wasn't rash, expect when it came to times like that. He had this unnatural need to protect them all the time and him in particular. Luhan didn't know where it came from, but figured it was just the natural leader in him.

Whatever it was, Luhan just wanted him to be careful.

 If that was a real saesang Kris could have been hurt. He didn't even think  before he acted. If the person was violent he could have been injured or harmed. Luhan just hated the idea of it. He really wished Kris would think before he acted next time.

"I couldn't let you get hurt" Kris argued, his eyes firm and unrelenting.

He could admit that he acted rash, that he didn't think before he reacted and if that had been a real saesang things could have gotten really bad, but on that same point, he felt he was entirely justified.

What if it was a real saesang? Was he supposed to just stand there and watch the person get to Luhan? What if they hurt him? He didn't care what Luhan said. There was no way that he could have just stood there and let something like that happen.

He could never let Luhan get hurt.

"I can take care of myself. Something that  you seem to forget" Luhan replied a little testily, eyes narrowing, as he took a breath, trying to breathe his annoyance away.

They were back to the root of the problem apparently and whilst he had accepted that Kris meant well, it still grated on his nerves. He was perfectly capable of taking care of himself contrary to popular belief and would greatly appreciated if Kris remembered that, especially when the ignorance of such fact was the what led to that sort of behaviour.

 He didn't need Kris to act rash just because he wanted to protect 'helpless' Luhan. Saesangs were dangerous, but he could handle it. He didn't need anyone, especially not Kris losing their senses because they wanted to protect him. He would never have forgiven himself if Kris was hurt trying to protect him, especially when he didn't even need it.

"So what would you have done if that was a real saesang then?" Kris asked a little angrily, having a hard time controlling his emotions and whilst he knew that he should be calm about the whole thing and think about what Luhan was saying, he was unable to do so.

 In his basic understanding of it, Luhan seemed to be saying he would have been fine if Kris had not intervened, which was complete rubbish. If that was a real saesang who wanted to hurt him then there was no doubt in Kris's mind that Luhan would have been hurt.

What did he think would happen? He would smile and the person would forget their motives?...well….it was possible…arrghhhh…but still!

Luhan would have been hurt and no matter how he saw it, he couldn't just let that happen, looking at Luhan stubbornly, the look matched by the equally stubborn man beside him, who seemed ready to respond in the same manner, until a hand touched his shoulder.

A/N: So..the awkwardness is not getting you guys have to remember that Kyusung and Krishan seem to bathe themselves in awkwardness normally, so most of this is not even my fault..........or maybe it is.....sigh. I do assure that they will interact with each other more in the later chapters ^^

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Chapter 8: Can you please please write the story when kyusung was already at the dorm? Gaaaaaahhhhhhhhh
Chapter 6: Lay wasn't there tho? My hilarious unicorn healing bias T_T lol
Chapter 3: Passive agressive sunbae! Hahahahaahahaha Kyukyu you big possessive overprotective baby! LOL
Chapter 2: Despite the fact that it had a pairing I know nothing about, I absolutely adored this. I love how Kyusung were the elders and could give advice to the younger boys, and Kyuhyun was possessive and impatient as ever lol. Yesung's such a sweetheart. Wonderful read <3.
Chapter 3: I waas never much of a krishan shipper but this story was really sweet. the ending though ahhaha had me squeling so much, yesung what are you going to do!! XD
Chapter 10: lol I knew Luhan would get irrationally mad at Kris for that Yesung thing XD oh but happy ending-ish *poor Kris* nonetheless~ I think these Kris/Luhan and KyuSung stories are a good idea, I of course adored the Kyusung parts a little bit more *they are my beutifal otp* but when they're all together it’s like a magical party of silliness XD Luhan and Kris are adorable in their own right, and so are the 'kids' I would like to read more stories like this, they're fun
summrxx #7
Chapter 10: Yay for Krishan!!! This was so much fun to read i love how jealous Luhan got and Kris's happy "Yes!" Poor thing is forever being teased lol
You should definitely write more of this pairing I'd love to see where they go and bring on the awkwardness it makes it more entertaining :)
thaks heaps for taking the time to write and post this <3
Alyneko #8
Chapter 10: That was adorable. Kris is terrifying. The ending with Chanyeol is just too funny. I really liked it (even though it didn't include a Kyusung cuddling scene). This was awesome, I really liked it. And hopefully you'll post another wonderful story soon right? With Kyusung cuddles?
Thanks for posting^^
Chapter 10: "Told you guys it's the eyebrows. They'd scare ghost too."
Kim Jongdae to friggin troll! I just love how much of a troll he is.
Krishan will forever be awkward! They were born awkward! Lmao
And jealous Luhan!
Thanks for this, love <3
summrxx #10
Chapter 9: Im officially in love with Krishan! What have you done to me O.O this was so cute I love the awkwardness and how unsure they are about what they are and where its going. You should write more of them :)
Can't wait for the last chapter :)