Chapter 1

When Worlds Collide

Chapter 1

He was finally able to get it.

 After months of endless schedules and tiring promotions, he finally had the time to do what he wanted to do the most.

Admittedly, a walk at the Han River at nearly midnight wasn't the most exciting of things that they could have possibly done, but he had to acknowledge that beggars really won't in a position to make stringent demands.

 It was hard enough to get that chunk of time and even harder for their manager to deem it alright for them to venture outside unaccompanied with the recent upsurge of saesangs and what the managers considered to be a violent surge, since SM had taken a harder stance on them and the members themselves had finally been allowed to express their displeasure at the constant stalking and extreme acts of devotion.

With promotions winding up in Korea and a trip to China to come in the coming week, with promotions expected to resume right away, he supposed their manager just felt sorry for them. It had been a long time since he could just go outside for a walk or just go shopping like a normal person.

It also helped that Luhan had the man completely wrapped around his finger, pleading for him and by extension 'they' to be allowed to go out, even if it was just for a few hours in the night. With him and Sehun combined, the manager didn't have much of a choice, allowing them all that luxury, once they promised to cover up a little and stay away from any overly crowded place.  There was also the condition that he drop them off somewhere away from the hoard of crazy fangirls camped outside their building.

Kris expected a lot of them to take up the offer, even if he silently wished they wouldn't, but in the end, the majority just chose to sleep instead. Suho had decided that he didn't care that much about going shopping and that he could spend that free time cuddled up in his bed after what felt like a lifetime since he had a good night's sleep, turning in at seven instead of the normal two o' clock. The others had similar views, though Baekhyun and Chanyeol decided that they wanted to see a movie and the manager accepted that was possible, promising to have one of their other managers drop them off at the cinema, Tao tagging along with them.

After a dispute and some glaring at annoying clingy dongsaengs that really had no business sticking their nose in his business unless they wanted to be murdered,  he and Luhan had decided that they would forgo to that trip to Myeongdong. Luhan wasn't happy about that fact  in the least, whining that he wanted new shoes and stationary and a whole lot of another things, Kris sometimes wondering if Luhan was that stupid? He would have asked, but he wasn't that brave, instead just whispering to him that he wanted him to come with him instead.

That just led to a theatrical lift of eyebrows and a teasing comment likely to follow if Kris had not pinched him on his back and glared at him, Sehun snickering at them in the car, Kris left to wonder if Suho would murder him if he killed Sehun and feed him to a shark, so it could rip his pretty little face to pieces for being such a goddamn pain in the . That wish was only amplified when Sehun invited himself along to "Where ever you and Luhan hyung are going" . Kris was sure he did it just to piss him off. He was still figuring out why Luhan had nodded like a well trained seal at the suggestion.

He really had to have realized that Kris was trying for them to have a date…Right?

It had been so damn long since they had any time to just go out together; just the two of them. It had been months and with promotions, even living together was useless, too tired to breathe, much less sneak around a small overcrowded dorm with nosey annoying dongsaengs [also known as Sehun]. Their evenings together were much too short and limited, yet Kris found himself with Sehun and Jongdae and Jongin in tow, all three of them grinning at him in that all knowing annoying way.

He figured that they had their suspicions and they were entitled to them. He didn't care to confirm or deny anything and he was much too scary to ask. If they asked Luhan he didn't know, but knowing the older man, it was unlikely that they got an answer from him either. Hell! Luhan hadn't given him a answer about their relationship status either and it had been months.

 Sometimes he was really left to wonder. Sigh.

With gratitude the five of them were left at the Han River, the location Kris had given their manager, the man figuring they just wanted some cool air. Luhan seemed to want to contradict him, but a sharp look ended that thought. If the others had other plans, they would be damned.

With great skill however, he had directed the annoying trio to take a walk on the other side of the river, pointing out some of the PC rooms and gaming shops that they could visit while they were at the river. Sehun and Jongdae seemed likely to protest, but a solid glare and a of his teeth made it quite clear that he would have no nonsense from them at all.

Jongin thankfully was a little more helpful, dragging the two with him, saying that Kris owed him,  Sehun and Jongdae teasing them about having a great 'date' and not being caught in public being frisky. Luhan blushed, but didn't bother to make a scene contradicting them, only yelling at them that they were to call him when they were ready to leave and to be careful of people recognizing them.

Kris was actually hoping they were trampled by fangirls, but then felt guilty.

 That wasn't a leader like thing to do really. He really ought to have shown more care to his dongsaengs, even if they grated on his nerves and ruined all his time with Luhan, still keeping a watchful eye on the maknaes and Jongdae as the three joked and played, heading the shows along the opposing streets. Kris hoped they would be safe, reminding himself to call in a while to make sure they were alright, his thoughts only interrupted when he was smacked across the stomach, hard.

"Awww" he whined before he knew what he was doing, a hand coming up to rub against his stomach.

"Shut up" Luhan instructed with narrowed eyes, feeling not an ounce of sympathy for Kris, and rather disappointed with his acting as well. How hard could his tiny hand hit him anyway? The man was like a brick wall, rolling his eyes at the poor acting, sure SM wouldn't be pleased that all of those acting classes were wasted.

"Why are you hitting me?" Kris asked a little stupidly, seeing no reason for the beginning of his long awaited 'date' to start with him being spoken to like that, or being hit. Admittedly, he was overplaying it a little, but that didn't mean it hadn't hurt. Luhan hitting him had to hurt….a little anyway, vaguely wondering if his little hand was okay.

"For acting like a Neanderthal, that's why" Luhan informed as he turned away from Kris, taking a few steps in the direction of the path he figured Kris wanted them to walk along.

 The lights reflecting off the river prettily, giving it a nearly mystical field, if not for the metallic rails meant to act like a barrier, the path winding away from the river's edge, the tall trees providing some coverage, the area thankfully not too dark, but an appropriate place for them to be if he wanted to be anywhere near Kris without it drawing too much attention, walking ahead shaking his head at the idiot trailing behind him.

"What did I do?" Kris asked as he drew even with Luhan, slowing his steps to match his, Luhan trying not to glare at the fact that the tall bastard caught up to him in two steps. He really hated tall people sometimes.

 It was just sad that he couldn't hate the idiot beside him.

"Did you really have to glare at Sehunnie so much?" Luhan turned to him, chastising eyes set upon the large figure beside him, covered in a black coat and a too big scarf.

 It wasn't that cold yet, the late September air cool rather than cold, but it was better if they didn't draw too much attention regardless of what time it was, and Kris, even if he wasn't an idol would have done so anyway. The clothing would hopefully make him less obvious and it was unlikely that their fans would be out there at that hour of the night. It was that thought that Luhan used to rationalize why it was alright to let Sehun and Jongin and Jongdae walk around without a manager then.

"Yes. He's a pain in the " Kris responded, shaking his head at the thought of their maknae.

He loved him of course, but the child was a thorn in his side when he wanted to be, and it just so happened that he really enjoyed annoying him. Luhan was just lucky Sehun liked him and decided to curb his monster tendencies when dealing with him.

"You are ridiculous" Luhan chastised with a sigh, wondering what he would do with the giant beside him, a weak smile adorning his face that really ought not have been there since he was scolding, but it couldn't be helped.

"I'm not. They are the annoying ones. They knew what this was supposed to be. They tagged along just to get on my nerves" Kris complained, his teeth at the thought of their maknaes.

He had no doubt in his mind that Sehun and Jongdae were just messing with him. They wouldn't be brave enough to impede him, but Jongdae was certainly cheeky enough to ruin his joy, and Luhan was really no help, his lips twisting into a frown, his expression rather deceitful, masking a lot of his thoughts, the air cold around him.

"And what exactly is this supposed to be?" Luhan asked, halting his steps, bright eyes turned to Kris with curiosity in them.

Kris unable to decide if he was mocking him or if he was chastising him or on that horrible chance that he really didn't know that Kris wanted their little walk to be a date, feeling his stomach churn, his body colouring in mild shyness and that measure of panic.

"A date" Kris mumbled, feeling tiny despite his size.

He had no idea where his domineering confident personality disappeared to when Luhan was involved, so unsure of himself that he had taken to kicking the turf with his shiny new shoes, sure that he was leaving scoff marks on them.

 Why did Luhan enjoy making it so hard for him, he didn't know.

He couldn't help wonder if he had over extended himself and was paying for it then. He and Luhan had never defined their 'relationship' and quite frankly, he called it a relationship because he couldn't find a better word to describe the mass convoluted craziness that was their interactions with each other.

 Maybe it was love? Or maybe it was a misinterpreted friendship?

 For all he knew it could just be the forced interaction of a co worker.

Luhan never gave him an answer on that point and honestly, he was just too confused to figure it out.  He liked to think they were at the point that they could try something like a date. Luhan had never called their time together a date to be honest. It was just "hanging out with Duizhang" or "shopping with Wufan" whenever the others teased them about their 'dates'. Kris wondered then if Luhan was just deflecting attention from them or if in his mind he really thought that those evenings that they spent together were really just the two of them hanging out.

He wished he was brave enough to ask once and for all, but he just couldn't bring himself to. The feeling of rejection would be too much if Luhan confirmed that he was only there to buy stupid shoes and not spend time with him, not to be on a date with him.

 Admittedly, would have been sorry excuses for dates.

As a teenager he would have taken girlfriends to better places back home in Canada, so it was rather distasteful for a twenty three year old employed person to provide so little to someone that he hoped to in  way woo. It was the best they could do in the situation though and he thought that Luhan didn't mind. He was just too confused when it came to Luhan, still unwilling to look up, only daring to do so when he heard a giggle, warm sweet and melodious, and entirely confusing as per usual.

"I don't remember being asked on a date" Luhan teased, bubbly laughter leaving full overly inducing lips, Kris turning away from him, finally looking at him when the words were spoken, figuring that he was better advised to avoid temptation in a public place, using the time staring at the large bark tree ahead of him figuring out what that was all supposed to mean.

Was Luhan teasing him? Was he chastising him for not asking and just assuming? Was he trying to let him know gently that this little walk wasn't a date? There were so many possibilities and none were making him happy, turning to the laughing man with a stern look, masking the internal horror, trying to appear nonchalant.

Luhan already caused him enough mental pauses and breakdowns. He didn't need to see what his stupid beautiful giggles and his goddamn refusal to admit to anything caused him. He would be strong! Or at least he would be smart enough to hide his panic.

"I had to ask?" Kris asked with a upturn of lips, trying to appear a million more confident than he felt.

It worked at interviews and with screaming fangirls, so it would work with Luhan too right? Right? Please let it be right!

 It was a wholly arrogant statement about something that he knew nothing about. Of course Luhan had the right to refuse him point blank. Hell! The pretty little man had never even acknowledged going on a single date with him and now he was being so bold as to claim that he didn't require his consent. Was he insane?

"It's always nice to be asked" Luhan commented as the amusement died down, giving Kris a meaningful look, eyes bright but hiding a million secrets, looking away from him in a second.

Kris wishing that he knew how to understand him, that he knew what some of those secrets were, but he didn't and he had no way of finding out. Even the words that he wished to utter, a crazy jumbled mess more than likely caught in his throat, his hands lifting upwards, but caught in no man's land, not brave enough to touch him, not sure what he was supposed to say.

God! Why was he such a clutz with Luhan?

He was so good at dating before. He even had the female trainees eating out the palm of his hands for years. Even the males ones were seduced without an effort and here he was standing with a little midget that probably had never been in a real relationship in his life and he had Kris feeling like a bumbling school boy with his first crush in elementary school.  And that was saying something. Kris was very cool in elementary school. He played sports and all the girls loved him and the guys all wanted to be like him.  He could hit his head against something, really.

Why was he getting everything wrong?

"Luhan ..I-" Kris began, words stuck in his throat, his mind frozen like his heart, everything stilled as Luhan turned to look at him.

 A weak sad smile adorning Luhan's lips, Kris breath caught, his heart seemingly jump starting, thumping so strongly he thought he would die, his synapses all firing finally, though the end product were just even more muddled thoughts about the perfection of the shorter man. Luhan's puppyish brownish  hair standing out in the lighting, his cheeks red from the cold air, his eyelashes fluttering, looking even smaller in a too big scarf that he was using to hide himself, his coat snug, but probably not enough, his lips twisting into a wider true smile, his eyes crinkling at the side, Kris, not sure how he was able to even remain standing, the vortex of contradictory feelings and emotions, the would be explanation or apology or whatever the hell he was supposed to be saying lost completely when Luhan laughed.

"Come on. People will think you are trying to rob me" Luhan laughed, his words washed in amusement, whatever feeling he had before completely washed away, or locked away not to be seen again until he was ready to let it go, his eyes twinkling as he laughed.

Kris was still unsure as to what he should do or say, but thankfully Luhan took the lead for a change, sliding his hand against his, reaching upwards to hold on to his arm, a small palm wrapping around a strong bicep, if Luhan was impressed he didn't show it, but then again Luhan was never as expressive as Kris wanted him to be, tugging on the arm lightly as he took a step forward, resuming his walk, or their walk, Kris's mind still trying to catch up.

"What?" He asked dumbly, having taken his first step, Luhan still laughing lowly next to him, whatever moment they were having lost now, Kris just trying to find his bearings.

"You're dressed in black  and you are glaring at me. Stop!" Luhan continued to tease, Kris's eyebrows furrowing even more as he tried to figure out what Luhan was saying, his face lapsing into his default expression, all coldness and hard lines, Luhan laughing even more.

"Seriously, fix your face" Luhan laughed truly this time, stopping a second, Kris stopping on instinct, the hand on his arm loosening as it reached upwards to press two of its small fingers against his forehead, Kris finally taking note of what Luhan was doing.

"Stop that!" Kris groaned as he batted Luhan's hand way, his cheeks colouring in embarrassment, dragging a large hand over his face, trying to wash the mild annoyance away and finally get his thoughts together, shaking his head as he finally turned to glare at Luhan for treating him like an idiot.

"Idiot" Luhan laughed, smacking Kris on his arm, smile wide and radiating, that endless playfulness that hardly ever left him making itself known, Luhan taking him for a fool, but Kris smiled anyway, but then caught himself and tried for another glare which Luhan ignored.

"Come on" Luhan invited, smile still adorning his face, this time though sliding his hand into Kris'.

If Kris was a lesser man he would have gasp.

He shall carry the knowledge that he nearly did exactly that to his grave, instead nearly greedily lacing their fingers together. The action is only slightly foreign to him, but it was indeed rare that Luhan himself would initiate something like that, Kris holding on in the fear that he would decide that he was no longer persuaded to hold onto his nearly comically large hand. Luhan's much smaller hands slipping into the creases of his palm as if it was always meant to be there, the feeling making Kris a little giddy, the smile on his face a little frightening, not even minding that his gums were showing.

Luhan smiling when his eyes met his, looking away with a shy look in his eyes, his cheeks colouring a little and this time it had nothing to do with the cold, there steps slowing own finally to a stroll, enjoying the silence and the view or just each other's company for a while, Kris playfully squeezing the hand trapped in his, reassuring himself that Luhan was still there, that he was still holding on to him, Luhan chuckling lowly each time Kris did so, Kris smiling a little bashfully now and then.

"You think they're alright?" Luhan asked, nodding his head in the direction behind him, his expression changing a little into one of concern, the mild teasing leaving his eyes, his mouth twisted in thought, turning back to glance behind him.

Obviously he couldn't see his bandmates anymore, but that rational consideration had fallen away, his mind drifting to them in passing, feeling only slightly guilty that he was there getting lost amongst the purple flowers and tall trees and fluttery feelings of a warm hand and not remembering his dongsaengs.

"Jonginnie maybe, not sure about the other two. Probably kicked in the head for being insufferable brats" Kris joked, a small smile on his lips, continuing to walk forward.

He was glad for his time with Luhan.  It wasn't the excitement that he had on other dates or even the energy, but after three months plus of promotions and overexcitement, a quiet walk with someone that he liked very much was probably just what they needed, a warm hand clasped in his, a nice fluttery feeling in his chest.

"You think?" Luhan asked slightly panicked, his steps haltering, turning back in the direction in which he had just came, his lips twisting in nervousness and Kris knew he should be concerned but at that moment he couldn't help but think Luhan was a bit dumb.

 It may have been an unfair analysis however, when he considered that with people prone to worrying about dongsaengs, the mere suggestion that they could be hurt caused the most ridiculous irrational reactions.  Suho was even more idiotic. Kris swore he had no idea where Suho's senses disappeared when the maknaes were involved, acting as if they were dying when they overate and had stomach pains. He supposed he should have been more careful with his words, least he triggered a panicked reaction.

"I was kidding. I'm sure they are alright" Kris comforted, nodding his large head as a means of convincing that him that his words were true.

Of course he had no way of knowing that, but he figured that they would be alright. If something was wrong they knew what to do. They all had to sit through that personal safety seminar and had knew what was expected of them in emergency situations. They would call their managers and him or Suho before they did anything or before any situation escalated.

Whilst he teased about Sehun and Jongdae, he knew they were good kids and would likely just spend the couple hours they had eating junk foods and indiscreetly staring at girls cleavage or nice . He figured they would lobby for some phone numbers, but as of now their priority was promoting, so would ensure they didn't do anything to trigger a scandal.

 SM would have their heads and Suho would likely blow a gasket, so they knew better. Right now it was a more watch but don't touch approach. They would be fine. He was sure of it.

"Maybe we should call them?" Luhan suggested, already digging into his pocket to retrieve his phone, pulling out the blue battered thing , Kris wondering if he should bother to talk him out of it. If he stopped him he would just get mad and do it anyway and if he let him do it without a fuss, the brats would likely make fun of him and then come back and join them.

This date was nearly a disaster to be honest, except for that glorious moment of holding his hand and just being with him. Kris, wondering what was appropriate then, but figured that a happy Luhan was all he could hope for and Luhan would be much happier if he was sure that Sehun and the others were alright. He had to accept that he would have to adjust to Luhan.

 Things would just be different now and that was something that he had to allow himself to accept.

"If that will make you worry less" Kris agreed, reaching for his own phone, figuring that he was better to make the call, less likely to invite their sneakiness and he would be less inclined to accept and encourage their mischievousness, Luhan nodding at him in response, smiling at him in sort of payment for his kindness.

"I'll do it" Kris informed as he set upon dialling Jongdae's number, hoping that he was actually well and not doing something illegal with the maknaes, waiting patiently for him to respond, Luhan standing beside him either staring at him or the phone in his hand, Kris liking to think that his eyes were on him, but it more than likely just his eagerness to talk to the younger member.

"Yah Kim Jongdae, you better be safe and out of trouble" Kris grumbled into the phone, Luhan pursing his lips and shaking his head at him, raising a hand to smack him on the arm for speaking to their dongsaengs like that, holding back a laugh when Kris mouthed a 'What?', Luhan in two minds, but both agreed that Kris was an idiot and he was cute.

Whilst the two were engaged in would be babysitting activities however, their consciousness for their environment was severely limited, Kris busy scolding Jongdae for answering him with a rude "What?" and interrogating him as to their whereabouts, Luhan looking on eagerly as he tried to figure out the exchange, appeasing his mind that the youngsters were alright, shaking his head or giggling at the various expressions that Kris adopted, Luhan by that time positive that Jongdae was just messing with him, amused at the games they liked to play, both failing to notice to two men on the path parallel, locked in a discussion of their own.

A/N: Longer than I thought. I will have to chapter it off. Enjoy the Krishan. Kyusung will here soon. ♥

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Chapter 8: Can you please please write the story when kyusung was already at the dorm? Gaaaaaahhhhhhhhh
Chapter 6: Lay wasn't there tho? My hilarious unicorn healing bias T_T lol
Chapter 3: Passive agressive sunbae! Hahahahaahahaha Kyukyu you big possessive overprotective baby! LOL
Chapter 2: Despite the fact that it had a pairing I know nothing about, I absolutely adored this. I love how Kyusung were the elders and could give advice to the younger boys, and Kyuhyun was possessive and impatient as ever lol. Yesung's such a sweetheart. Wonderful read <3.
Chapter 3: I waas never much of a krishan shipper but this story was really sweet. the ending though ahhaha had me squeling so much, yesung what are you going to do!! XD
Chapter 10: lol I knew Luhan would get irrationally mad at Kris for that Yesung thing XD oh but happy ending-ish *poor Kris* nonetheless~ I think these Kris/Luhan and KyuSung stories are a good idea, I of course adored the Kyusung parts a little bit more *they are my beutifal otp* but when they're all together it’s like a magical party of silliness XD Luhan and Kris are adorable in their own right, and so are the 'kids' I would like to read more stories like this, they're fun
summrxx #7
Chapter 10: Yay for Krishan!!! This was so much fun to read i love how jealous Luhan got and Kris's happy "Yes!" Poor thing is forever being teased lol
You should definitely write more of this pairing I'd love to see where they go and bring on the awkwardness it makes it more entertaining :)
thaks heaps for taking the time to write and post this <3
Alyneko #8
Chapter 10: That was adorable. Kris is terrifying. The ending with Chanyeol is just too funny. I really liked it (even though it didn't include a Kyusung cuddling scene). This was awesome, I really liked it. And hopefully you'll post another wonderful story soon right? With Kyusung cuddles?
Thanks for posting^^
Chapter 10: "Told you guys it's the eyebrows. They'd scare ghost too."
Kim Jongdae to friggin troll! I just love how much of a troll he is.
Krishan will forever be awkward! They were born awkward! Lmao
And jealous Luhan!
Thanks for this, love <3
summrxx #10
Chapter 9: Im officially in love with Krishan! What have you done to me O.O this was so cute I love the awkwardness and how unsure they are about what they are and where its going. You should write more of them :)
Can't wait for the last chapter :)