Chapter 6

When Worlds Collide

Chapter 6

The shop wasn't especially pretty, more functional than decorative to be honest, wooden tables and chairs, a few potted plants and beige walls, but Yesung seemed to know exactly where to take them, leading the four of them to  the tables at the back near the plastic trees, a table with two benches, not very cosy in Kyuhyun's opinion, but Yesung seemed satisfied, sliding in to sit beside Luhan, the two still conversing happily, not even responding when Kyuhyun said that he would get them drinks, the two opposite him giggling with each other, Kyuhyun resisting the urge to break up the love fest that didn't include him, tapping Kris's shoulder to tell him to tag along. Kyuhyun figured he didn't like the proceedings anymore than he did, and the faster they drank their coffee they would get to leave.

"What do you want?" Kyuhyun inquired as they approached the counter, gesturing to menu board, Kris giving it a once over.

"Caramel Latte" Kris said, satisfied with his choice, Kyuhyun nodding at him.

"What about the pixie? What does he drink?" Kyuhyun asked with a mildly interested expression, Kris giving him a dirty look, not sure if he was insulting Luhan or just had a bad manner of address, Kyuhyun lifting an eyebrow at his expression, tapping the counter impatiently.

"How would I know what Yesung sunbaenim drinks?" Kris responded a little impishly, a noncommittal shrug of his shoulder to complete the little cheekiness, Kyuhyun's eyes narrowing, his teeth as Kris tried not to smile.

"Luhan likes coffee though. French Vanilla Cappuccino" Kris finally stated the drink that he thought Luhan would like.

He drank those fairly often and it was warm, so that would be good to warm his hands, Kris smiling at the thought, Kyuhyun making a mildly mocking sound at his expression, wondering if that was the reason why Ryeowook gagged when he was talking about Yesung, deciding that if he was anywhere close to how stupid Kris looked he definitely had to be more careful.

With that settled, Kyuhyun made their orders, hot chocolate for him and coffee for Yesung, reciting their orders to the server, a young girl that seemed to recognize them, though she tried her best to remain professional, looking at Kris with stars in her eyes, Kyuhyun trying his hardest not to be jealous, rolling his eyes when Kris smiled at her, Kyuhyun scoffing when she stuttered 'good night'.

 It was then that she finally turned to him, the expression less awestruck but equally flattering, a little squeak, but she held it together, diligently taking his orders and passing it on to the barista, asking them to holding on, as Kyuhyun reached for his wallet.

"You don't have to Sunbaenim. I can do it" Kris offered, despite the fact that Kyuhyun had offered to buy them drinks.

He didn't see it necessary and didn't mind doing the honours himself, though Kyuhyun ignored him, handing over a few bills and a large tip to the girl, refusing the change, finally turning to him.

"I'm still your hyung and sunbae. It's only good manners to pay" Kyuhyun explained without any malice, Kris nodding at the explanation, supposing that he was just too accustomed paying for things for the brats that he didn't have much people to pay for things for him.

The girl by then seemed to be debating whether or not it was appropriate for her to ask for an autograph, something which Kyuhyun picked up on, cheekily telling her to hand over the paper whilst he waited.

 It was pure miracle that she didn't squeal this time, Kyuhyun smiling at her charmingly, taking the pen from her and the sheet of paper she tore from the notebook beneath the counter, Kyuhyun's hand sliding across the sheet in impressive , grinning when he handed it back, the girl looking at it fondly, mumbling her thanks.

By then their drinks were ready thankfully, the girl handing them over with some nervousness but a warm smile from Kris kept her steady, taking the cups from her hands. It was then that she managed to find the courage to speak.

"You're really that handsome. My friend said you were but I didn't believe her. I can't believe you are really that handsome" the girl gushed in a rush, her cheeks red and looking shy, back to staring at Kris in an awestruck way, Kyuhyun scoffing.

"I'm more handsome" Kyuhyun contradicted, rolling his eyes.

"You’re funny  for real too" the girl giggled, thinking that Kyuhyun was making his usual witty comments as seen on his various variety stints, hurting the older man's pride unwittingly, Kris laughing truly behind them, realizing what had occurred, supposing he shouldn't rub it in Kyuhyun's face but it was just too funny, the girl still giggling happily, waving at Kyuhyun when he shook his head an left the counter, two drinks in his hands.

"Thank you" Kris said, smiling at the nice girl at the counter one last time, the girl blushing cutely, nodding at them.

Kris was concerned when she pulled out her phone, Kris afraid for a second that she was going to take pictures, bracing for the likely flash, only for her to instead drag it to her ear, a loud "KYAAA" heard as she prompted a likely friend to guess who she just seen, Kris allowing her amusement, nodding in gratitude as he headed to the table, holding his and Kyuhyun's drinks, approaching the table to find Kyuhyun handing over the other two drinks, taking a seat as Luhan spoke.

"Sehunnie just called. They are going to meet us here" Luhan informed with a tight smile, filling Kris in as to what occurred when he had been away.

He and Yesung had been chatting rather happily, Luhan quite happy to confirm that Baekhyun was right--Yesung was lots of fun and really nice- when Sehun called, asking where he and Kris where. Apparently they were bored playing games and wanted to know if Kris and him were ready so that they could call their manager.

 Yesung had overheard Luhan asking them what they wanted to do since he was still busy and had invited them to join them at the café. Luhan liked the idea, preferring to keep an eye on his dongsaengs rather than have them find things to amuse themselves and get into trouble, and was glad that Yesung had suggested it, Luhan thanking him only for Yesung to insist that he would be happy to see the others as well, since he had not seen Jongdae in quite a while. Luhan though knew that Kris would be less than pleased, looking at him carefully as he said those words, Kris expression falling a little.

"They could have gone on ahead. We could have taken a cab" Kris suggested, looking across at Luhan, wondering why he would suggest that they come meet him, especially since he was trying to still salvage some of their evening. They still had that matter to talk about, but they could have maybe just sat somewhere together for a while alone, that idea also ruined now.

"Who's coming?" Kyuhyun asked as he took a seat, trying to catch up on what was happening, guessing from Kris's expression that it was not something that was entirely favourable to him or them by extension.

"The EXO maknaes and Jongdae" Yesung answered, seemingly happy with the arrangement.

He had heard Luhan asking them what they wanted to do and could hear the bit of concern in his voice, figuring that Luhan would be happier if he could keep them in sight. Luhan had told him that he was one of the older ones, so he knew what that felt like, wanting to help him.

"Why?" Kyuhyun asked a little tactlessly, seeing no reason to add more people to his 'date'…so much for that idea.

"I wanted to see them and Luhan wanted to keep an eye on his dongsaengs" Yesung responded to the question easily, speaking before Luhan could give his explanation, instead nodding along to what was being said, a smile tugging at his lips when Yesung took the blame away from him virtually.

"Oh" Kyuhyun responded, not sure what else he could say in such a situation.

He had been trying hard enough to get rid of the giant next to him and the little pixie tugging on Yesung's arm, his eyes bright and shining, adorable really, Yesung eating it all up making Kyuhyun sick, trying to not let his base instinct get him in trouble.

If it was up to him, he would have told Luhan to get his grubby hands off Yesung's arm and stop looking at Yesung with those sparkly eyes. It was annoying. With a glance to the stony faced man next to him he could conclude that it was a shared sentiment, Kris nodding at the two and sipping at his drink, though he didn't look that happy, Luhan smiling across at him but Kyuhyun didn't think Kris noticed.

"It's better we keep an eye on them than let them get into trouble, right Wufan?" Luhan asked directly across the table, his eyes boring into Kris, another question lost in the words, Kyuhyun was sure of that, his mind immediately wondering if he and Yesung spoke to each other that way, meanings between meanings.

Kris didn't react too strongly, only glancing up from his drink, a tongue flicking out a little as he seemed to contemplate it, lips twisting a bit, but in the end he nodded.

"Yeah. They can be a little bratty sometimes" Kris responded, the answer directed at all present, but he looked at Luhan alone.

A small nod in Luhan's direction and a weak pull of his lips, Kyuhyun not even sure why he was bothering with noticing these things, seeing no benefit to him, other than to make him question if he and Yesung acted that obvious as well, Kris basically assuring Luhan that he supported his decision and was not entirely displeased that they couldn't spend the rest of the evening together.  Luhan accepting the wordless assurance with a smile of his own, turning to Yesung now with a settled expression, Kyuhyun shaking his head at the exchange.

"They're not..well…not really. They just like messing with Mr. Grumpy over there" Luhan gossiped, giggling as Kris frowned at him, Yesung like a school girl giggling along with Luhan, the two finding amusement with each other.

"He has that weird angry bird sort of face so Jongdae ah makes fun of him all the time" Luhan continued to share his great insight into Kris's tormentors, Yesung grinning as he regarded Kris critically.

 Kyuhyun was rather uninterested  and therefore offering no comment on the matter, happy to just drink his tea and wonder if he wanted a slice of cake since clearly the short evening that he was hoping for wasn't going to happen. Maybe he should have just agreed to drinks, that way Yesung would have one beer and decide that he wanted to go home. Either way tonight was a lost cause for him.

The least he could do was drown his sorrows in sugar.

"Ah! That's right. That's why he reminded me of Siwonnie" Yesung concluded after his  examination of Kris's face, the younger man actually resisting the urge to glare, a natural pout taking shape, feeling awkward at being stared at, though Luhan and Yesung found him to be amusing, both giggling amongst themselves, Kris trying not to sulk, but failing miserably.

"Yes, that's true. The fans said that Siwon sunbae looked like an angry bird too. I remember that" Luhan continued, shaking his head at the memory, grinning at Kris, whose sulky expression was undeniably cute, Luhan feeling his heart warm a little, Kris pouting always quite the sight.

"Siwonnie loves doing things like that and our fans love it" Yesung commented, a happy smile on his face as he thought of his dongsaeng, Kyuhyun making an annoyed sound, only Luhan turning to him, Yesung ignoring him completely, Kyuhyun choosing just drinking his cocoa and not say something he would be elbowed in the stomach for, the biting words at the tip of his tongue, washed away by the chocolate tea's sweetness.

"I think our fans really like calling him an angry bird too" Luhan rejoined, deciding that he didn't know why Kyuhyun made that sound and couldn't figure it out, better to rejoin the conversation and talk about someone that he knew quite well, laughing along with Yesung.

"I don't think he likes the comparison very much though" Yesung pointed out, taking note of Kris's expression, the taller man looking over at him with an awkward smile, still not sure what he was expected to say in the situation, Yesung and Luhan looking ready to coo, Kris looking away , feeling a little shy at the looks.

"Stop annoying him Yesungie hyung" Kyuhyun defended his -ally- and not friend, narrowing his eyes at Yesung, refusing to admit, not even to himself, that he was just mad that he was talking about Siwon with so much fondness, Yesung not seeing his vindictiveness, giggles dying down, wondering if he really was hurting Kris's feelings with his mild teasing

"It's alright sunbaenim" Kris assured, not wanting the two think he was upset, but he would be glad if they stopped teasing him, giving Kyuhyun a grateful look, but he didn't see it, instead having a conversation with Yesung, or that is what Kris thought as they looked at each other.

"See? I wasn't annoying him" Yesung pointed out childishly, sticking his tongue out and waving his arms in Kris's direction, relying on Kris's reassurance to prove his point, nodding his head at Kris cutely, making the tall man laugh, Yesung pleased that his Kyuhyun's chastisements had no bearing.

"You didn't sunbaenim" Kris assured him, finding himself smiling at the two men across from him, their childishness, whilst annoying as hell was actually very cute and it was hard to resist.

Satisfied that they were vindicated and Kris did not mind that they were talking about his many wonderful attributes and his penchant to look like an angry bird and be teased by his maknaes, the two resumed their playful chatter, Kris looking on with a bit of a smile, following along to the cute exchanges and bright eyes and even flattered a bit by the glances that they would give him now and then, the two across chatting and giggling about Kris and his 'cute' and 'weird' expressions.

"Last time I help an ungrateful thing like you" Kyuhyun hissed lowly from beside him, giving him a dirty look unnoticed by the two who was still giggling amongst themselves, Luhan telling Yesung about some of the terms Jongdae called Kris when he wanted to , Kris supposing he should be offended, but they were both very cute and it was a little hard to get mad at them.

"What? They're cute" Kris defended himself, then wanted to kick himself for actually admitting that out loud, Kyuhyun giving him a judgemental look, smirking at him a little, Kris turning his head in a shame, Kyuhyun chuckling smugly.

Kris didn't have to wait long for his revenge though, Yesung and Luhan by then discussing the cute things that the younger members of Super Junior did, Yesung telling Luhan about the little fights Kyuhyun caused because he was such a brat, Kyuhyun narrowing his eyes at him, but it would only turn into a stupid smile when Yesung met his eyes, smiling at him happily, Kyuhyun seemingly spineless, admitting to being a bit of a brat, Yesung laughing at his words, happily continuing his conversation, Kyuhyun shaking his head at his inability to resist that particular smile.

"It seems that you're not really in a position to judge either" Kris informed, eyes shining with amusement, an eyebrow arched mockingly, leaning downwards to whisper the words to Kyuhyun, who only shot him a hard glare, holding his gaze, Kris refusing to look away, forcing Kyuhyun to be the one to fold, twisting his head away with a scoff, Kris chuckling in amusement.

"What's so funny?" Luhan asked, spotting Kris chuckling when he looked up, his comment attracting Yesung's attention, the two of them suddenly looking at Kris expectantly, the younger man stilled, not sure what he was supposed to say, since his conversation or rather mocking exchanges with Kyuhyun were definitely not something to be shared.

"He was just telling me what's it like to be a walking lamp post and have such expressive features" Kyuhyun said sweetly, throwing Kris a look as he smirked, the two across of them evaluating the words, though they didn't laugh really, Yesung giving  Kyuhyun and inquiring look to which Kyuhyun  just shrugged with a smirk, Luhan trying to keep the confusion from showing on his face, trying to follow along as Kris's eyes narrowed.

"And Kyuhyun sunbae was just telling me how much he loves cute things" Kris added, giving Kyuhyun a mocking look, making it clear that he would tease as well, Kyuhyun giving him an appraising look, while the other two was just confused.

"Really? Cuz he normally hates cute things. He makes a big fuss every time they make him do qwiyomi player" Yesung laughed, remembering Kyuhyun's aversion to the little cute routine, Kyuhyun pulling a face the second it was mentioned, making Yesung  chuckle and want to pinch his cheeks, only refraining since they were in public and amongst others.

"Wufan always looks like he will cry when they make him do it too" Luhan joined in, pointing out that Kris shared a particular aversion to acting cute as well, remembering all the times he nearly lost his soul laughing at his misery, Kris glaring at him then as well, Luhan still laughing happily.

"One time I thought he scared our fans" Luhan continued his story, Yesung grinning at the visual it created, Luhan thoroughly caught in his amusement, Kris his teeth and adopting his classic displeased expression but the three men still thought it appropriate to laugh at him.

Neither noticing when a shorter man approached their table.

"It’s the eyebrows. They would scare anyone" Jongdae teased as he approached the table, catching the tail end of the conversation , never one to miss an opportunity to tease Kris, grinning as the tall man glared at him, Luhan laughing with his mouth hanging open, Yesung patting him on the back, looking torn between amusement and being worried that Luhan would choke on his spit, Kyuhyun rather liking the lead vocalist that had joined them, giving him a proud look.

"Yah Kim Jongdae, have some respect" Kris instructed, voice stern, expression scary, Jongin and Sehun behind him biting back their laughter, though Jongdae just smirked at him, Luhan trying to catch his breath, Yesung still chuckling along, no one really taking him seriously, refusing to sulk because of that fact, giving Jongdae and the maknaes a sharp look.

"Yesungie hyung" Jongdae greeted cheerfully, grinning boyishly at the lead singer of Super Junior, all the mischievousness disappearing, being replaced with cuteness waving at Yesung with a small amount of nervousness, Kris rolling his eyes and scoffing at the complete change.

Jongdae did the same thing with Suho and Lay. That was how he managed to hide the fact that he was the devil incarnate, Kris shaking his head at how they all ate it up, except for Kyuhyun, who now gave the trolling brat an appraising look, certainly not liking the starry look that he gave Yesung.

"Jongdae ah, come!"Yesung invited, pointing to the spot next to him, waving his small hands at him, a warm smile on his lips.

 Yesung looked past Jongdae to smile at the two maknaes, both smiling at him a little awkwardly, his smile making them feel more comfortable but still a little awkward around their sunbaes, especially in the absence of Suho, Sehun feeling a little put out and unsure, only smiling when Luhan called him over to him.

With the invitations extended, Jongdae wasted no time in rounding the table and going over to Yesung's side, snickering when he whacked Kris in the back of his head, the taller man biting back a curse, especially when Jongdae evaded his vengeful reaching hands , Yesung and the others laughing at the exchange, Kris glaring at them all for encouraging Jongdae's bad behaviour.

Luhan however, reached a hand forward to touch his hand -"stop scowling" he said and Kris only glared at him, which he ignored of course, instead reaching a hand out for their maknae to take. Jongdae eventually settled himself beside Yesung.

The bench can only hold about three people, but Luhan and Yesung instinctively move closer to each other, not minding the fact that they are pressed against each over, Jongdae fitting in beside Yesung, nodding politely at Kyuhyun when he realized that he had not greeted properly, Kyuhyun nodding an acknowledgement curtly, Yesung making inquiries into his wellbeing.

Sehun on the other hand was ushered into Luhan's side, barely fitting on the bench, but Luhan soon had a hand wrapped around his shoulder, holding him close, Kris didn't get mad at the sight, very accustomed to the way that Luhan would baby Sehun, who looked bored as he usually did, only offering a smile when Luhan asked him if he had a good time and if he had any trouble. Sehun assuring the older man that he was fine, Jongin left to stand a little awkwardly until Kyuhyun realized that he didn't have a seat, shifting around to allow him to fit with him, Jongin smiling in gratitude, Kris thanking him for making space for Jongin to sit.

Kyuhyun muttered that he was annoying him, their turbulent relationship continuing.

A/N: Not sure what is going on with this.....seems you all don't know either.

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Chapter 8: Can you please please write the story when kyusung was already at the dorm? Gaaaaaahhhhhhhhh
Chapter 6: Lay wasn't there tho? My hilarious unicorn healing bias T_T lol
Chapter 3: Passive agressive sunbae! Hahahahaahahaha Kyukyu you big possessive overprotective baby! LOL
Chapter 2: Despite the fact that it had a pairing I know nothing about, I absolutely adored this. I love how Kyusung were the elders and could give advice to the younger boys, and Kyuhyun was possessive and impatient as ever lol. Yesung's such a sweetheart. Wonderful read <3.
Chapter 3: I waas never much of a krishan shipper but this story was really sweet. the ending though ahhaha had me squeling so much, yesung what are you going to do!! XD
Chapter 10: lol I knew Luhan would get irrationally mad at Kris for that Yesung thing XD oh but happy ending-ish *poor Kris* nonetheless~ I think these Kris/Luhan and KyuSung stories are a good idea, I of course adored the Kyusung parts a little bit more *they are my beutifal otp* but when they're all together it’s like a magical party of silliness XD Luhan and Kris are adorable in their own right, and so are the 'kids' I would like to read more stories like this, they're fun
summrxx #7
Chapter 10: Yay for Krishan!!! This was so much fun to read i love how jealous Luhan got and Kris's happy "Yes!" Poor thing is forever being teased lol
You should definitely write more of this pairing I'd love to see where they go and bring on the awkwardness it makes it more entertaining :)
thaks heaps for taking the time to write and post this <3
Alyneko #8
Chapter 10: That was adorable. Kris is terrifying. The ending with Chanyeol is just too funny. I really liked it (even though it didn't include a Kyusung cuddling scene). This was awesome, I really liked it. And hopefully you'll post another wonderful story soon right? With Kyusung cuddles?
Thanks for posting^^
Chapter 10: "Told you guys it's the eyebrows. They'd scare ghost too."
Kim Jongdae to friggin troll! I just love how much of a troll he is.
Krishan will forever be awkward! They were born awkward! Lmao
And jealous Luhan!
Thanks for this, love <3
summrxx #10
Chapter 9: Im officially in love with Krishan! What have you done to me O.O this was so cute I love the awkwardness and how unsure they are about what they are and where its going. You should write more of them :)
Can't wait for the last chapter :)