Chapter 3

When Worlds Collide

Chapter 3

Kris didn't know what happened really.

One second Luhan was chastising him for telling Jongdae that he would knock some sense into him if he called him 'Ben Ben' one more time like that, clearly in a mocking way, Sehun laughing happily in the background as Jongdae crackled at his threat, Kris wondering why he even bothered with dongsaengs.

 The trio confirmed that they were shopping along the strip and had no problems so far, only a few people recognizing them, but no crazy fangirls out to get them as yet, having a good time and safe so far, hanging up when Jongdae asked him how his forced 'date' with Luhan was going, Kris figuring  that it was better that he not use colourful words in public to a dongsaeng as vindictive as Jongdae, likely to go say the same to Suho and get him in trouble.

He was only left to deal with Luhan, who smacked him lightly for his rough treatment of 'Sehunnie', calmly explaining to him that they were brats and he and Suho really should stop spoiling them so much if they wanted Sehun to grow up to be anything but a little demon only to be horrified when Luhan said that he was the one that spoilt Jongdae, so he shouldn't talk. Kris was flabbergasted completely, seeing no possible validity for that statement to be made, Luhan busy laughing at him.

It was in that moment that the strange thing occurred.

He was just standing there, trying to argue his case when a mass of black rushed passed him, seemingly heading straight for Luhan, head and eyes covered by a large black cap and Kris reacted from instinct, immediately reaching outwards to grab the person, the man?, he wasn't sure, trying to get to Luhan.

His large hand clamping down on a small forearm that flexed in his grip, his hold tight and imposing, Luhan's mouth twisting into a shocked expression, the guy dressed in black making a displeased sound, Luhan's eyes widening considerably, the word caught in his throat, Kris's heart thumping in his chest, his eyes locked on Luhan, just wanting to ensure that he was alright, the only thought repeating his mind, his grip tightening naturally until Luhan seemed ready to speak, the man tugging his hand away.

 Kris unrelenting, eyes only on Luhan, or it was so until a harsh voice broke the air.

"Get your hands off him if you know what's good for you" a tall man barked.

 Not tall as him obviously but tall enough, dressed in a dark jeans and a grey woollen sweater, loose dark cap and deep blue sweater, though the most noticeable part of him was the strength in his jaw and the anger in his eyes. Kris shocked, his grip loosening immediately, the man glaring the fires of hell at him, body rigid and eyes flashing with so much anger that Kris didn't know how he didn't fall dead on the spot.

Walking towards him was the maknae of Super Junior. And  he was not happy AT ALL.

Kris gulped, immediately releasing his hold, too afraid to look down especially when Luhan finally managed to get the words out that he had been trying since what felt like a lifetime ago was just a few agonizing seconds, everything feeling as if it was moving in slow motion, Kris wanting the earth to swallow him when Luhan's voice reached his ears.

"Yesung sunbae! Wufan let him go! Let him go right now" Luhan panicked, his voice a measure beneath hysterical, bolting forward to try and pry Kris's hand from Yesung's forearm.

His sunbae grimacing lightly but still managed to smile at him lightly, panic filling Luhan's heart, his small hands grabbing at Kris's hands, nearly hysterically pulling Yesung away from Kris, only made worse when he realized that it was Kyuhyun walking towards them looking likely to murder Kris and him by extension.

 Luhan praying that Kris didn't hurt Yesung, since he would die if that happened, Kris thankfully loosening his hand but too shocked when he realized that it was Kyuhyun and then a sharp look downwards at Luhan and the dark clothed man, giving him the idea that he was in deep trouble, Luhan's frightened eyes scaring him more than anything, hand falling away completely when Luhan pushed his hand away forcibly, trying to drag Yesung to him.

 The sunbae ending up caught in the mix of limbs, Kyuhyun there in a few seconds, pushing Kris away from him, just a strong hand on his shoulder, and he fell a step or two back, Kyuhyun glaring death at them both. Luhan's hands stilled in the second, frozen by the glare from the Super Junior maknae, who turned to look at the two with contempt before he spoke to the man that he tugged closer to him.

" Hyung are you alright? Did he hurt you?" Kyuhyun asked, using great effort to keep his voice steady and not yelling, the anger so strong inside him he thought he would explode.

 His hand was nearly shaking, his skin red and his eyes narrowed into slits, a hand steadying itself when it reached around to hold onto Yesung, who had made a grateful sound when that tall jackass had released him, Kyuhyun's temper rising the second that fool entered his mind, turning to glare at him, the urge to punch him so strong.

Kyuhyun wasn't even a violent person, and would normally avoid things like that, but there were just some things that a man couldn't see without feeling murderous and whilst he was pretty sure that Kris was more than likely capable of taking him quite easily that didn't mean he wouldn't break that well shaped nosed any chance he got.

When he saw him grab hold of Yesung he was mad, when Yesung made that pain sound he was ready to just punch him, no questions asked. How he could think it was alright to hurt Yesung he couldn't fathom, the anger bubbling inside of him at a fever pitch.

He didn't know what stopped him from hitting him.

 He would like to think it was self preservation, considering that the guy was a good couple inches taller than he was and likely a lot more fit than him, so it really wasn't a good idea to engage in that sort of thing with him, but truthfully it wasn't.

 If he wasn't so concerned about Yesung's wellbeing, he was pretty sure that would be the first thing he did. Maybe he should have had more self control, but that was hard when the animal just attacked his tiny little ---God! Yesung would murder him if he knew that he just thought of him as tiny and defenceless, but for now he was just glad that he didn't say that out loud.

That didn't make the aggravation any less, the image of Yesung's small grimace was burned into the back of his mind and he really despised the leader of EXO-M, by then having had a fair chance to recognize the tall imbecile, which of course did nothing to prevent him from bumping their shoulders, which was actually a bit sharp and had hurt him as well, but once Kris knew that he was dissatisfied it was worth it.

Now however, he only had to focus on Yesung, ignoring Luhan talking to Kris in the background.

"Are you crazy? Why did you do that?" Luhan demanded, his hand pressing against Kris's chest to get his attention, still a little out of it when he realized that he had just basically attacked a man that was a six year sunbae and a  very influential person in their company.

Who the hell attacks the lead vocalist of Super Junior ? Was he insane?

He couldn't kick himself enough mentally before he was left with a pitiful frown, finally turning to look at the man looking up at him with chastising disbelieving eyes, clouded with anger and disbelief, hissing the words as  Luhan tried to calm himself down.

This wasn't happening. Kris did not just grab Yesung's hand. It was a nightmare, that was what it was….God! Kris just grabbed his hand. What were they going to do? He couldn't even get close to Yesung to see if he was alright since Kyuhyun had shown up and looked murderous and he was gonna die!!

He was so mad at Kris! Was he really a Neanderthal ? What was the need to do something like that?

Even if it was just a random stranger, it would have been too much to grab the person, since there was no threat. Kris was insane. If he wasn't a light headed he would have hit him, but somehow or the other he was grateful when Kris placed a hand against his waist steadying Luhan and maybe steadying himself.

"God! I'm so sorry. I'm really sorry. I didn't know it was him. I thought it was a saesang or something. I didn't want you to be hurt. Really, I'm so sorry!" Kris pleaded repeatedly, trying his best to apologize, though he knew he was directing it at the wrong person.

Yesung was the one that he had hurt, but he knew better than to think he could get close to him with Kyuhyun hovering over him, and scowling at the air if he could. It was Luhan that he needed to believe him, as strange as it was. Of course he was afraid of offending a sunbae and getting into trouble with SM, but in that second, he only wanted Luhan to know that it would be alright, to understand that he was an idiot, but he really just did it for him.

The idea of the person in black hurting him was so horrible to him that he acted without thought.

 He just didn't want him to be alright, to not be mad at him, looking at him earnestly, hoping that he understand him, Luhan sighing mightily, but he nodded, even if he gave him a sharp look, making it clear that the conversation was far from over, instead trying to approach Kyuhyun again, pressing a hand on Kris's chest to stop him, figuring that he was the last person that Kyuhyun wanted near him so he should wait a second.

"I'm alright Kyuhyun ah. It wasn't that bad" Yesung assured with a smile, a genuine smile that the slight pain in his arm couldn't remove, shaking the ache away, Kyuhyun looking at him as if he was dying, making him chuckle.

Admittedly he didn't expect the tall guy who he now realized was Kris to grab his arm, but it was all alright. It was slight pain and from what Kris was saying to Luhan, the younger man thought that he was a saesang and was just keeping him away from Luhan, which he understood.

He knew that leaders liked to protect their members and considering that he was dressed in all back and had his face obscured a little, it was easy to think weird things, especially since it was so late at night and the area was deserted. Plus, Baekhyun had told him about all the saesang drama that EXO had been having, so he knew that he had to be forgiving.

 It was a stressful time for his dongsaengs.

It wasn't shocking that they were so jumpy and truthfully Kris did the right thing. If he really was an obsessed fanboy, Luhan could have been really hurt if he had not intervened, so he had no ill feelings, only respect. He was not an easy man to subdue, and his arms were pretty strong. Kris definitely had a strong grip.

"Stop joking around. Are you hurt? I'll kill him" Kyuhyun grumbled, reaching a hand upwards to take the cap off Yesung's head, trying to look at him properly, Yesung just smiling at him still, seemingly not understanding how annoyed Kyuhyun was.

The guy had just hurt Yesung. There was no way that he wouldn't be annoyed and Yesung joking around wasn't helping him, glaring at the older man, wanting him to answer the question seriously so that he could rest his mind.

""I'm fine. It didn't even hurt" Yesung assured, looking at Kyuhyun with a warm smile.

He  lifted his head to do the same thing to Luhan who was hovering nearby, seemingly trying to find a way to ask if he was alright, but with Kyuhyun in the mood he was in, he didn’t blame him for holding back, Kyuhyun glaring at Luhan however when his eyes followed Yesung's, the younger man blanching at the cold look Kyuhyun shot him. Yesung deciding then that he needed to intervene, least Kyuhyun take his anger out on the young men.

"Kyuhyun ah, I swear I'm alright. Calm down. It's alright. I didn't even feel it and I'm sure Kris didn't mean it either" Yesung explained quickly, looking at Kyuhyun dead in the eyes willing him to stop acting so over protective, because quite frankly it was a little weird.

Kyuhyun was hovering and looking at him with those eyes, the ones that let Yesung know that Kyuhyun thought he was some fragile doll that he had to protect. Whilst he appreciated the concern, it was a little embarrassing, pushing Kyuhyun away a little so that his dongsaengs didn't realize that his bandmate/ boyfriend treated him like a porcelain doll in public, feeling a little uncomfortable with the attention.

"Hyung-" Kyuhyun began to protest, not liking the fact that Yesung was so dismissive of his injury and his concern to booth, feeling the hand against his shoulder, looking at Yesung with interest.

"Seriously, I'm fine. Kris, is the one that you guys should worry about. He looks a little pale" Yesung joked as he tugged his hand away from Kyuhyun once more, using his chin to point to the man that was giving him a nearly pouting look, his face hard and rigid but his eyes darting about in a little panic, looking way when Yesung mentioned him.

Yesung ignored the scoff that Kyuhyun released at his words and whilst there was no malice involved, he also ignored Luhan's timid question into his wellbeing, taking a couple steps away from Kyuhyun and his hovering to approach the tall man.

Kris was looking at him with wide interested eyes, his lips parting but no words coming out, Yesung aware that he was probably just feeling guilty, making it his business to smile brightly at him, ignoring Kyuhyun behind him, walking up to Kris and looking up.

"You're really tall. It's annoying" Yesung stated with a straight face, Kris's eyes widening even more, Yesung unable to hold it much longer, chuckling lowly,  flashing Kris another one of those world famous eye smiles, Kris mumbling an awkward 'yeah', his hand reaching up to touch his hair.

"Sunbaenim…I'm really sorry-" Kris began in earnest, seeing it as his opportunity to apologize, grateful that Yesung had approached him and tried to kill the awkwardness even if it still persisted.

He didn't think it would go away to be honest, not when Luhan looking on with hawk like eyes, silently motioning for him to apologize and Kyuhyun glaring at him from behind Yesung, his face in a deep scowl. Kris wondering dumbly if that was the expression that Suho was talking about when he said Kris scared the members sometimes, Kris trying not to look at him, and instead focus on the almond shaped eyes that were gazing up at him, pink lips twisted into a smile.

"Don't be. I must of surprised you. No harm done" Yesung assured the younger man, still smiling at him brightly, speaking the truth.

 His arm stung in that moment, but there was no lasting effect, other than the shock that he felt and clearly Kris felt bad about it. He didn't see any need for the younger man to be so worried about it. He was just taking care of and protecting Luhan from potential harm. He could see nothing wrong with that, smiling even more brightly at the thought, thinking that he really should get to know Kris better, the taller man trying for an awkward smile, lips pulled in an odd angle making his gums show, Yesung finding him cute, shaking his head when he heard Kyuhyun scoff , turning back to the younger man.

"Would you stop being an idiot. Kris is sorry and I'm okay. Let it go" Yesung instructed lowly, a hand reaching out to smack Kyuhyun on the stomach, grateful that the area was soft and not steel like as with Siwon, Kyuhyun groaning at the action, but he didn’t feel sorry for him.

He didn't need Kyuhyun acting like a bulldog and embarrassing him. His hovering was making him look very fragile and he didn't like it one bit. It also didn't help that he was making Kris uncomfortable and Yesung didn't want that.

"Hyung-" Kyuhyun complained, but caught himself quickly enough, Kris's eyebrow raising, once more grating on Kyuhyun's nerves, but if he really whined at a stubborn Yesung he would just look like a petulant child and Kris already caught them in an awkward position once.

He never did get around to talking to him and he could see a new idea forming in his mind, so he decided to let it go, at least outwardly.

"Fine" Kyuhyun conceded, but that didn't mean that he would not glare at him once more.

His eyes were strong as he regarded the taller man, who was desperately trying to avoid his eyes, instead looking down at Yesung, who was making small cute faces at Kris, though Kyuhyun doubt Kris knew that the expressions were deliberate, Kyuhyun rolling his eyes at Yesung and trying his hardest to shove that natural possessive instinct downwards. They had the desired effect though, Kris trying for another awkward smile.

"We are really sorry Yesung sunbae" Luhan interjected with a step in their direction, bowing at Yesung or at least trying to, finding then to be best time to repeat the sentiments.

Kris had tried his best, but Yesung had stopped him. Even if Yesung was all smiles and seemed very forgiving, Luhan wanted to say their apologies himself. Kris only reacted that way because he was overprotective and he refused to let him deal with it alone, bowing in apology for them both, or at least he tried to, Yesung impeding him with a hand to the shoulder.

"Yah! Stop doing that. We'll look weird" Yesung tried to joke, laughing at his own words, pulling Luhan back upwards, hoping to see him smiling, but the younger man still looked at him with worried eyes, Yesung trying to find a way to ease his mind.

"Do you guys really think I am that weak? That is actually sort of offensive" Yesung responded, mock glaring at Luhan at the would be slight, though he knew that they didn't mean it like that.

 He really wanted them to stop apologizing, since it was making him feel bad.

"Sunbae, it's not like that-" Luhan explained in a rush, refusing to let the person that they had just caused harm to take further offence from their efforts to make things right.

"Didn't I tell you to call me 'Hyung'? You too Kris. It's okay. I am fine. No harm done, so let's just forget it. It's starting to hurt my pride." Yesung complained cutely, shaking his head and pulling a face to indicate how displeased he was at the whole idea of them constantly apologizing and reminding him that a guy could hold him that tightly and noticing that he couldn't get it released.

Kris was really strong. It's very annoying, even more so when he was reminded of it.

"Hyung-- I really am sorry….I wasn't even thinking and I feel really- " Kris emphasised once more, looking truly apologetic for the entire incident, ruing his rashness and the fact that if Yesung had been less understanding that it could have been really detrimental, once more interrupted.

"No more apologizing. Either of you. It’s alright. It really is" Yesung insisted, smile in place as usual, hoping that would be the end of it, looking at Kris and then Luhan nodding at them in a way that said that he expected that to be the last of it all, smiling when they both nodded, and ignored Kyuhyun's grumbles.

"It won't hurt to think before you act next time" Kyuhyun reprimanded a little scathingly, unwilling to just let it go.

 Kris may have had good intentions and seemed apologetic, but that didn't change the fact that he had hurt Yesung, and that too, in front of Kyuhyun. There were just some things that Kyuhyun had a real problem with and one of the main ones unsurprisingly was people hurting Yesung, glaring at Kris, who had the good sense to blanch under the look, eyes on the floor.

 Luhan reaching for his hand, which would have surprised Kyuhyun if he bothered to look at the action, too busy scowling at the man with downcast eyes, who was more shocked by the action than anyone else present, eyes darting across to look at the man holding his hand, his courage failing him, instead staring at the loose hand on his wrist, his heart thumping when Luhan spoke.

"Sunbaenim, we-" Luhan began apologetically, eyes downcast, a little frightened by Kyuhyun's tone, the Super Junior maknae clearly a lot less forgiving than Yesung, feeling awkward, but determined to help Kris.

He  seemed a little lost in the minute, Luhan's heart thumping in his chest, remembering what the others said about the consequences that could from offending industry seniors, determined however to help Kris, the words caught in his throat, trying to be brave with it, though he was infinitely grateful when Yesung interrupted.

"Like you're one to talk. Stop being an idiot" Yesung chastised, smacking Kyuhyun once more, this time glaring at him meaningfully, making it clear with the sharp look in his eyes that Kyuhyun would be sorry if he continued to torment their dongsaengs.

 Luhan looked on with interest, though he ensured that he kept his eyes well away from Kyuhyun, looking at Yesung instead, and admiring the ease in which Yesung handled the scowling man, not an ounce of fear.

 In fact he looked a lot scarier than Kyuhyun or he did until he smiled, handsome face and shaped eyes, but even to Luhan, there was meaning behind it, his mind subconsciously being thrown back to that time that he and the rest had met them in that training room so many months back---

Could it have been true?....

His mind however leaving that thought alone behind when Kyuhyun leaned down to whisper to Yesung, the two glaring at each other, Luhan trying not to sweat so hard in the cold air, sighing a little when Kris's hand slipped in his palm, grabbing whole of it before he could think, so desperate for the comfort that he didn't care if they looked awkward.

He was sure Yesung was a nice guy.

From all his interactions that was how he came off and Baekhyun boasted forever that he was really nice to him, but that didn't mean he was less worried. From his trainee days Luhan learned from quite early on that there was always a price to pay for disrespecting sunbaes, even just training sunbaes. It was obviously much worse with sunbaes of Yesung's level. Their managers had made it clear to them that they were to very careful of stepping on the wrong toes. A few well chosen words to the right place could ruin your reputation and your career.

He sincerely doubted that Yesung was that vindictive, but even so Luhan was worried, wanting Kris to be alright. Kyuhyun was still not very happy and judging by the sharp whispering, Yesung was trying to convince him otherwise. Luhan couldn't hear them too well and with Korean being his second language, bits and pieces of words were too hard for him. He felt exceedingly awkward just standing there pretending he wasn't trying to listen to the two sunbaes talk rapidly and more importantly, not try and think about how much comfort the hand in his gave him.

Luhan wanted to try and give a reassuring smile to Kris, hoping that all those things that Suho said about Kyuhyun was true, but he was too nervous about everything and didn't want to have to add Kris to that as well, heart nearly ripped from his chest when Yesung spoke, the words shocking him, wanting to kick himself for letting his mind drift.

"Kyuhyun here is going to buy us all coffee for being an idiot" Yesung spoke sweetly, but Luhan would have had to be a fool not to see the underlying fierceness in those words.

 Yesung's eyes shining brightly, kind and sweet and scary, Kyuhyun barely containing the displeased sound, warm smile directed at him, though with fire in his eyes, Luhan a little disturbed at how easily he managed to do that.

"Right Kyuhyun ah?" Yesung prompted, leaving no room for objection, though Luhan thought Kyuhyun would for a second, his eyes flashing.

 Yesung  however, just placed a hand on his forearm and with a shared look, Kyuhyun was forcing a very fake smile in their direction, making him look even less welcoming actually, but Luhan smiled at him anyway. It's what he did when he didn't know what else to do, a little grateful when Kyuhyun's face softened a little, only to get back firm when he looked at Kris.

"Yeah. I'll buy us coffee" Kyuhyun repeated with little to no enthusiasm, plastering the fake smile once more, even brighter when Yesung 'discretely' nudged him, Luhan smiling at the exchange, finding it amusing, though he knew how to be grateful that Yesung was so understanding and was capable of convincing Kyuhyun in that same light.

"Thank you sunbaemins, but it's not- " Kris began, a denial to follow.

Clearly Kyuhyun was not enthusiastic and he felt awkward enough without having to try and pretend that he wasn't a little affected by the whole thing. He was infinitely grateful that Yesung was being so nice about it and not yelling at them and threatening to tell everyone and their managers, and for calming Kyuhyun down, who Kris figured was mad for reasons that his good sense was keeping from his mind, least he put his foot in his mouth and say something that would really get him in trouble.

 Kyuhyun had not been pleased that last time they had been in another awkward situation and Kris was nearly sure what he suspected then was true, but was smart enough to ignore it all, now just trying to escape. Plus, he really would rather just try and be with Luhan and deal with everything. He would likely get a scolding for his 'Neanderthal' behaviour, but Luhan had tried to stand up for him and held his hand again, so he was in a way happy. Coffee with a passive aggressive sunbae and the man that he had just assaulted was really not a good idea.

 He thought this view was shared but it appeared it was not, when Luhan held his arm and interrupted.

"We would really like that. Thank you" Luhan spoke enthusiastically, cutting Kris off clean completely and acting as if he wasn't speaking, nodding his head vigorously, fingers squeezing onto Kris's hand to indicate that he really should just stop talking.

Luhan figured Kris just wanted to avoid the awkwardness, but in Luhan's opinion it would be a hundred times more awkward if they turned down the invitation, especially after Yesung made Kyuhyun invite them. Luhan was sure that would be more annoying and offensive to Kyuhyun than actually accompanying him and they also ran the risk of offending Yesung as well.

No matter how he looked at him, Luhan couldn't see how turning down that invitation was a good idea on any point, giving Kris a look when he wordlessly inquired why he was accepting the invitation on their behalf. If Kyuhyun or Yesung had any thoughts on the small exchange and the mixed messages they kept it to themselves, nodding at the affirmation, Yesung once more smiling brightly, Kyuhyun looking a little sulky but at least he wasn't outright glaring at them anymore and Kris was still very uneasy, but had the good sense to try for a smile, contend to just go with the flow.

"Come on then" Yesung invited, motioning for them to walk forward, Kyuhyun wondering ahead a little grumpily, Yesung rolling his eyes, but he smiles at Kris and Luhan warmly, inviting them once more, before he took a few quick steps forward.

Luhan naturally slowed his steps, figuring that Yesung would want to say a few words to Kyuhyun, allowing a measure of privacy, exhaling in relief that the situation had not ended in disaster, Kris coming up at his side, Luhan glancing at him, trying for that reassuring smile this time, Kris looking a little put off, Luhan wondering what they had just gotten themselves into, glancing forward at Yesung leaning in to talk to Kyuhyun.

A/N: Firstly I apologize for the awkwardness. I didn't realize it was this bad....sigh....hopefully it gets better? I make no promises though. I may just discontinue this...we'll see.Secondly, I am sorry to the Krishan guys are probably dying from the awkwardness....don't kill me please.

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Chapter 8: Can you please please write the story when kyusung was already at the dorm? Gaaaaaahhhhhhhhh
Chapter 6: Lay wasn't there tho? My hilarious unicorn healing bias T_T lol
Chapter 3: Passive agressive sunbae! Hahahahaahahaha Kyukyu you big possessive overprotective baby! LOL
Chapter 2: Despite the fact that it had a pairing I know nothing about, I absolutely adored this. I love how Kyusung were the elders and could give advice to the younger boys, and Kyuhyun was possessive and impatient as ever lol. Yesung's such a sweetheart. Wonderful read <3.
Chapter 3: I waas never much of a krishan shipper but this story was really sweet. the ending though ahhaha had me squeling so much, yesung what are you going to do!! XD
Chapter 10: lol I knew Luhan would get irrationally mad at Kris for that Yesung thing XD oh but happy ending-ish *poor Kris* nonetheless~ I think these Kris/Luhan and KyuSung stories are a good idea, I of course adored the Kyusung parts a little bit more *they are my beutifal otp* but when they're all together it’s like a magical party of silliness XD Luhan and Kris are adorable in their own right, and so are the 'kids' I would like to read more stories like this, they're fun
summrxx #7
Chapter 10: Yay for Krishan!!! This was so much fun to read i love how jealous Luhan got and Kris's happy "Yes!" Poor thing is forever being teased lol
You should definitely write more of this pairing I'd love to see where they go and bring on the awkwardness it makes it more entertaining :)
thaks heaps for taking the time to write and post this <3
Alyneko #8
Chapter 10: That was adorable. Kris is terrifying. The ending with Chanyeol is just too funny. I really liked it (even though it didn't include a Kyusung cuddling scene). This was awesome, I really liked it. And hopefully you'll post another wonderful story soon right? With Kyusung cuddles?
Thanks for posting^^
Chapter 10: "Told you guys it's the eyebrows. They'd scare ghost too."
Kim Jongdae to friggin troll! I just love how much of a troll he is.
Krishan will forever be awkward! They were born awkward! Lmao
And jealous Luhan!
Thanks for this, love <3
summrxx #10
Chapter 9: Im officially in love with Krishan! What have you done to me O.O this was so cute I love the awkwardness and how unsure they are about what they are and where its going. You should write more of them :)
Can't wait for the last chapter :)