Chapter 7

When Worlds Collide

Chapter 7

It was only when Luhan had taken to brushing Sehun's hair from his eyes and asking if he wanted something to drink that they realized that they all needed drinks, Jongin spending the few minutes telling Kyuhyun about Suho and how things have been for them, Kris trying to keep track of the conversations and not making it obvious that he was keeping an eye on Luhan and the maknae, a little warmth in his belly at the sight of them strangely, Sehun by then making himself comfortable at Luhan's side, nodding along to the conversation that Yesung, Luhan and Jongdae were having.

 It was then that Yesung insisted that he would treat them all, since he was glad to see them, Luhan protesting, insisting that he would take care of his dongsaengs, Yesung refusing to hear any of it, just dragging Jongdae along with him to get them all drinks and cakes, Jongin offering to help them.

"Maybe we should insist that he let us pay?" Luhan asked Kris, wondering if it was right to have their hyung treat their dongsaengs.

That was their responsibility, especially since he was the one that asked them to come over, looking to Kris for guidance, something that happened frequently, Sehun offering no comment.

"Don't bother. No one is as stubborn as he is. He will do it either way" Kyuhyun answered before Kris could, seeing no need for them to be left in doubt, shaking his head at the two, making it clear that they would only waste their time.

Yesung was stubborn as hell.

 There was no way he would let dongsaengs pay or even Kyuhyun for that matter, so it was pointless to argue with him. Kyuhyun knew that all too well, smiling at his own memories.

"Are you sure?" Luhan directed the question to Kyuhyun, looking at him with interest.

"Yeah" Kyuhyun confirmed, nodding at the question, throwing a glance back to where Yesung was busy flirting with the cashier.

 The girl by that point was tomato red and seemed to be ready to faint, Yesung and Jongdae taking turns giving her one liners and Jongin grinning at her from behind them.

"Hyungdeul and Jonginnie are flirting with the cashier" Sehun was the one that commented, smiling lazily at the three giving the young girl a hard time.

 Luhan careening his head over him to take a peek, giggling at Yesung and Jongdae leaning on the counter, winking at the girl and smiling at her handsomely, Kyuhyun scoffing and turning away, not bothering with the little fun that Yesung was having.

"You should have gone with them" Luhan encouraged their maknae, winking at him, making Sehun look away shyly, not being the best at talking to young girls, his expressions always too stiff.

"He's not in our league" Jongin commented when he wondered over.

He had left the other two to continue to giving the young girl heart tremors, bringing over a couple drinks in a tray for them, shooting  Sehun a teasing look, laughing lowly, Kyuhyun looking up from his phone just then to see the maknae glare at him, lips twisting into a frown.

"You aren't in their league either" Luhan responded on Sehun's behalf, nodding at the men that had the girl fanning herself, clearly doing a create job with their cheeky words and bright smiles.

 Kyuhyun once more turning to look at Yesung batting eyelashes at the cashier, reminding himself to murder Yesung when they got back to the dorms, hissing underneath his breathe, amplified when Kris leaned over and spoke.

"Your expression is awfully expressive" Kris mumbled low enough in accented Korean only for him to hear.

 Kyuhyun turning to him to glare at the comment, Kris leaning back with a smirk, quite happy that he only had to deal with a clingy maknae that Luhan treated like a baby brother than watch him flirt with cashiers, grateful that Luhan was still too shy for things like that.

He was a complete flirt naturally, but he was still too nervous around fans to try and be charming. Natural charm was still a problem, but at least he didn't have to see things like that. He would probably never be rid of clingy dongsaengs and Minseok, but he could live with all of that, since he knew Luhan was happy that way.

"Yours  will be too when I make you cry in front of the little pixie" Kyuhyun rejoined with a smirk, both conducting their own conversation, ignoring Jongin lament the fact that he couldn't wink at people as well as they could.

Luhan himself was busy patting his arm, trying to hide his mean snickers, missing the little look of horror that Kris had on his face, the tall man wanting to kick himself for forgetting  just who  exactly he was talking too and what Kyuhyun was famous for, the older man smirking at him happily, reminding him quite quickly, Kris gulping.

"Sunbaenim-" Kris stuttered a little, trying to think of a way to get out of that little dilemma.

He was never one to back down, but he would be stupid if he thought he could take Kyuhyun in a verbal fight, the sunbae famous for his sharp tongue and relentless thirst for blood, a million times worse than Jongdae. Kyuhyun giving him a triumphant look, finding Kris's backtracking to be quite amusing, satisfied that his reputation had preceded him, ready to tear him apart when they were interrupted by an annoyingly cheerful voice. Kyuhyun all but his teeth.

"What are you guys whispering about now?" Yesung asked with bright curious eyes as he brought over their coffee, having come from the counter with a tray, catching the two conversing in low whispered tones, naturally piquing his curiosity.

It was not as if he expected Kyuhyun to be so familial with Kris, considering how annoyed he was with him earlier, therefore interactions of that sort was of a particular interest, halting at their side of the table.

He had no choice but to slip into the seat next to Kyuhyun as Jongin had sat in his when he had returned earlier, taking the seat when he decided that  Luhan and Sehun had to know  that girls loved him and he was great at flirting. He stood up when Yesung approached but the older man had simply indicated that it was alright for him to stay seated, seeing no need to displace themselves when he could just take Jongin's seat, placing the tray on the table as Jongdae returned to his seat.

With his shoulder brushing Kyuhyun's, he looked over the two men who seemed to be getting along, or so he concluded from all the whispering, the thought of it making him happy. He was glad that Kyuhyun was willing to be forgiving and not acting ridiculous when it came to their dongsaengs.

Kris still seemed awkward and part of that was his fault, something which he accepted easily.

He had spent most of his time talking to Luhan or Jongdae and he had not made the appropriate effort to get to know Kris as he had told himself earlier. He was glad that Kyuhyun was taking the time to talk to him however, smiling at them both. It was displaced however by a his curiosity, still rather interested in whatever the two of them were whispering about.

The entire table seemed to share that sentiment , all giving the two curious looks since Yesung asked the question. Kris cheeks colouring slightly, no sure what he was supposed to say, caught entirely off guard by Yesung's arrival and subsequent question.

"Well…uh…" Kris began, a little lost for words, wondering if he should lie to a sunbae and if he was going to do that, what exactly he would say.

"That's our secret" Kyuhyun answered easily, giving Yesung a teasing look, the older man's eyes widening, ignoring Kris's useless stuttering, clearly someone who didn't know how to deal with Yesung, watching the older man get excited and ignoring Kris's relieved look. The tall man entirely grateful for Kyuhyun's intervention.

"Secret? I want to know!" Yesung insisted mildly excitedly, the four on the other side looking on still, smiling at Yesung's excitement.

 Luhan giving Kris an inquiring look, but the tall man just shrugged, drinking his fresh latte and taking a bite of the lemon cake that was passed to him, Luhan still asking him the same with his eyes, curiosity strong in him, Kris finally realizing why Kyuhyun chose to answer that way, forgetting about him as he turned his attention to the curious man next to him.

"And that's exactly why I am not telling" Kyuhyun laughed as he denied Yesung what he wanted.

He found that he rather liked the way Yesung's nose crinkled as he scowled at him, wanting to kiss the adorable expression away, the temptation nearly heated in his blood, actually leaning closer when he realized how dangerous his actions were,  pulling back reluctantly but recognizing that distance was required, his heart aching at his loss but Yesung was there at his side. He could be grateful for small mercies, the warmth of Yesung's presence at his side going a long way in keeping him happy, covertly sliding closer to him, ensuring that not only their shoulders touched by their thighs as well, grateful that his idiot oblivious significant other had not caught on to that fact, Kyuhyun smiling happily.

"Kris ah! Tell Hyung Kyuhyunnie's secret" Yesung prompted deciding that Kyuhyun was a useless brat, refusing to tell him after he had sparked his curiosity.

Instead he leaned over Kyuhyun to smile at Kris, trying to lure him into telling him what they were talking about, now even more interested since Kyuhyun didn't want to tell him, Kris looking uneasy, trying not to look at him, wanting to avoid the trap that he knew was in there somewhere, smiles too wide and eyes too bright. Yesung was sure he was close to success when Kyuhyun dragged him back, hand on his shoulder, Yesung giving him a displeased look, twisting his lips to resemble a kicked puppy, Kyuhyun rolling his eyes, Kyuhyun not falling for his little act.

"Oh no you don't!" Kyuhyun rejected, keeping him away from Kris, the er looking ready to cave.

Kyuhyun would judge him, but he knew how hard it was to resist Yesung, lesser men not standing a chance, Kris smiling at Yesung a little stupidly, clearly having a bit of weakness, his cheeks a little red, turning away to get his bearings.

 Upon observing the small exchange, Luhan coughed a little awkwardly, Jongdae, always eager to cause some trouble, leaning over to whisper something in his ear that made Luhan smack him on the arm. Luhan's  expression a little sour when he looked at Kris, who was still trying to shake off the effects of the cuteness, feeling it tracing his insides.

Those eyes were lethal. That was all he would say, shaking them from his mind.

It was only then that he noticed Luhan nearly glowering at him, Jongdae snickering behind his palms and Sehun giving him an interested look, the kind he only gives when Kris was in trouble, Jongin with a knowing smile, Kyuhyun busy taunting Yesung, who by then had forgotten Kris, glaring at Kyuhyun and his developed immunity to his cuteness and his unnatural need to .

 Kris was confused by the strange looks he was receiving, raising an eyebrow in Luhan's direction, but he was ignored, Luhan turning to Jongin, Jongdae smirking at him, shaking his head when Kris tried to ask him what was wrong, confused as to why he was being brushed off. He wanted to ask the question verbally but figured that it would be too hard to phrase into words, just eating his cake.

At least that was something that he understood.

The conversations around him continued though, Yesung giving up trying to find out what they were staying to each other, figuring he would have better luck if he were back in the dorm and could employ other more effective persuasive methods, instead turning his attention over to the others.

 Luhan now was a lot less chatty, but still rather cheerful, Jongdae instead tasked with carrying on the conversation, teasing his dongsaengs about their blunders, everyone's spirits raising.

Even Kyuhyun was in a lot better mood now that Yesung was not pressed against the unnaturally pretty little pixie and at his side, the smell of him in his nostrils and his hand trying to hold his below the table. He was batted away generally, but whenever Yesung felt comfortable in the conversation he would forget to shift his hand away from Kyuhyun, the younger man taking advantage of that lapse, his fingers happily.

Kris took notice of their hands from time to time, in between bites of his cake, and couldn't help the small jealousy that he felt. He really wanted to do that but instead he was forced to watch Luhan's hands laced with Sehun's, the maknae lazily leaning against his shoulder, smiling lightly at the funny stories that everyone told.

Kyuhyun was a lot more chatty now, Kris wanting to laugh at how easily his mood changed when Yesung was near him, telling them stories from his variety shows and the funny things that Changmin and Minho did, the youngsters having a good time. Even Kris found that he liked the atmosphere, the conversations interesting and fun, or they were when they weren't teasing him, but even then it was a good time.

 Kyuhyun's quest to hold Yesung's hand providing Kris his own personal entertainment, smiling at Kyuhyun's stubbornness and Yesung's rejections. Kyuhyun did manage to catch him laughing at him, but only glared at him, leaning down when Yesung was busy with a particularly hilarious story about a time he was MCing with Leeteuk to tell Kris to keep his mouth shut if he knew what was good for him, Kris just nodding, very much aware that it really was better to stay quiet, his heart only slightly jealous.

He couldn't help wonder if he and Luhan would ever have whatever it was that Kyuhyun was so desperate to protect with Yesung.

Kris and Kyuhyun hadn't actually acknowledged anything and he still couldn't even answer to his own mind what sort of relationship Kyuhyun had with Yesung, but he knew it was something that Kyuhyun valued, something that he wanted to protect. It was just like how he would do anything to protect his own unidentified relationship with Luhan.

 He hoped that he could hold his hand under a table one day, but he rather hoped he didn't end up like Kyuhyun, especially when he had to bite back a grimace when Yesung pinched his hand, glaring at the older man who ignored him, instead continuing his conversation with the others, shaking his head at Kyuhyun's never ending attempt to recapture the unnaturally small thing, glancing over at Luhan who seemed happy, face glowing, eyes bright, truly enjoying everything, only changing when he threw him a look, wrinkling is nose, Jongdae still snickering at him from time to time, Kris too confused  to bother to try and discern the reactions, just happy to enjoy his cake and continue on, since there was nothing else for him to do at that point.

After an hour of stories and jokes and Kyuhyun explaining in detail how he pranked some of the Super Junior members and took embarrassing photos that he kept and uses as blackmail material to a very captive audience, Jongdae, Luhan and the maknaes on the edge of their seats, trying to take it all in so that they could try something similar and Kris glaring at them, paying close attention so that he would be able to recognize any such pranks and stop it before it occurs, Yesung advising his dongsaengs not to be brats for Suho and Kris, did they decide to end their little get together.

Luhan and the others were very regretful and so was Yesung, wanting to spend more time with the younger men, who were bouncy and happy after all the sugar and coffee, Yesung promising to spend time with them again soon, wishing them well with their promotions and activities, taking turns to hug them all, Kris and Kyuhyun left to stand aside and observe the proceedings.

"Thanks for what you said earlier" Kris mumbled a little awkwardly as they waited for the others to conclude their  hugs and greetings, getting new numbers if that was required, looking down at Kyuhyun standing next to him, grateful for his comforting words, wanting to thank him for the reassurance.

"It's no problem" Kyuhyun responded with a nod of his head, busy keeping an eye on Yesung, who was holding onto Jongdae, the younger vocalist hands on his back, both laughing about something.

"Just try and remember what I said. Nothing is wrong with taking care of the people you love" Kyuhyun reiterated, looking away from Yesung and the hands that touched him, finally to give Kris a meaningful look.

Kris only smiling at him for his act of kindness, Kyuhyun nodding at him before he looked away.

 Kyuhyun truly hoped Kris remembered that, otherwise he would have a hard time.  Kyuhyun sincerely believed that it was perfectly alright to take care of the people you loved, whether they thought they needed that care or not, something that he had a world of experience to attest to.

"And about…well…that thing…."Kris began not sure how to bring up the topic of the big thing that they were not discussing.

He really would have rather left it alone to be perfectly honest, but he knew that they would need to settle that arrangement. Kris did not know what Kyuhyun did with Yesung and he hoped that Kyuhyun would pretend that he didn't know about whatever it was that he had with Luhan.

"There is nothing to talk about. Keep your mouth shut about things you don't know about and I will pretend I don't know how stupid you are around the pixie" Kyuhyun summarized, getting to the point.

They certainly didn't have the time to beat around the bush and time was of the essence, Yesung finishing up hugging the other tall pretty blond one, chatting with them a little. He needed to say what had to be said and Kris seemed to be a frank person.

It was simple enough really.

 Kris was better advised to keep his mouth shut and ignore Kyuhyun and his relations and interactions with Yesung and Kyuhyun would do the same for him and Luhan. It was a simple mutually beneficial arrangement and neither had to ask any questions.

Kyuhyun didn't care if Kris and Luhan were in love or just simply two guys that liked to be awkward with each other.

He had no interest in it and he hoped Kris had no interest in whether he and Yesung were romantically involved or were just two guys that liked to push the limits of appropriate conduct. He refused to confirm anything and he wasn't wasting time with a denial. He hoped Kris understood, since he was sort of fond of him now. He would really hate to have a problem with him, since he would do whatever it took to protect Yesung and their relationship.

He really hoped it wouldn't ever come to that.

"Stop calling him a pixie and I am not stupid around him" Kris instructed, clearly not amused as to what he was regarding as a derogatory address directed at his………well whatever Luhan was and further defending himself from the very true accusation.

 Just because he was a little smitten did not mean he was stupid around Luhan, defending his dignity, Kyuhyun giving him a disbelieving look, making it clear that he was not buying it for a single second.

"We understand each other then" Kyuhyun confirmed just for clarity, giving Kris a sharp look, just a precaution really.

He was sure Kris had a fair understanding of the situation they found themselves in and he trusted him, Kris nodding at him in acceptance, Kyuhyun finally offering him a smile, a real smile, Kris trying for the same but it just looked awkward, Kyuhyun snickering.

It was then that Yesung finally walked over to them, more than likely here to say his goodbyes to Kris, since they decided that their manager would pick them up at the café and Kyuhyun and Yesung had parked on the other side of the paths.

 Yesung approached Kris, standing in front of him, offering a hand to shake and a reassurance that he had no anger for what occurs, and then surprising Kris when he told him that he did the right thing in protecting Luhan, saying his finally goodbyes as Kyuhyun wandered over to the others.

"Just a second" Kyuhyun called Luhan's attention, the doe eyed boy's eyes widening when he realized that Kyuhyun had something to say to him.

 Luhan immediately took the few steps over to Kyuhyun, removing himself from Sehun and Kai, who he left talking with Jongdae, just milling around as they waited for their manager to arrive or at least to tell them where to meet him.

"Sunbaenim?" Luhan asked hesitantly, a little unsure as to why he was being called over.

 Yesung was very warm with him, but Kyuhyun had kept his distance for the most part. He had told stories and joked with them, but he had not expressed any particular warmth as Yesung had done, so Luhan was still a little hesitant around him, coming to stand next to him, giving him a curious look.

"About earlier….don't be so annoyed at him. Your leader did what he was supposed to do. He protected his bandmate" Kyuhyun advised, hating that he saw it necessary to intervene in other people's business.

Really! He shouldn't have cared at all about what Kris got himself involved in, but he had heard their little argument and in a way he just felt sorry for Kris. He was still annoyed that the big oaf had hurt Yesung, but he still felt it necessary to help him a little, figuring that he could say something on his behalf. From the argument, Luhan didn't seem too happy and it would be difficult for him, Kyuhyun wondering why he was even bothering to help, but he was and he was being sincere about it.

"Sunbae….I'm..well…" Luhan stuttered, not sure how he was supposed to react to that.

 Kyuhyun was the one that was spitting fire earlier, now he was the one that was saying for him to not be mad? How did that make sense?  And why did Kyuhyun even care?

All valid questions.

He did in fact recall that Kyuhyun was supposed to be fairly proficient in mandarin and it was likely that he had  overheard their little argument just as Yesung did. Luhan figured in a some way that that was probably what triggered the comment . On that analysis he knew that was something that he had to take responsibility for allowing to happen. He had his issues with what occurred, all seemingly valid, but now he clearly had to wonder if he was being too harsh.

If Kyuhyun thought it was important enough to say something then maybe he should at least think about it some more.

"Just keep that in mind" Kyuhyun directed, interrupting the stuttering that reminded him so much of Yesung, wide eyes and red dusted cheeks, clearly a little lost as to how to respond, not that Kyuhyun blamed him.

 He really shouldn't be interfering, but he thought he did a good deed, compelled to press a hand to Luhan's shoulder, offering a smile and leaving him be.

Instead he headed over to Yesung, who was still talking to Kris and Jongdae, both smiling at him, Yesung enjoying the attention clearly or so Kyuhyun thought anyway, glaring at Kris just because--really?  Was it necessary to  be so tall and smile at Yesung that way?

Thankfully Yesung was showing no particular interest, not like he was doing to the maknaes, Jongdae and Luhan, Kyuhyun pressing a hand to his back that made him stilled, Kyuhyun taking his hand away when Yesung seemed too surprised.

 It at least alerted him to the fact that Kyuhyun was ready to leave, Yesung saying his final goodbyes, Kyuhyun doing the same, only muttering a small 'you owe me' to Kris before he left with a wave, not answering Kris's wordless inquiry just leading Yesung out the door.

A/N:- See?? Kyu is a nice guy. The story is winding up. Just a couple more chapters to come.  Any thougths/opinions/comments, other than to never write Krishan again? 

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Chapter 8: Can you please please write the story when kyusung was already at the dorm? Gaaaaaahhhhhhhhh
Chapter 6: Lay wasn't there tho? My hilarious unicorn healing bias T_T lol
Chapter 3: Passive agressive sunbae! Hahahahaahahaha Kyukyu you big possessive overprotective baby! LOL
Chapter 2: Despite the fact that it had a pairing I know nothing about, I absolutely adored this. I love how Kyusung were the elders and could give advice to the younger boys, and Kyuhyun was possessive and impatient as ever lol. Yesung's such a sweetheart. Wonderful read <3.
Chapter 3: I waas never much of a krishan shipper but this story was really sweet. the ending though ahhaha had me squeling so much, yesung what are you going to do!! XD
Chapter 10: lol I knew Luhan would get irrationally mad at Kris for that Yesung thing XD oh but happy ending-ish *poor Kris* nonetheless~ I think these Kris/Luhan and KyuSung stories are a good idea, I of course adored the Kyusung parts a little bit more *they are my beutifal otp* but when they're all together it’s like a magical party of silliness XD Luhan and Kris are adorable in their own right, and so are the 'kids' I would like to read more stories like this, they're fun
summrxx #7
Chapter 10: Yay for Krishan!!! This was so much fun to read i love how jealous Luhan got and Kris's happy "Yes!" Poor thing is forever being teased lol
You should definitely write more of this pairing I'd love to see where they go and bring on the awkwardness it makes it more entertaining :)
thaks heaps for taking the time to write and post this <3
Alyneko #8
Chapter 10: That was adorable. Kris is terrifying. The ending with Chanyeol is just too funny. I really liked it (even though it didn't include a Kyusung cuddling scene). This was awesome, I really liked it. And hopefully you'll post another wonderful story soon right? With Kyusung cuddles?
Thanks for posting^^
Chapter 10: "Told you guys it's the eyebrows. They'd scare ghost too."
Kim Jongdae to friggin troll! I just love how much of a troll he is.
Krishan will forever be awkward! They were born awkward! Lmao
And jealous Luhan!
Thanks for this, love <3
summrxx #10
Chapter 9: Im officially in love with Krishan! What have you done to me O.O this was so cute I love the awkwardness and how unsure they are about what they are and where its going. You should write more of them :)
Can't wait for the last chapter :)