The Five Messages



“All set?” A man said.

“Yes boss! All set perfectly!” His man answered.

Then there’s a knock on his door.

“Come in.” The man who referred as the boss answered.

“Ish, why are you making me wait so long?”

A woman’s voice said and the clicking of her heels can be heard throughout the room.

“Ah, my favorite woman. Come here.” The boss grinned.

She approached the man and sit on his lap.

“You, get out. I want to spend time with my favorite woman.”

He said while his hand wrapped around the woman’s waist and another hand pointing at his man. The man scurried off the room.

“My favorite woman… Han Seungyeon. How do you do?” The boss said while smirking.




Sunggyu’s P.O.V.

I was making lunch, bulgogi and a cup of coffee fro Woohyun (h’s just like Sungyeol). I was so happy when the doctor told me I could go home. I was cutting one of the ingredients when my minds doze off to the night when Woohyun confessed to me. I blushed and I accidentally cut my hands. “Ouch.” I hissed. Then suddenly I felt a pair of familiar arms wrapped around my waist. “Did you cut yourself?” It’s Woohyun. “Nothing, it’s just a small cut.” I said. Before I was able to sneak out of his grip he turned me around. “Let me see.” Woohyun said while grabbing my hand. He grabbed the finger where the cut is, and kissed it. “Better?” He smirked. “It’s still hurts.” I pouted. He suddenly crashed his lips into mine and pulled me in for a kiss. I pushed him off when I heard a call. “Yah! Sunggyu!” Woohyun called me. I ignored him and keep walking towards the phone.


「”Sunggyu? Where’s Woohyun? It’s me, Kris.” 」

“He’s dealing with lunch, so yeah, what’s up?”

「”Let’s celebrate my birthday! You can have lunch in my office, along with Woohyun!”」

“That would be grea— ah!” I squeaked when I felt Woohyun kissing my neck.

「”Sunggyu, are you okay?”」

“Y-yeah, I-I’m fine. What is it again?” I asked, my voice shaking a bit. But Woohyun didn’t stop; he went even deeper, and leaving kiss marks.

「”About celebrating my birthday? Can you come?” 」

“O-Of course—ah! I-I’ll ask Woohyun. He w-will be delighted to—uh, to c-come. See you later!” I hang up the phone and I can feel Woohyun smirking on my neck. “Woohyun, what are you doing?” I groaned. “Do I need sort of permission to kiss my boyfriend?” He asked, still smirking. ”B-But not when I’m on a call!” I pouted. “Okay, okay. Let’s go to Kris’ office, shall we?” He grabbed my hand and led me to his SUV.




“Sunggyu! Woohyun!” Kris shouted happily while holding some foods. “Come in!” He opened the door to his office and let us in. When we take a seat. He eyed my neck. “Woohyun…? Is that what I think it is?” Kris asked. What? “Yes, and you just happened to call when I did that.” Woohyun smirked. Kris is smiling his amused smile, but I’m still dumbfounded there. “What…?” I asked confused. “You might want to take a look of yourself in the mirror, Sunggyu.” Kris stated. I walked over to the mirror on Kris’ office and I looked at my neck. There’s a hickey there; definitely Nam Woohyun’s doing. It’s not very visible unless who sees it is near me. But still, that’s bastard. I pouted while walking back to the sofa.

“Sunggyu, I’m sorry.” Woohyun pleaded. I ignored him and Kris is trying to hold his laugh. “So Kris, you said that Yongguk and Jisoo is coming?” I asked him. “Sunggyu-yah, don’t ignore me.” Woohyun pouted. He ing pouted! He’s hot and y and stuff but if Nam Woohyun is trying to be cute, he will be beyond adorable, and I’m using every will power I have to not give up and hug him. “Jisoo said that she have to attend Myungsoo’s photo shoot, and Yongguk is preparing himself for a date.” Kris said while holding his laugh. Then I froze. I sense something wrong. And then there’s an explosion, Woohyun hugged me and we fall to the ground. Unfortunately, Kris is too close with the explosion, and he got pieces of glass on his back.

“Sunggyu, are you okay?” Woohyun said. “I’m fine, how’s Kris?” I asked. “He had been brought to the hospital.” Woohyun stated. And then he noticed something on Kris’ table, that hasn’t been there before. A piece of paper. “What is that?” I asked. He read it, and then he froze.

「 E V E R Y T H I N G   T H E   S H E R L O C K   I S   – 2 8 M 」

28? What does it means? “Woohyun, what does it means?” I asked him. “I don’t know, but I think whe should call Howon.” I nodded and he called Howon, and then put it on the loudspeaker.

“Howon, where are you?” Woohyun asked.

「”I’m at Dongwoo’s office, why?”」

“There’s an explosion happened earlier on your boss’ office.” Woohyun said.

「”What the— I’m going there.”」

“No need, I’ll be there, Korea Times right? I sense something is going to happen; I’m getting the message again. Wait outside, okay?” Woohyun ordered.

「”Yes, I’ll wait outside. Hurry.”」

Then Howon hang up the phone, Woohyun dragged me outside, and shoved me to the car.

“Where are we going?” I asked him. “The Korea Times’ office, Dongwoo’s place.” He answered. I examine the piece of paper Woohyun got earlier. “Woohyun, what’s this means?” I asked him again. “I don’t know, if my theories are right, I guess that message is just one of the message I’ll get, since I think the sentence is not yet done. And the 28, I don’t know about that.” Woohyun said. Woohyun drives at full speed, and finally we’re arrived there. I can see Dongwoo and Howon once I got off the car, they’re approaching us, but then there’s another explosion. Dongwoo and Howon ducked, and Woohyun hugged me again, brought me away from the explosion. After a few minutes, the fire brigade comes, and Howon plus Dongwoo approached us. “Are you two okay?” I asked. Dongwoo just nodded while grinning, but Howon said, “Why the there are two explosion in a day?” “There are going to be more if you don’t help me with the message.” Woohyun said. Woohyun gives Howon the message, when he noticed there’s another paper in his car’s wiper. He took it and read it.

「A R E   G O I N G   T O   –   0 4 H 」

“, I got another one.” Woohyun said. “What is 28M and 4H means?” Dongwoo asked. It’s three pm now, when Woohyun realized something. “I don’t know. Sunggyu, what time is it when the explosion happened earlier?” Woohyun asked. I try to recall, but I can’t remember. “I don’t know…” I answered. Woohyun thinks again. “What time is it when we arrived at Kris’ place?” Woohyun asked again. “Around 2.15?” I try to remember. “Let’s just pretend it’s 2.15. 2.15, we talked for 10 minutes or so, and then the explosion happened. It’s 2.25. And we drive all the way here let’s just assume we arrived at 2.55. From 2.25 to 2.55 is…” Woohyun trailed off. “It’s approximately 28 minutes. Just like in the cards.” Howon stated. Woohyun nodded and said, “That means, we have four hours to find out where is the next explosion could be.” Woohyun said sternly.

It’s already evening, and Woohyun have been looking on the maps for hours. “Woohyun… Aren’t you tired?” I asked him. Howon and Dongwoo is on Dongwoo’s laptop, estimating where the next explosion. “Yes, I’m tired Sunggyu. But if you don’t leave me alone, there are people who are going to die.” He said coldly. I sighed. Woohyun had never been this cold to me. I chose to call Yongguk.


“It’s me, Sunggyu.”

「”Oh, Sunggyu! Himchan, wait for a minute okay? What is it Sunggyu?”」

“Have you heard about the explosion around Seoul today?”

「”What explosion?”」

“You’re a cop and you didn’t hear any news? I’m surprised, Yongguk.” I said playfully.

「”Wait, I’m being serious here, what explosion?”」

“You don’t know?” I frowned.

「”I don’t know, tell me.”」

“Explosions happened earlier, at Dongwoo’s office, the Korea Times, and at your boss office, Kris.” I stated.

「”What the heck?”」

“It’s nothing though, you can continue your dinner.” I laughed. “Woohyun is working on it, the culprit leaving some weird messages with time to the next explosion.” I stated.

「”He ditched you, didn’t he? How many time is it to the next explosion?”」

“Well, kind of. Four hours from three pm, we received that on three pm.” I said.

「”That’s weird, my dinner supposed to start at 7 pm, four hours from 3 pm, probably coincidence.” He laughed. 」

I laughed too. “Yeah, probably.” I liked the way Yongguk can make me smile. After being ditched by Nam Woohyun.

「”Sunggyu, wait a minute. A message? From? Unknown? Uh, okay. Where are we again, Sunggyu?”」

“Who’s that?” I asked him.

「”It’s waiter, delivering some message from someone that doesn’t want to be named. Weird.”」

“What’s the message?” I asked curiously.

「”Vont… Or something. I think it’s in French.”」

I froze. I used to learn the language, and I know what’s that means.

“Yongguk… Do you know what’s the message Woohyun got from the explosion on Dongwoo’s office earlier?” I asked, my voice shaking a bit. Woohyun noticed this and mouthing ‘what’s wrong?’

「”What? You never tell me.”」

“It said… ‘Are going to’…. And vont, is indeed a French language… I know what’s that means… “ My voice trembled even more. I should’ve told him fast, but I can’t help; I’m very afraid.

「 “What it means?” 」

“It means are going to.” I said. Howon, Dongwoo, and Woohyun are looking at me.

「”, this restaurant is next, right?”」

Woohyun grabbed the phone from me. “I think so, and you should evacuate all the people. it’s half hour to go. Where are you?” Woohyun said while cursing loudly.

「”A French restaurant at xxx Street. Come here fast, then.” 」

Woohyun hang up the phone, and he went to the car, Howon and Dongwoo are following him. I entered the car while I realized something. If I didn’t call Yongguk… he will be dead. And if other people call Yongguk, like Woohyun or Howon, they probably won’t understand French, and Yongguk will be killed too. The message… is not directed for Woohyun; but for me. And I can’t let Woohyun know this, or he will think that someone is trying to kill me. I sighed, and Woohyun turned his head to me, while driving at full speed. “What’s wrong?” He asked, worriedly. “Nothing… Please focus on the road.” I said. Woohyun frowned, but nevertheless, he’s focusing on the road again.

“We’re arrived.” Woohyun announced and everyone got off the car. There are a lot of people who are mad because the cops ruined their dinner. 1 minute left until the 4 hours time is off. And it happened, just like before. A loud explosion, almost ruining my hearing. But somehow this time, Woohyun didn’t hug me. I just stay still. And Woohyun is looking around for another message, when I saw it. A piece of paper, near the fire. I quickly grabbed it and give it too Woohyun. Woohyun didn’t even look at me when he grabbed it harshly from my hand; let alone say thank you. He read it and sighed.

「 B E   - 1 9  M  」

“19 minutes left to the next explosion, what should we do?” Woohyun sighed hopelessly. Then I remember something. “Myungsoo… and Jisoo are on Myungsoo’s photo shoot for the 19 weekly magazine.” I said. “Really?” Woohyun asked me. “Yes…” I said. “Let’s get to the car, and Sunggyu, call her. Howon, call another officer to be on the photo shoot location.” Woohyun ordered. We all entered the car again, because we need to race with time, and we can’t be late; or more people will die. Yongguk is on his motorcycle with Himchan, and we’re on Woohyun car. I called Jisoo.

「”Yeobosayeo, what is it oppa?”」

“Where are you?” I asked.

「”I’m on my way to Olympic Gymnastics Area. Why? Is it about the explosion?”」

“Yes, why are you not on the photo shoot location?” I asked.

「”Oh, I ditched the photo shoot with Myungsoo, we’re going to watch my favorite boy band! Infinite!”」

“Good, I’ll meet you there if I can. ”

「”See you then, oppa!”」

She hangs up. “We don’t need to go to the photo shoot area; Myungsoo and Jisoo is going to be at Olympic Gymnastics Area.” I stated. Woohyun nodded. “So where are we going now?” Howon asked. “We’ll just have to wait for another message, Sunggyu, turn on the radio.” Woohyun ordered me. I turned it on. We can hear the news about the explosion on the photo shoot area.

「 Another explosion in Seoul, this is the fourth explosion that happened. After the series of explosion happening since this noon, there’s another explosion again on the 19 weekly magazine’s office. Is there going to be next? Where is next? 」

Then I felt my phone vibrated. I see a message from an unknown person.

「 D E S T R O Y E D   –   8 9 M 」

“Woohyun… I got a message.” Woohyun brows are furrowed. “What does it said?” Woohyun asked. “It said ‘destroyed, 89 minutes’ and…. “ I hesitated for a bit. “What is it?” Woohyun asked again. “89 minutes from now is exactly when Infinite’s concert is going to end, the boy band that my sister Jisoo going to see in Olympic Gymnastics Are.” I said while I bit my lips. Woohyun stayed still for a second, before saying, “We’ll go there.”




 “Jisoo! Here!” I shouted to Jisoo. “Oppa!” She and Myungsoo approached me. “You’re here to watch the concert too?” Jisoo asked. This girl could be so dumb sometimes, I rolled my eyes. Then I received a call. It’s from the unknown number again. I picked it up.

“Yeobosaeyo?” I asked.

「”Kim Sunggyu.”」A voice said.

“Yes, that’s me, is there anything you need?”

「”You know? Your milky white skin looked better with red, why you chose the blue shirt instead? And oh, the new shampoo you used in the morning smelled better then the previous one.”」

I froze. What the ? “W-Who are you?” I asked, my voice trembled. “Sunggyu, who is that?” Woohyun asked sternly.

「”Oh, Sherlock is there? Let me talk to him.”」

I give the phone to Woohyun, while putting it on loudspeaker.

“What do you want?” Woohyun hissed to the phone.

「”You know you had how much time, you’re smarter than I think you are. All eight of you should go inside the stadium, and go on eight different directions of the wind. One of you will find the bomb, and that one person will save you all, including the people on the stadium.”」

“Who the are you?” Woohyun asked.

「”You can call me Professor Moriarty. Have a nice evening ahead, Sherlock Holmes.”」

The man hangs up, and Woohyun cursed loudly. “We need to get inside, to the different directions of the wind. All of us.” They all froze

We’re already inside the venue and it’s really crowded, there are girls screaming and all. Jisoo is about to fangirling too, but we stopped her. “Let’s go.” Woohyun said. The rest had already gone, except Woohyun and me. When I’m about to go, he hugged me. “Sunggyu. Promise me you’ll be safe.” He said. I smiled. “I’ll try to.” We’re separated, and I go to my direction.

I was surprised for what I find there; a bomb. I’m the one who should save them…? But I have no idea how to turn off the bomb. I was startled when I felt someone tap my shoulder. I widened at the sight.

“Sunggyu… nice to meet you here…”

I’m trembling. “W-What are you doing here? Don’t tell mw that you’re the one—“

“You’re perfectly right.” That’s the last thing I heard before all I see was darkness.

Sunggyu’s P.O.V End




Third Person P.O.V.

Woohyun already on his spot, then he looked around. There’s nothing. Empty. He tried to think about the messages he received earlier. When he put the words and number one by one, he froze.

「 E V E R T H I N G   T H E   S H E R L O C K   I S   A R E   G O I N G   T O   B E   D E S T R O Y E D   –   2 8   0 4   1 9   8 9 」

28041989. Sunggyu’s birthday. And Sunggyu is Woohyun’s everything.

Woohyun called Jisoo, so that she will be going to Sunggyu’s spot too, Jisoo agreed, and called other people to go to Sunggyu’s spot while Woohyun busy running to the place. But unfortunately, when Woohyun arrived— Sunggyu is nowhere to be found.

“, Sunggyu, where are you?” He shouted while looking around— when he sees it. The bomb. But it’s already turned off. There’s a message on top of the died bomb, Woohyun only took it; he didn’t dare to open it. Everything is too much for Woohyun, losing Sunggyu, is the last thing he wants.

“Oppa! Where’s Sunggyu oppa?” Jisoo shouted. I shake my head, and she froze. There are Dongwoo, Howon, Myungsoo, and Himchan. Howon is calling another cops and Yongguk is nowhere to be found. But that’s the last thing Woohyun ever thinks right now, he only thinks about Sunggyu, Sunggyu, and Sunggyu. Then he braces himself to open the message.

「 L O S I N G   Y O U R   P R I N C E S S ,   I  S E E .   M A K E  S U R E   T H A T   Y O U   W ON ’ T   L  O S E    H I M    F O R E V E R .    – M O R I  A R T Y .   G U R  P Y H R  V F   B A   G U R   U B F C V G N Y 」

With that, Woohyun froze. And he feels like his world collapses.




“You bastard! I shouldn’t have trusted you!” Sunggyu shouted.

“I should’ve shut you up.” A man said.

Sunggyu is handcuffed and tied tightly to a chair; his face bruised and other part of his body didn’t seem that good either.

“Look at the TV, this is the one you love, do you think he will save you?”

Sunggyu’s eyes are glued to the TV; Woohyun’s there. Sunggyu is able to see him but Woohyun can’t see him. Woohyun is picking up a call, his face seem frustrated.

“Han Seungyeon noona….” Sunggyu can hear Woohyun said that. Sunggyu froze.

“B-But she’s in jail!” Sunggyu shouted.

“She is pretty, right?” The man smirked.

“Noona… You know what? I love you is—“

The TV was turned off by the man. And Sunggyu is holding his tears.

Why were Woohyun saying I love you to Seungyeon? Didn’t Woohyun love him? Sunggyu is crying right now.

“What are you going to do now, Watson?” The man smirked.

Sunggyu just stay quiet. His heart refused to believe that Woohyun still love Seungyeon, but he had to admit; his heart hurts. Really hurts.


a/n: i'm really sorry that's this is short. i don't even know what i'm writing anymore. this is short because i still have to deal with my goddamned fever. but i would like to thank you all who subscribes this~ what do you think of this chapter? ah and i wanna know, should i do the next chapter on Woohyun's point of view or third person's point of view?

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i'm about to update tonight but my mom didn't let me and yeah=_= i'll try to double the update on tuesday


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Simran20 #1
Chapter 6: Rereading it after a long time. Love it??that Sherlock Holmes feelings.
sunggyu_chingyu #2
Chapter 11: omg this story was amazing!!!! why on earth i just read it? it's beautiful :') i thought woohyun was died :') thank you so much for this wonderful story :') ❤
imsmlee86 #3
Chapter 12: My god really need these kind of stories moreeee, so gooood i love it~! Sequel sounds great!!
Chapter 12: Keep coming back here bcs i miss this story. Are you still up with the sequel?
MsTurtle #5
Chapter 12: Yes yes pleaseee >///< a sequel will be awesommeeeeee
Chapter 12: Someone need to make a drama out of this huaaa. Greatest ff. I love youuuu.
Chapter 12: PLS PLS PLS MAKE A SEQUEL! This story is liquid gold! Like too freaking awesome and the best detective ff I ever read with the best romance so pls~ I need the sequel >. < *excuse my word vomit
cookie99 #8
Chapter 12: Yes! you should make a sequel for this story.
Chapter 12: Daebak! This story is seriously daebak!!
I read it in 5 hours straight..and now my eyes kinda hurt ><
But it's all worth it..
Sequel please