The (not so) Supernatural Hound of Jeju


A/n: the title is based on sherlock's book, guess which one? lol


"What a fresh air, I really need to take night walks more often.” A man said. The man is walking through his garden, admiring the scenery around him.

When suddenly, he hears a cry. A hound’s cry to be exact. And when he turns his head, he sees it. A big big hound whose skin is luminescent is behind him. He fainted.

He woke up already in his summerhouse, with his siblings around him.

“I see it! I really see it! It’s a big hound, luminescent!” The man shouted.

“There’s no such things as luminescent hound, oppa.” A girl said.

“B-but I see it!” The man is being stubborn.

The girl is about to say about that ridiculous thing again, when her sister speaks up.

“No. He’s right saengie. I saw it too, yesterday, under my balcony. I thought I was dreaming, but when oppa saw it too, I think it’s true.”

Everyone is frightened, and they become quiet.




Sunggyu’s P.O.V.

“Sunggyu, we are already in Jeju, why are you so gloomy?” Woohyun asked me. That’s exactly why the heck I’m gloomy, stupid. But I’m not saying that out loud, of course. “Nothing. And I’m still your hyung, so call me that!” I just answered like that. Woohyun laughed it off and continue walking to our hotel. Yeah. Our hotel. Because of the shooting incident last week, my parents have mistaken Woohyun for saving my life (a bit true, but he almost kill me as well). And for rewarding him, they decide to give him a holiday in Jeju. Unfortunately, my parents think that I need a good rest too, and from their prespective, a good rest means holiday. And that’s how Woohyun and I ended up in Jeju together.

“How far is it?” I asked grumpily, I’m really tired and I’m not as muscular as Woohyun (I’m definitely not examining his body or something).  “It’s quite far, why? Princess already tired?” He teased me. I groaned and just face palmed myself. Thank god that our luggage is already there, so I’m only carrying my backpack and so does Woohyun. The moment we arrived at the hotel’s lobby, there’s someone waiting for us.

“Are you to Nam Woohyun and Kim Sunggyu?” the man asked. “Yes we are, why?” Woohyun answered. I examine the man’s face and somehow it’s really really felt familiar. “I need your help. I know that you’re a detective, Mr. Nam Woohyun. So can you please help me?” the man begged Woohyun. “First of all, I don’t know who you are, and second, I’m here for a vacation, not solving cases.” Woohyun stated simply. “But please, in really need your help! I’ll even reward you both!” The man begged even more. I glance at the man once again and then it hits me. I know who is this man. But before I’m going to say something, Woohyun cut my words. “That still doesn’t change point one and two. Why didn’t you introduce yourself anyway?” Woohyun asked while rolling his eyes. “That’s because I know him. Nice to meet you here, Siwon hyung.” I greeted the man with a smile. Woohyun frowned. “Took you long enough to realize who I am, gyu. Now, shall we talk in more comfortable place?” Siwon hyung’s hands pointed the café. I dragged the stunned Woohyun to that café.

“So Woohyun, this is Choi Siwon hyung, the oldest son of Choi family who owned Choi Corporation. And Siwon hyung, this is the infamous Sherlock Nam Woohyun.” I smirked because I’m using the nickname that Woohyun hates. “Well thank you for introducing me than, my Doctor Watson, or Sunggyu.” He smirked back and I groaned. Siwon hyung is confused with our attitude, looking at his furrowed brows. “Sorry Siwon hyung, so, you’ve said earlier that you need Woohyun’s help?” I asked Siwon hyung, Woohyun still smirking because he knew that I’m switching the topic, not wanting him to see my blushing face. “Ah yes! Actually almost all of my siblings are here to have a vacation—“ “All of them? Seolri, Sooyoung noona, and Minho?” I asked. It’s been long times since I’ve meet them. They all are my childhood friends, and I chuckled at the memory. “Yes gyu, you’re still like the old you.” I pouted because of that statement. And in the corner of my eyes, I could see Woohyun frowns and I did my best to not laugh since he’s cute like this. “So back to the topic, you need my help, for?” Woohyun is getting impatient, and I try to not laugh. “Yes, like I’ve said before, all my siblings are here for vacation, at our summerhouse. There is a rumor on our summerhouse, saying that there’s a supernatural hound there. But my parents didn’t believe that and bought it anyway. We’ve been fine with the house from the past few years, but now, there’s something weird there. The first day, we heard hound’s cries but we think that it’s only an ordinary hound. And the next morning, we found hound’s claw on the grass. Last night, I saw that hound myself. It’s a very big big hound with scary fangs and what’s weird is, it had like some luminescent fire on his back. I thought I was hallucinating, but Sooyoung saw it too. And Minho saw its shadow in front of his window.” Siwon explained the situation. Woohyun is thinking, I know that. “But no one is hurt, right?” I asked. “No, no one is hurt of course.” Siwon hyung answered. “You’ve seen it yourself?” Woohyun finally asked. “Yes I do, don’t you believe me?” Woohyun thinks once again.

“So are you guys going to help me? Seolri have been very scared and I don’t want this holiday as a bad memory for her, I need you guys to stop the hound, supernatural or not.” Siwon said. “I don’t believe in supernatural, but this is interesting.” Woohyun said. “So you’re going to help me?” Siwon’s face lightened a bit. “Yes we are Siwon hyung.” I smiled at him. “Great! So you two can sleep at our summerhouse tonight?” Siwon hyung asks with cheery tone. “Yes and no.” Woohyun simply answered. “What do you mean Woohyun?” I asked. What is this guy planning right now? “Yes mean you are going to sleep at his summerhouse, gyu. No means I won’t come because I have something else to do.” Woohyun stated. “What? But the detective is you, not me hyun.” I pouted. “You could report things to me, beside, your common sense isn’t that bad, and I really really have something important to do, gyu.” He said. I’m still pouting. “That’s okay. Sunggyu himself is enough, really. Besides Woohyun is right, you could report things to him, and I bet the thing that Woohyun had to do is important.” Siwon hyung said. But I’m not giving up. I huffed. “Well princess, don’t sulk like that, it makes you look cuter. Are you afraid of being away from me when you sleep?” Woohyun laughs and I hate that he always succeed on teasing me. “Fine! I’ll go with Siwon hyung tonight.” I shouted. “Good then, princess. You can always text and call me if you need to report something or missing me.” He laughed out loud. “Yah! I’m not a princess!” I shouted, and I can see that Siwon hyung is laughing too.




「To: Nam Bastard

I’m already arrived at Siwon hyung’s summerhouse.」

「From: Nam Bastard

Good. Missing me already? 」

「To: Nam Bastard

Shut up. 」

I locked my phone, that guy is really annoyed me. I sighed. I have already arrived there, and the summerhouse is just the same summerhouse that I went a few years ago. I can see that there’s Seolri waiting for Siwon hyung outside of the house. When she sees me, her smile gets even brighter. I can’t let that smile fade; I need to solve this case.

“Oppa! Sunggyu oppa! Long time no see!” Seolri shouted at me. I smiled. “I haven’t see you for a long time too, Seolri-yah.” I said. I immediately went into the summerhouse along with Seolri and Siwon hyung. I can see Sooyoung noona inside; Sooyoung noona is surprised to see me here. “So the news is really true? That you’re the one who’s going out with detective Nam Woohyun recently?” I pouted hearing Sooyoung noona’s question. “I’m not going out with him. I’m only helping him with his case, he’s my friend.” I explained. “Yeah, both of them are like Sherlock Holmes and Doctor Watson.” Siwon hyung is beginning to tease me as well. “Yah! It’s not like that. We’re not that close you know?” I pouted. “Oh really?” Seolri asked. “Yes! Of course!” I shouted. “If you’re not that close, why is he calling you princess?” I saw Seolri holding my phone, laughing out loud, she already saw Woohyun’s new message.  When did she take that from my pocket?

「 From: Nam Bastard

Don’t skip your lunch, dear princess. 」

Great. I’m so going to get him back. “Y-yah! It’s not like that. H-he just liked to tease me!” I defend myself while the three of them are laughing out loud. “What’s going on here? And why is Sunggyu hyung’s cheek so red?” I can hear Minho’s amused words. He just arrived, and joining the conversation. “What? Minho oppa?” Seolri asked, still laughing. “It’s just…. Why is Sunggyu hyung’s cheek so red?” Minho is still being oblivious while Seolri, Sooyoung noona, and Siwon hyung start laughing because the topic of my reddened cheek, louder than before.

Maybe it’s a very wrong decision to come here.




We are now having lunch together; I still haven’t found anything suspicious here. I sighed.

「To: Nam bastard

There’s total of eight people here including me. I didn’t see any other people except us. 」

「From: Nam bastard

Eight people. Consist of whom? 」

「To: Nam Bastard

Me, Seolri, Sooyoung noona, Siwon hyung, Seolri’s friend, Jung Krystal, and the maid and butlers.」

「From: Nam Bastard

What’s the name of the maid and butler that you’re talking about? 」

「To: Nam Bastard

How am I supposed to know? They only called them Mrs. And Mr. Kim」

「From: Nam Bastard

You’ve got a job, then. 」

「To: Nam Bastard

Fine. I’ll find their names. 」

「From: Nam Bastard

Good luck then, princess. 」

「To: Nam Bastard

Jerk, don’t send anything inappropriate; Seolri saw your message earlier. 」

「From: Nam Bastard

Oh she saw it? Sorry then, my princess. 」

I closed my phone. He’s doing it again. Annoyed me. Calling me princess. I hate it. “Hyung, aren’t you going to eat?” Minho asked me. “He probably too busy with that detective of his, to be joining our conversation in lunch.” Seolri smirked.  “Detective? Yours? What did I miss here?” He let out a laugh. I think that only me who noticed this, the laugh Minho let out seems to be forced. I shrugged it off. “He’s not mine! And you didn’t miss anything, at least you didn’t miss anything that you need to know.” I pouted. “But I think Minho needs to know! So, Sunggyu hyung had been seeing someone lately!” Seolri said. “Woah? Really? Hyung really?” Minho’s face lightens up a bit. “And guess who is he?” Sooyoung noona is now participated on the conversation too. “He is the best detective of Seoul, the Nam Woohyun!” Seolri said excitedly. I could only sighed. But then I noticed, Seolri’s friend, Krystal’s face is paled.

“Woah hyung, really? That famous detective?” Minho asked. He seems really surprised. I think he is surprised because I haven’t been in a relationship for a long time. “Yah! It’s not like that! Seolri is lying!” I shouted. “If you’re lying, why is he calling you princess?” Seolri pointed out. “And why did you two bicker like a married couple earlier in the café?” I groaned, Siwon hyung joined Seolri’s side. “Don’t be that jealous, Krystal. I know you’re a big fan of that Nam Woohyun, but he has Sunggyu oppa already, and you’re already have Minho oppa!” Seolri exclaimed. I frowned. Krystal seems to notice my frown.

“ That’s okay, Sunggyu oppa can have Woohyun oppa, and you two look cute in the newspaper anyway!” She cheerily said. I think that her cheery tone is forced. But I just shrugged it off, thinking that she’s just jealous because her idol is taken. But wait. Nam Woohyun isn’t even mine! I groaned once again. “What is it Sunggyu oppa?” Seolri managed to say something between her giggles. “Nothing.” I answered. With that, the lunch is finished.




It’s evening already, and I’m alone in my room. I felt that my phone vibrated, and I see whom it was. The bastard, Woohyun is calling me.

“Yeobosaeyo?” I said.

「” It’s me, your prince and your Sherlock, Woohyun”」

“What do you want?” I rolled my eyes

「”I just wanna ask how are you doing there, geez. “」

“Yeah yeah, of course. Can I hang up now?” I said

「”Nope, now, how are you doing? Have you found anything suspicious?”」

“I don’t know, but you’ve got yourself a big fan here. She’s always stiffened when I say your name.” I laughed.



「” A fan huh? How’s the other reaction?”」

“Uh, there’s nothing suspicious from them, except that Minho is surprised that I went to Jeju with you.”

「” Is this Minho has anything to do with the girl you’ve said earlier?”」

“Yes, Minho is Krystal— your fan’s boyfriend.” I answered simply

「 “ Oh I see. How about the maid and butler’s name I asked you earlier?”」

“Uh I forgot to ask them… sorry.” I said with guilt laced on my voice.

「” Well that’s okay, you’ve worked hard enough, princess.」

Before I got the chance to shout at him, he hung up the phone. I sighed, I went downstairs to find any food, since Siwon hyung is out with his friends, and so does Sooyoung noona. When I glance outside of the window, I saw Minho going to the forest near the summerhouse, alone. I wonder what is he doing. Since Woohyun seems to have interest in Minho, I texted him about this.

「To: Nam Bastard

I saw Minho going into the forest alone just now. 」

I keep observing Minho’s walk from the window downstairs, then I felt my phone vibrated.

「From: Nam Bastard

Don’t go out at night alone. 」

I scoffed. Woohyun can be weird sometimes. I know I’m afraid of the dark, but in open area it’s not a big deal for me. “What are you doing here, young boy?” An old maid managed to startle me. “Ah, nothing, I’m just looking for food. Can you tell me where is Minho going?” I asked that maid. She frowns, and then said, “ It’s none of your business, young boy. Now if you excuse me, the food is over there. And you better listen to what your friend said on the phone.” She went away. I haven’t even asked her name.

I went to see Seolri on her room. I entered her room and find Seolri and Krystal doing something. “What are you doing?” I asked curiously. “Oh, we’re making a present for Minho oppa!” Seolri said a little bit to happily. And Krystal shifted uncomfortably on her seat. Is Krystal nervous around me? I wonder why. “S-seolri yah, let’s find another scissor! I’m tired to share the scissor with you.” She pouted, but I can see that it’s only an act. “Okay then, let’s go Krystal!” Seolri said. “Excuse us, Sunggyu oppa.” Krystal excuse herself and Seolri with a smile. And I’m not dumb enough to not notice that her smile is faked. Just when I about to suspect her as the culprit behind the supernatural thingy, I saw a message popped out from what I assume as Krystal’s phone.

「From: Minho-oppa

Everything is ready. Prepare yourself. 」

What the heck is that suppose to mean? If Woohyun is here, he would figure it all. Woohyun, why didn’t you come with me anyway?




It’s already past twelve am and I can’t sleep. I’m still thinking about all things that I found, and not finding any clue about anything too. I then remember that I haven’t text Woohyun about things I found.

「To: Nam Bastard

Krystal is being nervous around me. And her Minho is suddenly texting her something about ‘everything is ready’. What do you think it means? 」

No answer. That’s weird, Woohyun is a fast texter. He usually replied my text after one minute or less. I sighed, and I’m really really bored. Then I’m thinking to go outside for a walk. I remember Woohyun’s warning to me, which why I’m not allowed to go outside at night. I snorted and grab a hoodie so I won’t get cold outside.

I stepped out of the house, the air feels so fresh, and I loved the shining stars above me. I’m admiring the scenery around me when I heard something that made me froze.

A cry. A hound’s cry to be exact. I turned my head and there, I saw it. The supernatural hound that Siwon hyung is talking about. Its fur is shining, luminescent. But I’m not running or fainted because of the hound, since I noticed something on its neck, like a controller. I was confused and I’m going to be knocked down by the hound. I’m afraid to death of course, and the first thing I do is run. I run and run when I slipped and fell. I can hear that the hound is running away from me, because the hound probably think I’m not worth to catch anymore. My head is really hurt, and I can barely open my eyes, let alone stand up. I hear a voice asking me something, but the only thing that my mind catches is that the voice is awfully sounds like Woohyun’s voice. Then it becomes black.




I woke up next afternoon, on the summerhouse’s living room. Surrounded by people. I groaned and opened my eyes. I see Seolri’s worried face and Siwon hyung is on the phone. Sooyoung noona is holding a wet towel while Minho and Krystal is nowhere to be found. I shot up immediately. “Oppa! Are you okay?” She asked me, worry laced through her voice. “I’m okay.” I said with a reassuring smile. Seolri sighed gladly, and Sooyoung noona went to the kitchen to get me some water. “I’ve called Woohyun, he said that you’re abandoning his warning to not go out at night, and he said that he’s calling you later.” Siwon hyung stated. “What happened?” I asked. “You’ve collapsed in front of our door.” Siwon hyung answered. Door? I think I’m collapsed on the field. And then I saw Minho and Krystal showing up from nowhere. And it hits my head. They are probably behind all of this, but why?

“Let’s talk about this matters outside, so we won’t disturb Sunggyu.” Sooyoung noona said, after she came back with a glass of water on her hand. I frowned. “What matters?” I asked. “Siwon oppa hasn’t told you?” Sooyoung noona asked. “No…. Hyung hasn’t told me about whatever it is.” I answered. “I’ll tell you then, since Siwon hyung is still busy phoning someone. We actually here are not for vacation, but for deciding something.” Sooyoung noona said. “Decide what?” I asked. “Our parents said they’re too old for having the summerhouse, so they decide to give it to one of us. But the other siblings had too agree on one person, and we, Sooyoung, Minho and I, all have been agreed to give it to Seolri, since she’s the youngest.” Siwon hyung continued.  “Oh, I see. Can I excuse myself for a while? I want to get some fresh air.” I asked. “Of course oppa, take your time.” Seolri said happily. I noticed that both Krystal and Minho tensed up when Siwon hyung said the words “give it to Seolri”. At least now I know a reason if they really are the ones behind all of this.

I went to the backyard. I’m about to call Woohyun and tell him about all of this, but then I think, if Krystal or Minho heard me I won’t be safe, and then decide to text him instead. That’s when I saw someone behind the bush. I eyed the bush for a while, and that someone noticed that I’ve been eyeing him. I got up and that person is running away. But you can’t get away from me. I ran too, jumping the fences, to the forest. I’m about to catch the person when I slipped, and that person is already far away. I groaned when I saw my feet bleed, because I forgot to use any shoes. Then I saw, not far in front of me, there’s a cottage. Why the heck there’s a cottage here in the middle of a forest? I opened the door; it’s not locked. And when I peek inside, I see a bed, and a table. There’s a wardrobe too. I bet that someone have been living here for a while. I startled when I heard footsteps outside. Crap, I need to hide. But before I can move, someone already caught my hand, and I closed my eyes.

“Princess, why are you injuring yourself?” That voice. It’s the bastard’s voice, Nam freaking Woohyun. Why the heck is he here? “Sit on the bed princess, I’ll treat your wound.” He said. I obediently followed what he said. He is washing my wound, and then I asked something. “Why are you here?” “I’m watching my dear Watson so that he doesn’t get hurt.” He said simply. I stood up. “What? So you have been here since yesterday?” I asked furiously. “Yes, dear Watson. Why are you so angry anyway? Sit down, I still have to bandaged that wound of yours.” He ordered me. But I’m mad at him, I’m really really confused without him and now he’s saying that he actually here since yesterday? “Why didn’t you tell me you’re here? Are you doing your own investigation? I must be a burden to you right? So that’s why you investigate on your own.” I sat down. Woohyun sighed. “Hey, it’s not that. You’ve been very helpful to me, but the moment I heard about Siwon hyung’s story, I knew that the person doing this must be very clever, if I’m around, that person’s guard will rise, so I can’t catch him. Besides, you’re closer with them, you can get any information you want easily. That’s why I need you. I’m Sherlock Holmes, and there’s no way Sherlock Holmes could solve the case without Watson right?” he said with an assuring smile.

He continued treating my wound. “Then, have you figured out who’s the culprit?” I asked. “I think it’s Minho and Krystal, since they are suspicious, but I haven’t figured out why they did this.” He frowned, thinking. “I think I know why. Siwon hyung said earlier that their parent is going to hand the summerhouse to one person. They have to decide between themselves here, and they’ve decided to give it to Seolri since she’s the youngest. But when they mentioned they’re going to hand the summerhouse to Seolri, Minho and Krystal tensed up.” I explained. “Now it’s all clear, I can proceed to my plan sooner then. I’ve already contacted Howon to stand by when I’m giving him the signal.” He smirked. “Howon is here?” I asked. “Yes, I’ve been contacting Dongwoo, too. Since the Choi family is famous, I bet Dongwoo want to report this before everyone, and that’s a revenge for them, since they’ve already hurt my princess.” I blushed and he just laughed.




Woohyun carried me to the summerhouse, and Woohyun is right. Since Krystal and Minho’s face become frightened when they saw Woohyun. It’s already evening. “So, this is Sunggyu oppa’s prince?” Seolri teased me, and all of them laughed, even Minho and Krystal (but their laughter is forced, I can notice that, and so does Woohyun).  “Yes, I’m his prince.” He laughed too. I could only pout because everyone is teasing me. “Oppa, I wanna ask, why are you collapsing in front of the door earlier?” Seolri asked innocently. I gulped, and Woohyun mouthed the words ‘it’s okay to tell them’. I decided to tell them anyway. “Well yesterday night I’m thinking to take a night walk—“ “Didn’t I’ve already told you to not walk alone outside at night?” Woohyun looked pissed off. “Geez yes, I’m sorry hyun. So as I’ve said before, I was walking peacefully when I saw the supernatural hound that Siwon hyung and Sooyoung noona have seen before.” I stated that. The other gasped. And I could see Woohyun smirked when he noticed that Minho’s gasp is a little bit too happy.

Judging from Woohyun’s look, I think that he’s about to execute his plan. He walked towards me and then grabbed my hand. I’m confused, why did he do that? And when the electricity is out, I groaned. Why Woohyun’s plan always started with darkness?

“Don’t be afraid, I’m here princess.” He laughed, while I could hear Sooyoung noona and Seolri’s scream. I don’t know if this person a psycho or not. I’m still trembling, and Woohyun noticed that Minho and Krystal isn’t around. Suddenly, there’s a hound cry. I trembled even more, but Woohyun gave my hand an assuring grip.

The supernatural hound is barging to the summerhouse, Sooyoung noona and Seolri trembled, and Siwon hyung is not any better. But Woohyun is very calm, as if he already expected this. The hound is getting closer, when there’s a loud voice, shouting something. “LEAVE THIS HOUSE IMMIDIATELY! AND NEVER COME BACK!” Seolri is really really scared, but then Woohyun laughed out loud. “Cut the act please, I’m laughing so hard here.” The others (even me) are confused with Woohyun’s behavior. Woohyun suddenly dialed someone on his phone. “Howon, turn on the electricity.” He said. The house is fully lighted again, and they see the truth now. The hound is not an ordinary hound, but not exactly supernatural. It’s a robotic hound, controlled from who knows where. The hound is about to knock Woohyun off, but then Woohyun take his gun and shot the hound. The bullet goes through the hound, and there are jolts of light everywhere. The hound really is an electric one.

“Stop playing around, Minho-ssi, Krystal-ssi. I know you both are behind this. Have you got them, Howon?”

「”Yes Woohyun, I’ve got them”」

“Good then, can they hear me through the phone?”

「”Yes they can, speak whatever you want Woohyun.”」

“I’ve already known that the culprit is you two, thanks to my dear Watson here. He said that Krystal always stiffened every time she hears my name. And he founds out about the weird text that Minho send to Krystal. I’ve known that it’s you both, but I don’t know why. And when my dear Watson disobeying my words and went out at night, I followed him, since I’ve actually been here the moment my Watson arrived. He is being chased by the hound and then passed out. I got the time to observe the hound, and then realize, that the hound is not real. It’s only a robot. I’ve been searching about Minho’s background, and it turned out that he is a robotic engineer on the Choi Company, cellular division. I’ve been searching about Krystal’s background, too. And what I’ve found is quite surprising, since her family, Jung family have been eyeing this location for a resort. And then this morning you told Sunggyu about the deciding thing, thanks to my princess’ clumsiness, he managed to found me and told me about these things. Then, I’ve got enough evidence, so I execute my plan.” Woohyun ended his explanation. I groaned since he shamelessly calling me as his princess.

“And Dongwoo, did you record it all?” he asked.

「” Of course I have Woohyun, I bet everyone wants to read about this. Hehehe.”」

So he has been recording Woohyun’s explanation. “Who is Dongwoo?” Seolri managed to say something, but she still surprised. “He is a reporter.” Woohyun simply answered. “So this case will go on public?” Sooyoung noona asked. “Yes, I’m sorry if you don’t want it to go public, but this is a revenge for hurting my princess.” Woohyun simply said. “But you don’t have to worry, I bet Minho will say that he is forced, and with the evidence pointing to Krystal, your Minho’s name will remain clean.” All of the Choi Siblings sighed gladly, and I feel my cheeks heating up because of his words.




“Are you going back to Seoul now, oppa?” Seolri asked. “My flight is tonight.” I answered, ruffling her hair. “You don’t have to do that, oppa.” Seolri pouted. I laughed, but then her facial expression changed, her face become serious. “What is it, Seolri yah?” I curiously asked. “Oppa… You know? I used to have feelings for you… But seeing you with Woohyun oppa is more entertaining than being with you.” She smiled. I was at shock. Does she just confess to me? I always shower her with affection, but I never see her more than a sister. “Sunggyu, let’s go. Let’s have fun for one last time in Jeju before we get back to Seoul.” Woohyun shouted. I groaned. Then suddenly Seolri pecked my cheeks. I blushed. “Go then, oppa. Your prince is waiting for you!” She giggled and I can’t help but smile.





“Did Seolri confess to you earlier?”

“Why do you care?”

“I just do.”

“You’re making no sense, Nam Woohyun.”

“You’re my princess, of course I care.”

“W-what? I’m not a princess! W-what time is our flight anyway?”

“You’re so cute, princess. Or Watson. You could choose.”

“Yah Nam Woohyun!”


a/n: done. this is and i'm really tired-_- going to update again later if my tiredness(?) hasn't gone yet. this haven't been proofread. tell me what do you think?:3

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i'm about to update tonight but my mom didn't let me and yeah=_= i'll try to double the update on tuesday


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Simran20 #1
Chapter 6: Rereading it after a long time. Love it??that Sherlock Holmes feelings.
sunggyu_chingyu #2
Chapter 11: omg this story was amazing!!!! why on earth i just read it? it's beautiful :') i thought woohyun was died :') thank you so much for this wonderful story :') ❤
imsmlee86 #3
Chapter 12: My god really need these kind of stories moreeee, so gooood i love it~! Sequel sounds great!!
Chapter 12: Keep coming back here bcs i miss this story. Are you still up with the sequel?
MsTurtle #5
Chapter 12: Yes yes pleaseee >///< a sequel will be awesommeeeeee
Chapter 12: Someone need to make a drama out of this huaaa. Greatest ff. I love youuuu.
Chapter 12: PLS PLS PLS MAKE A SEQUEL! This story is liquid gold! Like too freaking awesome and the best detective ff I ever read with the best romance so pls~ I need the sequel >. < *excuse my word vomit
cookie99 #8
Chapter 12: Yes! you should make a sequel for this story.
Chapter 12: Daebak! This story is seriously daebak!!
I read it in 5 hours straight..and now my eyes kinda hurt ><
But it's all worth it..
Sequel please