A Study In Pitch Black


a/n: Since sherlock holme's novels is usually on Watson's point of view, most of the chapter will be on Sunggyu's point of view


“Hi oppa, I’m here to visit you.” A girl said, a little bit too happy.

“Oh. Yes. What do you want?” A man, who’s being visited, is clearly annoyed with the girl there.

“W-what do you mean oppa?” The girl is confused, but the man knows better than to fall with the act.

“Cut it out, I know you want something, hurry up and tell me.” The man is now angry, and the girl just smirked.

“Aww, you know me really well, oppa.” The girl smiled a sickening smile, but the man knows something will happen sooner or later.




Sunggyu’s P.O.V,

It’s already late evening and that’s mean my shift is almost over. I’m about to be happy until I remember—oh. I’m going to meet Woohyun and that’s not making me happy at all. I woke Sungyeol up since I know that he would be sleeping at time like this. I sighed, it’s just a matter of time that Sungjong would show up and completely ruin—

“Hyung! Sunggyu hyung!” Sungjong barges in with shouting. Clearly ruining my already ruined mood. “What is it Sungjong?” I asked in annoyance. “You have been living with the Nam Woohyun for one month, let’s celebrate!” Sungjong said happily. Why should I celebrate that? I thought. “Yeah we should celebrate hyung, you’re paying.” Sungyeol is already up and he’s joining the conversation, much to my annoyance. I groaned, why I have to deal with this people, I seriously need better fri—

“Hi, Sunggyu hyung.” Someone greeted me. Nam Woohyun, Nam freaking Woohyun is here, and Sungjong is surprised with the sudden visit. I can see that Sungyeol is surprised too. They always admire the so called best detective in Seoul and out of words when they meet him in person. I only chuckled and proceed to ask Woohyun. “What are you doing here?” I asked, slight annoyance laced in my voice. “Oh, I’m picking up my dear roommate.” Woohyun simply answers and smirked. I scoffed, but the word dear make me feel really weird. “Why are you exactly picking me up?” I ask with a frown. “Because you’re my dearest roommate and you’re parents told me to take a good care of you.” Woohyun answers once again. I pouted slightly. My parents, of course they would ask something like that. I’m being the only son (I have a younger sister but she’s far away on U.S.) on the family clearly make them worried. But I think it’s not necessary to be worried over me. Clearly, they like Woohyun, because they never entrust me to anyone.

I sighed. I look at Woohyun, he’s eyeing my works on the table. “Well I can go home on my own, so thanks for your effort driving all the way here, now shoo, go home. I’ll take the bus.” I shoved Woohyun away, and started to pack my things. Woohyun is amused with my words, judging from his looks, I bet no one have ever rejected him, I do my best to net let out a laugh. I can see that Sungjong and Sungyeol are amused, too. “Wow hyung, we’re already living together for over one month and you’re shying away from me? Cute.” Woohyun chuckled and I can’t help but blush a little. Geez, what with the cheesy words. I’ve done packing my things, and Woohyun dragged me outside. “Hyung! Goodluck!” Sungjong shouted and I can hear Sungyeol’s laughter. Curse those two; I’m going to get them once I step here tomorrow. I yanked my hand from Woohyun’s grip, but failed miserably. His grip is surprisingly strong. “I’ve said I can go home on my own right? Now can you please let me go?” I pouted because I failed to pull my hand off him. He just smirked and before he could say anything—

Black. All black. I figured out that the electricity was out. It’s not that I’m afraid of darkness or anything.

Okay. I am afraid of the dark. I trembled slightly because of the dark, and I can see that Woohyun is smirking. I hate that he found my weakness. “Are you afraid of the dark? Don’t worry; I won’t make fun of it. Just don’t let go of my hand, I’ll guide you.” He smiled. I don’t know if it’s a genuine smile or not, I’m busy maintaining my heartbeat. But then I heard a gunshot.

It’s very loud, I’m pretty sure that I think it’s loud because I’ve never heard a gunshot before. Woohyun then grabbed my hand and ran to the direction of the sound. I want to complain but actually this is better than being left out on the dark, alone. I heard another gunshot when Woohyun stopped completely in front of a particular room. I’m about to say what if it’s the wrong room, since it’s pitch black and the gunshot could be anywhere else, but Woohyun barged into the room, still holding my hand. The electricity is back, and I can see that Woohyun is right. There’s a man there, with a wounded shoulder, but he’s not dead yet, he only got shot on his shoulder twice. He’s lucky, at least he’s not dead yet. The window is broken, and I can see where the shooter escapes. I gaped in shock when I finally recognize the man’s face; it’s one of my patients. A celebrity patient, Woo Taewoon. But I’m more shocked when I see the word “RACHE” on the wall, written in blood, what I assumed as Taewoon’s blood.

I quickly called another doctor here since thank god this is a hospital so he doesn’t get killed. And treating bullet wounds is not exactly where I specialize in. Taewoon didn’t lose that much blood. Woohyun is now eyeing the ‘RACHE’ that is written in blood; he’s a detective after all. But I’m wondering how the hell he could get into the right room.

Taewoon hasn’t wake up yet, but he’s on a good condition now. At least he’s not dying. The police are here, and I can see Howon ordering people here and there. Howon see me, he is walking towards me when he stopped. I wonder what make him stopped, and oh—

Woohyun. He’s beside me and Howon clearly is not a big fan of him. Howon frowned and I don’t think I want to explain anything to him. “Hyung. You haven’t gone home yet?” Howon asked me. “Uh not yet, because actually—“ “I’m going to drive him home but there’s a gun shot and here he is.” Woohyun cut my words rather harshly; I know from his tone that Woohyun doesn’t like Howon that much. He dragged me away from the confused Howon and immediately interrogated me. “How did you know him?” he asks with a sour tone. “None of your business.” I answer, what a busybody he is. He frowns and then he asked me something again. “Hyung, that Taewoon is your patient right?” How did he know? Now I’m the one who frowned, but I just shrugged it off. “Yes, why?” I asked him. “Why he is hospitalized?” He asked me. “Food poisoning.” I answer simply. Woohyun seem to catch something, and then he dragged me to somewhere again.




He entered Taewoon’s room once again, but Taewoon has already moved, since the shooter could come back anytime. He’s moved into another room in the same floor, now guarded by bodyguards. Woohyun examine the room, and I admit he is good looking, especially when he’s serious like this.

But of course I would never admit that out loud.

He took pictures here and there using his phone since he’s working alone, and then I heard someone barges into the room. Both Howon and Woohyun startled before they say in the same time, “Jang Dongwoo.” They groaned, and this Jang Dongwoo just smirked. “Oh yes, that’s me.” He laughs and then he looked at me. I’m startled when he walked towards me and offered his hand. “Hello, you must be the Kim Sunggyu that Woohyun always talk about, I’m Jang Dongwoo, Woohyun’s best friend, and I’m a reporter.” He grinned. I took his hand and we did a handshake. “Yes, my name is Kim Sunggyu. And I’m the doctor who works here. The Woo Taewoon who has been shot is my patient.” I say. “Oh, is that so? Good then. This will be great news, if I could ask you something about him like—“ “Nope, you won’t ask anything, Dongwoo hyung. Now go bug Howon instead of Sunggyu Hyung.” Woohyun cuts his words. “Aww, you’re no fun, hyun. Okay then, see you two later. Howonnie!” Dongwoo called Howon and I can see that Howon is annoyed with the fact Dongwoo is here.

“He’s always like that.” Woohyun suddenly said. I nodded. “But he’s interesting.” I chuckled. “More interesting than me?” Woohyun asks with a smirk. I rolled my eyes. “You never interest me, dear Sherlock.” I used the nickname Sherlock and he clearly doesn’t like that. I laughed it off, but my laugh stopped when he said, “I could be the Sherlock Holmes and you could be my Doctor Watson, everyone knows that both Sherlock and Watson have soft spot for each other.” He smirks and my cheek is burning up.

Woohyun drags me to the receptionist, and I could only huffed since I’m really really sleepy and tired. “I’m sorry miss, I’m a detective, and even though I’m not from the police, can I ask you something?” He flashed his handsome smile and I could only snorted. He definitely does that only to get the receptionist’s attention. “Oh, yes. Of course you can, handsome.” The woman is flirting with Woohyun, and somehow I don’t like the sight of them flirting. “I bet you’ve already heard about the Shooting of Woo Taewoon here, right?” He smiles again. I start to close my eyes, and just heard them talking since I’m really sleepy. “Oh yes, of course, and what’s with it?” the woman answered. “I’m just wondering, is there anyone who visits him today?” he asks again. “Ah, yes. Since he’s a celebrity, other celebrities are visiting him too. His brother, the hip hop artist Woo Jiho is here this noon, after him Taewoon is visited by a model early in the evening, but I forgot her name.” the woman giggled at Woohyun, and I groaned, opening my eyes. I see the woman is winking at Woohyun, and from her looks, she’s about to ask Woohyun’s number. “Thank you very much, now if you excuse me, I need to get my dear tired hamster home, since he could sleep here anytime.” He goes away just like that, dragging me by the hand. I see the woman’s face and it’s really really priceless.




He drove me home (to his house since I’m actually living on his house) and I’m dozing off right after I sit on the passenger seat. I glance at the clock, no wonder I’m tired, it’s already eleven o’clock.

I woke up on my room, and think. How can I possibly got here, I slept all along the way last night and something hits my head. Woohyun must be the one carrying me here. I sighed, and then I go to the bathroom and wash my face before going downstairs. It’s Sunday and I have no shift today. But when I get downstairs, I see Woohyun is already dressed up nicely, sipping on his coffee (the only thing he could make without injuring himself) and then say “Go dress up, Sunggyu hyung, we’re going to the hospital soon.” I groaned. I thought today could be my holiday, but I’m totally wrong.

I walked out of the house and then I was stunned. Woohyun is there, signaling me to come closer and just hurry up and get on the damn car. But it’s not just a car. It’s freaking Audi R8 with the color bright red, Woohyun’s favourite color (courtesy of Sungjong, the Woohyun’s biggest fan). My mouth went agape because I can’t even afford that. “We’re going in that thing?” I asked. Woohyun scoffed, “Yes, just hurry up, I won’t drive too fast I promise, my other car is being washed, so can you just get on please?” I sighed. I will haunt him if I’m dead because he’s driving this thing.




We arrived at the hospital safely, thank god. I’m hungry because I haven’t eat any breakfast yet but I can’t buy anything, since I’ve just remembered I left my wallet on my house— I mean Woohyun’s house. I groaned, and there’s no way in hell I would ask Woohyun to buy some.

We entered Taewoon’s new room, because Woohyun said he wanted to see how’s Taewoon doing. There are so many bodyguards around the room, and when we’re inside, there are two man and a pretty girl. “I’m detective Nam Woohyun, and I bet you’ve already known my name, since I’ve been solving cases about celebrity, and this is my dearest friend Kim Sunggyu, Taewoon’s doctor.” Woohyun introduced himself and shamelessly introduced me as dearest friend. But what’s weird is that, the pretty girl stiffened very very slightly, and I think only me who notices, but judging from the look of Woohyun’s face, he noticed too.

“Oh, you’re Nam Woohyun? Nice to meet you then, I’m Woo Jiho, if you didn’t know about that. I’m usually called by the name Zico, and this is my group mate, Park Kyung.” He offered his hand and shake hands with Woohyun, and so does the Park Kyung guy. “I’m Jiho oppa’s girlfriend, model Kim Doyeon.” The pretty girl smiled and I almost cringed at that smile because it looked very fake. But I noticed that now the Park Kyung guy is stiffened. Woohyun noticed this too and proceed to his questions. “So Jiho-ssi, can I ask you a few question?” Woohyun asked, examining Jiho’s reaction. “You’re older than me, so I suggest you can call me with only my name.” Jiho responded in a friendly way. Woohyun chuckled. “I’ll take that as a yes then. So, where are you yesterday evening?” Woohyun asked. “I’m drinking with Kyung here and another band mates of mine, you can ask him, or the bar I’m drinking in.” Jiho answers. “What’s the name of the bar?” Woohyun asked again. “The name is Paradise.”“And how about you, where are you yesterday evening?” Woohyun turned to ask the model. “Well I’m at my house yesterday evening.” “Do you, by any chance like the color red?” Woohyun asked something that I think not really necessary. “I liked it very much, why?” Doyeon asked back. “Nothing, well thanks for your time, I’ll be going now.” Woohyun grabbed my hand and went out of the room.




“Shouldn’t we go to that Paradise bar and ask about Jiho’s presence last night?” I asked while munching down the sandwich Woohyun got me for lunch. “Nope, I already know who is the shooter. And I also already make a plan.” Woohyun slurped his lemon tea and I just nodded. “I’m just wondering, yesterday, how could you find the room where the shooting occurs that easily?” I asked curiously. “Well, that’s actually easy. I’ve learned that the hospital is a little bit different from other hospital. Since the hospital you’re working at is a prestigious hospital, they have a special department for riches and celebrities, where you’re assigned. Your hospitalized patients are in the rooms on the same floor as you so you could easily come to them. Your floor, or the 5th floor is for light complication, and when I eyed your patient list, there’s no particular famous person there, except Woo Taewoon, room 512. It’s just a lucky guess I think. Since other patient of yours is a simple rich but not too rich no ones. So there’s no better target than him. But the shooting is planned, I know it’s planned the moment you said that he is hospitalized because of food poisoning and that’s why I already make a plan. He was poisoned, but the poison didn’t kill him, so the person who poisoned him decided to shoot him and finished him for good. But it failed miserably, because the shooter is amateur, since he missed an easy aim such as head. Even though it’s dark, I trained shooter will easily shoot the heart or head since those two is the easiest target. He will come back today, and I’ll execute the plan.” Woohyun explained. I was amused. He could remember the location of my patients that precise in such a short of time? And thinking of all this things too. Now I’m beginning to think that he is a real detective.  “So now, what are we going to do?” I asked. “We’re going to the hospital again, let’s go.” Woohyun grabbed my hand and went to the counter to pay for our food. I sighed. I hope his plan works.




We went to the hospital again, and went straight to Taewoon’s room. It’s almost evening when we went there. There’s Dongwoo and Howon, talking with each other. I checked my phone and there’s a few message from Sungjong, Sungyeol, and my parents. I sighed, there’s a few miscall from Sungjong, too. That brat probably looking for me, since I’m usually going out with him every Sunday. “Oh, Sunggyu hyung is here too?” Howon asked. “Yes Howon, I’m here.” “He’s here with me.” Woohyun said sharply. “Well Mr. Nam Woohyun, you don’t have to be that jealous because he’s asking about your hamster.” Dongwoo scoffed. “Yah, I’m not jealous. Wait, aren’t you a bit friendlier today with Howon?” Woohyun smirked. I can see that Dongwoo is blushing, but I’m blushing too with his words about me. Woohyun is laughing out loud, and Howon being Howon, oblivious to what happened here. I sighed once again, when I hear gunshot. “I know this is going to happen, Howon, let’s go. Sunggyu, you stay here.” Woohyun ordered. “I’m with you guys.” Dongwoo said. I’m about to say like that too, when they left already, with the bodyguards, running to the direction of the gunshot. I’m being left alone. That’s great. I don’t think my day could be any worse when the electricity is out. Again.

I trembled. It’s pitch black, and I doubt that the electricity is the part of Woohyun’s plan. I almost cry, Woohyun, where are you.

And I think I’m really going to die when I sensed a person, opening the door. Mouthing the word ‘rache’ and pointing a gun at me.

Well . I’m screwed.

“W-wait. Please don’t kill me. Please. Don’t kill Taewoon too. He doesn’t deserve it!” I shout, my voice shaking a bit. “He doesn’t deserve it? Well he does!” It’s a girl’s voice. I recognize as Doyeon’s voice. “Kim Doyeon…. Jiho’s girlfriend. Why are you doing this?” I asked, my trembling hasn’t stopped yet. “It’s because Taewoon oppa refuse to hide the fact that I’m cheating!” Doyeon roared. “Since you’re going to die anyway. I’m going to tell you the story…. The story why I shot Taewoon.. The story of my, ‘rache’” I’m shaking, and tears already b from my eyes because I realize that I am going to die. Woohyun, where is he at time like this?

“I know Jiho oppa never loved me, he always love that Park Kyung. But his brother can’t accept that, and told Jiho to date me! I was happy at first, when the media founds out he’s not declining it as well. But I realize that Jiho didn’t really love me. I’m okay with him dating behind my back, but then Taewoon oppa snap a picture of me kissing with someone else, and threatening me that he will spread the picture. That will make me look bad, when I’m not the only one cheating! I used to love Jiho oppa, but now, I don’t think I can love him.” I can see that tears already fall from her eyes. She’s hurt so badly, but I don’t think this is the right thing to do. “Well, you have a point there, but I don’t think it’s the right thing to do. Put the gun down, young lady.” I heard someone voices my thought. Woohyun. He’s here.

The electricity is back again shortly. And I’ve never been this glad to see Woohyun. Doyeon put her gun down and crying loudly. My feet can’t hold me too, and I fall to my knees. “May I continue then? I already suspected you the moment I talked to you since you have a record down there for visiting Taewoon’s ward at the evening, but you’re saying that you’re at your house. That’s not possible. When I examine the word ‘rache’ that you wrote on the wall with blood, you write that in hurry, so there’s some part of your red nail polish left there. I could easily distinct that there’s nail polish there, because the color is a bit different, but if you don’t look at it very very closely, you won’t see it. I know the shooter is a girl, because your bullet missed, and I bet any guy could shoot a person’s head without a miss. And when I see the nail polish, I know it’s a girl. But the police haven’t found out yet so I just go on with my own investigation. I clarify at the receptionist that there is actually a girl visiting Taewoon on the evening, and it turns out to be you because the receptionist say that it’s a model. I know about the affairs happening between you and Jiho since you and Kyung both stiffened at some points. Like when I said ‘dearest friend’ to Sunggyu, you stiffened because it’s reminds you of Kyung and Jiho’s relationship. While Kyung stiffened when you say the word ‘girlfriend’” Woohyun explained. I’m really amused that Woohyun could figure that out on his own. And judging from Doyeon’s look on her face, everything that Woohyun said is right.

“And I’ve record it all, the moment you’ve tell your story about your ‘rache’ or something like that.” Woohyun said simply. “If you’re here, why don’t you just go inside and save your friend? I could have killed him!” She shouted. “ Well I know you won’t, since you would probably miss anyway, Howon, get her.” He ordered Howon who just arrived. Howon handcuffed her and I could only watch, my energy hasn’t back yet. Woohyun slowly approached me, and kneeled down in front of me. “Are you okay?” he asked, I know that he’s worried. “You bastard… You planned on leaving me before didn’t you? You know I can’t stand darkness and pitch black rooms but you actually planned that!” I cried silently, not wanting others to hear me except Woohyun. Woohyun sighed. “I’m really sorry, I do plan that but I didn’t actually think that she will turn off the electricity again like last time, because she already got our attention by firing the gun at other place.” Woohyun said that, he looks very guilty. I sighed. I’ve stopped crying, and I ask him. “What if I really got killed?” “You won’t, simply because I planned all of this. And I’m your Sherlock Holmes remember? Sherlock never let Watson get killed right?” I smiled and Woohyun wiped my tears.

“Wow, you two look very cute.” Sungjong said with an amused grin. “ off, Lee Sungjong.” I stood up, and straighten my clothes. Woohyun stood up too. “Why are you here anyway?” I asked him. “Your parents told me to look for you, and I think you’ll be here.” Sungjong simply answered. “Aren’t you tired Woohyun? Let’s go home.” I dragged Woohyun since I don’t want to get involved with Sungjong any longer. “Wait! Hyung! Your parents want to see you tomorrow! With Woohyun!” Sungjong shouted. I shook my head, still dragging Woohyun.




“Oh detective! Thank you for saving my son’s life!” My mother said a little bit to happy. I groaned, Woohyun almost killed me (event though he saved me too) and they’re thanking him? I buried my face on my hands. “It’s no big deal, Mrs. Kim.” I can feel that now Woohyun flashes his handsome trademark smile and I groaned. “Don’t be like that, Sunggyu. So, to reward Woohyun, and so that Sunggyu can rest nicely, you two are going to a vacation to jeju! Isn’t that fun?” My father said. I buried my face even deeper in my hands, not wanting to hear Woohyun’s answer. With Woohyun, anywhere is not a vacation, I groaned. 



a/n: first case done! tell me what do you think about this chapter!

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i'm about to update tonight but my mom didn't let me and yeah=_= i'll try to double the update on tuesday


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Simran20 #1
Chapter 6: Rereading it after a long time. Love it??that Sherlock Holmes feelings.
sunggyu_chingyu #2
Chapter 11: omg this story was amazing!!!! why on earth i just read it? it's beautiful :') i thought woohyun was died :') thank you so much for this wonderful story :') ❤
imsmlee86 #3
Chapter 12: My god really need these kind of stories moreeee, so gooood i love it~! Sequel sounds great!!
Chapter 12: Keep coming back here bcs i miss this story. Are you still up with the sequel?
MsTurtle #5
Chapter 12: Yes yes pleaseee >///< a sequel will be awesommeeeeee
Chapter 12: Someone need to make a drama out of this huaaa. Greatest ff. I love youuuu.
Chapter 12: PLS PLS PLS MAKE A SEQUEL! This story is liquid gold! Like too freaking awesome and the best detective ff I ever read with the best romance so pls~ I need the sequel >. < *excuse my word vomit
cookie99 #8
Chapter 12: Yes! you should make a sequel for this story.
Chapter 12: Daebak! This story is seriously daebak!!
I read it in 5 hours straight..and now my eyes kinda hurt ><
But it's all worth it..
Sequel please