The first meeting


Sunggyu is desperate, of course. He really needs to find a place to live, but he doesn’t know where. He already had a job of course, as a doctor on a prestigious hospital in Seoul. And, his father is the really rich, chairman of Kim corporation who actually owns the hospital where he works. Sunggyu groans in frustration, he can’t ask more from his father like buying him an apartment, even though he knows that it won’t be a problem for Sunggyu’s father but still, he doesn’t have the heart to ask his father. His salary from his job is not enough to rent an apartment, let alone to buy one. It’s because he’s still new and being a doctor doesn’t mean you can get anything you want.

Woohyun is the most most famous detective on Seoul and plus, he’s handsome, so he get the media’s attention like almost immediately. When he’s solving case so easily and shames the Seoul’s police department and he can’t really do anything about it. Well, he is now living on a house on his own, but he feels lonely. He needs a roommate, who can help him clean and actually cook, not just cook instant ramyun like he always do, but actual food.




Sunggyu is on his office, it’s almost evening, so that means his shift is almost over. He stands up to wake his fellow assistant or so called nurse, who’s dozing off right now. “Yah, Lee Sungyeol! Wake up right now!” Sunggyu shouted while nudging Sungyeol’s side. Well, Sungyeol is an intern working there, he’s younger than Sunggyu, but being both younger and an intern don’t make you can doze off like this, Sunggyu thinks. Sungyeol finally wakes up after five long minutes and it pisses Sunggyu off. Just when he about to shout at Sungyeol again, he hears footsteps approaching and he know exactly the only person who comes at his office in this hour. Lee Sungjong. His little brother. Well not exactly Sunggyu’s little brother, since Sungjomg is actually just a high schooler assigned to him because Sungjong’s parents is Sunggyu’s parent’s best friend.

Sungjong bursts out of the door, entering the white doctor room with a bright expression. Sunggyu frowns since what can possibly make Sungjong so happy?  “Hyung! Didn’t you say that you’re looking for a place to stay? Well my parents actually got someone who needs a roommate!” Sungjong says a little bit too happy. “Really? That’s good then. Who is it?” Sunggyu asks curiously. “It’s the Nam Woohyun hyung!” Sungjong happily exclaimed. “Who the heck is….Nam Woohyun?” Sunggyu ask, he looks really confused. “Hyung… Don’t tell me that you actually don’t know who Nam Woohyun is?” Sungyeol joined the conversation, clearly amused on the fact that Sunggyu really don’t know who is Nam Woohyun.  “Well I don’t, now tell me who he is.” Sunggyu pouts. “Hyung, he had been the spotlight on media these days, he is Seoul’s best detective, the Nam Woohyun who solves a murder case that even the Seoul’s police department can’t solve for months!” Sungjong tells him, voice laced with excitement.”You’re really making us look bad, that Nam Woohyun isn’t that great you know.” Lee Howon sighed. He joins the conversation not too long after he enters.  He is Sunggyu’s best friend, and also a cop, who’s working as a chief. Sungjong and Sungyeol continues rambles about this Nam Woohyun and Sunggyu thinks, Seoul’s famous detective, huh? He can’t possibly be the worst roommate, right?  He questions himself, and sigh.




Woohyun is sitting alone on his work table, so many papers in front of him. He can’t possibly get more stressed than this; he needs someone to entertain him. But who? Woohyun sighed. He doesn’t have any particular friend to live with him. He has friends, of course. Like that famous model Kim Myungsoo, the last person on earth Woohyun wants to live with, and the reporter of the Seoul’s best newspaper Jang Dongwoo. Only two close friends, but Woohyun thinks it is enough since those two always bring troubles to Woohyun. He sighs once again, until he felt his phone vibrating. He picks up lazily. “Nam Woohyun here, what do you want?” Woohyun is not in a mood for answering phone, clearly. But the next sentence of the caller, interests him. “Roommate? Oh I certainly need one. Who? Kim Sunggyu? That’s the name that’s going to live with me? Interesting. Yes ma’am, it’s not a problem of course. Thank you? I should be the one who’s saying this. Oh, yes, you’re very welcome.”  Woohyun hung up on the phone and smirks. He needs to find out about this Kim Sunggyu.




Wrong. Sunggyu’s thought immediately proven wrong. He’s now meeting the infamous Nam Woohyun, and he is a goddamn freak. He’s handsome, of course, but he’s giving Sunggyu this weird feeling and—

“Kim Sunggyu? You there?” Woohyun asks with a smirk. “Yes I’m here, so what are the conditions that you’re saying earlier?” Sunggyu asks once again. “Oh, yeah. You need to help me clean and cook for me and you will help me with my case. Since you’re a doctor, you can do useful things for me. You won’t need to pay, plus, you get to live with the best detective in Seoul, isn’t that great? ” Woohyun say, and smirks once again. Sunggyu resist the urge to rolls his eyes. “Yes, I accept your offer, if it’s worth called offer anyway.” Sunggyu huffed. Woohyun just smirks.

My life is totally ruined, Sunggyu thought.


This is going to be interesting, Woohyun smirks.


A/N: this is really short. i promise it will be longer next chapter. tell me what do you think about this?^^

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i'm about to update tonight but my mom didn't let me and yeah=_= i'll try to double the update on tuesday


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Simran20 #1
Chapter 6: Rereading it after a long time. Love it??that Sherlock Holmes feelings.
sunggyu_chingyu #2
Chapter 11: omg this story was amazing!!!! why on earth i just read it? it's beautiful :') i thought woohyun was died :') thank you so much for this wonderful story :') ❤
imsmlee86 #3
Chapter 12: My god really need these kind of stories moreeee, so gooood i love it~! Sequel sounds great!!
Chapter 12: Keep coming back here bcs i miss this story. Are you still up with the sequel?
MsTurtle #5
Chapter 12: Yes yes pleaseee >///< a sequel will be awesommeeeeee
Chapter 12: Someone need to make a drama out of this huaaa. Greatest ff. I love youuuu.
Chapter 12: PLS PLS PLS MAKE A SEQUEL! This story is liquid gold! Like too freaking awesome and the best detective ff I ever read with the best romance so pls~ I need the sequel >. < *excuse my word vomit
cookie99 #8
Chapter 12: Yes! you should make a sequel for this story.
Chapter 12: Daebak! This story is seriously daebak!!
I read it in 5 hours straight..and now my eyes kinda hurt ><
But it's all worth it..
Sequel please