Haloween's Night



“Boss! What’re we going to do? He doesn’t even budge last time, and his pretty princess doesn’t seem to be affected that much with the fact!”

“There will always be ways.” The man is smirking.

“We’ll just have to, use more vicious way. I hate him, and I will crush him into pieces.”

The man throws his newspaper, half crumpled. It said:

「The Kim Corporation held a gala dinner to celebrate Halloween, the party will be held tonight, and there are so many celebrities who are invited, along with the heirs of several famous company.」

“Starting, from the one he loves the most.”




Sunggyu’s P.O.V.

“Why should I go to the party, Jisoo?”

「”Because mother told me to drag you home…?”」

I sighed. My head really hurts, and now I have to deal with this.

“Why did father held the party in the first place?” I sighed.

「”How would I know? And yeah, Woohyun oppa is invited, by the way. He will share room, with you, isn’t it fun?” 」


「”I’m just kidding, okay? I’m hanging up, I’m going to Park Hyatt Busan this evening, tell mother I’ll be late, I’m coming with Kim Myungsoo, bye!”」

“Yah! Kim Jisoo!” Damn, she hangs up already.

“You’re coming hyung?” Sungjong suddenly bursts into my office. “I have no choice, right?” I sighed. “Is Woohyun hyung invited too?” Sungjong asked. Sungyeol is not here today, I wonder why. I need to scold him for skipping later. “What am I invited too?” Woohyun is there, raising his brows. “N-Nothing! It’s nothing!” I answered. I clearly don’t need him to know that he is invited to a goddamn party that my parent held. “Oh, hyung! You’re invited to the Kim Corporation party at Park Hyatt Busan at tomorrow evening! It’s a Halloween party! You should come with Sunggyu hyung!” I face palmed myself. Can Sungjong stop meddling with my problems? “What party, Sunggyu?” Woohyun asked. I glared at Sungjong, and immediately, he shot up and stand. “U-Uh, I think I should go home, it’s already lunchtime! I should have some lunch!” Sungjong run out to the door, when it’s clearly still 10 am in the morning. It’s Saturday, didn’t that kid have something to do? “It’s just a party that my parents held, Halloween party. You don’t really have to come, I won’t come too, but unfortunately, they are my parent.” I groaned. “Party? That would be very fun.” Woohyun smirked. I really thought he was going to refuse, but no, I’m wrong like always. “I’m coming with you, then.” Woohyun said. Earlier this day, I’m glad that I can go back home on lunchtime at Saturday, but now, I don’t think it’ll be good.




I don’t know how am ended up here, riding Woohyun’s fancy sport car, to Busan. I sighed. “I know what are you thinking but we’re going to get there faster with this car. Don’t blame me that you can’t wake up faster earlier when you take a nap.” Woohyun said simply. “I know, I know.” I pouted. Woohyun is really annoying, sometimes. I glance at him, he’s using sunglasses and…. He looked handsome. “How much time I need to tell you that staring is rude, princess?” Woohyun chuckled. I blushed. I chose to ignore his comment. The sun didn’t show any sign to set. This is going to be a very very long ride.

“Sunggyu! You’re here!” My mother approached me; we’re already arrived at Park Hyatt Busan, and now we’re at the lobby. The sea looked really beautiful from here. “Mother… nice to meet you… I guess…” I murmured the last part. “And this handsome man over here— Oh! Woohyun! It’s so nice to see you accompanying Sunggyu! You look so cute with him!” My mother squeals. She squealed. Woohyun just smiled his charming smiled, and not so long after that, my father is here too. “Ah, Woohyun. I read about you in the newspapers, you’re analyzing skills is great you know that? Plus, you saved my son countless times, we have to thank you, Woohyun.” My father smiled. “It’s nothing, Mr. Kim.” Woohyun smiled back. “Oh Woohyun, I bet you’ll look handsome in suit and mask!” My mother praised Woohyun. I pouted. I’m their son, not Woohyun. But all they talk about is Woohyun. Woohyun seemed to notice this, and he smiled at me. His smile is breathtaking, he rarely smile like this. “I bet this pretty princess will look good too in suit, can I see him in a dress?” Woohyun said playfully. My mother laughs and so does my father. I froze. Woohyun shamelessly tell my mother that he wants to see me in a dress! I groaned. “Mother!” I heard Jisoo shouted. She’s here with Myungsoo. “Jisoo my lovely daughter! Come here! And Myungsoo, too!” My mother calls those two. I don’t need Jisoo to laugh at me so I turned to my father. “Father, can I go to my room?” I asked. “Yes, of course you can, dear. Take Woohyun with you too.” Father said. I grabbed Woohyun hands and drag him to the receptionist before Jisoo arrived. “Excuse me, miss. My name’s Kim Sunggyu, and I am a guest from the Kim Corporation’s party. May I know my room’s number?” I asked. “Oh, Mr. Kim Sunggyu? Your room number is 145, with Mr. Nam Woohyun, right?” I froze. Woohyun seems unaffected. “W-what? You must be mistaken, there’s no way I’m rooming with him, right?” I pointed at Woohyun. “What’s wrong, sweetie?” My mom asked me, Jisoo and Myungsoo tailed behind her. “N-No my room is—“ “Oh, you know your room already? Isn’t good? You’ll be rooming with Woohyun!” My mother squealed happily. “I’ll gladly accept that, Mrs. Kim, to be in one room with your pretty son.” Woohyun smiled his charming smile. Jisoo is laughing loudly, and Myungsoo is smirking. I blushed, and oh god, I’ll be rooming with him.




I’m alone in my room. It’s not even that late, still evening. The sun’s gone, but there are still some red colors on the sky. I sighed. Woohyun said that my father is calling him; I don’t know what’s my father’s up to. Then something came across my mind. The kiss. I remember that Woohyun kissed me that night when we’re catching those drug dealers. My cheeks heated up at the thought. His lips were rough, but nonetheless, it was sweet. Why Woohyun did that anyway? And he had the nerve to fool me, I was seriously thinking that he would die— but what if he really died? I can’t imagine living without him—

Wait. Why am I thinking like this?

I groaned.

And then the door burst open, I thought it’s Woohyun. But no, it’s Jisoo and my mother, with countless dress on their hands. What are they doing here? “Oppa~” Jisoo called me, too sweetly. It’s suspicious. “What… do you need?” I asked, sounded hesitated. I sensed something wrong. “Well, you know that the Choi family is a very close family to us right?” My mother said. “Yeah… so?” I asked back. “Sooyoung unnie is very tall… and we want to give her a good dress.” Jisoo said. “I don’t see that have something to do with me.” I stated. “We’re not tall enough…. And the only one who’s tall enough to help us estimate Sooyoung unnie’s height… is you, oppa.” She said. I still don’t understand. “And…?” I asked, still confused. “We need you to wear these dresses so we could get the right one for Sooyoung, my dear son.” My mother smiled brightly. I was stunned. What the…. Heck?

“Seriously, how many left?” I asked, groaning. “Two left oppa, hold it” Jisoo said. This is the tenth dress I’ve worn, and there are two left? Now I’m wearing a freaking blue polkadot dress for god’s sake. I’m a man! “I don’t think this is good.” My mother said. “Yes, I think so too, mother. Oppa, the next dress.” I groaned as Jisoo pull the dress off me and forced me to wear another one, this time, a frilly pink dress. I went to the dressing room and wear it. “You guys have a very sick sick mind, why do I need to wear this wig too?” I groaned as I make my way back to Jisoo and my mother who are sitting on a couch. “It’s making us easier to pick, seeing you as a woman than as a guy, plus, you have a very pretty face anyway. Why are ypu complaining now, when I put the wig on you like about an half hour earlier.” Jisoo said. “Yes gyu, don’t worry, only one dress left.” My mother said, examining me. “And why I have to wear the heels? I thought I was tall enough!” I shouted with frustration. “Just because. I don’t like this dress by the way, the color’s too neon for my liking, I bet Sooyoung unnie won’t like it.” Jisoo commented. “I guess so too. Gyu, another dress, please.” My mother ordered me. I groaned again. Jisoo is taking off the dress almost forcefully when she shoved me another dress, it’s white this time, and there’s a cardigan that I supposed to wear with the dress. I examine it before wearing it. It’s kind of pretty, and I would like to see this dress wore by someone else rather than me, out of all people. I’m a man for god’s sake! I wear it, and I look at my reflection on the mirror. I groaned, I really looked like a girl and I hate it. The dress was short, and there’s a black bow on the waist part. The cardigan was black too, and the dress originally had no sleeve. I come out from the dressing room to see my mother and Jisoo stunned. “Oppa… you looked gorgeous.” Jisoo squeals. What the heck? I rolled my eyes when suddenly my mother said, “Please take off the cardigan, gyu.” I took the cardigan off, showing my pale skin that’s match the dress’ color. They stay still for a sec, when Jisoo suddenly pulled her phone and took a picture of me. “Yah! Kim Jisoo come here! Give me your phone!” I shouted. Jisoo ran towards the door, while giggling, and I could sense that my mother is laughing too. I was flustered as she opened the door, getting outside. I was about to after her, but I didn’t realize that I still wearing the heels, I slipped and fall, just to be caught by someone. I can see Jisoo laughing loudly outside the door; I was confused why is she laughing louder than earlier. “Sunggyu…?” . That voice. I looked up with a frightened expression. Out of all people, why it has to be Nam Woohyun that caught me wearing a freaking dress? I cursed in my mind.

I already changed back to my previous clothes, being embarrassed at the couch. My mother chooses to give another dress to Sooyoung noona and decided to keep the white dress since I looked so pretty in that dress. I groaned while face palming myself. What would Woohyun think about me? He probably thinks I’m a weirdo for wearing a dress. “Sunggyu.” Woohyun called me. “Y-Yes?” I shot up, hearing Woohyun calling me. “You…” Woohyun seem hesitated. “What?” I’m curious about what is he going to say. “You look pretty in that dress earlier.” He said sternly, looking away from me. I blushed hard. “T-Thanks, I guess..” Why the heck that I’m stuttering? My thought was cut when I heard a scream. Woohyun ran out the door and so do I, the scream is coming from someone’s room on the same floor. There are crowds in front of a certain door. Woohyun holds my hands tightly, and push people so he could get in and see what happened. Woohyun froze, and so do I. The room was ransacked, and there are bloods splattered on the wall. And on the window, the bloods spell the words ‘die’ and a big M word. Woohyun noticed a letter on the desk. He’s shocked when he opened the letter.

「 H A V I N G  S O  M U C H  F U N  S H E R L O C K ?  W E L L  Y O U  W O N ‘ T  H A V E  A N Y M O R E  F U N  L A T E R , G U A R D I N G  Y O U R  L I T T L E  P R I N C E S S  N I C E L Y , I  G U E S S ? H E ‘ S  P R E T T I E R  W I T H  D R E S S  O N , C A N ‘T  W A I T  T O  G E T  M Y  H A N D S  O N  H I M .  H A V E  A  N I C E  D A Y  A H E A D , S H E R L O C K.

P S : Y O U R  P R I N C E S S  ‘  M I L K Y  W H I T E  S K I N  M A T C H E S  P E R F E C T L Y   W I T H   T H E   D R E S S ’   C O L O R , I  W O N D E R   H O W   I T   F E E L S   O N   M Y   H A N D . 」

Woohyun gritted his teeth and I froze when reading the letter. When I tried the dresses earlier, the people who saw me was only Jisoo, my mother, and Woohyun… How on earth whoever sends this letter knows about it? He harshly pulled my hands out of the room while more people starts crowding in front of the door’s room. He opens the door to our room and shoved me inside, and then he slammed the door closed. “Woohyun…” I called him, my voice is shaking. He let out a frustrated sigh. “The room’s number.” He suddenly said. “What’s with the room number?” I asked. “It’s 154.” He said again. “And…?” I was confused. “Our room’s number is 145, whoever did this, they planned to do it on our room, but somehow, they’ve mistaken.” Woohyun said sternly. “But… Who did this?” I asked. “I have no idea. Let’s just find out later.” Woohyun said. I sighed. Woohyun… has never been this cold to me before. I just shrugged off the thought and went to sleep.

I woke up at three o’clock in the morning. I see that Woohyun is sleeping on the couch. I approached him, and I can’t help admiring his features; his nose, his sharp jaw line, his tan skin, and his lips. Especially his lips; which I have tasted before. The thought of Woohyun’s lips making my cheeks reddened, again. I sighed, and I went outside to get some fresh air. I closed the door slowly, and walked outside. It’s surprisingly cold outside and when I’m about to take the lift, the electricity is dead. I froze. I can’t see anything, at all. I heard footsteps coming towards me, and then someone is punching my jaw. I hissed because of the pain, but then someone punched my chest, and I fall backwards. I felt another person kicked me on my thigh, and I screamed in pain. “What the heck are you guys doing here?” I hear someone shouted, and then the electricity is back again. My attackers had run away right after the person shouted. I looked up, and I see Kris. “Kris… What’re you doing here?” I asked, wincing from pain. “I’m also invited for your parent’s party, silly. Bang Yongguk is here too. Where are you hurting?” Kris asked. “A-Ah it’s not a big deal Kris, I’m fine—“ “No you’re not, let me carry you.” Kris said. But then he’s eyeing, something. “What is that?” I looked at his direction. I saw it too, a paper. Kris took it and give it to me.

「 Y O U R   S H E R L O C K  I S N ’ T   P R O T E C T I N G   Y O U ?   W H A T   A   S H A M E . D O E S   H E   E V E N   C A R E   A B O U T   Y O U ?  」

I was shocked reading that. It’s just like the message on the evening earlier. Then we heard a thud. “Who’s there?” Kris shouted. “It’s just me, Yongguk.” Yongguk approached us; his face paled a bit when he saw Kris. “W-What happened? Why Sunggyu hyung’s face is bruised?” Yongguk asked, bewildered. “Someone attacked him when the light’s out. He can’t walk right now.” Kris stated. “What’re you doing here?” Kris asked Yongguk. “I-I was just talking to someone over the phone.” Yongguk answered. Yongguk seem flustered for some reason. I don’t know why.  But then he smirked. “Did you say that Sunggyu hyung couldn’t walk?” He asked. “Yes, why?” Kris asked. “I’ll bring him to his room. You could go back, Kris, sir.” Yongguk smiled. Kris is confused but agreed to his offers, anyway. “I’ll be going, then.” Kris smiled and went away. “You didn’t sound like a person who just pick up a phone.” I snorted. Yongguk and I hang out a lot after we met on the drug’s case. Yongguk laughed. “I really did pick up my phone earlier.” He carried me bridal style to my room. “Is it him, who called you?” I asked playfully. “Yah, you know he’s interested with Kris, and Kris is interested with him too. I can’t possibly go after my boss’ target, right?” Yongguk smiled weakly. I just laughed. “But that Sherlock of yours is seriously stupid, why would he let you out in this wee hours of night?” Yongguk scoffed. “H-He’s not mine!” I blushed and pouted. “Yet.” Yongguk added while laughing. I blushed even harder. We are in front of my room when suddenly, the door opened. Revealing sleepy Woohyun in shorts, and shirtless. I flushed at the sight and Yongguk just smirked at me. I didn’t recall Woohyun sleeps in those earlier. He was shocked, seeing me in Yongguk’s arms. “Sunggyu… Why are you here with him outside?” He hissed at me. I shuddered. “Your princess was being beaten up while you sleep, and I’m his savior. He can’t walk now.” Yongguk put me down and I’m wincing in pain. Woohyun holds me immediately and my cheeks reddened even more when I felt his bare skin brushes again mine. “Get in, we have to put ointment on his bruise.” Yongguk said, walking inside our room. Woohyun is helping me get inside.

“Hyung, take off your pants.” Yongguk ordered. “WHAT?” Woohyun shouted. “Geez, I don’t want to do anything nasty to him, unlike some person—“ “Bang Yongguk.”  Woohyun said, flushed. “So, as I was saying before, your princess is beaten up and he needs to take off his pants.” Yongguk smirked. “I don’t mind, hyun. I’m wearing boxer anyway.” I said. “That’s not the point.” Woohyun murmured. “And your shirt too, hyung.” Yongguk smirked even more. I have no idea why; it’s fine right, for me to take off my shirt and stuff, since I’m a guy too. “What. Bang Yongguk.” Woohyun said. I shrugged them off, I take off my pants, whimpering slightly since my hands brushed against my bruised spot. “S-Sungyu, what are you doing?” Woohyun asked while gulping. “Don’t get to excited, Woohyun. Here’s the lube— I mean the ointment you need, I’ll be going, bye!” Yongguk storms out of the door, smirk still on his face. Woohyun groaned and I just stay there, dumbfounded. I winced because of the pain again. And then Woohyun sighed. “Is it hurt?” Woohyun asked. He was putting the ointment on my thighs and it hurts. I bit my lips and nodded. “Wait a little bit… now done.” He smiled at me. “Who’s the one who did this to you?” Woohyun asked. “I-I don’t know… it was dark and I was afraid and and there’s this letter who said that you didn’t care and—“ My words was cut by Woohyun’s hug. “I’m sorry… I can’t protect you…” Woohyun said weakly. I froze. “You’re important for me, I-I can’t lose you.” Woohyun said. “Woohyun… I—“ “SUNGGYU HYUNG I HEARD THAT YOU GOT BEATEN UP—oh.” “SUNGJONG WHY ARE YOU BARGING IN LIKE THAT—ah.” Jisoo and Sungjong suddenly entered our room. I shoved Woohyun off me and he’s groaning in pain. I realized that I’m only on my boxer and Woohyun didn’t have any shirt on. I sighed, I will spend my morning to clear any misunderstanding they had.




I’m all dressed up after taking a shower. I’m about to go downstairs when I noticed Woohyun holding a paper. I froze. It was the letter I got earlier. “Sunggyu. Did you got this earlier when you were beaten up?” Woohyun asked sharply. “Y-yes…” I answered, stuttering. Woohyun sighed. “Let’s go, then.” He grabbed my hands to head downstairs; we’re going to have breakfast.

“Sunggyu oppa! Woohyun oppa! Here!” Jisoo shouted at us. I saw Seolri on the table and my face lit up. I walked faster towards them, since I can’t run, my thigh still hurts. I plopped myself beside Seolri and Woohyun frowned before he took a seat beside me. “Sunggyu oppa! I heard that you got hurt, are you okay?” Seolri asked, worrily. “I’m fine.” I smiled, assuring that I’m really fine. “Did Woohyun do it roughly?” Yongguk asking while smirk plastered on his face. “No, he was being really gentle.” I answered, assuming that it was about putting the ointment. Sungjong, Jisoo, Dongwoo, and Seolri gaped at me. Yongguk was limping trying to hold his laugh, Kris and Howon looking at me with an amused smile, and Woohyun literally bang his face to the table. Siwon hyung and Sooyoung noona who are on the next table approaches us, too. “Um… What’s wrong…?” I asked. “Wow Sunggyu, really?” Siwon hyung asked surprisedly. “W-What?” I asked. “Nothing Sunggyu, you should eat.” Woohyun said sternly, with red tinting his cheeks. I have no idea what are they talking about. When suddenly, we heard a scream from across the room. Woohyun stood up immediately and ran across the room, the other following too. When we arrived at the table, we saw a man, collapsing on the floor with white foam on the man’s mouth.

“Put the foods back, it has been poisoned!” A man shouted. The hotel’s dining room is now at chaos. Someone pushed me and I almost fall if Woohyun didn’t catch me. “NOBODY MOVE, EVERYONE STAY STILL!” Woohyun roared and everybody froze. Woohyun kneeled and check the man’s pulse. “He’s dead. Anyone knows who is he?” Woohyun said. “I know.” Woohyun froze hearing a women’s voice. “He’s my best friend, Son Dongwoon.” The women looked at Woohyun. “Han Seungyeon noona…. “ Woohyun said. Who is this woman? “Oppa! Oppa!” There’s a woman who cries while running towards the dead man. “Who are you?” Woohyun asked. “I’m Son Naeun, Dongwoon oppa’s wife.” Wife… They’re married? They looked so young… “His wife?” Woohyun asked surprised. “Y-Yes…” the woman stuttered. “Naeun-ah!” someone called the girl. I can recognize him as Sungjong’s cousin, Lee Taemin. “Taemin-ah… Dongwoon oppa is dead… “ She cried on Taemin’s embrace. “Shhh… Naeun-ah… You will be fine…” Taemin coaxed her. “Taemin-ah… bring her away.” I ordered. Taemin nodded and leave with Naeun. “Cyanide. He’s poisoned by cyanide.” Woohyun said.

Woohyun is talking intensely with this Seungyoon woman. He didn’t even bother to introduce me to her. Wait, why would he introduce me? “Jealous?” Kris asked. “No…” I denied the feelings I had, even though it felt really suffocating. “I know Woohyun from Yongguk, he has a crush on Seungyeon noona since only god knows when. I don’t think he ever loved anyone again.” Kris just shrugged it while I froze. My heart hurts, badly.

“The case is getting nowhere. We know that he was killed by cyanide, and it was only in his foods. The only person who could done it is the waiter.” Woohyun stated. I walked towards the table, with Kris. I found him a good companion, because I would feel like I’m suffocated whenever I’m near Woohyun. And then Kris smelled something. “There are cyanide on here too…. It’s the tissue that Dongwoon used to clean his hands… and this is Seungyoon noona’s place.” I don’t know what’s the smell of cyanide, but if I was Woohyun, Woohyun should notice this, right? He’s not the best detective in Seoul for nothing. “But Woohyun didn’t notice this… That’s strange. Probably love clouded his mind, after all.” Kris said. I felt that my eyes really hot, but I denied that it was tears.

“No way, the party must go on.” My mother said sternly. “But mother—“ “No buts. I’m really sorry for Donngwonnie’s death but I’ve been preparing this all along.” My mother was stubborn, really. “It’s okay, Jisoo-yah. I’m fine, and it’s okay to continue it.” Naeun tried to force a smile. But I didn’t say a thing, it’s like my mouth was glued or something. “That’s okay, I will investigate this later,




It’s already evening and I’m ready. “You look gorgeous, son.” My mother said. I force a smile. “Hey, I’m here to pick you up.” There’s Yongguk on the door. “Here’s your mask, oppa!” Jisoo handed me a silver mask, I grabbed it immediately. “Wear it, princess.” Yongguk smiled at me. “Yes, I will.” I wore it. Yongguk wore the mask too. We went downstairs and entered the big ballroom. Everyone wear masks on their own. The song soon turned into a slow song, and then I felt someone holding my hands. “May I have this dance?” Someone said. It’s Woohyun. “Y-yes…” I said. Woohyun hold my hands firmly while smiling, he even look gorgeous while wearing mask. He danced with me. “Sunggyu… You look pretty.” He said. I blushed. I try to say some words, but the only thing I managed to say is, “T-Thank you.” I tried to smile back but then I remembered about Seungyoon and all I can do is smile weakly. “Sunggyu, what’s wrong? Does your bruise hurting again?” Woohyun asked, concerned. “I’m fine—“ “Woohyun. I need to talk to you, privately.” There’s Seungyoon there. With her red short dress, and Woohyun stare at her. I felt a pang on my heart before I let Woohyun’s hand go. “Noona, I can’t. I’m with Sunggyu—“ “Sunggyu, dance with me.” Yongguk is taking my hands and dragging me away from there, just when I’m about to cry. Thanks, Yongguk. Perfect timing. Woohyun looked at us holding hands before Seungyoon dragged him away. “Why I feel like you know something that you didn’t need to know?” Yongguk asked, raising his brows. “I-I’m—“ “Go to the bathroom, Sunggyu. I can see that you’re crying from here.” Kris said, approaching us. “Go then, gyu.” Yongguk released my hands. I ran towards the bathroom before I saw something that I clearly didn’t need to see; Woohyun is there, kissing Seungyoon. I ran even faster to the bathroom, not caring about my hurting bruise.

I took off my mask while splashing water to my face. I looked really wrecked, puffy eyes and everything. Why am I like this? Why Woohyun can make me like this? Could it possibly… that I’m falling in love with him? But before I continued my crazy thoughts, I hear a muffled cry on the female bathroom. I ran there, seeing Naeun on the bathroom’s tile. “Naeun-ah… What’s wrong?” I asked. I rushed towards her and hug her. She cried even harder. “Someone… tried to kill me. Oppa, please save me. They already beat up Taemin oppa…. Save me…” I was shocked. “Don’t worry… I’ll call someone.” I tried to call Woohyun but he didn’t answers, silly me, he would have been upstairs with Seungyeon noona. I called Kris, and fortunately he answered.

「”Sunggyu! What is it?”」

“Help me, I’m on the ladies’ bathroom—“

Then I heard footsteps coming towards us. We froze.


Unfortunately, the footsteps stopped in front of the bathroom. Then the door slammed open.

“Glad to see you all here.” The man who opened the door said with a mocking tone. He’s wearing the scream’s mask. I immediately throw my phone to the side, so that he wouldn’t be able to destroy it.

「”Sunggyu? Who’s that?”」

Thank god the music’s loud enough to muffle’s Kris’ voice so this psycho man can’t hear him. “Oppa… What should we do…?” Naeun cried. She had just lost her husband; I can’t let her get killed. I stood up, even though my knees are shaking. I ran towards the man and punched his face, he seemed surprised. But then he charges a pretty hard blow towards me, and my lips are bleeding. I taste the copper in my mouth and charge towards him again, now I’m kicking his shin hard, too. But then he let out his knife and almost, almost hurt my eyes. He just scratches my cheek, and then punched me on the bleeding wound and punched me on my stomach. But Naeun screams. I coughed up blood, but I stood up nevertheless. I tried punching him again, but he kicked me on the thigh that had been bruised. I groaned in pain.

「”, Sunggyu. I’m going there.”」

“I was told to kill, Son Naeun, but playing with you was fun.” The man said playfully. Then he moves closer towards Naeun, she was frightened. “Before you both die, I want to tell you who sent me. My mistress is… Han Seungyeon.” I was shocked. “Seungyeon unnie… But why?” She cried. “Why would I know? Ask her instead, oh, but you can’t! You’ll both dead HAHAHAH!” He almost rams his knife towards Naeun when someone shot him. Kris. I looked up, I see Kris and Yongguk. But Woohyun is not anywhere. My heart sinks when I didn’t saw Woohyun anywhere. “Woohyun, why are we going here?” I heard a female voice whine. Then I saw Woohyun there, with Seungyeon clinging on his arms. I cried again, and Yongguk approached me. Woohyun was shocked seeing me in this state. He was going to rush towards me but Seungyeon stopped him. “Arrest her, Woohyun.” Kris said sternly. Woohyun seemed hesitated. I cried even harder and Yongguk hugged me. “Why…?” Woohyun asked. “I heard it all on the phone, you killed Dongwoon right? And you’re about to kill Naeun too right?” Seungyeon froze. “I-I…” “I have proof of your fingerprints on the tissue that is place beside Dongwoon, right next to your seat. You did poison him, didn’t you?” Kris said. Woohyun looked in disbelief. “Noona… It’s that right?” Woohyun asked. “IT’S ALL RIGHT! I ALWAYS LOVE DONGWOON, BUT HE MARRIED THAT INSTEAD! BUT THAT WHO’S UNGRATEFUL OF BEING ABLE TO MARRY DONGWOON, SHE CHEATED WITH TAEMIN!” Seungyeon screams and Woohyun is shocked. “But unnie…. He never loves me… He always said that he’s marrying me because of our parents’ business… I was heartbroken, that he didn’t love me like I love him… That’s why I chose to love Taemin oppa…. He always said that he loves you, unnie.” Naeun cried. Seungyeon was shocked. Then Howon popped in. “Lee Taemin is safe, he is unconscious, but he will wake up soon.” Howon reported. Kris thanked him. “Arrest her, Howon.” Kris said. Woohyun ran towards me. But I’m unconscious too.




“Sunggyu, god my son!” “Are you okay?” Both of my parents screamed loudly. I can’t take it. “I’m fine, mother, father.” I chuckled. Woohyun cleared his throat, alerting that he’s in the room. “Oh, I’m going to leave, bye Sunggyu! Take care, son.” My mother dragged my father outside. “Sunggyu… how are you feeling?” Woohyun asked me. “I’m fine.” I answered coldly. “Why did you call Kris instead of me?” Woohyun asked. “I thought you were busy.” I stated. “Sunggyu… Are you mad?” Woohyun sighed. “Why should I be mad?” I closed my eyes. “Sunggyu, look at me.” I opened my eyes just to find Woohyun is inches from my face, he’s sitting on my bed. “When I said that you’re important to me… I wasn’t kidding.” He caressed my cheeks and I unconsciously leaned to his touch. “You are very important to me, gyu.” Woohyun said. “But… You and Sungyeon were kissing… and you’re in love with her…” I whispered. “You saw it…?” Woohyun asked. “Yes… that’s why I’m on the bathroom on the first place.” I said. Woohyun frowned. “Who told you to go to the bathroom?” He asked. “Kris…? Why?” “Oh, him.” He’s no longer frowning. “You are important to me, Sunggyu.” Woohyun stated. “But you didn’t run straight to me…” I felt that tears threatening to fall. “I learned that I never want you to be hurt again, I used to think I feel that way because you’re attractive, but no.” He stopped. “I’m sorry Sunggyu, I failed at keeping my promise…” I almost cried. Almost. “I am in love with someone… But it’s not Seungyeon.” I wonder who is it? Yongguk? Jisoo? I’m already crying, I can’t bear to hear who is it. Because I realize now, that I really fall for the detective. I don’t care he didn’t keep his promises; I just want him to be here. He caressed my cheeks tenderly, and then cupped it. “I’m in love with you, Sunggyu.”I froze. My eyes widened. He wiped my tears with his thumb and smiled, before leaning and kissed my lips softly. It was a very, very sweet kiss.




“Tch! I failed to crush him!” A man crushed the newspaper in front of him.

“What’re we going to do, boss?”

The boss smirked, evilly.

“Let’s blow their minds off, shall we? Literally.”


a/n: Moriarty is here!(?) i want to know you opinion about this chapter! 

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i'm about to update tonight but my mom didn't let me and yeah=_= i'll try to double the update on tuesday


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Simran20 #1
Chapter 6: Rereading it after a long time. Love it??that Sherlock Holmes feelings.
sunggyu_chingyu #2
Chapter 11: omg this story was amazing!!!! why on earth i just read it? it's beautiful :') i thought woohyun was died :') thank you so much for this wonderful story :') ❤
imsmlee86 #3
Chapter 12: My god really need these kind of stories moreeee, so gooood i love it~! Sequel sounds great!!
Chapter 12: Keep coming back here bcs i miss this story. Are you still up with the sequel?
MsTurtle #5
Chapter 12: Yes yes pleaseee >///< a sequel will be awesommeeeeee
Chapter 12: Someone need to make a drama out of this huaaa. Greatest ff. I love youuuu.
Chapter 12: PLS PLS PLS MAKE A SEQUEL! This story is liquid gold! Like too freaking awesome and the best detective ff I ever read with the best romance so pls~ I need the sequel >. < *excuse my word vomit
cookie99 #8
Chapter 12: Yes! you should make a sequel for this story.
Chapter 12: Daebak! This story is seriously daebak!!
I read it in 5 hours straight..and now my eyes kinda hurt ><
But it's all worth it..
Sequel please