
The Cruel

‘She must be French.’ Taemin thought abstractly as they left the house in haste, Taemin pulling on the child’s hand as they heard another sound coming from behind, too scared to turn and face it. A low growl caught the attention of the girl and she turned back curiously, halting in shock. Taemin was forced to turn around too. A dog, which looked as tall as the child and far stronger than Taemin, stood, skinless, a few meters away. Taemin wasn’t sure how to process the sight. Surely the dog would be dead if it was in that condition. A hanging piece of flesh fell from its jaw as it continued to growl in an intimidating manner.
Everything happened fast after that. The girl screamed, Taemin scooped her up and ran as fast as he could but not fast enough as the dog bit into his leg and tore away at the flesh. He let out a howl of pain and suddenly there were people surrounding him, all in toxic gas masks, beating the half-dog-half-monster to death with whatever weapons they possessed. Taemin’s vision went blurry for a moment and then he rushed to his feet, searching for the little girl. She was gone. She’d fallen out of his arms when he’d been mauled and now she was nowhere in sight.
Taemin was suddenly being pulled back by the men and he noticed a small yellow bird in a tiny cage flittering around senselessly.
We have to go.” The booming voice of the man gripping Taemin’s arm seemed tense.
Wait!” Taemin yelped as they started dragging him with them. “There’s a girl there.” A few more men shared puzzled glares behind him.
A little girl! There’s a child there! NO! Let go!” Taemin didn’t take the time to pronounce every word and in his desperation all he could think to shout was in Korean.
What did it say?”
I don’t know. Sounds like garbage to me.”
NO!” Taemin struggled with all his effort to get loose.
Keep it quiet would ya.”
The last thing Taemin remembered was a sharp pain to his skull, a siren wailing in the distance and then emptiness.

Key panted, as if he’d just run a marathon. Then he realized he’d been holding his breath the entire time it took him to retrieve the message from the gory prop’s mouth. Leaning back on the wall he shut his eyes. ‘Wake up. Wake up. Wake up.’ Key opened his eyes. Nothing had changed. The abandoned school reminded him somewhat of that school that SHINee had once done another program at. Filming a horror skit.. Ironically enough.
A soft thud came from outside of the bathroom and Key was suddenly aware that the situation was vastly different from then. He walked towards the door and peeked out into the hallway. There, at the bottom of the corridor, was a group of people in strange clothing. Key met the eyes of one of them for a split-second before the man shouted and pointed in Key’s direction. “THERE!” The rest of the men turned, and Key got the feeling that they weren’t about to welcome him to their town.

The men ran at full speed towards Key, which was just an indication of how wrong the situation was. Key shut the door and thankfully there was a latch to lock it with. A few seconds later the men started pounding on the door.
Wait! I will let you in, stop.” Key’s pleas fell on deaf ears as they began to beat the door down with something large and threateningly powerful. Was this all a part of the directors plan? It seemed ludicrous that they’d go to such extremes. Key was frozen with the idea that this could all be real. Everything slowed down. He watched as the door shook each time the men rammed it. Abstractly, Key heard the sound of a bird’s frantic chirps. He wasn’t sure if he was imagining it or not but everything was still after that as he heard the men’s boots pounding as they ran away from the bathroom. A loud, howling siren pierced through the entire school building, giving Key goosebumps as everything began to fade. Too fast to be natural. It was as if the school building was being covered by a blanket. Key felt a sinking sensation in his stomach as he hurriedly reached into his pocket for the phone he’d taken with him. Still, no signal, he turned the torch application on and shone the light on the piece of paper he had been holding the entire time, now crumpled up from the stress of the past couple of minutes. Key shone the light over the words which were a strange combination of Hangul and English.

You’re not scared of the dark, are you?


Jonghyun’s breath was still a little shallow from all the running but Minho was back to normal soon (Jonghyun absently knew it was a benefit of his athleticism), the only sign of being shaken up was his trembling hands. They’d decided to go down a different street, incase the creature from the yard decided to follow them.
“I don’t like this..” Jonghyun looked around them, a piece of ash landing right underneath his left eye. He wiped the substance away and studied it on his finger.
“And you think I do?” A few scenarios flashed through Minho’s mind as he thought of what to do next but before he could come to a decision a streak of blue caught his eye. He spun and shouted after it: “Hello! Hey! Wait!”
Jonghyun’s eyes widened and he grabbed Minho’s arm. “Shhhhhh, what are you doing? You’ll get something’s attention.” But before Jonghyun could blink Minho had reversed their hold so that he could drag Jonghyun along with him while he ran after the person.
“I saw a girl!”
Jonghyun almost tripped over his own foot. “And you think now’s the time to be chasing women?”
The remark flew right over Minho’s head. “It was a child, she could be lost like us, come on.” Minho let go of Jonghyun’s arm, expecting the older to have enough sense to run with him.

A few seconds later they were at descending stairs leading into a narrow alleyway. Minho looked cautiously at Jonghyun. The singer shook his head vehemently. “You can’t be serious.”
Minho swallowed and slowly began to walk down the stairs. Jonghyun followed a few paces behind, glancing behind him to make sure no one was following them.
As soon as they reached the landing a sudden loud wailing noise startled the boys, making Jonghyun grab Minho and pull him closer, their backs almost against the wall. Jonghyun looked up at the sky as it turned from pale gray to pitch black.
Jonghyun took out his flashlight and Minho did the same. They were the only source of light now. Neither wanted to voice the concerns or theories swimming around  their heads, so Minho simply nodded in the direction he wanted to go and they carried on walking. The wailing was replaced with a spine-chilling silence. It was just as silent as earlier.. So Jonghyun suspected it was the darkness that intensified the eeriness.
“Jonghyun, look at this.” Minho’s voice was just above a whisper as he shone his flashlight onto the surface of a dumpster. Jonghyun didn’t like what his eyes landed on. A pile of clothing that shone red in the light of the torch was spread out over the thing and something else.. Something slimy looking lay underneath them.
They were pulled from their thoughts with the sound of a chain link fence being disturbed. Jonghyun and Minho whirled around to see the little girl once again running away. They ran after her, slowed down by a maze of chain link fences, Jonghyun‘s torch connected with a stray piece of metal sticking out and clattered to the floor. He fumbled for it as Minho ran on after the child.

Eventually Jonghyun caught up to find Minho staring with the most horrified expression Jonghyun had ever seen on the rapper’s face. He followed Minho’s gaze to something attached to a tall fence. Reluctantly Jonghyun looked upwards at the dark figure. The stench of something rotting filling his nostrils. He gasped at the sight. A person that had been skinned alive was tied to the fence with more wire. Their head still wore a miner’s toxic-waste-themed mask.
Minho blinked, unable to move for a moment as the still-alive man’s eyes made contact with his, tears b at the edges. He realized that the bloody display left on the dumpster was probably the mans skin and clothes. Minho could no longer hold in the fear that took control of his body. He immediately broke eye contact with the man, hoping that if he looked away it would somehow make it not real. He took a moment and then looked up again only to be equally horrified that it was still there.
Jonghyun’s brain fumbled around for a way to cope with what he was seeing but before he had the chance a squeal came from behind them. Unlike anything he’d heard ever, really. It wasn’t a human sound, nor an animal sound and that fact lodged itself in his throat as he turned to face the strangest sight so far in this land of nightmares.
What looked at first like a child, walked towards him with a knife in hand (or whatever that twisted, gray, bony structure on the end of it’s arm could pass as). The rest of it’s body was a dark gray color and again the creature was faceless. It came up to about thigh height (the part of Jonghyun’s mind that still processed details noticed). And soon there were more, all walking in squirming, unsettling staggers towards himself and Minho.

The epinephrine in Minho’s brain kicked in and he grabbed Jonghyun and ran until they came to a dead end with a door that appeared to be locked in front of them. With the creatures still approaching Jonghyun and Minho found anything in the area that would aid them in either getting the door open or protecting themselves. Minho used a sturdy piece of metal to pry the door open while Jonghyun got ready for what was approaching.
“Hurry, they’re coming!” Jonghyun held the metal pipe he’d found as if it were a baseball bat. The gray children were a yard away.
“I’m trying.” Minho ground out through clenched teeth as he put all his power into opening the door. Then a terrifying squeal alerted Minho that his time was up and Jonghyun started swinging his weapon of choice at anything that came close to them. The bar connected with the mid-section of the child with the knife. Luckily not many had knives as far as he could tell. However they were all surrounding him now and one sliced a short metal blade across his calf making him cry out, dropping his flashlight. The sound churned Minho’s insides as he pried the door half-way open. Jonghyun blinked back the tears from the white-hot pain in his leg and brought  the pipe down on one of their heads. Jonghyun backed away until he bumped into Minho, the creatures now clawing at his jeans, trying to climb up.

Minho felt the strangest grasp of a hand on the back of his knee and with one last push he and Jonghyun fell through the door of the building. Jonghyun kicked the creatures off of himself and tried to crawl away but so many hung on to him that he could barely get a meter away. Then he turned back to see Minho almost completely covered in the creatures, holding him down, clawing at his face, pulling his hair. Jonghyun’s heart dropped into his stomach and he fought to get them away, still unable to stand.
Minho tried to throw the creatures off of himself but they scratched and sliced at his skin and his yelps of pain  only seemed to make them more agitated, or was it excitement that was all over their blank faces. He absently heard the same noises coming from Jonghyun and turned his head to see the singer unconscious on the ground beside him. It took all of Minho’s strength to kick out and get enough of them away to be able to push himself back. And then as if time had slowed down altogether, the thought of dying flared through his mind and his vision wavered. Just before Minho passed out he saw the strangest thing happening in front of him. The creatures were disintegrating as a light shone in from the doorway. Their flesh burning up and ashy pieces crumbled off of them.
Minho’s eyes fluttered shut and he lay unconscious on the floor of an abandoned bowling alley next to Jonghyun.


A/N: You may fling virtual objects at me ._. I've taken forever and a day to update this. I still love it and know exactly where it's going though. So don't be discouraged x3

Again, I'm not the most prolific writer but patience is a virtue right?

Read & Review por favor x''D

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Ok so I'm REALLY sorry for taking my sweet time with this story guys, and I promise the next chapter is basically all done :3


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Chapter 7: damn it's been like 4 years since you last updated? That's like when EXO debuted until now omg PLEASE UPDATE or at least give us a note if you decide to not continue this story?
Chapter 7: Please update
Chapter 7: Ohmygod UPDATEEEEEEEEEEE!! NOWWWWW!!!! Don't kill my SHINee ... The girl(s) ... I really shouldn't have read this in an empty house ... I'm freaking out now this is so descriptive its scary ... The grey armless thingies ... Key and Onew and ... Minho and Jonghyun my god dont kill them plzplzplzplzplzplz
plz update!
Love it so far great job!
r34d3r #5
Chapter 7: Oh my word!!!!!! I am loving this but you left it at a cliff hanger! PLEASE PLEASE OH PLEASE UPDATE THIS!!!!
xXlivedreamerXx #6
Chapter 7: I should really check the last updated date before i get into a story ; w ;
I really wanna know the rest of this story but... idk if you'll be back considering the last time this was updated and the last time you signed in....
izz_cutie #7
Chapter 7: could you update it? It was a nice story and it makes me want to know what happened to them..