Six .

Jerk and Girl.

Chapter 6 .


After staying for 3 hours at their friends house , Kris decided to leave since he knew that he was tired so was his friends. "Yeol, I'm gonna leave now" Kris said and walked out of ChanYeol's room to EunBi's room to call for EunHee. When he opened the door to EunBi's room , he saw that EunHee was already asleep. "Oh, Kris , bring her home already, she seems really tired." EunBi said as she came out of her bathroom. "Yea, i'm about to," Kris replied was towards the bed where EunHee was sleeping on.


"Kris, do you need help carrying her?" Chanyeol asked as Kris walked out of his house. "Nah...I can handle her ," Kris replied and step into the lift . Upon reaching to the car park , Kris found his car and put EunHee on the passenger seat and he did her seatbelt for her. After that, he started driving and started talking to the sleeping EunHee.


"Yah, you know you have gotten lighter?the last time I carried you was like few months back , eat more please," Kris said to her . "when the wind blows you might even just fly away with the wind," Kris chuckled but stopped when he heard EunHee mumbling . "Benben...your the best eventhough I hate you," EunHee mumbled . What she mumbled made a tint of light pink appear on Kris' cheeks . "You are also the best," Kris said and carried her to her room. "Goodnight Eun," Kris said after laying her on the bed and gave her a kiss on her forehead before walking out of her room to his own room. 


"Kris...kris...wake up.." a just woken up EunHee was waking Kris up. "Mmmm...five more minutes..." Kris mumbled and covered himself from head to toe with the blanket. "Kris...wake up..." EunHee shook Kris' hands vigorously. "5 more minutes!" Kris said. "NO!!!"EunHee shouted making Kris wake up from the loud voice. "Yah...can't you just let me sleep?" Kris said. "No...we are gonna go shopping!!"EunHee said. "Can't you wait for an hour more its 7 in the morning ," Kris said while looking at his Iphone's time. 


"But...i'm hungry," EunHee pouted. "But can't we just wait for an hour?The mall doesn't opens until 10." "B-but...still, I'm really hungry!!" EunHee whined. "Fine...we will go to the market buy food and comeback to cook! Happy?" Kris said. "Yay!!"EunHee clapped her fingers and gave Kris a bear hug."Thank you Kris, your the best!"EunHee said. "I know...i know.."Kris retorted. "Pssh...conceited." EunHee teased. "Yah...I promised to cook breakfast now your talking bad about me?" Kris complained. "Aww...don't be sad, your still the best," EunHee said and gave him another hug. 


"Now...go wash up first,ok?" Kris ordered EunHee. "Yes sir!" EunHee saluted Kris and walked back to her room. 'aishh...this kid is driving me crazy,' Kris thought . After doing their daily routines, they left their house for the morning market. " has been so long since I came here," EunHee exclaimed once she stepped out of the car. "Pssh...sure, i'm always the one who goes out except for you." Kris said. " should at least be thankful that I came out today," EunHee said. 

"Yea...yea..yea..whatever you say," Kris mumbled. "What do you want to eat for breakfast?" Kris asked. "Hmm...american breakfast?" EunHee replied. "Sure..let's go and buy then" Kris said and started walking around the market looking for ingredients. After walking around for half an hour , they had finally finished buying their necessities and paid to go. 



Chapter 6 is up. its not much interesting, i guess? Guise, comment more please?

Have you guys watched EXO SHOWTIME yet? it's so funny. especially the mic test part, lmao Lay. 

Hope you guys enjoy this story. =) 

COMMENT . SUBSCRIBE . UPVOTE will be very much welcomed. 

THANK YOU. BYE. SAYONARA , see you on the next chappie. =D 



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I can't stop using the name Jin, cause he is like so adorably princess like!


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raramalvin #1
Chapter 5: yeay ! they make it . update it please ~
raramalvin #2
Chapter 3: i loved your storyline . good job authornim . please update it ~
DumbBunny #3
Chapter 2: update update soon!
love first chapter author-nim!