
Bad Enough For You
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Next day Taemin found himself up early, and at the gate waiting for Minho. He hadn’t been able to sleep; a rush of emotions was keeping him awake- he was nervous, angry, and his heart would rush in remembrance of Minho’s features, but above all he was curious- curious as to why his mind was so full of the one he so despised, curious as to why he now reacted oddly to those expressions that had made him feel sick before.

He shook his head. There was no use contemplating useless notions anyway. There was an even more important matter ahead of him.

Minho had promised him a date; but he did not say when, so Taemin had to be prepared for whenever the guy would fish him out to an outing.

He had to look and smell his best-


What for?

To not fall short against Choi!

If Choi can smell and look that good, then he can do even better.

Yes, that was the reason.

The only reason.

So there he was, standing in better fitting jeans, and a t-shirt that flaunted whatever little made-up body he had. He had actually styled his hair, and his jacket was a new one. He wore his new pair of skull earrings- the ones he had saved for a better day. He had scrubbed himself with an expensive body wash which belonged to his mother, and had finally opened the bottle of imported cologne his father had gifted him when college had started.

He walked around a bit, glancing at his watch frequently. It had already been hours since he had started waiting. He grew impatient, and he walked a little further to spot any signs of the cool bike and its rider.


He felt that falling of his heart again, and he started to get irritated.

Why wasn’t Choi here yet?

He glanced at his watch yet again after some time.

Fifteen minutes for class to begin!

“.” Taemin cursed, feeling the anger rise in him again, as he broke out into a run to catch the bus.

He stormed into the building, fuming, and with an appearance that had been spoilt in his hurry.

He went directly to class, and saw Minho seated as usual, one leg over the other, phone in hand.

Seeing the relaxed state of the guy, Taemin’s temper rose to new height.

He walked to Minho, grabbed his arm, and dragged him out to a corner.

“Class is gonna start.” Minho yawned.

“Why did you stand me up?”


“Why didn’t you come pick me up?”

“Had I told you I would?” Minho replied simply.

Taemin’s cheeks puffed up in anger. “It was your duty.”

“It wasn’t mandatory.” Minho shrugged and started to walk back to class.

Taemin blew air to his bangs, trying to control his urge to pounce on the leaving boy, for reasons more than one.

“. He dares to look so damn hot when I am a mess.” Taemin cursed under his breath, following Minho back into class.

Taemin took his seat grumpily, and glanced beside him. Minho was back to ignoring him; he did not even throw a glance at Taemin, and Taemin’s anger stayed intact due to that reason.

Minho got rid of his jacket mid-class, and Taemin’s eyes widened on seeing what he did.

What was wrong with that shirt?!

He had left so many buttons ed, and Taemin felt his breath hitch as his eyes followed down the slit. Minho adjusted, making the slit of his shirt expand; and Taemin got a good look of the chest Choi only flaunted the sneak peek of.

The bell rung, and Taemin realised he had been staring at Choi’s body all class. Taemin blinked, and averted his gaze instantly, afraid of being caught.

Oh, but he was too late.

Minho got up, and bent down to face Taemin, that Greek God-like chest hitting Taemin’s sight again.

“Like what you see?” He smirked, and put his jacket on before walking off.

What the hell was that?

Taemin’s anger surged again, and all those chiselled sights that had calmed him down, were forgotten.

“If you’re gonna be an ignorant tease, then Choi, I can be better.”






“He stood you up?” Jongin asked, amused.

“Yes. Now that I have told you, stop rubbing it in.” Taemin said, stealing angry glances at Minho during lunch.

Taemin was relieved Sulli was eating with her female friends; he just couldn’t deal with her high pitched reactions.

“He’s a total jerk.” Taemin continued. “How can he stand me up like that? After saying it’s his duty?”

“See, you asked me not to rub it in; but if you keep mentioning it, I would be tempted to do so.” Jongin smirked.

Taemin threw him a glare as well. “It’s just…just how dare he do that?!” Taemin exclaimed, shifting his gaze back to the centre table. “And after doing so, how dare he laugh like that? How dare he smile like that? How dare he tease me with all that?!”

Jongin chuckled.

Being stood up was really eating Taemin away, and watching Minho interact favourably with others was making him jealous.

Oh, and Taemin was too blinded by whatever idiocy he contained to realise that.

“Fine.” Taemin said all of a sudden, making Jongin's soft chuckling stop. “He’s trying to out-badass me; I’ll just show him how badass he is. Not.” And Taemin got up, picking up his tray, and purposely striding towards Minho who had got up to head towards the counter for another helping.

Jongin got up, groaning. Just what mess was this boy gonna land himself in?

He followed Taemin, “Hey what are you gonna do?” He whispered.

“I am gonna show him that he has no effect on me.” Taemin replied smugly.


“And what?”

“Is that the only thing on your mind?”

“Yup. He thinks by teasing, avoiding and acting all cheery, he’s pissing me off. But I am gonna show him how least bothered I am. Oh, now Choi’s gonna be the one pissed off.” Taemin smirked.

Jongin shrugged, confused at what Taemin actually meant to do.

He followed slowly, maintaining distance, afraid that Taemin might do something embarrassing; and he did not want to be part of that something embarrassing.

Taemin put his tray at the counter, running his fingers through the hair he had fixed in the washroom. He was glad he had left his jacket at the table, because he could flaunt how good he looked in his t-shirt.

He peeked through the corner of his eye and found Minho looking. He straightened up a bit and turned towards the lady at the counter. He bit his lower lip and said, “Hmm…a sandwich please.” He brushed off his bangs seductively (or so he thought) “A can of soda too.”

Jongin's face contorted into a mixture of disbelief and amusement. What Taemin was doing, was absolutely RIDICULOUS.

When handing over the money, Taemin dropped a coin purposely and bent down to pick it, not caring one bit that his t-shirt flew up from behind and his poked Minho’s legs, when he did so.

Jongin took a few steps back. “…” He breathed. “What the is he doing?”

When Taemin straightened up with the coin, he smiled playfully, making Jongin cringe.

“Thank you!” Taemin said in a sing-song way and started to strut back to his table.

Taemin smirked, satisfied with what he had done. Now Choi would definitely be pissed off-

Suddenly Taemin felt a hand his , and he froze. He turned to find Minho right beside him. A small smirk played on the tall boy’s lips, and Taemin gulped. Minho's hand left his bottom only to come back the next moment, spanking him lightly. Minho's face drew closer. “You asked for it, Princess.” He whispered into Taemin’s ears and walked off arrogantly, giving him a wink as he took his seat.


“Taemin.” Jongin called out. “Taemin!”

Taemin broke out of  his daze, and pushed his tray into Jongin's hands before running away. He did not stop until he reached the washroom, and locked himself in one of the compartments.

His breathing was a mess,

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966 streak #1
Chapter 13: I finally finished this fic.
I loved how Minho was able to really be a bad boy and score his boyfriend. It was funny that Taemin took being Minho's boyfriend seriously. Well. It just took Taemin awhile to finally be good boyfriend.
I love how you mold their personalities into those 'disguises' to get to each other. Thank you so much for another beautiful story.
966 streak #2
Chapter 1: Started reading this. It seems that Minho will be in a bit of a difficult time with the 'bad' apple of his eye.
(But I should actually be working on my talk for Tuesday.)
Im____drpsy #3
Chapter 13: ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
Beau1996 1376 streak #4
Chapter 13: The push and pull was great - nice job author-nim 💕
Chapter 6: Dude wtf when did he made fun of you?
Nice one Minho
Chapter 5: okay that took quite an interesting turn.
The bad boy attitude got too much for me when he burped lolol that sounds like 14 year old trying to be bad haha kinda cute but still. Minho might be overdoing it a little bit but the smirk and scoffing was just really good. The way he behaved coldly might be the but damn.
Chapter 1: I am no feminist but I got irritated when Taemin said that girls should show bit of cleavage to keep his attention. I hate this mindset like wtf.
Chapter 6: hahahaahhaahah PROPERTY OF CHOI MINHOOOOO