Going Bad?

Bad Enough For You
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“In love?!” Sulli laughed. “Taemin? With the Goody Two Shoe loser? No way. Minho is a boring Mr Perfect, right? Totally not his type!”

Jongin looked from Sulli then to Taemin who still had his face hidden behind his cap.

“Shut up, Sulli.” Taemin breathed, venomously.

Sulli was right.

 Choi Minho was nothing but a Goody Two Shoe loser, the stuck up Mr Perfect.

But the guy who had just approached them did not seem like a Goody Two Shoe loser.

Why in hell was Choi Minho dressed like that?!

Just his appearance had quickened Taemin’s heartbeat, and he felt a loud banging in his ears!

No way.


Like hell that would be love.

He was surprised, that’s all.

His surprise had incited that quickened heartbeat and that music in his ears.

He could in NO WAY be in love with Choi Minho.


After all, Taemin wasn’t the one to fall for appearances.

So what if Choi Minho looked a bit cooler on the outside?

He was still a stuck up Mr Perfect inside. When he got back to class, that snob would be smiling at him, and fixing his desk, and picking up trash off the floor.


That’s what the ty prince was all about.


Not even in his nightmare.


“Hey, Taemin! Are you listening?” Sulli shook him.

“Y-Yes.” Taemin replied, snapping out of his thoughts.

“Wait…are you really in love like Jongin just said?” Sulli asked, furrowing her eyebrows.

“Like hell I would! Stop with the !” Taemin shot, startling both Jongin and Sulli.

“Hey, calm down, dude-” Jongin started.

“You get your facts straight, okay? That snobby Mr Perfect or whatever he is, has no effect on me whatsoever, so stop with forcing me on him, or vice versa. Got it?” He glared at both Sulli and Jongin and got up, walking straight to class.

“Whoa.” Sulli let out a deep breath.

“Mr Perfect did have an effect on him.” Jongin smirked.

“Of course he did.” Sulli smiled. “Bad boy would be in love~ quite soon.”







Taemin stormed into the building without his friends, murmuring curses at the smart- who had just ruined his perfect uneventful morning.

He pushed the door open to his class, ruffling his hair in irritation, and started to head towards his seat.

His feet stopped midway in the aisle, when his eyes fell upon a familiar sight, which did not seem familiar at all.

Boring Mr Perfect-turned-Mr Cool on the outside sat in his usual seat, with his feet crossed on the table, hair untidier than before, the leather jacket hung at the backrest of the chair, with a PSP in his hands.

Taemin’s mouth fell open.

Where was the guy who would sit with a perfectly straight back, with his bag, books and pens in place, silently going through the notes of the previous class?!

Minho raised an eyebrow when he saw Taemin stop in front of him, and he gave him just a slight smirk before turning away, and continuing on his game.




Oh, no no no.

This cannot be happening.

Taemin’s ears filled with music yet again- the same music he had heard before, his heart thumping in beat with the rhythm.

“Lee Taemin, you can take your seat. I want to begin class.” The lecturer’s voice came, and Taemin turned around, jumping in fright.

“I have no problem if you wish to remain stan

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966 streak #1
Chapter 13: I finally finished this fic.
I loved how Minho was able to really be a bad boy and score his boyfriend. It was funny that Taemin took being Minho's boyfriend seriously. Well. It just took Taemin awhile to finally be good boyfriend.
I love how you mold their personalities into those 'disguises' to get to each other. Thank you so much for another beautiful story.
966 streak #2
Chapter 1: Started reading this. It seems that Minho will be in a bit of a difficult time with the 'bad' apple of his eye.
(But I should actually be working on my talk for Tuesday.)
Im____drpsy #3
Chapter 13: ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
Beau1996 1376 streak #4
Chapter 13: The push and pull was great - nice job author-nim 💕
Chapter 6: Dude wtf when did he made fun of you?
Nice one Minho
Chapter 5: okay that took quite an interesting turn.
The bad boy attitude got too much for me when he burped lolol that sounds like 14 year old trying to be bad haha kinda cute but still. Minho might be overdoing it a little bit but the smirk and scoffing was just really good. The way he behaved coldly might be the but damn.
Chapter 1: I am no feminist but I got irritated when Taemin said that girls should show bit of cleavage to keep his attention. I hate this mindset like wtf.
Chapter 6: hahahaahhaahah PROPERTY OF CHOI MINHOOOOO