Bad Enough For You

Bad Enough For You
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Taemin flopped into his chair, as he pulled his breakfast towards himself and started gobbling it all down in his hurry to catch the bus. Minho hadn’t got his bike back yet, and Taemin didn't mind that at all, as a bus ride was longer than a bike ride, and well, sometimes the bus would treat him with the sight of his adorably sleeping boyfriend. 


His mom straightened his hair, and he whined between spoonfuls of his cereal, knowing that her action would just get him late. And it was no use straightening his hair as they would anyway be rendered unkempt, either by the wind or by his boyfriend's fingers. 


He jumped onto the bus, his stomach hurting slightly with all the activity it had to bear being full. But the pain was long forgotten when his eyes met a sight too precious. Minho's head was slowly bobbing to the moving bus as he was handsomely lost in slumber, and Taemin sat a bit away, opposite to him, chin in his hands, as he watched his boyfriend indulge in slumber. 


He sighed heavily, a bliss gracing his features, watching a dreamy smile form on Minho's face.


"It only gets better, huh?" He said to himself, as he leaned in and moved hair off Minho's eyes. His heart started resounding audibly when the tall boy pouted in his sleep, and turned his head to the other side, making his profile gleam softly in the mild morning sunlight seeping out the bus window. He remembered his friend's words, and sighed again, happily. "I guess I really am a lucky idiot." 












Sulli and Jongin were sitting under the tree yawning, early next day. Their eyes widened when they saw Taemin walk past them, too close to Minho, with a very suggestive expression on his face.  


"Well, well, well..." Jongin smirked, "Seems like Tae's completely forgotten us now." 


"There's something else he has completely forgotten." Sulli said, smiling slightly. 


"And what would that be?" 


Sulli turned to her confused friend, "Being good." 


Jongin turned back to the couple who walked into the building, his face washing over with understanding. The clothes were still goody-goody, but it was all too evident that his friend was no longer putting up an act. A smile came over Jongin's face. "I don't think he needs to be good anymore anyway." 












Taemin was staring out the window, eyes all hazy, when he felt a yank, and he turned to find Sulli trying to get him off his seat. 


"What?" He asked, getting slightly irritated. 


"Stop dreaming and let's go see the real thing." 


Taemin blushed, "R-Real thing?" 


"I see that it has been a long time since you saw Minho play soccer, right?" Sulli smirked, "Don't you wonder one bit how his playing might have changed...well, at least in your perspective?" 


Taemin's eyes widened. He had seen Minho play, and he sort of remembered him to be quite good...but a proper scene- he couldn't recall. A slight excitement filled him, and he got up instantly.  


"He's playing at the lawn behind the building today." Sulli said, "Follow me." 


And Taemin stepped behind her without further ado, because though soccer was the most overrated lame obsession of many men; he knew for sure, his boyfriend could make him think a very positive otherwise. 











On reaching, Taemin saw Minho amongst the group of boys discussing their gameplay before the match started. It was a friendly time-pass match as the players were from Minho's circle, and not all of them were on the team. Moreover they were dressed normally and not in the team uniforms, and were goofing around before tossing the coin for turns. 


The match started and Sulli dragged Taemin under a nearby tree, pulling him down to sit. He made himself comfortable in the shade, and watched the match begin. The ball was passed to Minho, and Taemin's breath hitched the moment he started to lead the ball towards the goal. 


It was an easy goal, and after scoring his boyfriend jumped in the air, a very bright smile on his face, and started highfiving his teammates.  


The game got intense, with fouls, penalties, and little quarrels, but it still went on, with Taemin's eyes not leaving Minho for even one second. 


His jacket was off, and his shirt had started to stick to his body because of all the sweat, and whenever he jumped or ran too fast, his shirt would fly up a little making Taemin gasp, gulp or groan softly in reaction to his skin. 


He had swept his wet bangs off his face, and they fell over again when he started playing, and Taemin's little heart hammered inside seeing those dark wet locks frame his boyfriend's face sensually. 


. Why hadn't he seen this sooner? 


A soft flop broke him from his view, and he turned to find a familiar girl sit beside him. Her gaze was stuck to the game, a smile plastered on her face, as she shook excitedly with the flow of the game. 


He decided to ignore her and turn back...until she shouted out his boyfriend's name loudly, making his eyes go wide. 


"Go Minho!" She shouted again, and Taemin just raised his eyebrows at her, thinking she might be some of those fangirls Minho had. A sort of pride filled in him thinking how popular his boyfriend was, and he turned back to the game, a small smile forming on his face. 


She kept cheering for him, and Taemin admitted it was annoying. She started obstructing his view, blocking him from seeing Minho score. 




"OMG! I love you, Minho!" She shouted, and Minho turned towards her loud shout with wide eyes, but his eyes shifted immediately to Taemin and he smiled gently at him. 


Taemin felt his heart rate surge, and the anger growing inside of him because of the girl, calmed down. 


The game resumed, with that girl cheering way loudly, and whenever she shouted a praise or any sentence with 'love' in it, Taemin's face would contort, and he would feel his anger build again. 


Minho wasn't giving her any attention, but seeing her jump around annoyed the hell out of him. 


"Hey, dude." Jongin said, slapping his back, as he flopped behind him. 


"Jongin..." Taemin turned back, "Free period?" 


"Yeah." He said, flinching at the girl's voice who was back to cheering again. He turned to see who she was, when his brows furrowed, he tapped on Taemin's shoulder, and when he turned, he pulled his collar to get closer to his ear. 


"What?" Taemin asked, irritated. 


"That girl beside you...isn't she the one who rode behind Choi?" 


Taemin freed himself from Jongin and glanced at the girl beside him. 


He stared for a while, and recognition dawned on him. 


She definitely was the girl who was on Minho's backseat a couple of times! 


He shook his head, deciding to not let that fact bother him. But she shouted sentences with all kinds of suggestive praises, and that started to anger Taemin beyond reason.  


Minho wasn't paying attention to her, and he was happy he wasn't; but...but... 


That . 


How dare she shout something like that at his boyfriend, that too, in his presence?! 


The fact that Taemin and Minho were dating was a matter known to the whole campus...and...and just how dare she! 


"Ugh..." Taemin controlled his urge to curse and to shout in her face to tone it down, because Minho belonged to him. 


It was the game point, and the cheering from other students made Taemin turn back to the game. His anger lowered when he saw Minho glide through the grass elegantly, and kick the ball past the goalkeeper into the goal. A huge uproar followed, and an instant smile broke out on his face seeing how handsomely victory adorned his boyfriend's face. Everyone got up to join the bustle after the game, and he got up as well, to go towards Minho. But the girl beside him was quicker, as she was already at Minho's side, giving him a small tight hug, before hurrying away, giggling. 


Minho gaped at her in shock as she walked away, and he turned to Taemin who was looking at him with pursed lips and angry eyes. He turned away and started to walk off, and Minho stepped to follow him, but his teammates caught hold of him. 




Taemin fumed as he returned to where he was watching from, getting angry, and also knowing that he shouldn't be angry at least not at Minho. 


He paced around, not wanting to pour out his fury unnecessarily.  


A ball came and hit his leg, and he groaned in pain, and turned, instinctively grabbing the chance to cuss at the one who had kicked it at him. 


"Dude, kick it over!" A guy shouted from the other side, where a few were still doing some casual free kicks. 


"Why did he had to be so far..." Taemin frowned, and instead kicked the ball with all the anger he was gonna tell him off with. 


The guy ducked, and Taemin sighed, turning away. The ball hadn't hit him like Taemin had wished it to, but never mind, his anger was out of his system, so now he could go to Minho- 


A loud crash filled his ears, making everyone scurry away, and Taemin turned back to find where the crash had come from. The guy he had kicked the ball to was standing with a horrified expression, as he looked behind him and then back at Taemin. 


"What the did you do?" He shouted at him, and Taemin glanced behind the boy to find a window smashed. 


...he had smashed a window. 


A moment passed by and he revised his thoughts. 


He had smashed the Dean's window. 


"Uh-oh." He gulped, his own face beginning to display the horror he was feeling.  


An angry bald head popped out of the broken window, and glared at the ruckus outside. "THE ONE WHO DID IT, IN MY OFFICE RIGHT NOW!" He roared, and a cold sweat left Taemin. 


"." He breathed, trying to calm the terror in his heart and started to head towards the office. 


He had taken just a couple of steps towards the building, when he spotted Minho walk past him, and his eyes widened understanding what his boyfriend's quick steps meant. 


"Minho!" Taemin called out, as he started to follow him, but a hand grabbed him and pulled him back in place.


"Stop, Tae." Sulli's voice came, and Taemin tried to writhe out of her hold, but her other hand caught him to keep him still.


"He told me to not let you follow him." Sulli said. 




"The Dean seemed too angry, and you have no credit or merit to back your situation." Sulli explained. "Minho's got top grades and is on the team, he wouldn't be punished harshly. Let him handle it." 


"Don't you understand?" Taemin exclaimed, "He's going to take my blame...he can't do that. I won't let him do that! It's ing my fault!" 


"It is...but-" 


"." Taemin struggled, his face contorting with dismay. "Just let me go." 


"No." Sulli said, catching him tighter, "He might be already talking...if you walk in now, you'll worsen it." 


Taemin dropped his struggle but his face paled. 


"Don't you trust him? He'll handle it just fine, okay?" Sulli said, smiling slightly. 


"I know, dammit!" Taemin shouted, "But..." 




He freed himself from her hold, "I should have just cussed." Taemin whispered, and he walked away in the other direction, leaving Sulli sighing.  


Jongin joined her side, his face all confused as he spotted Taemin walking away. "What happened...?" 


Sulli sighed heavily, watching her friend's figure vanish off her sight. "They care about the other too much." 












Minho sighed as he transferred some stuff from his locker to his bag. He reached out for the last book when he spotted Kibum walking towards him. His friend leaned at the adjacent locker, a worried expression on his face. 


"It's only for a feels weird when the ones who shouldn't be sulking around, actually do." Minho said, rolling his eyes. 


"But I still don't get why that baldy would send you on a week of suspension for just breaking a window!" Kibum complained. 


"Because it wasn't just a window that ball broke." Minho said, shutting his locker. "A few showpieces...and it also hit his head." Minho chuckled softly remembering the angry Dean rubbing the red spot on his bald head while scolding him. 


Kibum chuckled as well, but his chuckle ended up in a sigh. "No wonder..." 


"He told me if it was someone else he would have cancelled their whole semester." Minho continued, "Glad I went before Taemin could." 


"But Taemin isn't glad at all." Kibum said, straightening up. 


"I figured." Minho sighed, "But I took his blame more for me than for him." He slung his bag, and started walking, Kibum by his side. "He looks his best when he's acts all cocky, cute and carefree...not when his face pales with fear...and besides if Taemin is held back a sem, what would I do?" He smiled slightly, "A week off is better than moping around not being with him the whole of my campus life." 


"A very fair deal in my opinion." Kibum smiled. 


"Seen Taemin around?" Minho asked. 


"I saw him a while before...he rushed past me, and whatever glimpse I caught of him didn't seem any good." 


Minho swept his hair off his forehead, as his calm face contorted to display frustration. "He isn't taking my calls as well. This is the first time I called him and he won't even answer." 


Kibum remained silent, letting Minho fume silently, because he knew all words he could utter in comfort would be useless as of now. They reached the gate and stood in front of it a while, as Minho stared around for a minute, the frustration of his face leaving as he sighed heavily another time. Kibum just smiled in reassurance, and patted his friend's shoulder. 


"If you find him just tell him to answer." Minho said, as he opened the gate.


Kibum nodded and with a short goodbye, the tall boy walked out, his leaving figure drooping, not because of what happened, but because of not being able to see his boyfriend before his week-long hiatus. 


"I don't think I will be able to find Taemin for a while, Minho." Kibum whispered to himself, sighing, as he walked back to class, "Because that bad boy is actually good inside, and even more, an idiot. He will be out there moping in some corner, letting guilt eat at whatever little sense he has." 














It had been two days, and Taemin hadn't felt any better, especially after getting to know that Minho had been suspended for a whole week because of something he hadn't done.


It had been his doing, and Taemin couldn't help but let his heart fall into a pit of guilt and every other thing that followed it. 


It was his anger that had led to all this, and it was so his fault.  


The bus rides were lonely, the seat beside him vacant, and the canteen and field didn't seem all that bright with his boyfriend gone. His absence rubbed in hurtfully, and Taemin's face spelt nothing but distress. 


Minho had called him uncountable times, texted him numerous times... but his heart would ache seeing his phone ring.


What would he say? What would Minho say? Was he angry? Was he upset? Because taking the blame got him into far more trouble than expected?


...He had no idea. 


"Return his calls already." Sulli sighed, seeing Taemin stare at his vibrating phone during lunch. 


Taemin sighed heavily, before he turned his phone over and rejected the call. 


"Gosh, the guy wouldn't be calling like this if he was upset with you!" Sulli slapped his arm, irritated at her sulky bestie. "Clear the air, it's good for you and him." 


"I know..." Taemin sighed, "But..." 


Jongin just rolled his eyes seeing Taemin hesitate. 


"Kibum tried to smack sense into him as well this morning." Sulli stated, "But he's gotten more jittery after hearing Kibum speak." 


"What did Kibum say?" Jongin asked. 


"The Dean would've cancelled the whole sem for the culprit..." Sulli began, "But since it was Minho, he didn't. Minho said that he was glad he took the blame because...a week of suspension for him is way better than not being together with Taemin for the rest of the schedule." 


Jongin's mouth fell open dramatically. "Choi in no way deserves to be avoided! Stop being such an idiot, Tae!" 


"Shut up." Taemin muttered,

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965 streak #1
Chapter 13: I finally finished this fic.
I loved how Minho was able to really be a bad boy and score his boyfriend. It was funny that Taemin took being Minho's boyfriend seriously. Well. It just took Taemin awhile to finally be good boyfriend.
I love how you mold their personalities into those 'disguises' to get to each other. Thank you so much for another beautiful story.
965 streak #2
Chapter 1: Started reading this. It seems that Minho will be in a bit of a difficult time with the 'bad' apple of his eye.
(But I should actually be working on my talk for Tuesday.)
Im____drpsy #3
Chapter 13: ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
Beau1996 1376 streak #4
Chapter 13: The push and pull was great - nice job author-nim 💕
Chapter 6: Dude wtf when did he made fun of you?
Nice one Minho
Chapter 5: okay that took quite an interesting turn.
The bad boy attitude got too much for me when he burped lolol that sounds like 14 year old trying to be bad haha kinda cute but still. Minho might be overdoing it a little bit but the smirk and scoffing was just really good. The way he behaved coldly might be the but damn.
Chapter 1: I am no feminist but I got irritated when Taemin said that girls should show bit of cleavage to keep his attention. I hate this mindset like wtf.
Chapter 6: hahahaahhaahah PROPERTY OF CHOI MINHOOOOO