This Is When Everything Started

EXO's Little Girl


It was just the begining of summer, your brother always came home from work with a troubled face, you wanted to help me but you can't barely have a conversation to him, for he is too tired to talk. Until one day, your brother came home stressed and you can no longer take it.

"Oppa!" you called him.

"Wae?, whats wrong Soojin?" he replied.

"Ani, nothing is wrong with me oppa, but I know that there's something wrong with you lately" you said with your head lowered.

You're always concern about your brother since he is the only sibling you had and he is your bestfriend.

Your brother softened and approached you. "Soojinie (only your brother calls you that) , I know I've been stressed lately, but I am fine. It is just my work hadn't  been this worse before" he sighed.


"But why oppa?" you asked.


"Did you remember EXO? the ones I tod you about." You nodded in response


"Well, they've been "misbehaving" and its driving me crazy to the point that i want to pull my hair out" you brother said overeacting.


"HAHAHA!!" you laughed at what he just said.


"Why are you laughing?" he asked unsatisfied.


"It's because, how can a group of GROWN men behave so much that it drives you crazy? It is very unbelievable. HAHAHA!" You replied laughing in disbelief.


With you busy laughing at your brother's problem, a bright idea pop out your brother's mind. He remembered how you always gain top spots in groupworks with your leadership and unbearable skills. He also remembered the time, when you stopped a bunch of boys from bullying your other classmates.

Then a huge grin was plastered in your brother's face and turned to face you.


"Wha-Whats up with that creepy smile of yours op-pa?" you asked stuttering.


"Soojinie, i just have an idea" He stated.


"And whats that idea of your might be?" you asked unsure of what was he thinking.


"How about if you come to work with me, and I'll assign you to be incharge of EXO. I know this might sound absurb, but i know you can handle them. Remember how you stopped a bunch of boys from bullying your classmates?"


"Yes, but why me?! I can't handle 12 GROWN men!! and specially you said they have attitude issues!" you shot back.


"True, but with your skills and charms, you can control them easily. They act differently with girls" he replied.


"and..." he continued. " love your oppa right? you don't want him to be stressed out right?" he said doing his aegyo.


And with that you can no longer argue with him. You don't want your brother to be stressed out and since its summer, you have nothing to do anyways.


"Okay~" you sighed in defeat and your brother hugged you with glee.


"Great! you'll start next week"  he said still hugging you






Here you are now, standing infront of SMe's building clutching on your bag. Your brother held your hand and with a nod you both walked inside the building.












YAY! my first update!! ^_^ i know it kinda since its my first time writing a fic [!^_^]

But, i hope you enjoyed it. :)

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usagi_09 #1
Chapter 8: ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤
usagi_09 #2
Chapter 5: hahahaha the inside is a big mess ✈✈✈❤❤
usagi_09 #3
Chapter 4: hahahaha serves them right? ☆\(^ω^\)
usagi_09 #4
Chapter 2: Kawaii~~ ❤❤ i love your book already author-nim
avisdawn #5
Chapter 2: Rsgdruejsushsuwu!!!!!! Thaaank you!!+감사합니다
avisdawn #6
Chapter 11: Welcome baaaaaack!!!!
Chapter 10: I'm a new reader!!
I hope u will update soon :)
avisdawn #8
Chapter 10: Hi!!!!!! Belated to all events in this year and happy chinese new year!!!!! Last to update during 2k14 an first to update in 2k15, i hope that you will update if you have time, but don't worry, I'll wait ^^
avisdawn #9
Chapter 4: Welcome back! Thanks for the update and update more if you have tine :)
avisdawn #10
Chapter 6: Welcome back! Thanks for the update and update more if you have tine :)