Chapter 3: Gone2

Here and Gone

You forced a smile on your face to hide your sadness while you worked. Especially when a woman came in with a baby and fussed over them excessively.
"She's a first time mom." her friend informed you, causing the woman to blush.
"Congratulations." you told her with a smile and she politely thanked you.
Then you turned and walked away so they wouldn't see the tears forming in your eyes. It seemed like they were threatening to spill forth a thousand times every day as you tried to continue with your life. It's been a few days since your appointment and the cramps were finally going away. Your best friend had gone with you to drive you home after swearing to secrecy. Promising to not even tell Yongguk since you didn't want him involved. He made his position clear.

So needless to say you were surprised when there was a knock on the door right before it opened. You sat on the couch and stared at him in disbelief as he let himself into your apartment.
"Um.. hey." he nervously said.
You blinked out of your stupor before shaking your head and scoffing. "Get out."
"Wait." he said and took a step forward.
You angrily stood up and glared at him. "No, I want you to leave."
"Not until you listen." he told you.
You let out another scoff. "It was easy enough the first time. Just do it again."
He took a deep breath and let it out. "I'm sorry but how did you expect me to react?"
"Uh maybe by being supportive? It didn't just happen to you." you stated.
"I know, I know. I didn't mean..." he sighed and ran his hands through his hair. "I'm here now though. I thought we could talk about what we're going to do."
"Will one, there is no we. You made that clear." Then you your lips as a familiar ache formed in your chest and you forced the words out of your mouth. "And it's already taken care of."
His eyebrows furrowed in confusion as he looked at you and your eyes looked down at the floor.
"I had... an abortion." you quietly informed in and blinked away the tears you didn't want to fall in front of him.
There was a heavy silence in the room as the two of you stood there for several moments.
"Why didn't you tell me?" he asked.
You rolled your eyes before glaring at him. "I tried calling you for a week. You never answered."
"You still should have let me know." he said, glaring at you as well.
"You walked out!" you yelled. "You made your position clear that you wanted nothing to do with me or with... with..." You wrapped an arm around you as your other hand clamped over your mouth, stifling a sob. You closed your eyes and when you felt Yongguk's hand on your shoulder, you forcefully pushed it off while taking a step back.
"I'm sorry." he whispered.
You opened your eyes to glare at him accusingly, tears flowing down your cheeks. "You're an ." you told him. "You left me when I needed you the most. You have no idea what I've been going through. Alone."
He nodded his head and looked at you with guilty eyes.
"I've been crying myself to sleep every night." you continued, wanting to hurt him as much as you've been hurting. "Especially after I did that. Without you."
"I should have been there." he agreed.
"Instead you were gone." you said. "As if it was the easiest thing in the world while I made the hardest decision I've ever had to make."
His jaw twitched slightly. "Fine, be mad at me. I hurt you. But don't think you're the only one hurting from that decision."
You swallowed and took a deep breath, conceding. "You're right. I'm sorry."
He shook his head. "I'm sorry too."
The two of you stood there, silent and looking at each other. The distance between the two of you more than physical.
"So." he quietly stated. "Where do we go from here?"

                    Here                                                Gone



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abcd20 #1
Chapter 7: I love the way you wrote this story..all the possible scenarios that could happen.
RinaBelle #2
Chapter 8: Gone 2-1:

OMG, I cried my heart out for her. Yeah, she had to make the decision, not to mention all alone since Yongguk wasn’t even there for her. She had to live with the guilt and the blame she put on herself and he put on her himself. Gosh, it takes two to tango. I felt bad and sad for the OC. I totally agree that this is very sensitive topic but I do believe, no matter choice she would make, the guy should be there for her and support her and understand her like trying to think in her point of view. I couldn’t understand when he said she murdered his child. OMG, that was too much, so cruel. I couldn’t handle it well. Just my rant.
RinaBelle #3
Chapter 7: <span class='smalltext text--lighter'>Comment on <a href='/story/view/562695/7'>Chapter 4: Here2-1</a></span>
OMG, I don’t know if I were in her shoes, would I be able to forgive him or even myself?
Chapter 5: Oh no! Tssss.....she aborted the baby!
Chapter 4: That's how it should be.
Chapter 2: Oh Yongguk! That's gonna be your child.
azskmee #7
Chapter 6: Read both endings and both fantastically done
Chapter 2: Yongguk really is... Tsk, tsk, tsk... *disappointed*
I'll help her~! Be strong girl!
Haha, I just want to say that~
New reader!!
Keukeukeu~ B)
Chapter 5: Gone 1-1 or here 2-1 for me <3