Chapter 1

Here and Gone

You woke up to your phone ringing and couldn't help but smile at the familiar ringtone, knowing who was calling.
"Helloooo!" you said as you answered it.
"Helloooo!" a deep voice replied and then laughed. "You still in bed?"
"Shush." you told him and stretched, groaning in to the phone.
He chuckled and you were sure he was smiling. "Sleepy head."
You giggled and climbed out of bed. "What are you doing?"
"Just getting ready to head to work. Was hoping I could see you again. Tonight maybe?"
Your heart fluttered in anticipation. "Yeah, sure. Come over and I'll cook us dinner. We'll have a movie night."
"Oooo. See you around five then."
"Alright." you replied.
The two of you said your goodbyes and you hummed happily as you got ready for the day.

You and Yongguk had been dating for three months now and while that wasn't very long, it was long enough for the puppy love stage to be over. Yet you still couldn't help the giddy feeling you got every time you thought of him. Or how excited you were to see him. Every minute with him felt like a blessing. You could tell he felt the same with the way he looked at you. The way he told you how beautiful you were and how reluctant he was to leave you in the mornings when he slept over.

When you got home from work, you quickly changed and started dinner. A few minutes before it was finished, you heard a knock on the front door before it opened.
You smiled as poked your head out of the kitchen and saw him making his way in to the apartment. "Good timing. Dinner is almost done."
"Great. I'm starving." Yongguk replied with a big gummy smile as he walked up to you.
You eagerly puckered up your lips, making him chuckle before he obliged you with a quick kiss. You smiled and turned to attend to dinner once more but let out a startled squeak when he grabbed you. He wrapped his arms around you and pulled your back against his chest.
"Yongguk!" you lightly chided while giggling.
"I missed you." he said and kissed your neck.
You closed your eyes and enjoyed the sensation of being held by him. Then your smile grew bigger and you giggled once more when his hands started roaming.
"Dinner first." you informed him as you stepped away from him. "And you only get dessert if you finish all of your dinner." you added with a wink.
He groaned before chuckling. "Yes mother."
You stuck your tongue out at him.
"Don't make me attack you again." he warned with a smirk.
This time you laughed as you turned the stove off and divided the food between two plates. Carrying the food to the living room, the two of you settled on the couch and picked out a movie. When you were both done eating, Yongguk wrapped his arms around you and pulled you closer so the two of you were cuddling.
"You spending the night?" you asked.
"Is that an invitation?"
You turned your head to look at him and saw a small smile on his face. "You can stay whenever you want." you insisted.
His smile got bigger as he placed a hand on your cheek. "I like that." he said and kissed your lips. He pulled away only slightly, his face still very close to your. "And I do want to spend the night."
"Okay." you replied as you felt your heartbeat speed up.
He kissed you again and you kissed him back eagerly, each other's hands sliding across clothing. Then he stood up and pulled you with him, leading you to the bedroom as clothes fell to the floor.

You laid in bed with Yongguk with you head on his shoulder and his hand lightly rubbing your back. You closed your eyes and couldn't help but smile contently.
"I really like it when you spend the night." you stated as you ran the tips of your fingers over his collarbone.
"The that good?"
You smacked his chest as his body started shaking from laughter. "Yes but I didn't mean that!"
"I know." he insisted and held you tightly to him. "I like it too."
"Oh yeah? How do you like it?" you asked with a slight sarcastic tone.
He chuckled. "I like waking up to your beautiful face."
You pushed yourself up on your elbow and looked at him. "Really?"
"Why is that so surprising?" he questioned with a small smirk.
You blushed a little while smiling at him. "It's just... I like that too."
"Good." he stated and softly caressed your cheek. "Cause I like being with you right here."

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abcd20 #1
Chapter 7: I love the way you wrote this story..all the possible scenarios that could happen.
RinaBelle #2
Chapter 8: Gone 2-1:

OMG, I cried my heart out for her. Yeah, she had to make the decision, not to mention all alone since Yongguk wasn’t even there for her. She had to live with the guilt and the blame she put on herself and he put on her himself. Gosh, it takes two to tango. I felt bad and sad for the OC. I totally agree that this is very sensitive topic but I do believe, no matter choice she would make, the guy should be there for her and support her and understand her like trying to think in her point of view. I couldn’t understand when he said she murdered his child. OMG, that was too much, so cruel. I couldn’t handle it well. Just my rant.
RinaBelle #3
Chapter 7: <span class='smalltext text--lighter'>Comment on <a href='/story/view/562695/7'>Chapter 4: Here2-1</a></span>
OMG, I don’t know if I were in her shoes, would I be able to forgive him or even myself?
Chapter 5: Oh no! Tssss.....she aborted the baby!
Chapter 4: That's how it should be.
Chapter 2: Oh Yongguk! That's gonna be your child.
azskmee #7
Chapter 6: Read both endings and both fantastically done
Chapter 2: Yongguk really is... Tsk, tsk, tsk... *disappointed*
I'll help her~! Be strong girl!
Haha, I just want to say that~
New reader!!
Keukeukeu~ B)
Chapter 5: Gone 1-1 or here 2-1 for me <3