Chapter 4: Gone1-1

Here and Gone

You changed in to the dressing gown and laid back on the table.
"I'm going to give you the drugs now. You might still feel some pain though but try to keep yourself relaxed." the nurse said as the doctor got ready.
Then you felt Yongguk take your hand and gently squeeze. "Squeeze my hand if you need to."
You swallowed and nodded, unable to bring yourself to speak with how nervous and scared you were feeling.
The doctor started and you stared up at Yongguk's face as he talked to you. Anything he could think of to keep your mind occupied. Then you winced and squeezed his hand when a jolt of pain hit you.
"It's okay." he reassured you and caressed your hair with his other hand. "I'm here."
You felt you eyes water once more and saw his eyes mimic yours.
"I'm sorry." he whispered before bending over and placing his forehead against yours. "I'm so sorry."
"Me too." you whispered in reply as a tear rolled down the side of your face.

Yongguk took you home afterwards and helped you shuffle in to your apartment as the drugs lingered in your system. You carefully sat on the couch and winced a little at the cramps you were feeling.
"I'll make us some tea." he offered and you nodded.
He went in to the kitchen and you sat there for a moment. Then you closed your eyes and laid a hand on your stomach. Tears quickly formed and you were suddenly crying uncontrollably. You heard Yongguk run out of the kitchen and a moment later his arms around you. He sat on the couch by you and pushed your face in to his chest. You clutched at his shirt and kept crying, feeling so horrible and defeated.
"It's okay." he mumbled, trying to soothe you.
"No." you choked out. "No it's not."
He didn't say anything for a few seconds before replying, "I know."
You pulled back to look at his face and notice he was crying as well. "Do you think... they'll forgive us?" you weakly asked as another pain hit your chest.
He reached for you and pulled you on to his lap. "Yes." he quietly answered. "They're in heaven right now and looking down at you. Seeing you like this and I'm sure they'll forgive you."
"And you." you added.
A distant look formed in his eyes and he looked away from you. "No. I walked out."
"But you're here now." you told him and leaned your head on his shoulder. "If I can be forgiven, so can you."
"I hope so." he said and wrapped his arms around you. "If nothing else, I promise I'll work harder to be a better person. Especially for you. So they can proudly point down at us and say 'Those are my parents'."
You closed your eyes as a fresh wave of emotion took over you. "Yeah." you croaked out and started crying again.
The two of you sat there for a while, holding each other and crying.

That night you laid awake, staring at the ceiling and unable to sleep. You were sure you had no more tears left in you otherwise more would come out right now.
"You awake?" Yongguk quietly whispered.
You rolled over and looked at him, seeing his own red eyes. "Yeah."
He reached for you and you scooted closer to him, placing your head on his shoulder. His hand lightly rubbed your back and your fingers traced his collarbone.
"Angel." you quietly stated.
His hand stopped moving. "What?"
"Angel can be a boy's name or a girl's name." you said. "And..."
"And they're out little angel." he quietly finished for you. "I like it."
You took in a shaky breath and felt his arms around you tighten. "I know it's hard but try to sleep. The doctor said you needed to rest." he said. Then he added in a whisper, "And you don't want to disappoint Angel."
You closed your eyes as they started watering for what felt like the thousandth time today but you pushed them away. "You're right." you replied. "I'll try to sleep."
"I promise I'll still be here when you wake up. And so will Angel."

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abcd20 #1
Chapter 7: I love the way you wrote this story..all the possible scenarios that could happen.
RinaBelle #2
Chapter 8: Gone 2-1:

OMG, I cried my heart out for her. Yeah, she had to make the decision, not to mention all alone since Yongguk wasn’t even there for her. She had to live with the guilt and the blame she put on herself and he put on her himself. Gosh, it takes two to tango. I felt bad and sad for the OC. I totally agree that this is very sensitive topic but I do believe, no matter choice she would make, the guy should be there for her and support her and understand her like trying to think in her point of view. I couldn’t understand when he said she murdered his child. OMG, that was too much, so cruel. I couldn’t handle it well. Just my rant.
RinaBelle #3
Chapter 7: <span class='smalltext text--lighter'>Comment on <a href='/story/view/562695/7'>Chapter 4: Here2-1</a></span>
OMG, I don’t know if I were in her shoes, would I be able to forgive him or even myself?
Chapter 5: Oh no! Tssss.....she aborted the baby!
Chapter 4: That's how it should be.
Chapter 2: Oh Yongguk! That's gonna be your child.
azskmee #7
Chapter 6: Read both endings and both fantastically done
Chapter 2: Yongguk really is... Tsk, tsk, tsk... *disappointed*
I'll help her~! Be strong girl!
Haha, I just want to say that~
New reader!!
Keukeukeu~ B)
Chapter 5: Gone 1-1 or here 2-1 for me <3