Bittersweet High School

“Let’s eat guys!” Jieun said to her friends. Jieun, Juniel, Peniel and Roy Kim ran away from school when they were punished. They went to the Ramyeon(noodle) Shop to eat. They were very very hungry since their teacher told them to run like 10 kilometers away. The Ramyeon Shop weren’t really far from their school.

“This tastes so ing good! I haven’t eat this for ages!” Peniel said, his mouth was full with noodles. He had eaten three bowls of ramyeon. Juniel and Jieun stared at him blankly. Roy Kim stared at him as well.

“But, Peniel… you ate two packs of Spaghettis like one and a half hours ago!” Jieun yelled. She was worry because Peniel had eaten too much. He wiped his red lips and kept eating.

“Just let him. I bet he’s not going to eat for 2 days or even more, because he just ate tons of noodles,” joked Roy Kim calmly. He took his iPod and put on his white headphones. He was so damn calm.

“I wonder why he is this calm,” Jieun whispered and stared at Roy Kim. Juniel nodded softly.

“I can hear you, ma’am,” chuckled Roy Kim. “I was born to be cool.”

Jieun shut and Juniel chuckled a little. Peniel was still busy with his food. He was sweating a lot since the noodles are spicy.


“Oh my God… I’m so full, dude…” Peniel complained. He ended with eating five bowls of spicy noodles.

“Told ya,” said Jieun. She grabbed Juniel’s hand and started walking back to school. They had spent almost an hour to eat, or in the other word, running away from school. Peniel can’t walk by himself because he was so full. So Roy Kim helped him to walk. Peniel kept on rubbing his stomach. He was going to throw up.


“WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN?!” the teacher shouted. His echo was filling up the gym, so it sounded like ‘BEEN.. been.. been.. been..’. The four of them can’t help but hold their laughter. It turned into a very quiet gym. Jieun glanced at Peniel and the others. They all looked down and looked blank. Jieun took a deep breath and decided to talk to the teacher.

“We’re so…” Jieun lifted up her face and looked at her teacher. She gulped.

Seems like Mr. Siwon is very mad at us…

“Okay, look. We are very very sorry because we ran away from school. We were so hungry and tired because of you. I have no idea why did you tell us to run around the school? You know this school isn’t small. Our school is so big! We were going to die if we didn’t eat, Sir! Have you lost your mind?” Jieun blurted. Juniel kicked her a little, tried to say that she was out of control. She needs to hold herself. Jieun regretted for what she said. She looked down.

Mr. Siwon’s expression changed from that ‘I’M REALLY MAD’ expression into ‘what have I done’ expression. Peniel and Roy Kim realized that his expression was changing.

Mr. Siwon patted Jieun’s shoulder. “I’m sorry, guys.”

Jieun looked shocked and looked at him.

Is he serious?

“I’m really sorry. I was wrong. I realized it was hard for you guys. I’m sorry. I will never do this again,” said Siwon. The four of them still looked surprised but nodded slowly. “And Jieun, thank you for your explanation,” He smiled. Jieun blushed. Siwon walked out from the gym, leaving the students behind. When Siwon was out from the gym room, the 4 students looked at each other.

“Thanks God..” Juniel said and put her hand on her chest.

“We’re save, guys. Let’s just change our clothes and go back to the class,” said Jieun. She grabbed Juniel’s hand and pulled her towards the door. They left Peniel and Roy Kim in the gym.


Jieun, Juniel, Peniel and Roy Kim gathered in front of their classroom. They decided to go in together. It was time for English lesson with Ms. Tiffany. She was very kind, so Jieun wasn’t really scared to go in.

Jieun opened the door. She walked slowly and the others followed her.

“We’re very sorry because we’re late, Miss…” Jieun kept her head down.

“It’s okay. Mr. Siwon told me everything. Now go back to your places and we’ll continue the lesson,” Ms. Tiffany smiled and winked. Jieun lifted her head and saw her. Tiffany’s smile was so angelic. Many teachers fell for her. Mr. Siwon is included.

I really want to be like her. She’s so perfect…

Jieun shook away her thought and walked to her chairs. The other three students followed her.

“Wait,” they stopped and turned. “You are?” she pointed at Peniel.

“Shin Dong Geun, Miss. Peniel by short,” he smiled and bowed a little.

“Okay, nice to meet you, Peniel. I’m Tiffany Hwang. You can call me Ms. Tiffany. I’m in charge for English lesson,” Tiffany explained and smiled. Peniel nodded.

“Nice to meet you too,”

They sit and took out their English book while Ms. Tiffany continued the lesson.


“That’s all for today and you may go home,” Ms. Tiffany closed her book and wiped her bangs. She looked at her students. Deep inside, she was very happy for her life. She had a perfect life. Good students, good people on her surroundings. There was only one thing left. Boyfriend. Tiffany never had a boyfriend for ages. Actually, there were so many guys that fell for her. But Tiffany had her ideal type. It’s Mr. Siwon.

“Thank you for today, Miss!” the students said and bowed. Tiffany nodded and smiled.

“You’re welcome. Careful on the way, guys!” she walked out from the class elegantly.

“It’s time to go home,” said Jieun. She tidy up her things and stood up, waiting for Juniel, Peniel and Roy Kim. She doesn’t feel well that day. She looked pale. But she pretended like she was fine.

They walked out together and went to the lobby. They met BtoB.

“Hey-yo, guys! How was your class?” Hyunsik asked and embraced Jieun. Minhyuk glared at him. Hyunsik ignored him.

“We were punished by Mr. Siwon,” Jieun explained. The others were shocked and confused.

“Why?! What happened?!” Minhyuk asked with his eyes wide opened.

“It’s a long story, oppa… Just forget it,” Jieun sighed. “Let’s just go home.”

“Okay, we’re going first, guys. See you tomorrow!” Sungjae walked towards his motorcycle with Juniel. Sungjae was a nice guy. He drove Juniel home every day. Jieun and the others got home with the bus.

Jieun walked to the bus stop. Minhyuk and the other five guys followed her. Start from that day, Peniel went home with bus too. His house wasn’t really far from Jieun’s house. Jieun sat on the bus stop’s chair. Minhyuk sat beside her.

“Are you okay?” Minhyuk asked. He was worried. Jieun nodded. She lied. Minhyuk put his hand on Jieun’s forehead. It was hot. Jieun was sick. Jieun pushed Minhyuk’s hand away from her forehead.

“I’m fine..” she lied again. She forced to smile, making sure that she was okay.

“You are not, Jieun. Is there anyone in your house right now?” Minhyuk asked. He was very worried.

“I don’t think so… my father and mother went to Busan this afternoon and they’ll be back next week,” Jieun said weakly. Even her voice showed that she was not okay. She put her head on Minhyuk’s shoulder. Minhyuk hold her hand tightly.

I’m going to stay next to Jieun until she feels better. Minhyuk thought.

The bus came. Jieun and Minhyuk stood up and walked inside the bus. The bus was full. No empty place. Jieun almost fell because she was so dizzy and she needed to rest. Peniel stared at Minhyuk and Jieun since they were waiting for the bus.

Jieun is sick. She needs to sit. He thought.

“Excuse me, Miss. Can I have your seat? No, it’s not for me. It’s for my friend, there,” he pointed at Jieun. She almost fell for thousands times but Minhyuk was always there to catch her. “May I?” Peniel asked with a smile. The lady nodded.

“Yes, of course. She needs to take a rest. Take care of her, okay,” the lady stood up next to Peniel and smiled. From her appearance, that lady doesn’t seem so old. She looked like 20s. She had a beautiful face and perfect body. Peniel looked at her nametag that the lady wore. Jessica Jung.

She’s so pretty… Peniel thought and then shook it away.

“Thank you, thank you very much, Miss.. Jessica,” Peniel bowed a couple of times. Jessica nodded and smiled back. Peniel poked Minhyuk’s shoulder and told him that there was an empty seat near him.

Finally, Jieun could sit for the rest of the way. Minhyuk hold her hand. He doesn’t want to let her go. Jieun had slept since she sat on the chair. She looked really tired.

“So.. are you a high school student?” Peniel quite shocked when Jessica asked him.

“Y-yeah.. and you are?” Peniel asked back. The bus suddenly stopped. That makes everyone jerked forwards, including Jessica. She was burried to Peniel’s chest. Peniel shocked. Jessica could hear his heartbeat that kept rising. She slowly looked up. Their faces are inches away. Both of them blushed.

“I-I’m s-sorry…” she slowly pushed Peniel’s chest and looked down.

“I-it’s okay. Are you okay?” Peniel asked awkwardly.

“Y-yeah sure, I’m fine,” Jessica looked up and smiled. Peniel smiled back. “Oh yeah, I’m a college student. I’m going to graduate next month,” Jessica tried to throw away that awkward moment.

“How great! Congratulation!” Peniel cheered. Jessica laughed. Peniel laughed too.

She’s cute. Peniel thought.

“Are you from Cube High School?” Jessica asked.

“Yeah, how do you know?!” Peniel shocked.

“I read your mind,” Jessica stared at him. Peniel looked more shocked.


“Of course not! You got to this bus at Cube High School’s bus stop! Didn’t you realize that?” Jessica laughed so hard. She just fooled a high school student she just met. A stranger. A handsome stranger.

Peniel looked really embarrassed. “Sorry, I didn’t know it was Cube High.. I mean.. my school’s bus stop,” Peniel looked down. Jessica looked confused and Peniel knew why she was confused. “I was born and raised in Chicago. I just moved here. Today. That’s why I haven’t got the uniform yet,” Peniel explained.

“I see.. It’s really weird when you met a stranger and talked to them for a long time.”

“It is. But I felt comfortable talking with you, Miss,” Peniel blurted. He realized that he wasn’t supposed to say that. He looked down and blushed. He didn’t know what to do.

“Agree,” Jessica said slowly. Peniel lifted his head up and chuckled. Both of them talked much on that bus. Both of them are easy-going person. So they get well easily.

Minhyuk doesn’t care what happened around him. His eyes were locked at Jieun. He was worried. He was afraid. But he knew what to do. He was going to be there beside Jieun. Always.

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almaptrrnta #1
Chapter 16: Nice story, please update soon
Nice story ^^
Chapter 16: minhyukxiu pls. :^
Chapter 16: wow, you're back. Long to see you.
I feel very sad feeling when reading this chapter, perhaps because MinHyuk, poor him, always sad T.T
Chapter 15: minhyukiuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu
Chapter 15: poor Jieun T.T
Aisss Peniel, how can you????
Thank good MinHyuk save her...
The true I still want PenielU
But I hope Jieun'll give MinHyuk a change, then Peniel will envy and regret :))
Chapter 14: Sooo Saddd, But alright, I can wait for you.
Good luck with your other ff and study ^^~~
Chapter 13: NOOOOOOOOOOOOO..Σ( ° △ °|||)︴
My heart </3
Ahhh Hate u author T.T
Chapter 12: omo, Peniel has a crush on herrrrr yeah!!! FINALLY.... ♥♥♥♥♥