Bittersweet High School

Summer holiday has finally begun. Jieun’s family planned to go to Jeju Island for five days only. She was so excited because she could spent some time with her family. Her parents were always busy. They went to work early in the morning and went home late. She wished she could bring Juniel with her, but she was going to Japan with her family for five days as well. A day before Jieun flew to Jeju Island, she went to Minhyuk’s apartment.


Minhyuk got up from his couch and walked towards the door. He peeked from the small hole and smiled when he saw Jieun’s pretty face. He unlocked the door and opened it widely.

“Come in,” he said, welcoming her. Jieun came in and closed the door. Minhyuk walked towards the fridge.

“Do you want some orange juice?” he asked. Jieun nodded.

“I would loved to,” Jieun said, and sat on the couch.

Minhyuk lived alone. Her mom and dad lived in Busan for a couple of years because of her job. Minhyuk didn’t want to come with her because he didn’t want to be seperated with Jieun.

Minhyuk approached Jieun and gave her a glass of orange juice. She nodded and took a sip of the juice. He sat next to Jieun and watched the tv. He was watching Running Man, a Korean reality show, when Jieun came.

“Where are you going for summer?” Jieun asked.

“I don’t know. Maybe I’m not going anywhere,” he said and chuckled because of Running Man. “How about you?”

“I’m going to Jeju Island with my family tomorrow. I’ll be back next Sunday,” she explained and took a chocolate cookie from the coffee table. Minhyuk’s heart broke a bit when she said that she was going to leave him for a couple of days. Five days mean a lot for Minhyuk.

“Glad to hear that,” he lied.

“Let’s go to the beach after Juniel and I came back from our family vacation,” Jieun offered and ate her cookie. “You go ask BtoB if they could come,”

Minhyuk nodded.

They spent whole evening watching Running Man. They were laughing out loud by Running Man’s member’s hilarious action. Both of them really loved to watch it.

“I’m going home. I haven’t prepare my things for tomorrow,” Jieun said, finished her second glass of orange juice and stood up.

“Are your parents home?” Minhyuk put his glass on the table and stood up as well. Jieun nodded. “I’ll walk you home. It’s been a while since the last time I met your parents,”

“Okay then,” Jieun said in approval. They went out from the apartment and walked together. As soon as they arrived in front of Jieun’s apartment’s door, she entered the passcode and opened the door. She saw her mom and her dad laying on the couch, watching tv.

“Mom, Dad, Minhyuk oppa is here,” she said and entered. Her parents looked up. She walked away so that her parents could see him.

“Annyeonghaseyo, Mr and Mrs. Lee,” Minhyuk bowed ninety-degrees. Her parents stood up and walked towards Minhyuk.

“Minhyuk! How are you? I haven’t seen you in ages!” Jieun’s mom walked towards Minhyuk and patted his shoulder. Minhyuk chuckled.

“I’m fine, thank you. How about you, Ma’am?” Minhyuk asked back.

“I’m always fine, right,” Mrs. Lee chuckled. “Come on in,” Minhyuk walked inside the apartment.

“Hey, Minhyuk!” Mr. Lee greeted him.

“Good evening, Mister,” he bowed lightly. Jieun’s dad was close with Minhyuk’s dad, and with Minhyuk as well.

While Jieun and her mom prepared for dinner, Minhyuk and her father had a chit-chat on the couch. Once the dinner was ready, Jieun’s mom called them to eat.

Jieun’s mom served a big, white plate with roasted carp fish on it, while Jieun served a big bowl of vegetable soup on the table. Minhyuk and Jieun’s father came to join them. Jieun’s father sat next to her wife, while Minhyuk sat next to his biggest crush, Jieun.

“Let’s eat!” Jieun’s father said cheerfully and started to eat. The others laughed and eat as well.

After they done their dinner, Minhyuk helped Jieun washing the dishes. He wasn’t too bad for this stuffs. Actually, Minhyuk was a good chef. Jieun thanked him for helping her. In ten minutes, they have finished washing the dishes.

“Mr. Lee and Mrs. Lee, I think I should go home now. I really appreciate your kindness, and Mrs. Lee, thank you for the delicious dinner,” Minhyuk bowed for three second and stood up again.

“Okay, then. Thank you for visiting us! Come here anytime if you feel lonely, okay?” Mrs. Lee said and smiled. Minhyuk nodded.

“Of course,” Minhyuk nodded again and walked towards the door. Jieun walked him to the elevator by the end of the hall. By the time they reached the elevator, Jieun thanked him.

“No problem. Thank you for your mom’s amazing and delicious food. Enjoy your summer, Jieun,” he said and patted her head.

“Okay. I’ll call you when I get back to Seoul. Don’t forget to ask the others whether they could join us to the beach or not,” Jieun said. Minhyuk nodded. The elevator opened and Minhyuk went in. He waved at Jieun and she waved back. She walked back to her little house and started preparing her stuffs.

He went to her room and opened her big, red closet.

Hmm... what should I bring?

First, she took out her blouse, and then her sweet pink pyjamas, then she took out a pair of white tank tops, then her bikinis, and etcetera. At last, she was confused how could she bring so many things for five days only. But she didn’t care and kept putting her stuffs into a huge, pink suitcase her mom bought last month.

...Blouses, check. Swimsuits, check. Hats, check. Dresses, check. All done!

She zipped her suitcase and put it on the floor. It was quite heavy, so she pulled her suitcase out of her room and placed it next to the couch. Next to her pink suitcase, there are her mom’s and dad’s suitcases. Jieun smiled.

I CAN’T WAIT TO GO TO JEJU ISLAND!!! She cheered in her heart. She came back to her room with a big, happy smile. She turned off the lights and went to sleep.


At 7.00, Jieun woke up and grinned.

Jeju, I’m coming!!!!!!!!!

She got up from her bed and stretched up her arms. She rubbed her eyes and walked towards her bedroom’s door.

“Good morning, mom,” she greeted her mom and walked towards the kitchen. “Is dad using the bathroom?”

Her mom nodded. “I made pancakes for you. Go eat and wash up. We’re going at 8.00,” she explained. Her eyes were locked on the tv screen. She was watching her favorite drama.

Jieun took a plate of pancakes with blueberry sauce to the living room and sat next to her mother on the couch. Her mother was a great chef. But unfortunately, Jieun can’t cook like her.

When she finished her pancakes, her dad walked out from the bathroom and walked towards his bedroom. Jieun put the plate on the coffee table and walked to her room to take her clothes. She washed up and got ready.

At 8.07, they went to Incheon Airport. Her driver drove them there.

Jieun took out her sunglasses and took out her suitcase from the luggage. She brought two kinds of bag. Suitcase and backpack. There were her iPod, headphone, tablet, wallet and her phone on her backpack. She took out and put on her sunglasses, and started to pull her suitcase.

It took about 30 minutes to Jeju Island. That’s mean we’ll arrive there at 9.30. Can’t wait!

She was smiling by herself like a crazy person.

“Jieun, you look like a craz-” her mom stopped talking when Jieun bumped into someone. That ‘someone’ was a guy. A tall guy. He used cap and sunglasses so she couldn’t see him clearly.

“I’m so sorry! So so so sorry! I didn’t see you. Please forgive me,” Jieun bowed thousands of times and helped him to took his stuffs on the floor. She took a glance at that guy. He used a blue ‘LA’ cap, blue shirt, black jacket, and black jeans. Even though his style was so simple, he looked good with it.

“It’s okay. I didn’t see you either,” that guy gave Jieun a sweet smile and stood up.

“Um.. okay, then. Have a save flight!” Jieun walked away from him.

Jieun didn’t realized that it was me. She bumped into me. This girl is so funny.

That guy walked away and shooked his head.

Right at 8.56, Jieun and her parents went to the plane and searched for their seats.

14A, 14A, where is it?

After a fourty seconds of searching for her seat, she finally found it. She sat next to the window and stared outside the window.

It’s been a while since the last time I took plane to travel somewhere.

She felt someone was sitting next to her. She snapped out from her thought and looked at that person. He looked familiar.


She was quite shocked when she saw him. That guy Jieun bumped into right about ten minutes ago. It was him. Again.

“Oh! You were that girl who bumped into me last time right?” that guy asked. Jieun nodded slowly but kept staring at him.

This is weird. His voice is familiar. I felt like I’ve met him somewhere. No, not ten minutes ago. I think I knew him.

Jieun stared at him for about thirty seconds until that guy revealed himself.

“Oh my God, Jieun. Are you amnesia or what? This is me!” that guy took off his glasses and stared at Jieun. He looked disappointed. “You meet me everyday for the past two weeks and you forgot that I even exist?!”

I knew it. It’s Peniel.

“S-sorry...” Jieun looked down and blushed in embarrassement. Peniel put his palm on his forehead and laid back. Jieun took out her iPod and put on her headphones. She pressed the play button when Lim Kim’s song, All Right, appeared on her iPod screen.

After the stewardess explained about those stuffs about the exit door and bluh bluh, the plane started to took off. Jieun looked outside the window and stared at the clouds.

It was a quite long awkward silence until Jieun decided to make conversation with Peniel.

“So... you are going to spend your summer in Jeju?”

“What do you think?” he answered.

Right. I’m so stupid. I’m going to Jeju. And he’s in the same plane with me. That’s mean he’s going to Jeju too!

Jieun looked embarrassed with her stupid question. There was another awkward silence.

“I want to ask you something,” Jieun said, breaking the ice. Peniel hummed in answer.

“Are you closed with that girl on the bus? That girl who gave me her seat when I was sick? I saw you went home with her,”

Peniel’s heart skipped a beat when Jieun talked about that girl. He stared at Jieun. Jieun stared back.

“Do you mean Jessica?”

“Well... I don’t know her name,”

“Um.. yeah.. We knew each other since that day you were sick. Our houses aren’t too far from mine, anyway. She’s funny and humble. We get along well. We are good friends now,” Peniel explained. Jieun nodded slowly and looked outside the window once again.

Twenty-five minutes later, the plane landed. They were arrived at Jeju.

Jieun went off the plane. She took her suitcase and patiently waiting her mom and dad to get their suitcases. She saw Peniel walked towards her. There was a girl next to him.

Is that his girlfriend? She’s pretty though. Jieun shook away his thought and looked at Peniel.

“I’m going first. See you later,” he said and left Jieun. The mysterious girl smiled at Jieun and followed him. She grabbed Peniel’s arm and walked together. Jieun stared at them for a couple of seconds. She was curious who that girl was.

Jieun snapped out from her thought when her mom patted her shoulder.

“Let’s go to the hotel,” she said. Jieun nodded and walked outside the airport. She stopped her step and smiled. She was so excited. Her dad called a cab.


They went to their hotel. The hotel her dad chose was a high quality hotel. It has spa, internal and external swimming pool, exclusive restaurants, and many more. Jieun can’t wait to play at the beach. She walked to the lobby and walked towards the hotel’s customer service to take her room key.

“Here’s your key, your room is in the third floor, room number 29,” the lady said. Jieun nodded and thanked her. She walked towards the elevator and stopped when she saw someone familiar sitting on the hotel’s lobby’s couch.



hey, guys! thanks for reading and don't forget to subscribe! ;)

P.S: sorry for my bad grammar.

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almaptrrnta #1
Chapter 16: Nice story, please update soon
Nice story ^^
Chapter 16: minhyukxiu pls. :^
Chapter 16: wow, you're back. Long to see you.
I feel very sad feeling when reading this chapter, perhaps because MinHyuk, poor him, always sad T.T
Chapter 15: minhyukiuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu
Chapter 15: poor Jieun T.T
Aisss Peniel, how can you????
Thank good MinHyuk save her...
The true I still want PenielU
But I hope Jieun'll give MinHyuk a change, then Peniel will envy and regret :))
Chapter 14: Sooo Saddd, But alright, I can wait for you.
Good luck with your other ff and study ^^~~
Chapter 13: NOOOOOOOOOOOOO..Σ( ° △ °|||)︴
My heart </3
Ahhh Hate u author T.T
Chapter 12: omo, Peniel has a crush on herrrrr yeah!!! FINALLY.... ♥♥♥♥♥