Bittersweet High School

Jieun woke up at 8 in the morning. She got up from her bed lazily. But then she realized that she can’t waste any single minute being in Jeju. She smiled, welcoming the new bright day, and walked towards the bathroom happily.

I’m going to the beach today. What should I wear? She thought.

She finally took out her black swimwear, grey t-shirt, and short jeans. Black suits on Jieun well, because she had milky-white-bright skin. After a fiveteen minutes of cold shower, she went down to the hotel’s restaurant. She took a sandwhich and a cup of tea, then walked towards an empty seat.

[8.23 p.m.] ‘Hey, mom. Where are you now? I’m having my breakfast at the restaurant.’

She bit her sandwhich and waited for her mom’s message. Suddenly someone patted her shoulder. She looked back to see who was patting her shoulder.

“Good morning,” he said and sat on an empty seat across Jieun. He was wearing blue y-but-cool-sleeveless shirt and white pants. “Where are your mom and dad?”

Right. Peniel. I forgot about him.

“I don’t know. I went here alone,” Jieun asked and took a sip of her cold, sweet tea. “Did you came here alone too?” she asked.

Peniel nodded and took a big bite of his sandwhich. He brought two sandwhiches and a glass of tea as well. Jieun suddenly remembered that yesterday Peniel was a tall, white girl with him. “Did you came to Jeju with your girlfriend? I thought you liked Jessica,” she said.

Peniel choked his sandwhich. It was caused by two reasons. First, Jieun said that that girl is his girlfriend. Second, Jieun called his crush’s name. Peniel stared at her. Jieun looked at him. Looked puzzled.

“WHAT?! YOU CALLED HER MY GIRLFRIEND?! HELL NO! IT’S MY SISTER!” Peniel yelled and made every single person at the restaurant stared at him in a strange way. Jieun blinked and still looked puzzled.

“O..okay... I didn’t know about that...” she said softly and looked down her black slippers. “I’m sorry...” she continued and took another bite of her sandwhich.

“It’s okay,” he said and leaned back to his seat. “Do you want to go to the beach together? I feel so lonely here,”

“But I thought you were here with your sister,” she answered, looked confused.

“Yeah, listen. I went here because my sister was afraid to go here alone. Her boyfriend worked here for a few months, that’s why she really want to go here, visiting her boyfriend. She lived at his house and I’m here. Alone,” he explained. Jieun nodded.

“Okay, then. Let’s go together,” Jieun finished off her sanwhich and called her mom and told her that she met her friend, and they were going to the beach together. Her mom said okay.

Jieun and Peniel went to the beach by bicycles. Their hotel are not really far from the beach. It was 9.30 already. The skies were light blue and so the ocean. It was a bright day. There were so many people there. Sunbathing, playing beach volley, swimming, or just sitting down by the sand and having a chit-chat. Jieun and Peniel walked towards a big, red umbrella that sticked to the sand. They sat under it and had a chit-chat as well.

“So, your sister is going to married before Christmas? In Chicago?” Jieun asked. Her eyes were still locked on the beautiful sea. Peniel nodded in approval. “So... when will you go back to Seoul?”

“Four days from now, I think. I’ll just left my sister here,” Peniel chuckled.

“You’re so mean!” Jieun laughed and pushed his shoulder.

“Am not!” he laughed and pushed Jieun’s shoulder as well. They laughed together and shared things. Jieun never felt this happy before. Peniel was a nice, kind-hearted guy. He was pretty funny though. He told funny stories to Jieun and she rolled on the sand and laughing out loud.

“I’m going there. Are you coming?” Peniel stood up and pointed at the sea.

“The middle of the sea? I don’t want to die now. I’m still young. And pretty though,” Jieun laughed and Peniel joined in.

“No, stupid. I’m going to swim there. Are you coming or not? It’s getting hotter here,” he said and left Jieun behind. Jieun grinned and took off her grey shirt and her shorts. She ran towards Peniel and pulled his hand to the sea shore. Peniel jumped a little when he felt someone grabbed his hand and pulled him. He stared at her for a while and hold her hands. They ran together towards the seashore.

“PENIEL! DON’T DO THAT TO ME!” Jieun screamed when he splashed water to her face. She splashed him back in revenge. “OKAY, OKAY, STOP! Let’s just swim then,”

“PENIEL! DON’T DO THAT TO ME!” Jieun screamed when he splashed water to her face. She splashed him back in revenge. “OKAY, OKAY, STOP! Let’s just swim then,” Peniel agreed and left Jieun.


“LEE JIEEEEEUUUUUUN!!!!!” Peniel ran to catch Jieun who was running away from him. She ran as fast as she could along the seashore while laughing out loud.

“THIS IS SO DAMN FUNNY!!” she laughed and kept running away from Peniel. She looked back to see how far Peniel ran behind her and ran faster when she saw that Peniel was metres away from her.

“Jieun! Watchout!”

The water was red. Jieun sat up and hold her leg tightly. Peniel ran to her and kneel down to see her foot. It was bleeding.

“Jieun, you okay?!” he asked. He was panicked.

“Of course I’m not! Look at those bloods!” Jieun answered. Her voice was weird because she was holding her tears from coming out. “It hurts,” she said. She can’t help but cried.

Suddenly, Peniel grabbed Jieun’s legs and back, and carried her in bridal style. Jieun wrapped her hands on his neck and put her head on his wide shoulder. She cried on his shoulder. Peniel jogged towards the red umbrella where they put their stuffs. He took all their stuffs in five seconds and ran to call a cab.

“Hospital, please,” Peniel said and looked at Jieun who sat next to him. She was still crying. Peniel pull her head towards his shoulder and her hair. “Don’t cry. I’m here,” he said and the taxi started to move on.

“You may go home now. Get well soon, Ms. Lee Jieun,” the nurse smiled and Jieun nodded as the nurse left the room. Jieun looked at Peniel who was sitting next to her bed. He looked back at her.

“Better?” he asked. Jieun nodded and smiled.

“Thank you,” she said.

“No problem,” he answered. After a thirty seconds of silence, Peniel asked, “What are we going to do now?” Jieun lifted up her shoulders. She stared at her bandaged foot and pouted. Right an hour ago, her foot accidentally scratched by a sharp rock. It was quite big, actually. But she didn’t see it, because she was looking back at Peniel.

“I wish I could walk normally,” she said and stood up from the bed. Peniel stood up and hold her shoulders to protect her if she falls. Jieun walked towards the door slowly. She tried to walk normally but she felt like she was walking on top of thousands pins. Peniel opened the door for her and they went out.


Peniel and Jieun sat on the hospital’s bench. Jieun checked her phone and chuckled.

[5 Missed Calls from Eomma]

Jieun chuckled and dialed her mom’s phone number.

“Hello, Mom?” she said.


“I’m in the hospital,”

“WHAT?! WHAT HAPPENED?! ARE YOU OKAY?!” her mom screamed. Jieun pulled her phone 5cms away from her ear.

“Yes, yes, Mom! I’m totally okay! My foot scratched a bit at the beach. My friend brought me here,”

“Okay... are you still there?”

“Yes, I am. Wait, don’t go here. Just enjoy your vacation, Mom. I’ll be okay with my friend,”

“O-okay... take care, dear,”

“Thanks, Mom. Love you,” she said and ended the call. She looked at Peniel and asked, “So, where are we going now?”

“It’s a secret. Are you ready to go now?” she nodded and he grinned. “Let’s go!” Peniel stood up and pulled Jieun’s hand. She stood up and followed behind him. He jogged towards the road to call a cab.

“Peniel! You know I can’t even jog like that,” Jieun said and pulled his hand. He looked at her and realized how pitiful was she. “Walk slowly,” she said and walked carefully. He grabbed her shoulders and walked together.

“I think we should wash up first,” Jieun said when she went in the taxi. Peniel looked at her and nodded in agreement. He told the driver to drop them off at their hotel. Fifteen minutes later, they arrived in front of the hotel’s lobby. Peniel paid the bill and went off the cab. He also helped Jieun.

“I’ll walk you to your room first and I’ll wash up as fast as I could. When you’re done, don’t go anywhere. Just wait for me, okay? My room is in the third floor,” Peniel explained and went to the hotel’s elevator.

“Wait, my room is in the third floor too,” Jieun said and stared at him. “Which room are you?”

“20. You?”


“Okay, let’s just go then,” Peniel said and went off the elevator.

“Peniel,” Jieun said. “You know I can’t walk alone,” she continued and rest her head at the elevator’s wall. Peniel stopped and looked at Jieun. He rolled his eyes and walked back towards the elevator.

“Such a baby,” Peniel whispered and pulled Jieun’s shoulder slowly .

“I can hear you,” Jieun chuckled and walked to her room with Peniel slowly.


After Jieun washed up, she sat down on a brown sofa and the tv. She stared at her bandaged feet and pouted. She really wished she could turned back time. Jieun shook her thought when someone knocked on her door.

That must be Peniel. Jieun thought. She got up from the sofa and walked towards the door. When she opened it, she saw Peniel that was wearing plain white tanktop, blue shorts and black cap with bold ‘CHICAGO’ text on it. Jieun stared at his outfit and looked amazed.

“Let’s go,” Peniel said and grabbed Jieun’s wrist. She could walk better than before. Peniel stopped and stared at Jieun who was staring at him since thirty seconds ago. “What’s wrong with my outfit, huh?” he asked.

“Nothing. You have good sense of fashion though,” Jieun chuckled and walked slowly, left Peniel behind. He looked puzzled but continued to walk.

“Where are we going, anyway?” Jieun asked while waiting for their taxi to came.

“It’s a secret,” Peniel said and smirked. The taxi had arrived and Peniel stood up from the lobby’s coach. “Come on,” he embraced Jieun and walked towards the taxi. She was still curious where were they going.


Jieun’s jaw dropped when she saw a big wall with 16 big alphabets of T-E-D-D-Y-B-E-A-R-M-U-S-E-U-M. There were a couple of teddy bear’s photo along the big wall. Jieun got off the cab and thanked the driver. She stared at a kind-of-pyramid building in front of her. It was made by glasses so it was quite transparent. Peniel grabbed her hand and pulled her to the ticket’s counter.

“2 tickets for adults please,” Peniel said. The ticket guy gave Peniel 2 tickets and smiled. Peniel thanked him and walked away. Jieun was still amazed with everything.

“I never knew there’s a teddy bear museum in Jejudo Island,” she said and walked beside Peniel. He can’t help but chuckled a little. They walked around the museum. There were so many teddy bears. Of course.

Peniel and Jieun were having fun there. Jieun took a photo with a huge bride teddy bear, Peniel took a photo of every single teddy bear he met. There were Monalisa teddy bear, teddy bears with Korean traditional clothes, a polar-bear-teddy-bear, and many more. Jieun was very happy because she really liked teddy bears. She said that she wanted to bring all teddy bears home.

After a one-hour-of-teddy-bear-museum-trip, they went to a restaurant in front of the museum. That restaurant was part of that museum too, actually. They served many kinds of food with teddy bear theme. Peniel ordered black pork dish, while Jieun ordered haemul-ttukbaegi. It was a delicious, spicy seafood soup made using shrimp, clams, and other kind of shellfish.

A waitress placed a big bowl of haemul-ttukbaegi in front of Jieun, and placed a plate of grilled black pork for Peniel. Jieun stared at both food and her stomach started to grumble. She took the black chopsticks and started to eat her food. Her eyes widened when started to realized that the dish was so good.

“This tastes so good,” Jieun said and put another full spoon of the soup to . She put a thumb up in the air and Peniel chuckled and started to eat his food.

“It’s not bad though,” he said. “It’s chewier and more delicious,” Jieun stared at his food and asked if she could have some. Peniel took a slice of pork and put it on her small mouth. Three seconds later, she started to nod a couple of times. It was the other word for saying ‘this food is delicious’.

After having late-lunch, Jieun and Peniel decided to walk around the museum’s garden. There were so many teddy bears as well. Those bears were bigger than Peniel. They were about 2 metres high. Peniel and Jieun took some photos of them around the park.

“I’m tired, let’s go back to hotel,” Jieun sat on a bench and patted her shoulders and legs. She was so tired.

“Don’t you want to buy teddy bears?” Peniel asked and sat beside her.

“I would love to. Let’s take a rest here first,” she answered. Peniel nodded in agreement. He was so tired too, actually. But Jieun looked so happy, so he decided to throw those tired feeling away. He looked at Jieun and smiled. He was happy he could make her comfortable and happy even when her feet hurts.

“Let’s go,” Jieun said, stood up and stretched her arms. Peniel stood up and embraced her. She wrapped her arm around his back and walked together to the teddy bear museum’s store. Since that morning, Peniel and Jieun did skinship a lot. They embraced each other, holding hands, and many more.

The store was very big. There were thousands of teddy bears, who were sitting on shelfs, waiting for visitors to buy them and having fun with them. Jieun walked towards those shelfs and searched for a cute teddy bear. Actually, all of them were cute. But Jieun wanted to buy a doll that looked like her. She stopped when she saw a teddy bear who was wearing a silver, luxury dress, and a small, white tiara on top of its head. Next to it, there was it’s couple, a prince. He was wearing black suit and a small, gold crown on top of its head as well. Jieun took both of them and jogged towards Peniel.

“What do you think?” she asked and waved both teddy bears on her hands.

“Cute,” he answered shortly and walked again, searched for a right souvenir for his parents.

“Me? Or the teddy bear?” Jieun asked and poked his back with the teddy bear.

“You,” Peniel stopped and looked at her. Jieun blushed and laughed. Peniel joined in and continued, “Just kidding. The teddy bear, of course,” he pinched her cheek and walked again.

“I knew it!” Jieun said. “Let’s buy this. One for you, and one for me,”

“Are you going to buy it for me?”


“Okay then so I’m not going to buy it,”

“Okay, okay. I’ll pay for you. Happy now?” Jieun pouted and Peniel laughed. He took a mug with a teddy bear picture and brought it to the cashier. Jieun followed him to the cashier.

“Is that for your sister?” Jieun asked when she looked at the mug Peniel brought.

“Hell no. She could buy it by herself. It’s for my mom,” Peniel said and took out his wallet.

“It’s 5000 won. Anything else, Sir?” the cashier asked and put the mug on a plastic bag with brown text of ‘Teddy Bear Shop’ on it.

“Yeah. This one too, please,” Peniel took the prince and princess teddy bear from Jieun’s hands and gave it to the cashier lady. Jieun stared at him and he grinned. “You’re welcome,” he said and patted Jieun’s head.

“Here,” Peniel pulled out the princess teddy bear from the bag and gave it to Jieun. She smiled and thanked him. He smiled back and looked out the window. They were on their way back to the hotel. It was almost 7 p.m. though, so they have to go back.

“Where are you going tomorrow?” Peniel suddenly asked.

“I don’t know. How about you?” Jieun asked back.

“Somewhere. You coming?” Peniel asked again and Jieun nodded.

“Sure,” she said. “I don’t know where should I go.”

“Okay,” Peniel went off the cab and waited for Jieun to went off as well. They seperated and walked towards their room. Jieun unlocked her room’s door and went in. She laid on her bed and a happy smile appeared on her beautiful face. She was so happy at that time. Even though her feet hurts, she was having so much fun with Peniel. She took the lady teddy bear and hugged it tight. After that, she decided to washed up and went off to bed.

Thank you, Peniel. She tought and smiled.


HEY GUYS! sorry for the late update :( i'm really sorry :( i went somewhere from last thursday and just got home last night :(

anyway, please enjoy this quite romantic scenes between Peniel and Jieun. DON'T FORGET TO SUBSCRIBE! :* adios!

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almaptrrnta #1
Chapter 16: Nice story, please update soon
Nice story ^^
Chapter 16: minhyukxiu pls. :^
Chapter 16: wow, you're back. Long to see you.
I feel very sad feeling when reading this chapter, perhaps because MinHyuk, poor him, always sad T.T
Chapter 15: minhyukiuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu
Chapter 15: poor Jieun T.T
Aisss Peniel, how can you????
Thank good MinHyuk save her...
The true I still want PenielU
But I hope Jieun'll give MinHyuk a change, then Peniel will envy and regret :))
Chapter 14: Sooo Saddd, But alright, I can wait for you.
Good luck with your other ff and study ^^~~
Chapter 13: NOOOOOOOOOOOOO..Σ( ° △ °|||)︴
My heart </3
Ahhh Hate u author T.T
Chapter 12: omo, Peniel has a crush on herrrrr yeah!!! FINALLY.... ♥♥♥♥♥