Bittersweet High School

November was the month for Leeteuk and Sora’s wedding. It should be in September or October, but since Leeteuk had some work that time, they decided to postpone it to November. Jieun, Juniel and BtoB were all invited to the wedding. Although only Jieun that meet him frequently, Leeteuk still invite her friends, too. The wedding was held right two weeks before Minhyuk’s birthday, that was in 15th November.

That night, Jieun called Peniel, asking for a ride. But unfortunately, Peniel couldn’t pick her up because he had to pick Jessica instead. She called Minhyuk, but he had to pick Yoona, too. Truth to be told, Jieun was a bit disappointed. She was going to go with the bus but riding a bus with a grand dress wasn’t a good idea. She needed  another ride. Juniel? Of course, she was with Sungjae. The last hope was Changsub, Hyunsik, Eunkwang and Ilhoon. She called them and as expected, a silver van came right fifteen minutes later.

“You look great, nuna,” Ilhoon smiled and offered a can of soda. She took it nicely and smiled brightly before she thanked hm. The purple dress she was wearing was her birthday present from her dad last year. The color was just fit to her milky white skin. Actually, she wasn’t comfortable with it because it showed too much part of her upper body and legs, and it was her first time using it. Jieun kept rubbing her arms when the chill air in the car brushed her bare shoulders.

“Here,” Changsub said as he hand her a brown blanket.

“Thanks,” she bowed lightly and covered herself with the blanket. It was pretty big, so it covered some part of her legs, too. Especially her exposed tights.

As they arrived at the place, the five of them hopped out from the car and walked in together. Jieun took a last look on her make up through her phone and brushed her skirt to make it look better. Once she was ready, she walked in elegantly. It was like she had four bodyguards with her. Which was, of course, Hyunsik, Eunkwang, Changsub and Ilhoon. Even though she wore a six-centimeters high heels, the boys were still a bit taller than her. They waited for the three couples to come patiently. Six of them were trapped by Seoul night traffic. It took them almost twenty minutes until they finally arrived at the wedding place.

Unexpectedly, they all came hand in hand, two by two, like real couples. Well, actually one of them were real couple, but Jieun never thought Minhyuk would be that close with a girl beside her and Juniel. Yoona and Jessica greeted the others politely while Juniel ran to Jieun and commenting about each other’s appearance. Juniel was wearing plain white and pink casual dress with black, small purse. Both of them were stunning with their beautifulness and cuteness. But there were two other ladies that were more stunning. They were tall and white, with long, skinny legs and of course, beautiful faces.

All eyes were on them. Jessica, who was wearing a soft cream dress, looked like a beautiful barbie with blonde hair. On the other hand, Yoona looked perfectly elegant in black, knee-length dress. It was the first time Jessica and Yoona met each other. They talked for a while before joining Juniel and Jieun. The boys with suits were having a chit-chat while sipping the juice they took a while ago. A few minutes later, they decided to meet the bride and the groom. They both looked gorgeous in white.

“Congratulation, oppa and eonni!” Jieun hugged Leeteuk slightly and then shook her hand with Sora.

“You must be Jieun, right?” Sora smiled brightly as Jieun nodded. “Leeteuk told me a lot about you.”

“Really? Hahaha! Oh yeah, these are my friends. Juniel, Sungjae, Peniel, Jessica, Minhyuk, the one with the car accident, Yoona, Eunkwang, Changsub, Hyunsik, and the last one, Ilhoon,” the pack shook their hands with Sora when Jieun called out their names.

“Nice to meet you guys! Please enjoy the foods and drinks!” Sora pointed to the food stalls as Leeteuk wrapped his arm around her waist. The fresh husband and wife were so sweet, since they had been together for years. Jieun and the others congratulated them for the last time before leaving to eat.

The couples-PenJess, MinYoon, SungJun- seperated and left Jieun with the others behind. Now she was with her bodyguards again. She could see from the end of her eye that Juniel and Sungjae were linking their arms, Peniel and Jessica were wrapping their arms around each other’s waists, while Minhyuk and Yoona, the fresh couple, were walking hand in hand. A part of Jieun was jealous and envious. But she was happy, too. She was glad Minhyuk and Peniel finally found their soulmates, and their girls had really beautiful faces with nice bodies. What a jackpot. Her heart scratched a bit when she saw Peniel and Jessica fed each other romanticly. She shared eye contact with Peniel for a moment before someone accidentally bumped into Jieun and spilled a glass of wine to her dress.

 “I’m so sorry! I’m so so sorry!” the man apologized and bowed to Jieun. He was the one who was in charge for the foods there, and he ran away after he messed Jieun up, before his boss fired him. She was in total mess and was absolutely embarrassed. It left a big, purple mark on her precious dress. Everyone was staring at her. She was still stunned and stayed where she was without moving even a bit.

“Do you want to go home or stay here?” Peniel asked. He ran to her right after the disaster happened. Minhyuk and the other boys were nowhere to be found.

“I want to go home,” she answered. Her voice cracked. “But I don’t know where is Eunkwang and the other boys.”

 “I’ll send you home,” Peniel said before Jieun took her first step of going out from the building. For a second he forgot that he came there with his girlfriend. But Jieun was the most important thing that time. He took off his suit directly and wrapped it around Jieun. Jessica who was standing behind Peniel, amazed with his manly action. In fact, she wasn’t happy at all. If this disaster didn’t happened, she must be having happy moments with Peniel. She really hated the catering guy so much. Not because he ruined Jieun’s dress, but because he indirectly ruined her moments with Peniel.

“What about me?” she suddenly asked. She knew it was an inappropriate action, because her boyfriend was doing wise things, but it made her mood broke into pieces.

“You should stay here with Jessica. I’ll be fine,” Jieun smiled to Peniel as she sobbed. She tightened the suit around her and took her step to the ball’s exit. He was going to chase after her, but unexpectedly, Jessica stop him and said that she was going to be fine. Peniel didn’t have any choice. He didn’t want his girlfriend to be sad. But he texted Minhyuk directly.


Jieun sat alone the bus stop with Peniel’s suit around her and her high heels on her right hand. Yes, she walked with ruined dress and she was barefoot. Her pinkie toes turned red because she had been walking so far with high heels. Everyone that passed through her stared at her weirdly because her eyes got swollen since she cried too much, too. Cars and buses passed by, but she didn’t make any move. She didn’t know what to do. She wanted to go home but to be honest, she didn’t know her way home. She was too stupid to left the others behind. She should have waited for them. She should have try accept the reality. But it was too late. It was impossible to walk back to the ball again. She was even more desperate when her phone shut down because there was no battery left.

After fifteen minutes of thinking, she decided to walk again. She didn’t know where she was going. All she did was walk and walk through the dark street. It was too late at night for people to walk through the streets. No more cars passed by. Jieun didn’t know what time was it, but she was sure it was midnight. It was starting to feel creepy as she subconsciously fastened her pace even though her leg hurt. Images of ghosts, monsters and blood vampires flew through her mind as she looked around her nervously.

“Hey there, cutie,” a tall man suddenly appeared in front of her. It took Jieun a few moments before she realized that the true monsters weren't only appear in dramas. He was holding a bottle of beer in his grubby hands and it was obvious that the guy was drunk. Jieun stepped back when he approached her with suggestive smile on his face.

“G-get away from me,” she hissed as she tried to make a strong-girl face. She always carried a pepper spray in case something like this happened. But she didn’t bring it to a wedding party. She never thought something like this would happen when Jieun didn’t bring any weapon. There were only cellphone and a lipgloss on her purse.

"Quit trying to act tough, girls should be obedient," he said as Jieun kept on stepping backward before she felt wide chest on his back.

This can’t be... she slowly looked to her back whose chest was that. She hoped it was Peniel’s or Minhyuk’s or anyone she knew. But the only thing she found out was there were two drunk men surrounding her in the middle of the night.

“Hello, sweetheart,” the new guy said. His breath smelled absolutely stinks that made Jieun almost throw up. Her heart was practically beating right out of her chest. She knew even if she shout for help, no one would came up. Like hello, it was midnight and everyone must be asleep.

"Leave me alone!" tears of started to slide down her face as she swallowed in fear. She loose her grip of her purse and high heels. One of the men had actually wrapped his dirty hand around her waist and the other was attempting to take her suit off. She tried her best to push them away but they were much stronger than her.

"S-stop it!" the girl gasped as hands traveled up her waist dangerously towards her chest. She tried to push those hands away, but her hands were shaking and she was trembling. She had no strength anymore. The strong Jieun was gone.

She shut her eyes tight and thought that that day was the last day of her life before another guy showed up between Jieun and the men. This one was the good guy. He pulled the guy away from Jieun and punched him on his face directly which was caused him to fell to the hard ground.

“What the f-” another punch was given to his ugly face. The other bad guy approached them and tried to throw a bottle of beer to the good guy’s head before the he stood up and landed a powerful kick right on his stomach. The two of them were laying on the ground helplessly. They tried to get up but the good guy started to punch and kick them again.

“Get gone before I call the police,” he said. The voice was really familiar to Jieun. His voice got deeper than usual. He sounded like he was really, really angry as if someone tried to steal his precious thing away. Well, Jieun was his precious thing. The drunk men got up and ran away directly.

“Minhyuk...” she kept on staring to the ground. Her mind was still progressing what was just happened. Yes, the good guy was Minhyuk. She could feel her body shaking because she was still in total shock.

“Are you crazy?!” Minhyuk shouted. “Peniel told me that you left the party alone. I went to your apartment but your dad said that you haven’t got home yet. Do you know how worry I am?!”

“I-I’m sorry..” tears started to slide down her gorgeous face again. That time, Minhyuk regretted what he just said. He was just really worry about Jieun. He left Yoona with the other boys and told them to send her home. He called Jieun thousands of times but all he got as an answer was voicemails. He drove around the city to search for Jieun, and when he found her, he saw her with ert, drunk men.

Minhyuk pulled her into his arms tightly as he rubbed her shoulders soothingly. He could feel his shirt got wet with her tears. “I’m the one who needs to apologize. I’m sorry, Jieun. I should have been there beside you before that stupid guy could even spill the wine on your dress.”

Jieun didn’t say anything. She was still sobbing on Minhyuk’s chest. He just realized how scared she was when he felt her body shaking. Her teeth chattered uncontrollably as her entire frame vibrated.

“I’m sorry, Jieun. I’m really sorry,” he whispered as he tightened his grip around the girl. She took a deep breath and tried to calm herself down.

“I’m scared...” she murmured. The night breeze brushed Jieun’s cold, bare legs and made her shake even more. The beginning of November got colder than last year.

“You’re safe now, Jieun,” Minhyuk leaned down to plant a kiss on top of her head as he her hair gently. When she started to feel better, she pulled away slowly as Minhyuk lead her to his car. That night, Minhyuk told himself that his heart was only for Jieun. He even left Yoona behind with the others. He felt guilty for her. But his worry about Jieun won over the guilty feeling.

Minhyuk drove his car to his apartment. He wanted to look after for Jieun since she was still in shock. Along the way, both of them didn’t say a word. She looked out the window, enjoying the night view, even though there weren’t much beside street lights and bright stars.

“Thank you,” she finally said. Minhyuk looked at her and smiled, although she was still looking away.

“You’re welcome,” he her hair once more before placing back his hand to the steer. His heart fluttered. He just saved her loved one’s life and he was surely proud of himself. There was nothing to worry about because Jieun was save now. All he need to do was calm her down and protect her with love.


They arrived at Minhyuk’s apartment thirty minutes later. The man gently led Jieun into the apartment and she sank down on the couch. He poured a glass of water and handed it to her as he sat beside. She drank it all and stared at the empty air.

“Jieun,” he rubbed her cold hand carefully. She looked at him with pale face. Half of her soul weren’t there. She wasn’t even feel like she’s alive. “ Are you okay now?” Jieun nodded and smiled. Minhyuk looked down to her dress and her black feet because of walking too far without any shoes. It was 2 a.m. in the morning, which was slightly impossible to take a cold shower.

“I’m going to take hot shower,” she said as she got up from the couch. “Can I...” she paused. “Borrow your cloth? I’ll turn it back to you as soon as I can.” She acted like it was her first time going to his place. She had been there hundreds of times and that made her felt like it was her second home. But not that day. She was too afraid. She was in trauma.

“Yeah, sure,” he jogged to his room and came back to Jieun with a white t-shirt and short pants on his hand. It didn’t took him much time to choose because he had placed his small clothes on one side of his closet. He didn’t throw it away because he knew there must be a day when Jieun came to his house and borrowed his clothes. Jieun thanked him as she took off Peniel’s suit and walked to the bathroom lifelessly.

She spent almost half an hour there, inside the bathroom. She was still find it disgusting when she remembered about that those ert guys who touched her body, and that made her shower took even longer. Jieun didn’t like being touched. Especially with the person she didn’t know. Everybody hated being touched with the guy they didn’t know. But being touched with a drunk guy was even more worst. Jieun snapped out from her thoughts once more when she heard knocks on the door.

“Jieun, are you done?” Minhyuk had been asking this question every ten minutes.

“Five more minutes!” and that was her answer for those questions. Five minutes, she said. But she didn’t came out until twenty minutes later. Minhyuk almost fell asleep on the couch, waiting for her. He had done with changing his clothes, cooking a bowl of ramen for Jieun, and cleaning his bed for Jieun.

When Jieun finally walked out after an hour of showering, she saw Minhyuk falling asleep on the couch. Her heart was touched. She just realized that he was just being very, very kind to her since they were little. He was always there when Jieun was at the lowest. She leaned down to Minhyuk and stared at him for a few seconds before her wet hair accidentally brush his peaceful, sleeping face. He frowned and opened his eyes slowly.

“Oh, you’ve done?” half-awake Minhyuk sat up and scratched his head. She nodded in reply.

“I’m sorry I woke you up, oppa,” she regretted and sat next to him.

“It’s okay. Much better now?”

“Yeah,” she nodded again.

“I made ramen for you. Eat it first before you go to sleep. You must be so hungry. Peniel told me that you haven’t eat much at the wedding,” he the tv and watched their favorite programme, Running Man. Jieun walked towards the kitchen and took the bowl of cold ramen to the living room. She handed up her chopsticks and started eating. Peniel was right. She didn’t eat much there. Her stomach were grumbling around when she walked along the street. But it was obviously gone when she met the crazy people.

“Thank you so much, oppa,” she whispered while eating her ramen. She didn’t hear any answer. She looked back at Minhyuk and found him deep in his sleep. She walked to his room to take a blanket and placed it around him before she continued eating and go to sleep right after she finished it.

A/N: YAAAAAAAAAAAAAY I MADE IT GUYS. Told you it was short chapter at first. But I decided to continue it. It took me hours to change a 800-words-chapter to a 3000-words-chapter. I hope you like this ff, and I'm sorry if there are so many wrong grammars, because I didn't read it back. And I'm sorry if I misplaced his become her or her become his. I did that mistake thousands of times. PLEASE FORGIVE ME! hahaha! I hope you enjoy this ff and I'll update as soon as I can~ much love for you guys! <3


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almaptrrnta #1
Chapter 16: Nice story, please update soon
Nice story ^^
Chapter 16: minhyukxiu pls. :^
Chapter 16: wow, you're back. Long to see you.
I feel very sad feeling when reading this chapter, perhaps because MinHyuk, poor him, always sad T.T
Chapter 15: minhyukiuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu
Chapter 15: poor Jieun T.T
Aisss Peniel, how can you????
Thank good MinHyuk save her...
The true I still want PenielU
But I hope Jieun'll give MinHyuk a change, then Peniel will envy and regret :))
Chapter 14: Sooo Saddd, But alright, I can wait for you.
Good luck with your other ff and study ^^~~
Chapter 13: NOOOOOOOOOOOOO..Σ( ° △ °|||)︴
My heart </3
Ahhh Hate u author T.T
Chapter 12: omo, Peniel has a crush on herrrrr yeah!!! FINALLY.... ♥♥♥♥♥