Bittersweet High School

“Excuse me, can you please tell me where Lee Minhyuk is?! He was here because of car accident about two hours ago,” Jieun seemed panick. She was laying on her bed when her phone rang. It was from Minhyuk, but what she heard was not his voice. It was men’s voice who told her that Minhyuk was crashed by a truck and his head was bumped into the steering wheel. That man called Jieun because she was the last person Minhyuk called. Jieun jumped from her bed and rushed to the hospital. She arrived 2 hours after the accident because of the traffic.

When the nurse checked her computer to find where Minhyuk is, a doctor came to Jieun. “Are you Mr. Lee Minhyuk’s relative?” the doctor asked. Jieun’s eyes widened and nodded a couple of times.

“Okay, I’ll tell you first. Minhyuk is in the ICU. He did a surgery for his head and gladly it was successful. He lost large amount of blood but we can handle it. We have transfused him blood and he’s getting better now,” the doctor explained and Jieun reliefed. “But, he’s in coma.” Jieun startled and the doctor patted her shoulder. He knew that Jieun was really hurt.

“C-can I meet him up now?” Jieun asked slowly as her tears started to came out.

“I’m sorry but I don’t think you could,” he said. “I know you’re worry about him. But you’re still panick. I’m afraid you will hurt much more when you see him. I..I’m so sorry.”

“Please...” Jieun begged and the doctor sighed.

“Okay. Follow me.” The doctor walked along the hall and led her to the ICU. He stopped in front of the door and opened it carefully. Minhyuk was there, laying on his bed. A tank of oxygen was standing next to his bed, and a small tube plugged into a mask that he wore. His head was bandaged. Jieun cried and sobbed. The doctor who was standing in front of her patted her shoulder and led her out from the room. He knew it would be like this.

“Calm down,” the doctor said and rubbed Jieun’s back. He gave her a bottle of orange juice that he bought and decided to accompany her until Minhyuk’s other relatives came. “What is your name?”

Jieun sobbed and answered, “Jieun. Lee Jieun.”

“Are you his sister?”

“No, I’m not. I’m his close friend.”

“Minhyuk is going to be better soon. Believe me.”

“I know. He’s a tough guy. I... I shouldn’t have asked him to drove me home... It’s all because of me...” Jieun started to cry again. The doctor can’t help but hugged her lightly. He patted her back and let her tears flow to his shirt.

“No, it’s not your fault, Jieun,” he tried to make her calm down, but she cried even louder.

“Jieun!” Juniel shouted from the end of the hall and ran to her. Sungjae, Peniel and Jessica followed behind her. Jieun stood up and hugged Juniel tight. Peniel walked towards the doctor and asked about Minhyuk. The doctor explained everything to him and he sighed.

“I’m going first,” the doctor said and walked away. Jieun let go off Juniel’s hug and ran towards him.

“Wait, doc!” the doctor looked back and smiled.


“T-thank you,” Jieun smiled back.

“You’re welcome,” he answered and patted her head. “Anyway, just call me Leeteuk.”

Leeteuk left her and she walked back to her friends. They were there because Minhyuk’s parents called Juniel to come to the hospital. His parents were at Busan and were going to go back as soon as possible. Juniel called the others and rushed to the hospital.

“Jieun nuna, are you okay? You look so pale,” Sungjae asked.

“I-I’m fine.”

“Have you eaten?” Peniel asked, looked worried.

“I... I haven’t.”

“WHY DON’T YOU EAT?! YOU’RE SO STUPID!” Peniel hold Jieun’s shoulder and shook it a couple of times.

“I forgot, okay. I was so panicked... I... I know I’m so stupid. I shouldn’t have ask Minhyuk to drop me off...” she said and her beautiful face was wet again. Juniel glared at Peniel as Jieun started to cry again.

“I-I’m sorry, Jieun. I didn’t mean to make you sad...” Peniel looked sorry and rubbed Jieun’s back. It didn’t work. She was still crying though, and Juniel was still trying to make her calm down. She was really hurt too, but she knew that Jieun felt even sadder than her.

Jieun let go off her best friend’s hug and sobbed. “I-I’m okay, guys. You can go home... if you want to.” said Jieun. She wiped her tears and smiled, showing that she was okay.

“Yeah, I gotta go now. I have so many things to do right now. I’m really busy,” Jessica suddenly said. Everyone was shocked, even Peniel was shock too.  She grabbed his hand and pulled him away from his friends. She was so rough.

“Jessica! Wait!” Peniel tried to stop her.

“Come on! We need to be hurry! The party is on soon!”

“I AM STAYING HERE!” Peniel shouted and Jessica stopped her steps. “I am staying here. With Jieun, and the others.” He repeated.

“O-okay...” as soon as she said that, Peniel pushed her hand slowly and she looked shock. “I-I’m sorry...” Jessica said and looked down to the ground. As she walked away, Peniel walked back to the others.

“Why don’t you come with her?” Jieun asked.

“No, no. It’s okay,” Peniel said and showed off his angelic smile and successfully made Jieun’s heart melted (again) as her cheeks slowly transforming into chubby, red tomatoes. The four of them were having a chit-chat for about an hour until they start to feel sleepy. Juniel yawned a couple of times and so did Jieun.

“Are you sleepy?” Peniel asked. Not really sure it was for Jieun, Juniel or Sungjae.

“I am, hyung,” Sungjae grabbed Peniel’s arm and act like he overslept on his best friend’s shoulder. Peniel pushed him away and everybody cracked up. “It hurts!”

“Don’t care,” Peniel replied and laughed when Sungjae pouted in front of him. “STOP IT! YOU LOOK UGLY!” Peniel shut his eyes and tried to push Sungjae’s face away. Jieun cracked up but suddenly remembered of Minhyuk. She used to do that with Juniel and Minhyuk, too. Joking around, laughing together, sometimes Jieun missed those moment. Jieun’s happy face turned into red, sad face. She was going to cry again but stopped when someone hugged her tight, really tight. She felt warm and save. Of course, it was Peniel’s hug. She burried her face on his chest and started to cry again.

“It’s okay, it’s okay. I’m here,” Peniel whispered on her ear and her long, brown hair. “We need to pray for him. You know everything’s gonna be okay. It’s not your fault, it’s not his fault too. God planned all this to make you feel stronger, Jieun.”

“Thank you, Peniel,” Jieun sobbed and pulled body away. Peniel stared at her face and hit her cheecks with both hands. Jieun’s eyes widened because she was thinking of something else. You know. Her dream in Jeju.

“Oh my God! You look horrible! Where is my pretty Jieun?! Where is Jieun’s pretty smile?!” Jieun chuckled and smiled a bit. “Oh come on, my Jieun always show her bright smile!”

“Stop it. You look like an idiot,” Jieun hit his head, chuckled, sobbed and smiled. Peniel smiled back and ruffled her hair.

“Wash your face. You look more like an idiot.” Jieun pouted, stood up and jogged to the restroom. She saw her reflection and stared for a sec.

I look horrible. She thought. Jieun had been crying for many hours, so her eyes were red and swollen. She brushed her face with fresh water and her mind was full of Peniel.

I am the luckiest girl in this world. Gosh, Peniel. I wish you could be my boyfriend. Or maybe my future husband?

“Jieun, what took you so long?” Jieun threw away her thought as Juniel patted her right shoulder. “You were gone like ten minutes.” Jieun jumped and her eyes were as big as an egg.


“Of course not. I followed you here and you were smiling by yourself even though there’s no one here, just you and me.”

“You little liar,” Jieun splashed some water to Juniel and Juniel did a revegne.

“What were you thinking about?” Juniel asked and washed her hands.


“Let me guess,” she said and stared at Jieun with a serious look. “Peniel?”

“H-how do you know?” Jieun blushed.

“I know everything. Do you like him?”

“Well d’oh of course I do. He’s adorable.”

“But, how about...” Juniel paused and shut . She was going to say ‘Minhyuk’, anyway. But she knew she would ruined everything.

“About what?” Jieun looked puzzled.

“Nothing. Let’s go,” Juniel said and walked out from the rest room.

What was she talking about? Jieun thought and followed Juniel.

“There you go, my pretty Jieun is back!” Peniel said and stretched out his hands for a hug, but Jieun pushed it and sat next to him. He looked embarassed but he didn’t gave up. He embraced Jieun with both hands and placed his head on her left shoulder. Jieun didn’t do anything for about ten seconds, but then she patted his head and his hair.

“Such a baby,” Jieun whispered and placed her chin on top of his head.

“Whatever,” Peniel chuckled.

“New couple?” Sungjae laughed and poked Jieun and Peniel.

“We’re not couple,” they answered simultaneously but they didn’t move a bit.

“Okay, then. We’re going home first. Bye-bye, Juniel! Juniel stands for Jieun and Peniel couple,” Juniel laughed by herself and the others joined in. Sungjae gave her a warm hug, waved to JuNiel couple and walked together through the hallway, left the others behind. Juniel lived in her boyfriend’s apartment since her parents were in Thailand, working for their company.

Peniel released Jieun from his hug, stood up and stretched out his hands. After ten-seconds-of-stretching-up, he said to Jieun, “Let’s go.”


“Waiting room for patient’s relatives,” he held out his hand and she took it. They walked together to a large , empty room with five sofabeds with different colors. There were a pair of TVs and two pairs of windows. Jieun walked towards a red-and-black sofabed at a corner of the waiting room.

“I’m tired,” she said and laid on the sofa, but Peniel pulled her up. At first, she was confused. She was going to take a rest and Peniel pulled her up. But she threw away her negative thoughts when Peniel transformed it into a bed in a few seconds. Jieun’s jaws dropped and smiled happily. She didn’t knew it was sofabed. Peniel placed the pillows back and laid down with Jieun. She sighed heavily and shut her eyes. It was a super tiring day for her. She was back from Jeju in the morning, and in the evening, she went to the beach party with her friends, and at night she was waiting for Minhyuk to woke up. “I’m tired.” She repeated.

“I know. Go to sleep then,” Peniel answered and shut his eyes too.

“I can’t. What time is it? I forgot to bring my phone.”

“Almost 1.”

Jieun sighed. “Are you sleepy?”

“Not really.”


“Okay,” Peniel answered.

A couple of seconds later, Jieun asked, “How’s your relationship with Jessica?”

“We’re not in relationship, Jieun.”

“Oh really?” Jieun asked and Peniel nodded. Jieun reliefed and smiled a little, making sure that Peniel didn’t see her happy smile. Peniel and Jieun’s conversation last for about an hour before Jieun overslept. They were talking about their childhood, their funny moments, the differences living in Chicago and Seoul, and everything. Jieun knew Peniel very well since that night. She knew that hd loved to eat everything, hd loved to wear snapbacks, hd could play American football, and he could play guitar and bass as well.

“She must be very tired,” he stared at Jieun’s peaceful face and smiled. He got up, took off his leather jacket, and placed it above Jieun’s body. “Have a nice dream.”


It’s been two weeks since Minhyuk’s car accident, but Minhyuk hasn’t woken up, yet. Jieun was the only one that waited for him every day, every time, no matter what happened. She didn’t come to school for 3 days before Peniel told him that Minhyuk is going to be sad if she didn’t study because of him. Everyday after school, Jieun visited Minhyuk and met Minhyuk’s handsome doctor, Leeteuk.

“How’s life?” Leeteuk asked. He laid back to his working chair and took a sip of his hot cappuccino.

“Not really good. Science test next Monday and I haven’t even opened my book. Science . Especially Biology,” she complained.

“Biology is fun, you know.”


“Hey, I can help you. I’ll teach you,” he offered.

“Good idea. Starting from tomorrow? After school? 5p.m.?”

“Sure,” he agreed. Jieun chewed her chocolate bread and grinned. “What?” he asked.

“I wanna ask something,” she said and cupped her chin on her left hand. “Do you have a girlfriend?” Leeteuk choked and coughed. He hit his chest with both hands like a gorilla.

“Um.. yes..” he answered.

“How does it feel?”

“What feel?” he looked puzzled.

“Falling in love,” she answered.

“Please don’t tell me that you’ve never been in love.”

“Okay, I’m not gonna tell you, but that’s the fact.” Leeteuk stared at her for a few seconds. “What?” she asked.


“Well.. nope, and that sounds scary,” she answered calmly as Leeteuk did a mega-face-palm and hit his head on his table. “Do you want to share your story about your first love?” Jieun asked.

“No w- okay... where should i start,”

“From the beginning, of course,” she answered and he glared.

“So, her name is Sora. We met at the first day of high school. It was a bright, sunny morning, when she fell in front of me. Her long, brown hair covered her face, so at first I didn’t know that she has a really beautiful face. At that time, her feet started to bleed. I was so panicked so I carried her in bridal style and ran to the infirmary. I told her to sit down and I searched for the first aid kit. I took a bottle of antiseptic with a wet cotton and carried it to her. I kneeled down and cleaned her feet with the wet cotton. She hissed and hold my shoulders. I looked up to say sorry, and I saw her angelic face. I stared at her for a moment and felt that flip-flop stomach moment. I poured some anticeptic, stood up, and introduced myself. She shook my hand and introduced herself as well. Even her hand was beautiful and soft. First love, fist sight. Best moment ever. Like 5 months later, I asked her to be my girlfriend and she said yes. And the most important thing is, we’re still together until today,” Jieun’s jaws dropped when he said the last sentence. “Tomorrow we’re going to celebrate our 10th years anniversary and next month we’re going to get married. Here’s the photos of us,” Leeteuk showed her a pair of frames with pre-wedding photos on it.


“Wow,” Jieun was speechless. “She’s so pretty,” she said and he nodded. She learned a lot about love from Leeteuk at that day. “Wait... I think I’m in love with my friend...”

“Finally. Let me guess,” Leeteuk answered. “One of your classmates?”

“...yeah. How do you know?”

“Guessing?” he said. Jieun told him everything about her first love, Peniel. But of course, she didn’t say that it was Peniel. She told him that it was Mr. P, because Leeteuk met him almost everyday, since he always visited Minhyuk too.


The next day after school, Jieun took a bus to the hospital as usual. When she was about to went in the bus, Changsub and Hyunsik ran to her and said that they’ll accompany her because they wanted to visit Minhyuk too. So they went to the hospital together.

“Where’s the others? Aren’t they coming with us?” Jieun asked while she was walking to Minhyuk’s room. From 3 to 5 and 7 to 9 were visiting hour, so they could get in to the ICU.

“They’ll come tonight,” Hyunsik said and slide Minhyuk’s room’s door. When both of them saw Minhyuk, their tears started to fall. His head was still bandaged. Leeteuk said that he’ll take it off when Minhyuk woke up. Changsub walked towards Minhyuk and stared at his beloved brother in disbelief. Hyunsik can’t help but cried really hard. Jieun walked Hyunsik out of the room, leaving Changsub and Minhyuk behind. Changsub was staring at Minhyuk for about ten minutes long, because he couldn’t believe that his beloved hyung is in coma. He went out from the room with wet face and swollen eyes because of crying too much. Hyunsik was still crying, though. Their cry last for about fifteen minutes before they decided to go home. After the two of them disappeared from the hospital, Jieun went to Leeteuk’s office for private study. She knocked on the door, opened the door, and walked towards a chair across to him.

“Here,” she said and placed her Biology book on his desk. She opened it and showed Leeteuk whick chapter should she learn for the test.

“Excretion?” Leeteuk asked and turned its pages.

“Yeah, kidney and its friends,” she answered. Leeteuk nodded and started to explain everything about liver, kidneys, lungs, and skin. Although he had repeated it for many times, Jieun was still blank. “Tubule what?”

“Proximal convoluted tubule, Jieun. Concentrate,” Leeteuk explained again and again until a nurse came in.

“Jieun, your friends are here,” she said. Jieun stood up and walked towards the door.

“I’ll be right back,” she said and left. “Hey guys!” she greeted when she saw Eunkwang, Hyunsik, Changsub and Ilhoon. “Where’s Peniel and Sungjae?”

“You know. Seoul traffic,” Ilhoon rolled his eyes and Jieun nodded.

“Okay, I’ll show you the way to Minhyuk oppa’s room and I’ll leave you guys. I’m quite busy studying right now,” she explained with a cheesy chuckle. She walked through the hallway, stopped in front of Minhyuk’s room, and sighed when she remembered the day when Minhyuk drove her home. “Bye, guys!” she left the others and jogged to Leeteuk’s office.

“Aaaand, I’m back,” Jieun said as she peeked through the door. She walked and sat down right where she was about ten minutes ago. Leeteuk opened up the book and explained it again for the fifteenth time. Right an hour later, after the twentieth time of repeating, Jieun said a long ‘Ooh’. Leeteuk relieved and asked her questions about what she had learned and she answered it really well.

“There you go. I’m sure you’ll pass the test,” he said with his thumbs up in the air. When Jieun was about to reply, someone knocked on the door harshly and a nurse came in with a panick face.

“Doc!! Minhyuk... Minhyuk...” she said, shivering.

“What happened to Minhyuk?” Jieun stood up instantly.

“He... he had just woken up!!!” the nurse said. Leeteuk rushed to Minhyuk’s room and so did Jieun. When they arrived at the room, all BtoB members was there. “I-I’m sorry. He woke up about twenty minutes ago and I didn’t know where were you, doc. I’m really sorry,” the nurse said.

“It’s okay,” Leeteuk answered and jogged towards Minhyuk.

“Oppa! Are you okay now?! Does it still hurt?!” Jieun asked and hold his shoulders.

“Not really,” Minhyuk said calmly. “My head still hurt a bit. But I can handle it.”

“Glad to hear that. I’m going to take off your bandage tomorrow, and maybe you can go home three days from today,” Leeteuk explained.

“Did you hear that, oppa?! We’re going home!” Jieun said excitedly.

“Yeah, but...” Minhyuk paused. “Who are you?”

Jieun was frozen.


HOLA AMIGOOOSSSSS!!! sevendadoong is here. sorry for late update. i was having a busy week. i wrote this chapter on a piece of paper when i was having a test LOL what a bad student. actually i updated this at friday, but i think there was something wrong with aff, so this chapter was like a paragraph long. but now it's back to normal! so i re-update this chapter. and one thing, i added some photos on this chapter. HAHAHA. oh yeah one more, in this chapter, Jieun cried and then laughed and cried and laughed. i don't know why but i was so bipolar. it's kinda nonsense but...yeah....actually she wasn't REALLY REALLY SAD. she was REALLY sad only.


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almaptrrnta #1
Chapter 16: Nice story, please update soon
Nice story ^^
Chapter 16: minhyukxiu pls. :^
Chapter 16: wow, you're back. Long to see you.
I feel very sad feeling when reading this chapter, perhaps because MinHyuk, poor him, always sad T.T
Chapter 15: minhyukiuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu
Chapter 15: poor Jieun T.T
Aisss Peniel, how can you????
Thank good MinHyuk save her...
The true I still want PenielU
But I hope Jieun'll give MinHyuk a change, then Peniel will envy and regret :))
Chapter 14: Sooo Saddd, But alright, I can wait for you.
Good luck with your other ff and study ^^~~
Chapter 13: NOOOOOOOOOOOOO..Σ( ° △ °|||)︴
My heart </3
Ahhh Hate u author T.T
Chapter 12: omo, Peniel has a crush on herrrrr yeah!!! FINALLY.... ♥♥♥♥♥