Bittersweet High School

“Bye, guys!” Jieun said and left Eunkwang, Ilhoon, Changsub and Hyunsik.

“Let’s wait for Peniel and Sungjae first,” Eunkwang said to the others. They sat on a couch in front of Minhyuk’s room. “I’ll call them,” he said and dialed Peniel’s number. Peniel and Sungjae arrived a couple of seconds after Eunkwang called.

“Hey,” Peniel and Sungjae greeted. “Let’s go inside.” He opened the door, walked in and sat on a chair next to Minhyuk’s bed.

“Is he getting better?” asked Changsub.

“Yeah,” Peniel nodded. “The doctor said that maybe he’ll wake up this week. But he’s not really sure, though.”

“Glad to hear that,” said Eunkwang.

“J...Ji....Jieun.....Ji...Jieun-ah.....” Minhyuk mumbled. The other members were shocked and stood up around Minhyuk. “W..where’s Jieun?” he asked weakly.

“She’s in... I don’t know where she is but she’s in this hospital too, hyung,” Hyunsik said. “I’ll search for her,” he continued and jogged towards the door.

“Wait,” Minhyuk said and Hyunsik stopped. “Why am I here? What happened to me?” he asked.

“You were crashed by a huge truck about two weeks ago, and you accidentally hit the steer wheel. Someone brought you here. Doctor said that you weren’t focused on driving at that time,” Sungjae explained.

“Yeah, I was thinking of something,” he said. “I’m thinking of moving on.”

“Moving on from Jieun?” Ilhoon asked and Minhyuk nodded slowly.

“Please help me forget Jieun,” Minhyuk said.

“You can act like you forget about Jieun,” Ilhoon suggested.

“Okay, I’ll call the nurse and tell that you’ve woken up,” Hyunsik said and went out from the room. The nurses came five minutes later and gave Minhyuk a check up. They said that Minhyuk was much better and they’ll call the doctor for more check ups. But the doctor came about fifteen minutes later, with Jieun behind him.

“Oppa! Are you okay now?! Does it still hurt?!” Jieun asked and hold his shoulders.

Jieun... I miss you so much... I want to hug you right now but... I can’t.. I’m glad you’re fine, Jieun. I’m so happy. Minhyuk thought.

“Not really,” Minhyuk said calmly. “My head still hurt a bit. But I can handle it.”

“Glad to hear that. I’m going to take off your bandage tomorrow, and maybe you can go home three days from today,” Leeteuk explained.

“Did you hear that, oppa?! We’re going home!” Jieun said excitedly.

“Yeah, but...” Minhyuk paused. “Who are you?”

I’m sorry, Jieun... I’m sorry... he thought.

Jieun was frozen. Leeteuk was shocked when he knew that Minhyuk lost some of his memory.

“You.. you didn’t recognize her?” Leeteuk asked.


“,” he answered calmly. Jieun fainted and the nurses brought her to the emergency, while Peniel accompanied them.

Jieun....... I’m sorry....... he thought.

“Minhyuk, are you serious? You forgot about Jieun?” Leeteuk was curious. His diagnoses didn’t show that Minhyuk lost his memory, because the accident wasn’t that serious.

“Doc, I was j-”

“Doc, Minhyuk was acting,” Ilhoon said. “This is privacy problem. He remembers everything. Please don’t tell Jieun,” he explained.


“Jieun? Jieun? Can you hear me? Jieun?” Peniel waved his hand in front of her face.

“What happened?” Jieun asked and tried to sat up.

“You fainted at Minhyuk’s room and-”

“He’ll remember me, right? Right, Peniel? Please say yes,” Jieun’s tears started to flow from her gorgeous eyes.

“Yes, Jieun,” Peniel tried to calm her down and hugged her.

“Let’s go to Minhyuk’s room,” she said. Minhyuk was moved out from the ICU because he had woken up.


“Hey,” Jieun said and walked towards Minhyuk. “Do you feel better?”

“Yeah, much better,” Minhyuk answered.

“Glad to hear that,” Jieun said. She was holding her tears from coming out. “So.. hi. I am Lee Jieun. I-I met you 16 years ago, and.... we’re quite close...” she cried.


“N-nice to meet you, Jieun,” Minhyuk answered.

Since that day, Minhyuk act like she forgot about Jieun, and the others also pretended like they didn’t know anything. They felt sorry for Jieun, but it’s the best choice. Jieun met up with Minhyuk everyday. She was trying to make his memory back. They went to their favorite restaurant, their favorite cafe, and many other places. It has been two weeks but Jieun never gave up. Minhyuk felt really, really bad about her. He wanted to say that  he was acting, but he had to move on. Somehow, he thought that he failed. Failed of moving on.

“Hey, Minhyuk oppa,” Jieun said. Minhyuk looked up from his book and smiled. He was reading an English book in a corner of the library, preparing for his test on the next day.

“Hey, Jieun. Have a sit,” Minhyuk patted the carpet and Jieun sat next to him. “What’s up?”

“Do you have any schedule after school?” she asked as Minhyuk shook his head. “Let’s go to a playground.”


Jieun and Minhyuk took a bus to the playground. Jieun invited Minhyuk there because they used to play there with Juniel, when they were little. The playground was near to their houses. So they played there almost everyday, but after they went to high school, they’ve never been there anymore.

Our favorite playground. Minhyuk thought as they went off from the bus and walked towards the playground. There were about five children who were playing when Jieun and Minhyuk arrived.

“We’re going to children’s playground?” Minhyuk asked like he didn’t notice that Jieun was trying to make his memory back.

“Yeah, don’t you remember? We used to play here with Juniel, too.”


Jieun sat on a swing and looked around. “Juniel always sits here,” she said while pointing to a swing next to her. “And you, you pushes our swing with full of energy,” she continued. Minhyuk walked towards Jieun’s back and pushed her swing slowly. She hold onto the rope as the wind started to brush her face and her hair.

“Tell me more about you. I just hope my memory about you will be back soon,” Minhyuk said while pushing Jieun’s swing.

“Me? Well, I’m just an ordinary high school girl. I have so many friends that I love. Juniel, Peniel, Ilhoon, Changsub oppa, Hyunsik oppa, Sungjae, Eunkwang oppa, and you,” she said. Minhyuk’s heart ached when she said that she loved him as a friend.

“Tell me a story about us.”

“About us? Hm there are lots of stories about us. But I think the most unforgettable moment was when I was ten. We were having a family vacation to the amusement park with Juniel’s family too. We were so excited back then. I was too excited until I got lost,” she chuckled. “I cried. But suddenly, someone hugged me. And guess what? It was you. I hugged you back and smiled happily. And then you told me that you were lost too. So both of us walked around the amusement park and finally found our families.” Minhyuk smiled. He remembered that perfectly. At that time, he realized that Jieun was lost, so he ran away by himself to find her. And he was lost as well.

Jieun hopped off from the swing and at looked him. “Let’s go,” she said and walked away.

“Where are we going?” he followed her behind.

“Just follow me, oppa.”



“We used to study here,” Jieun said as she walked inside the building.

Right. Our elementary school. Minhyuk thought and followed her. Both of them went to the backyard and walked towards a big, old tree near the playground.

“We used to hang out here. The three of us. We named it the friendship tree. We read books, telling stories, doing homeworks and did everything here. You used to help us doing homeworks since you’re older than us,” she explained and sat under the tree. Minhyuk was about to cry. He showed his back to Jieun as his tears started to flow. “I wish I could turn back time,” she said again.

I wish I could too, Jieun... he thought. He wiped his tears and sat next to Jieun.

“So.. do you have any boyfriend?” he asked and Jieun shook her head. “You like someone?”

“I.. think so,” she answered. Minhyuk’s heart skipped a beat.

“W-who is it?” he could feel his heart pumped faster and faster.


“Yeah?” he was still hoping.



“O-of course,” he was to weak to argue.

I.. I can’t move on.. he thought. A few minutes later, they decided to go. They walked back to the bus station and patiently wait for the bus. The bus station was empty, there were only both of them.

“Oppa,” she said and he hummed. He had no strength to talk. “Do you have a girlfriend?”

“Well, I hope I do,” he answered calmly.

“Do you like someone?” she asked again.

YES, AND IT’S YOU, LEE JIEUN. He shook his head. The bus came and they hoped in. When Jieun walked towards the back side of the bus, she stopped and froze.

“Jieun, why did you st-” Minhyuk stopped when he realized what she saw. He quickly turned her body and he hugged her tight so she can’t see them anymore. What they saw was Peniel and Jessica. And the worst part was when they were kissing in front of Jieun.

“Is that Peniel? A-and Jessica eonni?” she was stunned. Minhyuk was still hugging her because it took a couple of minutes for Jessica to broke the kiss.

“N-no. They’re not them. They just look like Peniel and Jessica, that’s it,” he said. It was a complicated moment for him. He liked Jieun so much, while Jieun liked Peniel so much, and Peniel liked Jessica so much. Minhyuk hugged Jieun until they arrived at their destination. He let her go but still prevent her from looking back. They jumped off the bus and looked at each other.

“They’re not Peniel and Jessica?” she was still curious. Minhyuk shook his head a couple of times and smiled. Actually, he was tired of lying. But it was for his own good, rather than telling the truth to Jieun, her heart would broken and if she cried, it would make Minhyuk hurt even more worst. They walked through the dark and stopped in front of Jieun’s apartment. “See you tomorrow,” she smiled and went in. He remembered the last time he went to Jieun’s apartment, the day with the car accident. It was a really bad day for him. He sighed and walked to his apartment.


“Good morning,” Minhyuk greeted his friends and walked to his classroom. He sat on a chair next to the window, pulled out his books and leaned back to his chair. Eunkwang who sat in front of him turned his body and faced Minhyuk.

“How’s it going?” Eunkwang asked.


“Your mission.”

“What mission?”

“Your mission to forget Jieun, to move on from Jieun,” Eunkwang rolled his eyes.

“Oh, that one. I think I’m failed, hyung.”

“I knew it. Tell me more, tell me more,” he cupped his chin on his right hand and stared at Minhyuk.

“She never stops trying. She never give up to make my memory back, even though I remember her clearly. We met everyday, and that makes me feel bad. I feel sorry for her. And yesterday, she told me that she likes someone else, and it hurts, hyung,” he explained.

“Maybe you have to find another girl,” Eunkwang suggested.

“But Jieun and Juniel are my only girl friends.”

“Don’t you remember that we have a boy who’s popular among girls?” he smirked.

“Good idea. Let’s meet him at lunch,” Minhyuk giggled as Eunkwang showed a thumb up. The bell rang, it was time for the first lesson, which is Math. Mr. Eunhyuk, their Math teacher including their class teacher, walked in and approached the podium. He called attendance and everyone was there.

“Hmm guys, how if we make a farewell party?” Eunhyuk asked.

“Farewell party?” the class chattered.

“Silence!” he hit the podium with his right hand a couple of times and the class was silence. “Yes, a farewell party, since you are going to graduate next June, I was thinking to make a farewell party for all of us,” he continued. “Any idea?”

“Prom party?” a girl suggested.

“Blind date?” another girl suggested.

“Camping?” Changsub suggested.

“Hiking?” another boy suggested.

“Vacation?” it was Hyunsik’s turn.

“4 months of holiday?” everyone cheered.

Eunhyuk hit the table again and the class was silence again. “Let’s just do voting,” he said and wrote the students’ suggestions. “Camping?” all boys raised their hands. Some of them even forced the girls to raise their hands. “Camping, 11. Prom party?” all girls raised their hands excitedly. “Prom party, 11. But we have 23 students here. Minhyuk, what is your choice?” he looked at Minhyuk who was looking out the window. He didn’t really care about the farewell party either. “Lee Minhyuk?” Eunhyuk repeated.

“Yeah?” Minhyuk answered and realized that everyone was staring at him.

“What is your choice? Camping or prom party?” Eunhyuk asked.

“Minhyuk, just choose prom party,” the girls whispered.

“No! Choose camping!” the boys argued, including Changsub and Hyunsik.

“Well,” everyone were anticipating for his answer, because it depended on him. “I think camping is much better.” The boys cheered while the girls were disappointed. Prom night was one of their way to catch boys’ attention. It’s kinda weird but, they were old enough for it.

“Okay, children. We have decided that we are going to go have camping in May,” Eunhyuk said and started his lesson.


The bell rang five minutes earlier. Minhyuk and Eunkwang who were studying History, walked out from their classroom and jogged to class 10. They stood up next to the door and waited for someone. A couple of students bowed lightly to them since they were seniors. Ilhoon walked out from the room and jumped a little when he saw Minhyuk and Eunkwang in front of his class. Sungjae who was just walked out from the class, joined them and stood next to Ilhoon. Both of them were in the same class.

“Ilhoon, we need your help,” the leader said and stared at him

“Why, hyung?” Ilhoon asked. Sungjae was curious so he stared at Eunkwang and Ilhoon.


“So you gave up?” Ilhoon asked as he slurped the bubble tea that Minhyuk bought a couple of minutes before. Minhyuk nodded and took a sip of his hot chocolate.

“You’re quite popular among girls, right. So can you introduce any girl that you think she is perfect for Minhyuk?” Eunkwang asked and took a bite of his vanilla cake.

“Hmm, let me think first,” Ilhoon put down his bubble tea and cupped his chin on both of his hands. “A pink? But even Chorong nuna is younger than him. Yoon Bomi, no. Naeun, she’s too young. How about.... I KNOW HYUNG!” he almost made the other’s heart jumped out from their chests. “It’s Yoona. Im Yoona. She’s perfect for Minhyuk!”

“Really? How old is she?” Sungjae finally asked.

“Exactly the same like Minhyuk hyung. She’s a student in Daeyeong. You know that school, right?” Ilhoon asked as Minhyuk nodded slowly.

“She’s single?” Eunkwang asked.

“Yeah, I think so,” Ilhoon answered. The second bell rang, lunch was over. Sungjae and the others stood up and walked to their classrooms.

“I wonder how she looks like,” Minhyuk said when they were walking to their classroom.

“Yeah, me too. I hope she’s single,” Eunkwang answered and went in their classroom. They sat on their chairs and got ready for the lesson.


“Hey,” Minhyuk patted Jieun’s shoulder and she looked up.

“Hey,sorry,” Jieun said and took off her white headphone.

“What were you listening to?” he asked as he pointed to her pink ipod.

“Ailee. She’s such


a great singer,” she answered with her thumb up. “You have to listen to this,” she took off her headphone and gave it to Minhyuk as he took it and put it on.

‘Heaven Heaven Heaven Heaven Heaven,

If we’re together, we will never cry, never nevery cry,

Heaven Heaven Heaven Heaven Heaven,

Forever together, never gonna be alone,’ Minhyuk took off the headphone and hand it back to Jieun as he smiled.

“She’s awesome,” he said. He was still thinking about the lyrics. If we’re together, we will never cry. But, he made Jieun cried a couple of times. Forever together. That’s what he really wanted.


Hello, guys! I'm sorry for the short chapter and late update. I'm sooooo busy. I had examination last week and I'm busy for dance performance tomorrow. Wish me luck and don't forget to subscribe!! xxxxxx


P.S: BONUS GIFs OF OUR MAIN CHARACTERS! (and bonus Sungjae's freakin funny and cute gifs)







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almaptrrnta #1
Chapter 16: Nice story, please update soon
Nice story ^^
Chapter 16: minhyukxiu pls. :^
Chapter 16: wow, you're back. Long to see you.
I feel very sad feeling when reading this chapter, perhaps because MinHyuk, poor him, always sad T.T
Chapter 15: minhyukiuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu
Chapter 15: poor Jieun T.T
Aisss Peniel, how can you????
Thank good MinHyuk save her...
The true I still want PenielU
But I hope Jieun'll give MinHyuk a change, then Peniel will envy and regret :))
Chapter 14: Sooo Saddd, But alright, I can wait for you.
Good luck with your other ff and study ^^~~
Chapter 13: NOOOOOOOOOOOOO..Σ( ° △ °|||)︴
My heart </3
Ahhh Hate u author T.T
Chapter 12: omo, Peniel has a crush on herrrrr yeah!!! FINALLY.... ♥♥♥♥♥