Bittersweet High School

“Jieun!! Wake up! It’s already 6.30!” Jieun’s mom shouted and opened the window.

The sunshine came in and made her woke up.

“Okay, Mom. Okay….” Jieun sighed.

She stood up from her king-sized bed and went to her bathroom.

Another boring Monday.


Jieun reached her class right 2 seconds before the bell rang. Her class is was quite far from the lobby.

 “Yaa! Class president! Why are you always late on Monday?” Juniel who sat right behind Jieun patted her shoulder and chuckled. She stared at her. “I hate Monday.”

Juniel was her best friend since kindergarten. She was 3 months younger than Jieun. She knew all Jieun’s secret. And Jieun knew hers as well. She was a really nice person. She was always there for Jieun and Jieun was always there for her as well. She was more than just a friend for Jieun.

The class teacher came in. “Good morning, class. Before we start the lesson, I would like to introduce a new transferred student from Chicago.”

It’s almost summer and he just came? What a foreigner.

The class chattered. Jieun was looking at Juniel. “Is he a foreigner? I hope he’s cute,” she whispered.

A tall, wide-shouldered, handsome-but-cute guy came in. His hair was dark brown. He was wearing white shirt and black jacket. It just fitted his blue cap, blue watch and blue jeans. He walked towards the teacher, stopped and bowed to his new classmates.

He hasn’t got his uniform yet. But he’s cute. Handsome too. He has good sense of fashion.

“Hello. My name is Shin Dong Geun. You can call me Peniel. I’m half-Korean. I was born and raised in Chicago, but most of my family is Korean. I speak English and Korean. I hope we will be good friends,” he smiled and bowed again. He had an angelic smile. That smile made girls fell for him.

“Okay, Peniel. You may sit on the empty seat next to… our class leader, Lee Jieun,” her teacher pointed at the chair beside Jieun. “Thank you, Sir,” Peniel replied and bowed. He walked towards his chair and sat next to her.

She still remembered clearly the day all her classmates chose her as their class president. Actually, she didn’t want to be the class president, because, she had responsibility to control the class. Gladly, her classmates were not troublemakers. Some of them were. But most of them were not.

“Hey, I’m Jieun, the class president. I hope we could be good friends,” she gave out her hand for a handshake.

“Nice to meet you, Jieun,” he smiled and shook her hand.

She nodded and smiled back.


And the History class began. Peniel took out his brand-new History book.

Throughout the lesson, Peniel had been asking so many questions to Jieun. He said that the lesson was so different with the lesson in Chicago, and he said that he needed Jieun’s help to catch up the lesson. You agreed.

He’s easy-going. I LOVE IT.


“FINALLY!! LUNCH!!” Jieun shouted and turned her back to face Juniel. “I’m so hungry. Let’s eat and meet up with BtoB. I bet you miss your Sungjaeeee,” she teased Juniel and laughed.

“JIEUN! STOP!” Juniel screamed and shut Jieun’s mouth.

“Okay, okay. I’m sorry.” Jieun said. “Let’s eat!”

She got up from her chair and walked towards the door. She stopped and looked back.

“Peniel, aren’t you going to eat? Let’s eat together! I’ll introduce you to my friends, BtoB!”

“Ah.. Yes..  I’ll catch up later, Jieun,” Peniel answered and smiled. Jieun nodded and walked out.

Peniel looked confused since she mentioned ‘BtoB’.

Do they know who BtoB are? Who are they? Peniel thought, looked puzzled. He quickly shook away his thought

“Hey, guys,” Jieun came with two doughnuts in her hands. Juniel came along with two doughnuts as well. BtoB, Juniel and Jieun always sat in the corner of the canteen. Every day.

“Hey, Jieun! Thanks for the doughnut!” joked Eunkwang, the oldest member of BtoB.

“No, hyung! That’s mine!” yelled Ilhoon. All of them laughed. This was why Jieun felt very happy when she met them. They were not just friends, but a family. It was about the togetherness. They were always there when Jieun was happy, or sad. Always tried to cheer her up whenever she was sad. She had been their friends for three years.

“This one is for Minhyuk oppa!” she laughed, gave a doughnut to Minhyuk and sat beside him.

Minhyuk was her best friend too. But he was older than her. Minhyuk always treated her as his little sister. She admitted that Minhyuk was a caring person. His parents knew Jieun well and her parents knew him well too.

“Thank you, Ji,” Minhyuk chuckled and embraced her.

 “You’re welcome, oppa,” she smiled.

“How about that one?!” Ilhoon asked, pointing at the doughnut on Juniel’s hand.

“Why did you ask that!? Of course that’s Sungjae’s!” Changsub pinched Ilhoon’s cheek.

“It hurts, hyung!” Ilhoon protested. All of them cracked up.

Juniel sat beside Sungjae and handed him the doughnut. They smiled at each other.

“Thanks noona. ” Sungjae chuckled and pecked Juniel’s cheek.

“You’re welcome, kiddo,” Juniel pinched his nose.

“Eurgh, couples,” Changsub grumbled.

“Don’t worry, oppa. You’ll find someone that will replace Eunji someday,” Jieun cheered Changsub up. He never had a girlfriend since he broke up with Eunji six months ago. She was so pretty and kind. She was Jieun’s friend too. But without any reason, Eunji dumped him. Two days later, she was dating with Sunggyu.

“I hope so,” Changsub sighed. “I hope it’s you, Jieun.”

Jieun laughed. Minhyuk stared at Changsub. All of them (except Jieun) knew that Minhyuk liked Jieun. Hyunsik kicked Changsub.

“JUST KIDDING!” Changsub laughed.

“Jieun!” Ilhoon called. “Did you know? Minhyuk hyung likes…” before he could finished his sentence, Changsub kicked him hard. Minhyuk glared at Ilhoon.

“Ouuuuchhh sorry, sorry, sorry hyung…” Ilhoon stood up and bowed 90 degrees to Minhyuk who was sitting across to his seat. Minhyuk stood up and patted his back. Ilhoon sat back and rubbed his leg.

“It really hurts…” he almost cried.

“You deserve that,” Chuckled Minhyuk. Jieun gave him a death glare. “Just kidding.”

“So, how was your class?” Minhyuk asked Jieun and Juniel, starting a new topic.

“Oh yeah, there’s a new student,” Jieun replied. “His name is…. Shin…. Shin Geun…. I forgot his name. Do you remember, Jun?” she tried to remember his name.

“I do. It’s Dong Geun, Ji. Shin Dong Geun. He’s from Chicago,” Juniel answered.

“WHAT!? ” Eunkwang and the others shouted.

Jieun thought she got a heart attack.

“Do you mean Peniel?!” Ilhoon asked with a really high voice. Everyone in the canteen was staring at him. He ignored them.

“YES!!” Jieun and Juniel answered with higher voice. Actually Jieun could reach third octave. But she only used that for singing her song, Good Day.

Suddenly their eyes grew big. Even Changsub’s too. They looked really surprised, except for Sungjae. He looked relaxed, like he knew everything.

“HE’S BACK?!” Hyunsik looked at Sungjae. Everyone looked at Sungjae.

“Yes. He told me last week. I forgot to tell you guys. I’m so sorry,” Sungjae explained and slurped his orange juice. In a blink of eye, the others were back to normal.

“PenJae detected,” Hyunsik . PenJae means Peniel-Sungjae.

“Shut up. I already have Juniel,” Sungjae gave Juniel a small hug. Juniel blushed and pushed him softly.

“But… who is he?” Jieun looked confused. “Do you know him, oppa?” she looked at Minhyuk.

“Yes, I do. Actually, we do. We really do. He’s……” Before he could finish his sentence, Peniel came.

“A-YO GUYS!!” Peniel cheered. He just bought two packs of Spaghetti.

“PENIEL!!” the others stood up and gave Peniel a friendly hug. Sungjae took the longest time to hug Peniel.

What is he doing here? And... How could he know BtoB? I thought he’s from Chicago

Peniel looked at Jieun and Juniel. He looked confused. Jieun and Juniel looked confused too. Minhyuk realized that they were looking each other.

“Okay, listen. Jieun, Juniel, this is Peniel, the seventh member of BtoB.” Minhyuk explained.

Jieun looked shocked. And so did Juniel.

“Oh! So this is Juniel, the girl who steals my Sungjae!” Peniel pointed at Juniel and laughed. Juniel looked really confused. “He told me a lot about you. Take a good care of him, okay?”

Juniel smiled and nodded softly. Peniel looked at you.

“A-yo class president!” Peniel gave out his hand to high-fived Jieun.

“A-yo new student!” she laughed and high-fived him back. He sat next to her.

 “I’m really confused. Tell me about you and BtoB.” Jieun offered. Peniel took his fork and start eating his Spaghetti.

“I’m half-Korean,” he said. “I came here every Christmas.”

Jieun nodded. Her eyes locked at his. He had a pair of beautiful eyes. His face was innocent and pure.

“I joined BtoB since I was in Elementary School. I knew them from my parents. When I met them for the first time, they were so kind and funny. I feel comfortable with them. That is why I really love Christmas,” He explained. “And... here I am.”

Jieun nodded a couple of times. Peniel kept eating his delicious Spaghetti. Jieun slurped her chocolate milkshake and wiped her bangs.

“I still remember the first time we met him. He was so calm and innocent.” Hyunsik explained.

He still has his innocent and pure face, you know.

10 minutes later, the bell rang. Every student stood up from their chairs and walked back to their classes. Some of them sighed because lunch was over and they had to go back to the boring books and teachers. Jieun stood up and so did the others.

“Bye, guys. See you later!” Jieun smiled and waved to the others. They waved back.

Juniel gave Sungjae a small hug before leaving. Sungjae hugged her back. Peniel shook his head.

“Sungjae is a big guy now,” he said.

“Let’s go, Peniel, Juniel,” Jieun looked at Peniel and Juniel. “Oh, look! Your names rhyme.” The three of them laughed and walked to their class.


It was time for Physical Education. Jieun changed her uniform into white shirt and black short pants. Juniel also changed into blue shirt and white short pants, while Peniel wore his white shirt and changed his blue jeans into black shorts.

“It’s only five laps! Come on, Juniel! Let’s do this together!” Jieun supported Juniel. Juniel, Peniel, Roy Kim and Jieun got grounded because four of them came late. Mr. Siwon, the P.E teacher told them to run around the school for five times. Jieun and Juniel took a long time to change their uniform because the bathroom was full. The boys’ bathroom was full too. Anyway, Roy Kim was a famous musician in their school. He was a handsome, talented, smart, kind-hearted guy. Many girls fell for him.

1st lap, Jieun and Juniel ran in front of Peniel and Roy Kim.

2nd lap, Jieun and Juniel started to felt tired.

3rd lap, Jieun and Juniel were far away behind Peniel and Roy Kim.

4th lap, Jieun and Juniel were about to die.

5th lap… they were gone. Even Peniel and Roy Kim were gone too…

Where were they? Were they eaten by monsters? Or kidnapped by an UFO and dumped them on Pluto, Mars, Venus and Jupiter?



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almaptrrnta #1
Chapter 16: Nice story, please update soon
Nice story ^^
Chapter 16: minhyukxiu pls. :^
Chapter 16: wow, you're back. Long to see you.
I feel very sad feeling when reading this chapter, perhaps because MinHyuk, poor him, always sad T.T
Chapter 15: minhyukiuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu
Chapter 15: poor Jieun T.T
Aisss Peniel, how can you????
Thank good MinHyuk save her...
The true I still want PenielU
But I hope Jieun'll give MinHyuk a change, then Peniel will envy and regret :))
Chapter 14: Sooo Saddd, But alright, I can wait for you.
Good luck with your other ff and study ^^~~
Chapter 13: NOOOOOOOOOOOOO..Σ( ° △ °|||)︴
My heart </3
Ahhh Hate u author T.T
Chapter 12: omo, Peniel has a crush on herrrrr yeah!!! FINALLY.... ♥♥♥♥♥