Chapter 8

Only Five Years

Two Months

For YiXing these months were the worst. His chemotherapy sessions have been more frequent. He was scared that the cancer was starting to grow faster because he would get tired just by doing the littlest activity. He told JunMyeon about him getting tired easily, so JunMyeon scheduled a doctors appointment.


Back in the hospital room, YiXing was sitting on the bed waiting for the results of his cancer. JunMyeon was sitting on the chair next to the bed and looked at his trembling boyfriend.

The doctor came back in the room with a troubled look on his face. He looked at YiXing and gave a deep sigh. "I have really bad news for you." He started off. "The cancer has advanced to other organs. Its covered the whole liver and its already covering the lungs. YiXing I'm sorry to say this but there is no chance for you to make it through this. Chemotherapy is out of the question now."

YiXing looked at the ground and forced himself not to cry. "What are the survival rates?"


"How long?" YiXing looked back at the doctor and let a few tears fall from his eyes.

"A year. It's moving fast. So my estimate is a year."

"Would he have to have supervision?" JunMyeon asked, now worried for his boyfriend.

"If he seems worse then come back and I'll check on him. I truly and deeply sorry." The doctor left the room, leaving a worried and scared YiXing.

"YiXing?" JunMyeon tried to get his boyfriend's attention.

"Take me back home." JunMyeon helped YiXing off of the bed and brought him to the car.

On the way home YiXing could only think of the worst. He was scared to die. He didn't want to leave his boyfriend alone. He didn't want to leave his family. He didn't want to leave at all.


Horrible.. Horrible. Horrible *slaps self in the head*

I had the worst writers block ever!!!

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Chapter 8: So beautiful .
chlove95 #2
Chapter 9: OMG!! i can't stop crying!!!!!
Ajkpopfan #3
Chapter 9: My feels. Thank your so much for this story <3
KimberlyKimchi #5
Chapter 9: Oh my god....can't stop cryingggf
andreaylen #6
Chapter 9: So sad....
BabyInspiritExotics #7
Chapter 9: This is my 2nd time reading this. So sad. Want to cry again. Huhuhuhuhuh T.T
Chapter 9: my heart just cracked. im crying