Chapter 3

Only Five Years

Today was the day of YiXing's chemotherapy and he is nervous. He couldn't go to sleep at all. He looked up people's stories of how they handled chemotherapy and it didn't help him at all. They would say that it gives you horrible pain and it makes you throw up. The worst the thing that he read was when one person was going through chemotherapy he had a seizure.

The cancer was already showing, as JunMyeon would say. YiXing lost weight in his face. His cheekbones are more visible than they already were. He got a little bit pale, which scared YiXing more than JunMyeon. When he would brush his hair, little bits of it would fall out. He lost a little bit of weight and he would cough up more blood than he usually did. JunMyeon said that he still looked beautiful but to YiXing, he looked like a monster.

He sat on the couch and looked at the carpet floor. He didn't want to go through it but if it would somehow kill the cancer then he would do it. He doesn't want to die yet because he wants to stay with JunMyeon and his friends. He was scared that he would throw up during chemotherapy or have a seizure. JunMyeon said that he would be fine but YiXing was still scared.

JunMyeon walked in the living room and saw YiXing sitting on the couch and looking down. He bit the corner of his lip and sat down next to his boyfriend. YiXing looked up and gave him a small smile before looking back down to the floor. JunMyeon put his arm around YiXing's shoulder and gave it a squeeze.

"You ready to go?" JunMyeon asked as he took YiXing's hand into his and gave it a squeeze.

YiXing nodded his head and looked at JunMyeon. "Let's go." He said in a strained whisper. JunMyeon nodded slowly, stood up and helped YiXing up.


When they got to the hospital, JunMyeon asked the nurse for Leetuek and she said to sit down and she'll get him. JunMyeon flashed her and angelic smile before sitting down next to YiXing.

"I'm so scared." YiXing looked at JunMyeon with a nervous look on his face.

"There's nothing to be scared of YiXing." JunMyeon tried to reassure the Chinese.

"Your not the one going through with it. If you were in my shoes you would be scared too." YiXing's voice shook as he said that. JunMyeon pursed his lips and didn't say anything else. He knew his boyfriend was right and he was trying to tell him that its no big deal.

A few minutes of silence was broken when Leetuek came out and called out for YiXing. YiXing held onto JunMyeon's hand like his life depended on it. The walk to the room was quiet, until Leetuek broke it by asking YiXing how he was feeling and if he was experiencing any thing different.

When they got to the room, Leetuek told YiXing to sit on the bed so that he can check his heart rate, blood count and vital organs. When Leetuek was going through all the procedures YiXing kept his eyes on JunMyeon, who was watching everything Leetuek was doing. YiXing was thinking what JunMyeon would do after he dies.

"Okay, YiXing. I'm going to take you to the chemotherapy wind of the hospital where there are going to be nurses giving you the medicine. Your head nurse will be Tiffany. The reason that I'm giving you Tiffany is because she helps people with rare cases and she knows how to make them feel comfortable during chemotherapy. Any questions?" Leetuek looked at both of the boys.

"What are the side effects?" YiXing squeaked out.

Leetuek let out a long sigh and ran his fingers through his hair. "Some people throw up during it. Some people don't. It's the way your body reacts. The question that I get allot is if you will lose your hair during it and my answer is you will lose your hair. Most people cover their heads will beanies because they will feel uncomfortable when people stare at them. Any other questions?" YiXing shook his head and Leetuek let out a smile. "Let's go."


I'm going to be updating again tonight and probably tomorrow :D

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Chapter 8: So beautiful .
chlove95 #2
Chapter 9: OMG!! i can't stop crying!!!!!
Ajkpopfan #3
Chapter 9: My feels. Thank your so much for this story <3
KimberlyKimchi #5
Chapter 9: Oh my god....can't stop cryingggf
andreaylen #6
Chapter 9: So sad....
BabyInspiritExotics #7
Chapter 9: This is my 2nd time reading this. So sad. Want to cry again. Huhuhuhuhuh T.T
Chapter 9: my heart just cracked. im crying