Chapter 6

Only Five Years

It was another day of chemotherapy and YiXing isn't too thrilled.

It had been five days since his last visit and those five days have been hell for him. He would wake up in the middle of night of throw up. He didn't have much of an appetite. The only thing that he can hold down is soup. He got skinner, to were he could see his bones. He got paler and the dark bags under his eyes didn't help his appearance either. JunMyeon still said he looked beautiful but to YiXing, he just said that to keep his spirits up.

YiXing laid in bed thinking about how the medicine this time would react to his body. He was hoping not to throw up because he was getting tired of seeing containments in his stomach mixed with blood. He put his arm over his eyes and gave a deep sigh. He felt a dip in the bed along with a hand caressing his cheek. He moved his arm away from his eyes and saw JunMyeon giving a sheepish smile. He returned the smile and grabbed JunMyeon's hand, bringing it to his mouth to kiss each knuckle.

"Ready?" JunMyeon asked, a hint of sadness lacing his voice. He didn't want to see YiXing suffer again because of the medicine.

"Do I have to go?" YiXing whined like a five year old.

JunMyeon sighed and looked at YiXing with sad eyes. "You heard Leetuek. You can't stop once you start."

"I don't want to go through with it anymore." YiXing had tears forming in his eyes. His breathing became uneven a little. He looked at JunMyeon with depressed and tired eyes.

"No. End of discussion." JunMyeon got of the bed and walked out of the room, leaving YiXing crying silently in the room alone.

So many thoughts were running through YiXing's mind. He thought that JunMyeon is getting tired of having to take him to appointments. He thought that JunMyeon was getting tired of having to come home from work and having to take care of his sick boyfriend.

'Is this cancer tearing our relationship apart?' He thought to himself as a few tears left his eyes.

YiXing walked to the living room and saw JunMyeon putting on his shoes. He walked over to him and started to put his shoes on. He glanced over at JunMyeon and saw  dark circles under his eyes. YiXing felt bad that JunMyeon was tiring himself out. He bit the inside of his cheek and decided to speak up to JunMyeon.

"Let me go by myself." YiXing told JunMyeon. JunMyeon looked at his boyfriend and shook his head. YiXing sighed and rolled his eyes. "JunMyeon your tired. Let me go so that you can get some sleep." Again JunMyeon shook his head. "JunMyeon!" The said boy looked at YiXing giving him death glares.

"I'm coming with you. End of discussion." JunMyeon got up but was stopped when he felt YiXing grab his wrist.

"JunMyeon please stay." YiXing begged the older.

"Where going to be late." JunMyeon tried to get out of YiXing's grip but the younger had tightened his grip. "YiXing stop acting like a child and lets go." JunMyeon yanked his arm away from YiXing and started to walk to the door. YiXing felt anger building up in his chest. He felt like JunMyeon wasn't paying attention to his own health and worrying more about YiXing instead.

"Kim JunMyeon! Stay in this ing house today!" YiXing yelled at his boyfriend.

JunMyeon turned around and glared at YiXing. "Why the hell should I stay here?" He said that sentence cold but threating.

"You need to worry about your health more." YiXing said a little bit more calmer but JunMyeon didn't look calm.

"You can't drive back from the damn hospital with the medicine in you! Let's go." He his heels and started to walk out the door. YiXing bit his bottom lip to prevent any sobs from tearing through his throat.

He walked out of the door and got in the car, preparing for a long and silent drive to the hospital. He kept on stealing glances at JunMyeon and saw that the older looked aggravated. He had his hands around the wheel tightly, his lips were pursed in a straight line and he kept on breathing in and out sharply. YiXing leaned back in the seat and on his bottom lip between his teeth.


When they got to the hospital, YiXing walked to the chemotherapy wing while JunMyeon stayed and talked with Leetuek. When YiXing was in the wing, he immediately saw his favorite nurse. He walked up to her and gave her a hug. When she broke the hug, she brought him to a bed and hooked him up to an IV.

"How are you feeling?" She asked, sensing something was wrong with him.

"Horrible. I keep on throwing up and I don't have much of an appietite." He saw Tiffany nod but he knew she meant something else than the cancer.

"What about you and JunMyeon? He's not with you and you looked like you've been crying not too long ago."

YiXing bit the corner of his lip and looked at the ground with fresh tears threating to fall out. "He's been snappy lately. I told him to stay home because he looked tired but he just yelled at me. Is it usual for cancer to affect a relationship?" He looked at the nurse and a few tears fell from his eyes.

"Some times it does. It depends on the people that are in the relationship." She wiped YiXing's tears feeling bad for her patient.

"I just don't want him to break up with me over something like this." He wiped a few more tears that left his eyes and run his fingers along the bed.



Sorry for the late update

School has been a pain in the .

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Chapter 8: So beautiful .
chlove95 #2
Chapter 9: OMG!! i can't stop crying!!!!!
Ajkpopfan #3
Chapter 9: My feels. Thank your so much for this story <3
KimberlyKimchi #5
Chapter 9: Oh my god....can't stop cryingggf
andreaylen #6
Chapter 9: So sad....
BabyInspiritExotics #7
Chapter 9: This is my 2nd time reading this. So sad. Want to cry again. Huhuhuhuhuh T.T
Chapter 9: my heart just cracked. im crying