Chapter 1

Only Five Years

YiXing was lying down on the hospital bed, with IV in his arm. He looked at the ceiling and started to copy the patterns with his fingers, trying to keep himself occupied. He brought his fingers down and let out a shaky sigh. He was scared that it was going to be something horrible and that there would be no cure to it. He bit his bottom lip, closed his eyes and tried to fight the oncoming tears that were threating to fall.

He heard the door open and saw the doctor come in with a sour face. The doctor helped YiXing sit up and sat on the edge of the bed. He looked at the results again, hoping that his eyes deceived him, but it was there in black and white. He looked back at his patient with gloomy eyes.

"YiXing, I'm sorry to say this but you have Liver Cancer." The doctor saw the change on YiXing's face, changing from hopeful to no hope left for him.

YiXing looked everywhere in the room trying to get his mind wrapped to what the doctor just said. He felt like his whole world came to a stop and he was going to lose everyone he loved, including JunMyeon. He looked back at the doctor and let a few tears slip from his eyes and hit his lap.

"How far?" YiXing squeaked out.

This is the part that the doctor hates. He heats telling his patients this because he feels remorse for them. "The stage that you are in is Regional. It means that the cancer has already grown to nearby organs or has spread to nearby lymph nodes. People that have liver cancer live to five years but the survival rate is 10%, with this stage."

YiXIng looked at his hand then back at the doctor. "Would I have to go through chemotherapy?"

"If you want to. I'll leave that decision up to you. I would recommend it but its your choice." YiXing nodded his head, absorbing all of the information the doctor gave him.

"Will you be my doctor through out the whole thing?" The doctor nodded his head.

"My name is Leetuek. Do you want me to get your friends?" YiXing nodded his head and the doctor left the room.


YiXing couldn't get his mind wrapped around the whole thing still. He didn't want to die, he was scared. He bit his nails and tried to keep his mind off the whole thing. He heard the door open and saw his boyfriend with s defeated expression on his face. YiXing bit his lip and tried to control his tears but they were leaving one by one. JunMyeon walked over to YiXing and engulfed him in a hug. He never would've thought that he would have to go through something like this with the person he loves.

"It's okay YiXing." JunMyeon kissed the top of YiXing's head and rubbed his back, trying to offer comfort to his boyfriend.

"JunMyeon..." Was all he said before he choked on a sob.

JunMyeon looked at Leetuek with a pained expression. "Do you want to do chemotherapy, YiXing?"

YiXing got out of JunMyeon's grip and bit his lip. He looked at Leetuek, who looked like he wanted YiXing to go through with chemotherapy. "I want to."

Leetuek nodded his head and gestured JunMyeon sit down while he sat on the edge of the bed. "Chemotherapy helps some people but not a whole lot. In your stage it can help a little bit." Leetuek wrote something down on his clipboard and gave it to Suho. "That's the date that I want you to come in for your first round. Once you start you cannot stop. If you do then it will take a toll on your body and you could die." Leetuek saw the two boys nodded and stood up. "I'll see you in three days YiXing." After he said that he left the room leaving JunMyeon and YiXing time to process what he said.

"JunMyeon, can we go home?" YiXing tugged JunMyeon's jacket and gave him a pitiful face that consisted of hurt and sadness.

"Yeah, you need to rest." JunMyeon helped YiXing off the bed and put his jacket around YiXing. "It's still cold, YiXing and Chanyeol didn't bring a jacket for you when he rushed you here." YiXing nodded his head and intertwined his fingers with JunMyeon's.

"JunMyeon, no matter what happens, I love you." YiXing looked at JunMyeon and let a few tears slip from his eyes.

JunMyeon smiled and kissed YiXing's lips. "I'll still love you no matter what happens."


First chapter. Such a sad chapter isn't it?

I had my friend read the first chapter and she started to tear up :'(

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Chapter 8: So beautiful .
chlove95 #2
Chapter 9: OMG!! i can't stop crying!!!!!
Ajkpopfan #3
Chapter 9: My feels. Thank your so much for this story <3
KimberlyKimchi #5
Chapter 9: Oh my god....can't stop cryingggf
andreaylen #6
Chapter 9: So sad....
BabyInspiritExotics #7
Chapter 9: This is my 2nd time reading this. So sad. Want to cry again. Huhuhuhuhuh T.T
Chapter 9: my heart just cracked. im crying