
Is This Love?

Everyday Namjoo would get this feeling when she’s near Chen but she doesn’t know how to describe it. Her chest would beat louder and faster when she’s near Chen.  It made Namjoo’s heart fluttered whenever Chen approaches her from behind. She tries really hard to hide her blushing. It seemed Chen noticed it but he seems to try to brush it off. A classmate asked Namjoo if she was dating Chen, of course she replied no but then what caught her that the classmate asked her if she likes Chen. She didn’t know how to reply to it.

Chen and Namjoo were on the phone with each other. He asked if she would like to go out and eat dinner with him. At first she wasn’t sure if he was joking like you know of a troll he is. She joked and replied to him if that’s a date. He said sure it can be. They laughed at each other jokes, eventually they made plan when to meet up at XX Restaurant.

The restaurant had the cozy feel to it. They sat by the window and Chen pointed out something funny that made Namjoo laughed. He randomly told Namjoo that she is cute with her dimple whenever she smiles. The waiter came to get their order. Chen placed an order for both of them. It was cream pasta and with a bottle of wine. While they were waiting for their food, Namjoo suddenly laughs for no reason. Chen asked her what’s so funny but she just gave him a smile and told him nothing. She continued on to laugh that made Chen mad and he told her to tell her what’s wrong. Namjoo finally gave up and told him that she just suddenly remembers about the past. It was when they were in Kindergarten, they were playing with each other and Chen bragged to the teacher that he’ll be Namjoo’s bride. The teacher looked at him weirdly and told him that he couldn’t be a bride. He asked her why not, the teacher just couldn’t ruin a child’s dream but then Namjoo also butted in told the teacher that she’ll be Chen’s groom. Chen busted out laughing when he finally remembers it too. The waiter came and placed their food and wine on their table. They thanked him and started to eat their food. Chen thought the food was amazing so did Namjoo. Suddenly, Chen asked Namjoo if she’s a strong drinker, and she replied yes. He challenged her to a stones game. He took out five stones and placed on the table. Chen and Namjoo decided on a punishment, which is that if you lose, you have to drink a full glass of wine. While they were playing, people were looking at them weirdly. Chen and Namjoo noticed and laughed to themselves because of how embarrassing they were playing in a restaurant. They still continued on playing quietly though. Sadly Namjoo lost and Chen started pouring wine into her glass. He even told Namjoo she had to drink it in one shot! That made her whined and complained saying if she had known she wouldn’t have agreed to play.  Chen chuckled and told her that too bad that she had to lose to him who is very pro at the game.  Namjoo drank it all in one shot and they ate their food afterward.

They left the restaurant after paying. The night was dark but the city light was still bright. They walked on the street side by side. Namjoo told Chen that the mood seem kind of romantic. Chen laughed and also agrees it does. Chen and Namjoo stopped in the park and lied down on the grass. He found the sky was really beautiful and the stars were sparkling in the sky. 


Chen turned his head to Namjoo and stared at her with a smile. Namjoo also turned her head and stared at Chen. They laughed and Chen surprised Namjoo with a gold bracelet that has a heart in the middle.

Namjoo thought that must have been expensive so she didn’t want to take it. Chen insisted it for her to wear it; it was a gift from him. He bought the bracelet because he thought she would look good with it. Namjoo asked him for the price of how much was the bracelet because it was gold. He told her not to worry about it. Chen put on the bracelet for her. As Chen’s came closer to see where he was closing the bracelet because it was dark he couldn’t really see. Namjoo could smell his scent brush off onto her. The scent made her realize how of a man he is. How much he had changed ever since middle school. He was so different, even his hands were bigger and his back is wider. When he was done with the bracelet, Namjoo raised her wrist up to the sky and said it was her first gift that she had ever received from a boy. To Chen it was surprisingly that she never had a boyfriend because he was sure she was a really pretty girl. He told Namjoo that she was really pretty and asked how couldn’t get herself a boyfriend. Namjoo frowned and didn’t want to reply to that. She was suddenly reminded of the past of how Chen told her he didn’t like ‘ugly’ girls. The mood was broken by what he asked. Namjoo just avoided the question and wrapped up the night. Chen was confused but he didn’t want to say anything else. Chen took Namjoo home and he gave her a good night hug. Namjoo and Chen kept on standing there awkwardly and finally waved to each other good bye. Chen stood there and watched Namjoo as she entered the door. When she finally entered the door, she also looked back and watched Chen leaving.


What a day! She entered her room and threw herself onto her bed after she was done dressing. Namjoo smiled and bit her bottom lip just thinking about what happen. She was so nervous around Chen all day but somehow she hid it very well. The thoughts of Chen made her smile. Whenever she falls asleep, all she could see was Chen in her dream. Her mind was filled with Chen. Her heart also beats fast just by thinking about him. When she and Chen was at the park, she was afraid he could hear her heart beating loudly because of how quiet it was in the park. What is this feeling? Why do I feel this way for him? Am I having some kind of heart problems? My mind all of a sudden filled with Chen…Chen is just a friend! I already moved on long time ago! She keep doubting her feelings.


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koala_panda #1
Chapter 8: nice story..really good
hennyKNJ #2
Chapter 8: owww.... it's happy ending, thanks for writing a chenjoo story..
please make another namjoo story ^_^
Chapter 8: Aww such a sweet ending! <3 awesome story
Chapter 8: Oh it ended already? I totally loved this story and i'm going to miss reading it
chenchen what a
Chapter 7: chenchen really sounds like a ert lol but aww namjoo :( i hope she finds out chen likes her too
wow chen O U O update plzz its so good
Chapter 6: i really hope chen realizes his feelings for namjoo soon *.* they are so cute <3