
Is This Love?

Namjoo and Chen have always been friends. Ever since they entered middle school, everything changed, everyone changed and also them. Chen always teased Namjoo for her looks and weight. He did not realized how much it hurt her.  Namjoo, at first didn’t care but after Chen keeps pointing out her flaws it made her angry. She always cry at night about it because she used to like Chen but realizing how of a jerk he is..Things have changed.

Park Namjoo was sitting down in her class as usual. When suddenly a classmate pointed out that Chen always teased Namjoo maybe because Chen likes her. Namjoo didn’t dare to look at Chen. After everyone heard it they kept laying up a bunch of lies. Chen shouted saying he doesn’t like ugly girls. Ouch! Namjoo felt a sharp pain and ran out the classroom crying when Chen’s friends started to laugh with him. The teacher saw Namjoo crying and tried to comfort her but Namjoo wouldn’t tell the teacher what was wrong. The teacher eventually went to the classroom and shouted asking what did they do to Namjoo and what was going on in here while she was gone. Nobody answered and the teacher sighed and left the classroom.

After school, Namjoo found a message in her locker from Chen telling her to go meet him at XX Park. Namjoo asked herself if she wanted to go or not. Her mind was telling her no but her body led her to the park. At first Namjoo didn’t see anyone there and thought he was just joking around with her. Chen saw her and screams her name ‘PARK NAMJOO’. She was surprised to see him. Namjoo walks towards him and asked him what he does needs. Chen seems to be hesitating as he looked around if there was anybody. He said he just wanted to apologize for what happen today. Namjoo looked at him weirdly and asked him if he ate something wrong at lunch. He chuckled and told Namjoo that he was serious about his apology. She accepted the apology.

Class has ended, and it’s time for lunch. Chen decided to be nice and asked Namjoo to eat lunch with him at the nearby bench. Namjoo forgot how popular Chen was with girls. They are always surrounding him to eat lunch with them instead. When Namjoo and Chen sat down at a nearby bench, there were girls following them too. They asked Chen if they could sit and eat with him. He looked at Namjoo and she gave him a nod that it was okay for them to eat lunch with them. The girls were happily as they sat down and start chattering with Chen. Namjoo quietly just ate her lunch; she doesn’t have any friends because of Chen. Somehow no girls wanted to be friend with Namjoo because they were only jealous of her being close to Chen. Chen noticed Namjoo wasn’t joining the conversation so he tried to let Namjoo join the conversation. Namjoo looked at Chen and saw the girls glared at her. She told him that she’s fine with not talking, and that she’s just fine listening. The girls pitied her by joking around with Chen saying he was bothering her. Namjoo felt like she wanted to scream at them but she couldn’t so she decided to pretending to go to the bathroom. In truth she was just finding another place to eat in a quiet place. Chen said okay and the girls seem to be happy after she left.

Lunch ended and Chen raged as he looked for Namjoo. He asked Namjoo where was she the whole time because bathroom doesn't take that long. Namjoo apologized and lied by saying she had to help a teacher out when they saw her walking to the bathroom. He questioned over and over and eventually calmed down and believed her. Namjoo felt guilty for lying.  

Namjoo and Chen have been hanging out around each other a lot lately. The girls who always hang around Chen noticed it. They don’t know that Chen and Namjoo are childhood friends. The leader of the group planned out of how to get rid of Namjoo away from Chen.

A mystery girl came to Namjoo’s classroom and she wanted to talk to her. The mysterious girl walked Namjoo to behind one of the classroom building. As Namjoo turned around she saw many other girls were standing in front of her. They told Namjoo that Chen doesn’t like her. Namjoo couldn’t believe her ears. They even threaten Namjoo if she doesn’t stop hanging out with Chen they won’t know what they will do with her. Namjoo got scared. Chen tried to talk to Namjoo but she avoided him.

Day after day, Namjoo keeps avoiding Chen. When Namjoo was just walking to her classroom, Chen and his friends were in there talking about girls. They were talking about who was the hottest/prettiest girl in their grade. When they asked Chen about Namjoo if he likes her or not, he told them that she’s not his type and she is only a friend. His friends even started to point out her flaws, saying she is too fat and her nose is too big. As Namjoo listen to everything they said about her, she tears up a bit but held it in. She just walked in the room pretending nothing happen and got her things. Chen and his friends silenced themselves once Namjoo left. They thought she must have heard the conversation, even Chen felt guilty.

It’s finally the day that where everyone has to part their friendships. Say good bye to their teachers, their school, and their friends. Everyone is graduating from Middle School. Chen wanted to say his last good bye to Namjoo but he couldn’t find her anywhere after the ceremony ended. Namjoo already had left the school ground. She knew that Chen was going to a different high school. She just couldn’t bear the fact that he’s moving far away from her, although she has been hurt by him so many times. The feelings for Chen couldn’t go away. What should she do?


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koala_panda #1
Chapter 8: nice story..really good
hennyKNJ #2
Chapter 8: owww.... it's happy ending, thanks for writing a chenjoo story..
please make another namjoo story ^_^
Chapter 8: Aww such a sweet ending! <3 awesome story
Chapter 8: Oh it ended already? I totally loved this story and i'm going to miss reading it
chenchen what a
Chapter 7: chenchen really sounds like a ert lol but aww namjoo :( i hope she finds out chen likes her too
wow chen O U O update plzz its so good
Chapter 6: i really hope chen realizes his feelings for namjoo soon *.* they are so cute <3